Trump's only crutch kicked out from under him- Reelection Death

The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own,

Retarded and ridiculous

Funny how everytime the economy shows signs of faltering it's Trumps. Then weeks later as it rebounds and breaks records its Obama's again

That has not been the case. Trump inherited a rising stock market but took credit for it's rise like there was none until he took office. You guys went for this lie and all we have been saying is the markets has risen less under trump than it did during Obama. So now that it's falling just bow your neck and accept the criticism trump will take if he doesn't do what is necessary to take care of this situation. He wanted to be president, this is what presidents are for.
Bla bla bla bla you hurt my feelings so here's a long winded IRELLEVANT response.....

The standard trump lover I can't handle the truth response.
Oh, I do watch Fox. Not 24-7, but just to see what biddable fools echo each day. Fox&Friends and Hannity are great fans of trump, so great they report other members of the FOX Team as, "some people are saying"; as if all of what they report is not pre-scripted, and echoes or is echoed by Limbaugh, other RW Disc Jockey's and Internet Blogs.

What they do is interview various members of Congress who explain (in honesty) what the Trump administration is actually accomplishing. As I demonstrated, it doesn't matter what great things Trump does. MSM is going to lie or distort anything he says or does.

If Hil-Liar was President today, they would be laying roses in front of her as she walks. They would be praising her about the quick action she took by stopping overseas travel to the US, and immediately setting up quarantine stations for Americans returning from abroad. They would be reporting on the hundreds of lives likely saved.

So what are the MSM stations reporting instead? Trump cut funds to the CDC which is a lie. Trump took action too late which is a lie. Trump is playing politics which is a lie. Trump is only worried about the stock market effecting his chances of reelection which is a lie.

Everything they report is a lie. If they can't say anything negative about Trump, they don't say anything at all.

What GREAT thing has done?

The MSM may not have anything positive to say, or report, since trump has created nothing positive. He divides the nation in his tweets and speeches repeatedly; he lies incessantly to mislead the public; his ignorance is both intentional and thus inexorable; his nominees and appointments are cronies, by far not the best and the brightest; he attacks the character of those he has praised when they don't kiss his fat ass and speak the truth; he makes up facts and demonizes experts when they contradict him; his magniloquent speeches are ludicrous and he excoriates those of the #metoo movement, and recently defended Weinstein (probably because trump too has been accused of sexual improprieties and even his first way stated that he raped her).

Oh yeah, and let's not forget the Tax Fraud he signed, and lie and lied about how he would not benefit for it, and made the false claim is was to aid the middle class.

The best economy in 50 years isn't positive? Record low unemployment in all minority groups since records started is not positive? Rebuilding our military isn't positive? Greatly slowing down border crossers by pressuring Mexico into stopping them before they get here isn't positive? Improved relations with Israel isn't positive? Having people apply for asylum at the US embassy in their country instead of coming here to do it isn't positive? Building more walls isn't positive? A halt on giving green cards to pregnant women to stop Birther Tourism isn't positive? A new median household income record isn't positive? Better trade deals with Mexico and Canada just to name a few isn't positive? Rescinding DumBama's order to allow weirdo in dresses in your daughters dressing room in school isn't positive?

If you ask me, most everything he does is positive. And yet, the media reports 95% negative of him outside of Fox news. It's not Trump, it's your precious MSM.

Trump didn't create this economy. The military was fine. We were at a 40 year low in border crossuing when trump took office. We don't need walls and Mexico has yet to pay. We are not doing anything about visa overstays from Europe the USMCA is no different from NAFTA. The media outside of fox has reported the facts. And your post is fact free.

No, it's very different, but I doubt you'd be able to follow why that is. Border crossings is measured by apprehensions, and that started to go down under Bush. Crossings are also proportional to our economy which started to fall when DumBama took over. Are you ready for some real facts?

View attachment 309412

Trump’s plan to stem border crossings gets results

Not to mention other facts such as Trump's plan to stop Birther Tourism which is a big threat to the future of our country. Women will be denied green cards if they try to enter pregnant. He is also threatening states that give drivers licenses to illegals. They will be withheld federal money if they continue that practice. In 2018, ICE deported over 80,000 illegal aliens who were charged or found guilty of DUI's.

