Trump’s national security advisers warned him not to congratulate Putin. He did it anyway.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
the red clown did it AGAIN, Putler just bombed UK with chemical weapons !!!!!

GUYS, PEE - TAPE EXISTS 100% and they peed in Trump´s mouth a lot ...., Whats wrong with this man?




Trump’s national security advisers warned him not to congratulate Putin. He did it anyway."

Trump’s national security advisers warned him not to congratulate Putin. He did it anyway.
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You know, there are a lot of Trump supporters on here who have no problem with Trump congratulating Putin. They even say that Obama did it back in 2012.'s the difference between the two elections. In 2012, Putin had people actually running against him. This time? One competitor was killed and the other was banned from the election, which means that Putin was elected like many dictators, he ran unopposed. Trump congratulating him actually legitimized his victory like Putin wanted. Why do you think Putin was so concerned with voter turnout?

And then, there is the FACT that a nerve agent specifically made only by Russia, and they are the only ones who have it, was used in an attack on expatriate Russians in Britain. Trump was told to scold Putin for the attack, but he never did.

What's even funnier is that Trump thinks that the specifics of the phone call were leaked by his own people at the WH, when in reality, it was a press release by the Russian government that brought the phone call to light.

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