Trump's New Syrian Rebel Policy Titanic Size Error!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Donald Trump made a Titanic size error in judgment in his decision this past week to stop supplying the Syrian Sunni rebels. At this point in the Syrian Civil War where the Russian intervention dramatically turned the tide against them these Sunni rebels are trying to protect a very limited area of Syrian territory populated primarily by Sunni Syrians from being taken over by the Assad regime. If Assad forces conquers this territory they face hell as a community the evil dictator Bashar al Assad will kill a lot of Sunni Syrians especially those his regime believe pose a political and/or military challenge to him it may not happen immediately but it will definitely happen because that is Bashar al Assad's modus operandi. President Trump here is making an off-the-charts betrayal of the good with his abandonment of the Syrian rebels. This would be Donald Trump's second outstanding harm to the good on Syria the first decision being his decision to use the Kurdish YPG forces to defeat the Islamic state in and around Raqqa and in the process increasing the quality of arms the US provides these forces. This was an incredibly bad move being that the YPG have a super strong affiliatiion (practically one in the same organization) with the Turkish PKK forces which want Kurdish areas of Turkey to secede from Turkey and form their own country and YPG forces want Kurdish areas of Syria to secede from Syria and form their own country. This move increasing the security jeopardy of our Nato ally Turkey, by strengthening their enemy the PKK, is an outstandingly bad move it is an outstanding betrayal of the Turkish people. No leader can do such harmful acts such bad acts, like Donald Trump has done here without there being extremely bad consequences that befall him or her over it! Where is this guy's sense of the good he is the President of the United States of America America has been given from God a two-hundred plus years heritage of a good democracy, far from perfect especially today but nevertheless good, which has brought great prosperity and human rights to the American people and many other peoples throughout the world. These incredible blessings on the American people have ramifications for a President; as President of the U.S. one has a very serious moral duty to responsibly try to protect and spread democracy and civil rights at home in America and abroad throughout the world these two betrayals are an egregious and history changing violation of this duty. It leaves one speechless except to say President Donald J. Trump has made a Titanic size error in judgment with this decision to cut-off aid to the Syrian rebels.
if i am not mistaken these so called syrian rebels are 'mkcains' boys so thats three strikes against them . I don't like them and i see them as no different than 'islamic state' or 'isis' . 'syrian Christians supported 'assad' from what i umderstand Jim .
The question that remains is this - Was the Obama administration backing the right causes or fighters in the region ?
if i am not mistaken these so called syrian rebels are 'mkcains' boys so thats three strikes against them . I don't like them and i see them as no different than 'islamic state' or 'isis' . 'syrian Christians supported 'assad' from what i umderstand Jim .


Battle of Raqqa (March 2013) - Wikipedia



The question that remains is this - Was the Obama administration backing the right causes or fighters in the region ?
----------------------------------------- i say NO , reason why is that 'mkcain' supports these rebels if i am not mistaken . And as i said , syrias Christians support 'assad' , if i am not mistaken . And of course , if mrobama was in any way involved in supporting these rebels then that just reinforces my opposition . mkcain and mrobama are the same thing , imo Beagle .
Great move by Trump.

The US has no real business in Syria and no strategic interests.

I expect the "neocons" who have been pressing for war against Russia will be furious.

Great move by Trump.

The US has no real business in Syria and no strategic interests.

I expect the "neocons" who have been pressing for war against Russia will be furious.

. The Demon-crats are the ones that want a war with Russia, and especially over their liberally loved Ukraine.
Great move by Trump.

The US has no real business in Syria and no strategic interests.

I expect the "neocons" who have been pressing for war against Russia will be furious.

. The Demon-crats are the ones that want a war with Russia, and especially over their liberally loved Ukraine.

IMHO, Democrats and Neocons are virtually indistinguishable from one another.

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