You are wrong about everything you said. Our top problem is visa overstays but trump does nothing about that and we all know why.
What they do is interview various members of Congress who explain (in honesty) what the Trump administration is actually accomplishing. As I demonstrated, it doesn't matter what great things Trump does. MSM is going to lie or distort anything he says or does.

If Hil-Liar was President today, they would be laying roses in front of her as she walks. They would be praising her about the quick action she took by stopping overseas travel to the US, and immediately setting up quarantine stations for Americans returning from abroad. They would be reporting on the hundreds of lives likely saved.

So what are the MSM stations reporting instead? Trump cut funds to the CDC which is a lie. Trump took action too late which is a lie. Trump is playing politics which is a lie. Trump is only worried about the stock market effecting his chances of reelection which is a lie.

Everything they report is a lie. If they can't say anything negative about Trump, they don't say anything at all.

What GREAT thing has done?

The MSM may not have anything positive to say, or report, since trump has created nothing positive. He divides the nation in his tweets and speeches repeatedly; he lies incessantly to mislead the public; his ignorance is both intentional and thus inexorable; his nominees and appointments are cronies, by far not the best and the brightest; he attacks the character of those he has praised when they don't kiss his fat ass and speak the truth; he makes up facts and demonizes experts when they contradict him; his magniloquent speeches are ludicrous and he excoriates those of the #metoo movement, and recently defended Weinstein (probably because trump too has been accused of sexual improprieties and even his first way stated that he raped her).

Oh yeah, and let's not forget the Tax Fraud he signed, and lie and lied about how he would not benefit for it, and made the false claim is was to aid the middle class.

The best economy in 50 years isn't positive? Record low unemployment in all minority groups since records started is not positive? Rebuilding our military isn't positive? Greatly slowing down border crossers by pressuring Mexico into stopping them before they get here isn't positive? Improved relations with Israel isn't positive? Having people apply for asylum at the US embassy in their country instead of coming here to do it isn't positive? Building more walls isn't positive? A halt on giving green cards to pregnant women to stop Birther Tourism isn't positive? A new median household income record isn't positive? Better trade deals with Mexico and Canada just to name a few isn't positive? Rescinding DumBama's order to allow weirdo in dresses in your daughters dressing room in school isn't positive?

If you ask me, most everything he does is positive. And yet, the media reports 95% negative of him outside of Fox news. It's not Trump, it's your precious MSM.

I won't ask you, I rely on reality. The best economic in 50 years? That's absurd, what's more absurd is you believe trump has done something to keep the Obama Recovery on going. Oops, 2018 proved that wrong, and in 2019 he left us with a trillion dollars deficit.

The deficit is a problem which Trump is addressing now via Medicare and Social Security. The truth is DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. See, when you credit somebody with something, you have to show their actions to claim responsibility. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. The economy didn't grow because of him, it grew in spite of him which is why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

Trump on the other hand let businesses know they had a friend. He removed job killing regulations, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation made, two would be removed in it's place. He lowered their taxes in effort to keep them from moving out of the country. He got rid of Commie Care fines which is a great help to businesses.

Three quotes from DumBama that comes to mind:

Those jobs are gone and they're never coming back.
How is Trump going to do that? Does he have a magic wand or something?
Those shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready.

Trump inherited record economic growth. Obama did do something. Trump is creating fewer jobs than Obama and the manufacturing sector has been in a recession for the past few months. So you have chosen 3 lines to post a lie, but trump has over 16,000 false statements to his record. Trump created record deficits when he did not have to. He's not handling anything.
What Trump Inherited is irrelevant nearly 4 years later lol.
As we've seen in recent days the market can turn on a dime if something simply "looks" bad.

How many dimes have we had since he took office?
How many times have you morons proclaimed "its trumps economy now"?
Yet every time when it recovers its suddenly attributed to Obama again.

Even a child can see through your obvious bullshit
What they do is interview various members of Congress who explain (in honesty) what the Trump administration is actually accomplishing. As I demonstrated, it doesn't matter what great things Trump does. MSM is going to lie or distort anything he says or does.

If Hil-Liar was President today, they would be laying roses in front of her as she walks. They would be praising her about the quick action she took by stopping overseas travel to the US, and immediately setting up quarantine stations for Americans returning from abroad. They would be reporting on the hundreds of lives likely saved.

So what are the MSM stations reporting instead? Trump cut funds to the CDC which is a lie. Trump took action too late which is a lie. Trump is playing politics which is a lie. Trump is only worried about the stock market effecting his chances of reelection which is a lie.

Everything they report is a lie. If they can't say anything negative about Trump, they don't say anything at all.

What GREAT thing has done?

The MSM may not have anything positive to say, or report, since trump has created nothing positive. He divides the nation in his tweets and speeches repeatedly; he lies incessantly to mislead the public; his ignorance is both intentional and thus inexorable; his nominees and appointments are cronies, by far not the best and the brightest; he attacks the character of those he has praised when they don't kiss his fat ass and speak the truth; he makes up facts and demonizes experts when they contradict him; his magniloquent speeches are ludicrous and he excoriates those of the #metoo movement, and recently defended Weinstein (probably because trump too has been accused of sexual improprieties and even his first way stated that he raped her).

Oh yeah, and let's not forget the Tax Fraud he signed, and lie and lied about how he would not benefit for it, and made the false claim is was to aid the middle class.

The best economy in 50 years isn't positive? Record low unemployment in all minority groups since records started is not positive? Rebuilding our military isn't positive? Greatly slowing down border crossers by pressuring Mexico into stopping them before they get here isn't positive? Improved relations with Israel isn't positive? Having people apply for asylum at the US embassy in their country instead of coming here to do it isn't positive? Building more walls isn't positive? A halt on giving green cards to pregnant women to stop Birther Tourism isn't positive? A new median household income record isn't positive? Better trade deals with Mexico and Canada just to name a few isn't positive? Rescinding DumBama's order to allow weirdo in dresses in your daughters dressing room in school isn't positive?

If you ask me, most everything he does is positive. And yet, the media reports 95% negative of him outside of Fox news. It's not Trump, it's your precious MSM.

Trump didn't create this economy. The military was fine. We were at a 40 year low in border crossuing when trump took office. We don't need walls and Mexico has yet to pay. We are not doing anything about visa overstays from Europe the USMCA is no different from NAFTA. The media outside of fox has reported the facts. And your post is fact free.

No, it's very different, but I doubt you'd be able to follow why that is. Border crossings is measured by apprehensions, and that started to go down under Bush. Crossings are also proportional to our economy which started to fall when DumBama took over. Are you ready for some real facts?

View attachment 309412

Trump’s plan to stem border crossings gets results

Not to mention other facts such as Trump's plan to stop Birther Tourism which is a big threat to the future of our country. Women will be denied green cards if they try to enter pregnant. He is also threatening states that give drivers licenses to illegals. They will be withheld federal money if they continue that practice. In 2018, ICE deported over 80,000 illegal aliens who were charged or found guilty of DUI's.

You are wrong about everything you said. Our top problem is visa overstays but trump does nothing about that and we all know why.
Visa overstays take entry level office jobs. While that too is a problem it is the poor who are robbed of an opportunity to even get a foot in the door to the lowest paying jobs because of illegal border crossings.
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own,

Retarded and ridiculous

Funny how everytime the economy shows signs of faltering it's Trumps. Then weeks later as it rebounds and breaks records its Obama's again

That has not been the case. Trump inherited a rising stock market but took credit for it's rise like there was none until he took office. You guys went for this lie and all we have been saying is the markets has risen less under trump than it did during Obama. So now that it's falling just bow your neck and accept the criticism trump will take if he doesn't do what is necessary to take care of this situation. He wanted to be president, this is what presidents are for.
Bla bla bla bla you hurt my feelings so here's a long winded IRELLEVANT response.....

The standard trump lover I can't handle the truth response.
The truth is the economy is doing pretty damn good so you better create some serious magical bullshit to convince Americans that their bank accounts are lying to them.

Otherwise YOU LOSE in November
Your point is well taken Care, and I am not going to insult your intelligence and claim you have gone overboard.

None of us can know what the government will actually do to protect us if things head South, or what measures they will take if need be.

All I really know is---------------> we need to insure the protection of ALL Americans, and whatever measures they do take, we must understand that it is NOT for our own good, but for the citizens good. If we are sick, we don't want to infect our fellow Americans, do we?

This could be ok, or this could get really ugly. That has yet to be determined. I hope that all Americans of all stripes join with us Care, and want the best for everyone!
I want to know why this is worse than a flu?

It's much more easily transmissible/contagious and the death rate is higher than other previous super bugs.
I think it is partially because there is no ''flu/ vaccination for this virus'' yet..... with no one in the population vaccinated for this virus, it will spread faster than a flu, where many are vaccinated, and it still kills about 45,000 people a year here (with a good chunk of society vaccinated), including our own USMB member, Tiny Dancer, who was taken by the Flu about a year ago.

Wow Care, I didn't know that about Tiny. You learn something new every day.

I agree with you on the vaccination part. I remember when the aids epidemic was almost a death sentence, and that changed Americans behavior a lot. Hopefully, everyone sticks together on this, but somehow I doubt that will happen.

Still, has been a pleasure speaking with you, and stay safe!

We'll be together in this if our leaders provide honest assessments about this situation.
You couldn’t be honest if you had your dick in your hand
Oh, I do watch Fox. Not 24-7, but just to see what biddable fools echo each day. Fox&Friends and Hannity are great fans of trump, so great they report other members of the FOX Team as, "some people are saying"; as if all of what they report is not pre-scripted, and echoes or is echoed by Limbaugh, other RW Disc Jockey's and Internet Blogs.

What they do is interview various members of Congress who explain (in honesty) what the Trump administration is actually accomplishing. As I demonstrated, it doesn't matter what great things Trump does. MSM is going to lie or distort anything he says or does.

If Hil-Liar was President today, they would be laying roses in front of her as she walks. They would be praising her about the quick action she took by stopping overseas travel to the US, and immediately setting up quarantine stations for Americans returning from abroad. They would be reporting on the hundreds of lives likely saved.

So what are the MSM stations reporting instead? Trump cut funds to the CDC which is a lie. Trump took action too late which is a lie. Trump is playing politics which is a lie. Trump is only worried about the stock market effecting his chances of reelection which is a lie.

Everything they report is a lie. If they can't say anything negative about Trump, they don't say anything at all.

What GREAT thing has done?

The MSM may not have anything positive to say, or report, since trump has created nothing positive. He divides the nation in his tweets and speeches repeatedly; he lies incessantly to mislead the public; his ignorance is both intentional and thus inexorable; his nominees and appointments are cronies, by far not the best and the brightest; he attacks the character of those he has praised when they don't kiss his fat ass and speak the truth; he makes up facts and demonizes experts when they contradict him; his magniloquent speeches are ludicrous and he excoriates those of the #metoo movement, and recently defended Weinstein (probably because trump too has been accused of sexual improprieties and even his first way stated that he raped her).

Oh yeah, and let's not forget the Tax Fraud he signed, and lie and lied about how he would not benefit for it, and made the false claim is was to aid the middle class.

The best economy in 50 years isn't positive? Record low unemployment in all minority groups since records started is not positive? Rebuilding our military isn't positive? Greatly slowing down border crossers by pressuring Mexico into stopping them before they get here isn't positive? Improved relations with Israel isn't positive? Having people apply for asylum at the US embassy in their country instead of coming here to do it isn't positive? Building more walls isn't positive? A halt on giving green cards to pregnant women to stop Birther Tourism isn't positive? A new median household income record isn't positive? Better trade deals with Mexico and Canada just to name a few isn't positive? Rescinding DumBama's order to allow weirdo in dresses in your daughters dressing room in school isn't positive?

If you ask me, most everything he does is positive. And yet, the media reports 95% negative of him outside of Fox news. It's not Trump, it's your precious MSM.

I won't ask you, I rely on reality. The best economic in 50 years? That's absurd, what's more absurd is you believe trump has done something to keep the Obama Recovery on going. Oops, 2018 proved that wrong, and in 2019 he left us with a trillion dollars deficit.

The deficit is a problem which Trump is addressing now via Medicare and Social Security. The truth is DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. See, when you credit somebody with something, you have to show their actions to claim responsibility. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. The economy didn't grow because of him, it grew in spite of him which is why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

Trump on the other hand let businesses know they had a friend. He removed job killing regulations, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation made, two would be removed in it's place. He lowered their taxes in effort to keep them from moving out of the country. He got rid of Commie Care fines which is a great help to businesses.

Three quotes from DumBama that comes to mind:

Those jobs are gone and they're never coming back.
How is Trump going to do that? Does he have a magic wand or something?
Those shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready.
Look, let’s call spades, ducks whatever, spades and ducks, without changes to Medicare, as or welfare, fk all else to change
I want to know why this is worse than a flu?

It's much more easily transmissible/contagious and the death rate is higher than other previous super bugs.
I think it is partially because there is no ''flu/ vaccination for this virus'' yet..... with no one in the population vaccinated for this virus, it will spread faster than a flu, where many are vaccinated, and it still kills about 45,000 people a year here (with a good chunk of society vaccinated), including our own USMB member, Tiny Dancer, who was taken by the Flu about a year ago.

Wow Care, I didn't know that about Tiny. You learn something new every day.

I agree with you on the vaccination part. I remember when the aids epidemic was almost a death sentence, and that changed Americans behavior a lot. Hopefully, everyone sticks together on this, but somehow I doubt that will happen.

Still, has been a pleasure speaking with you, and stay safe!

We'll be together in this if our leaders provide honest assessments about this situation.
You couldn’t be honest if you had your dick in your hand

I have been honest. You just can't deal with the honesty.
What GREAT thing has done?

The MSM may not have anything positive to say, or report, since trump has created nothing positive. He divides the nation in his tweets and speeches repeatedly; he lies incessantly to mislead the public; his ignorance is both intentional and thus inexorable; his nominees and appointments are cronies, by far not the best and the brightest; he attacks the character of those he has praised when they don't kiss his fat ass and speak the truth; he makes up facts and demonizes experts when they contradict him; his magniloquent speeches are ludicrous and he excoriates those of the #metoo movement, and recently defended Weinstein (probably because trump too has been accused of sexual improprieties and even his first way stated that he raped her).

Oh yeah, and let's not forget the Tax Fraud he signed, and lie and lied about how he would not benefit for it, and made the false claim is was to aid the middle class.

The best economy in 50 years isn't positive? Record low unemployment in all minority groups since records started is not positive? Rebuilding our military isn't positive? Greatly slowing down border crossers by pressuring Mexico into stopping them before they get here isn't positive? Improved relations with Israel isn't positive? Having people apply for asylum at the US embassy in their country instead of coming here to do it isn't positive? Building more walls isn't positive? A halt on giving green cards to pregnant women to stop Birther Tourism isn't positive? A new median household income record isn't positive? Better trade deals with Mexico and Canada just to name a few isn't positive? Rescinding DumBama's order to allow weirdo in dresses in your daughters dressing room in school isn't positive?

If you ask me, most everything he does is positive. And yet, the media reports 95% negative of him outside of Fox news. It's not Trump, it's your precious MSM.

I won't ask you, I rely on reality. The best economic in 50 years? That's absurd, what's more absurd is you believe trump has done something to keep the Obama Recovery on going. Oops, 2018 proved that wrong, and in 2019 he left us with a trillion dollars deficit.

The deficit is a problem which Trump is addressing now via Medicare and Social Security. The truth is DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. See, when you credit somebody with something, you have to show their actions to claim responsibility. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. The economy didn't grow because of him, it grew in spite of him which is why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

Trump on the other hand let businesses know they had a friend. He removed job killing regulations, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation made, two would be removed in it's place. He lowered their taxes in effort to keep them from moving out of the country. He got rid of Commie Care fines which is a great help to businesses.

Three quotes from DumBama that comes to mind:

Those jobs are gone and they're never coming back.
How is Trump going to do that? Does he have a magic wand or something?
Those shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready.

Trump inherited record economic growth. Obama did do something. Trump is creating fewer jobs than Obama and the manufacturing sector has been in a recession for the past few months. So you have chosen 3 lines to post a lie, but trump has over 16,000 false statements to his record. Trump created record deficits when he did not have to. He's not handling anything.
What Trump Inherited is irrelevant nearly 4 years later lol.
As we've seen in recent days the market can turn on a dime if something simply "looks" bad.

How many dimes have we had since he took office?
How many times have you morons proclaimed "its trumps economy now"?
Yet every time when it recovers its suddenly attributed to Obama again.

Even a child can see through your obvious bullshit

Wrong. We have had over 10 years of economic growth. trump didn't do that. It's just that simple.
It's much more easily transmissible/contagious and the death rate is higher than other previous super bugs.
I think it is partially because there is no ''flu/ vaccination for this virus'' yet..... with no one in the population vaccinated for this virus, it will spread faster than a flu, where many are vaccinated, and it still kills about 45,000 people a year here (with a good chunk of society vaccinated), including our own USMB member, Tiny Dancer, who was taken by the Flu about a year ago.

Wow Care, I didn't know that about Tiny. You learn something new every day.

I agree with you on the vaccination part. I remember when the aids epidemic was almost a death sentence, and that changed Americans behavior a lot. Hopefully, everyone sticks together on this, but somehow I doubt that will happen.

Still, has been a pleasure speaking with you, and stay safe!

We'll be together in this if our leaders provide honest assessments about this situation.
You couldn’t be honest if you had your dick in your hand

I have been honest. You just can't deal with the honesty.
Son you wouldn’t know honesty if you held it in your hand
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own,

Retarded and ridiculous

Funny how everytime the economy shows signs of faltering it's Trumps. Then weeks later as it rebounds and breaks records its Obama's again

And anytime something goes wrong in the world, it’s Don’s fault.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was listening to Trump's presser yesterday on the radio. I don't know how it looked on TV, but on the radio he sounded very presidential. I say that as a person who hates Trump all the way down to the cellular level.

He was doing great at the start. He was doing so well I thought maybe it was a Trump impostor.

But then the dumb fuck couldn't help himself and started injecting his delusions and ego into the mix and he started sounding like the colossal dumb fuck that he is.

Someone should have tackled him after the first ten minutes and taken him off the podium. Then they should have turned the presser over to the medical experts.

A wild cannon like Trump might be fun to watch as he upsets the status quo. But in a crisis like this, we don't need a colossal dumb fuck panicking the American people. One wrong word and there could be blood in the streets and much more serious market crashes.

Hopefully, that is the first and last time our Idiot-in-Chief speaks on the matter. But we all know it won't be unless someone takes out all the Twitter servers.

Is this another one of those "billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires" type of posts?
I'm sure your fellow TDS'ers get all giddy but do you honestly believe anyone sane takes this crazy shit serious?
Trump blamed the market crash on the Democratic debate.

The market crash started two days BEFORE the debate. ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

And then the dumb fuck said he was retroactively brilliant by enacting his Muslim ban when he did or else the plague would be much worse here. "They called me a racist!", and then acting as if he foresaw this plague and that is Muslim ban somehow prevented it from being worse.

What a colossal racist dumb fuck.
And then the dumb fuck said he was retroactively brilliant by enacting his Muslim ban
It was never a Muslim ban. It banned everyone from certain countries Obama put on a list as possible terrorist nations.
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own,

Retarded and ridiculous

Funny how everytime the economy shows signs of faltering it's Trumps. Then weeks later as it rebounds and breaks records its Obama's again

That has not been the case. Trump inherited a rising stock market but took credit for it's rise like there was none until he took office. You guys went for this lie and all we have been saying is the markets has risen less under trump than it did during Obama. So now that it's falling just bow your neck and accept the criticism trump will take if he doesn't do what is necessary to take care of this situation. He wanted to be president, this is what presidents are for.

It’s not falling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What they do is interview various members of Congress who explain (in honesty) what the Trump administration is actually accomplishing. As I demonstrated, it doesn't matter what great things Trump does. MSM is going to lie or distort anything he says or does.

If Hil-Liar was President today, they would be laying roses in front of her as she walks. They would be praising her about the quick action she took by stopping overseas travel to the US, and immediately setting up quarantine stations for Americans returning from abroad. They would be reporting on the hundreds of lives likely saved.

So what are the MSM stations reporting instead? Trump cut funds to the CDC which is a lie. Trump took action too late which is a lie. Trump is playing politics which is a lie. Trump is only worried about the stock market effecting his chances of reelection which is a lie.

Everything they report is a lie. If they can't say anything negative about Trump, they don't say anything at all.

What GREAT thing has done?

The MSM may not have anything positive to say, or report, since trump has created nothing positive. He divides the nation in his tweets and speeches repeatedly; he lies incessantly to mislead the public; his ignorance is both intentional and thus inexorable; his nominees and appointments are cronies, by far not the best and the brightest; he attacks the character of those he has praised when they don't kiss his fat ass and speak the truth; he makes up facts and demonizes experts when they contradict him; his magniloquent speeches are ludicrous and he excoriates those of the #metoo movement, and recently defended Weinstein (probably because trump too has been accused of sexual improprieties and even his first way stated that he raped her).

Oh yeah, and let's not forget the Tax Fraud he signed, and lie and lied about how he would not benefit for it, and made the false claim is was to aid the middle class.

The best economy in 50 years isn't positive? Record low unemployment in all minority groups since records started is not positive? Rebuilding our military isn't positive? Greatly slowing down border crossers by pressuring Mexico into stopping them before they get here isn't positive? Improved relations with Israel isn't positive? Having people apply for asylum at the US embassy in their country instead of coming here to do it isn't positive? Building more walls isn't positive? A halt on giving green cards to pregnant women to stop Birther Tourism isn't positive? A new median household income record isn't positive? Better trade deals with Mexico and Canada just to name a few isn't positive? Rescinding DumBama's order to allow weirdo in dresses in your daughters dressing room in school isn't positive?

If you ask me, most everything he does is positive. And yet, the media reports 95% negative of him outside of Fox news. It's not Trump, it's your precious MSM.

I won't ask you, I rely on reality. The best economic in 50 years? That's absurd, what's more absurd is you believe trump has done something to keep the Obama Recovery on going. Oops, 2018 proved that wrong, and in 2019 he left us with a trillion dollars deficit.

The deficit is a problem which Trump is addressing now via Medicare and Social Security. The truth is DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. See, when you credit somebody with something, you have to show their actions to claim responsibility. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. The economy didn't grow because of him, it grew in spite of him which is why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

Trump on the other hand let businesses know they had a friend. He removed job killing regulations, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation made, two would be removed in it's place. He lowered their taxes in effort to keep them from moving out of the country. He got rid of Commie Care fines which is a great help to businesses.

Three quotes from DumBama that comes to mind:

Those jobs are gone and they're never coming back.
How is Trump going to do that? Does he have a magic wand or something?
Those shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready.

Trump inherited record economic growth. Obama did do something. Trump is creating fewer jobs than Obama and the manufacturing sector has been in a recession for the past few months. So you have chosen 3 lines to post a lie, but trump has over 16,000 false statements to his record. Trump created record deficits when he did not have to. He's not handling anything.

16,000 false statements. That’s only a drop in the bucket compared to the lies you post daily.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own,

Retarded and ridiculous

Funny how everytime the economy shows signs of faltering it's Trumps. Then weeks later as it rebounds and breaks records its Obama's again

And anytime something goes wrong in the world, it’s Don’s fault.

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Fk these tards
As long as Fat Donnie thinks his political BS is working, all his feeble followers will praise him. And if things start to get bad, he will flip and right alongside him will be his feeble followers.
As long as Fat Donnie thinks his political BS is working, all his feeble followers will praise him. And if things start to get bad, he will flip and right alongside him will be his feeble followers.
Trump’s president of the United States
As long as Fat Donnie thinks his political BS is working, all his feeble followers will praise him. And if things start to get bad, he will flip and right alongside him will be his feeble followers.

So you are hoping to vote for ______in the next election?

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