Trump's only crutch kicked out from under him- Reelection Death

I was listening to Trump's presser yesterday on the radio. I don't know how it looked on TV, but on the radio he sounded very presidential. I say that as a person who hates Trump all the way down to the cellular level.

He was doing great at the start. He was doing so well I thought maybe it was a Trump impostor.

But then the dumb fuck couldn't help himself and started injecting his delusions and ego into the mix and he started sounding like the colossal dumb fuck that he is.

Someone should have tackled him after the first ten minutes and taken him off the podium. Then they should have turned the presser over to the medical experts.

A wild cannon like Trump might be fun to watch as he upsets the status quo. But in a crisis like this, we don't need a colossal dumb fuck panicking the American people. One wrong word and there could be blood in the streets and much more serious market crashes.

Hopefully, that is the first and last time our Idiot-in-Chief speaks on the matter. But we all know it won't be unless someone takes out all the Twitter servers.

Is this another one of those "billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires" type of posts?
I'm sure your fellow TDS'ers get all giddy but do you honestly believe anyone sane takes this crazy shit serious?
Trump blamed the market crash on the Democratic debate.

The market crash started two days BEFORE the debate. ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

And then the dumb fuck said he was retroactively brilliant by enacting his Muslim ban when he did or else the plague would be much worse here. "They called me a racist!", and then acting as if he foresaw this plague and that is Muslim ban somehow prevented it from being worse.

What a colossal racist dumb fuck.
Ban ? Are you stating that Trump has banned 1.5 Billion Muslims from entering the US.
Funny, I remember you telling all of us how tariffs on Mexico was a bad idea, because you were going to take a bath financially!

Now let us weigh this----------> I am telling people how to make a few dollars, and you were crying that YOU were going to lose some!

Helping people to LIFT themselves is obviously my philosphy. You stopping yourself from tanking is obviously yours.

I rest my case!

Tariffs are a bad idea all the time.

You are not helping anyone, the people that have the money to do what you are suggesting already do it, we already know about it.

All you did was insult those average Americans trying to make ends meet while saving a tiny about each week for retirement.

Try that post again in English please!
I thought black jesus was responsible for the economy? Stop changing your minds.
Well, while it's true that he had managed to not completely fuck it up to.this.point, he has no idea how to handle it now that it's in trouble.
Do biden or sanders have an idea on how to handle it? All biden seems to handle are little girls and all sanders wants to do is sniff Castro's cigar smoke ir something.
Biden a d Sanders both have decades of government experience, and Biden in particular was VP during the worst recession in living memory and we got out of it.
the markets around the world could crash 75%, half of Europe could die dead in their tracks and Trump asskissers would still eat the peanuts out of his crap pile.

The markets could skyrocket and every family in America could have a Mercedes and a pony, and you TDS sufferers would still be screeching that he needs to be drawn and quartered.
Nice fantasy. Let us know what that happens.

The reality is that last quarter GDP growth was a pathetic 2.1 percent.

Trump promised 4 to 6 percent.
The 4% is what is supposed to make up for the tax cuts, I recall. So we're not making it up, apparently.

I am doing fine. Why aren't you? That SS check and Food Stamps not getting any bigger?
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.

Still or again? We go through this with the left every time the market has a downturn. Then we laugh at you when it quickly recovers. The market went down because of the fear the supply chain will be interrupted. It won't affect the economy, so people are looking for the right cue to put that money back in. It will happen as it always does.

It will affect the supply chain in about a week. The Tariffs have already affected the supply chain and the virus is going to make that look like a walk in the park. Tariffs are man made but the virus is mother nature getting even and there is nothing that can be done to stop itrfrom beginning. The only thing man can do is lessen it's affects until it's run it's course through isolation, and finding a viable vaccination and getting it out to the entire population.

If it means completely closing our borders, that's a reason I can stand by rather than the crap excuses that Rump keeps dreaming up. If it means turning certain sections of the US into isolation chambers then we need to do that. If it means spending billions to get that vaccine ready then we need to fund it yesterday. We have the best Virus people in the World in the United States but it takes money and time. The sooner it gets funded, the sooner a cure or an inhibitor can be found.

It is funded and they are working on it. Last month, the President EO'd a halt to traffic coming in from countries that had major problems with the virus. The Democrats responded by saying Turmp's actions were racist. All residents that returned back to the US are in quarantines for almost three weeks for observation. It's been reported that Israel is on a brink of a vaccine and is almost ready for human testing. Same thing with our labs in Maryland.

The tariffs caused the market to go down, and then it came back up again when people realized it's not having much negative effect. As a former commodities trader, I seen this happen all the time with bad news that's hyped by the media. We will either get supplies from less affected countries, or we will develop a foolproof sterilization process for imported goods. Everything will work out fine.

You're full of shit. You need to watch the Main Street Media and stop watching, reading or listening to The White House, where a known liar controls the shit you echo.

Facts are facts you incredible dumbass! I suggest you find some lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.

Never mind! Too late!
You do realize that a virus isn't a long term thing? That the markets WILL come back and that WILL be happening long before the election next year? Do you honestly think that a dip in the stock market followed by a major rally by the stock market is going to affect anyone's vote a year later? You need to get a grip...

It's been reported that the stock market is more a normal adjustment due to the end of the bear market. It's going back where it should be. If you think otherwise, not is the time to buy, not sell. But many of the idiots playing the market are selling which drives it even further down. They are actually doing the smart investor a favor. And Rump had nothing to do with it growing so high and has zero to do with the market going low. So let's take Rump out of the equation completely no matter how much he brags and lies out his ass.

You cannot prove any of your post, can you dumbass? It's all opinion and an uneducated one at that.
You do realize that a virus isn't a long term thing? That the markets WILL come back and that WILL be happening long before the election next year? Do you honestly think that a dip in the stock market followed by a major rally by the stock market is going to affect anyone's vote a year later? You need to get a grip...

STATEMENT: " You do realize that a virus isn't a long term thing?"

The virus is not a long term thing. China is already stabilizing.

Oh, so now you believe Xi tells the truth...even though he lies to his own people. Hmmmmm........

Your photo is Biden, Sanders and Buttigeig!
I thought black jesus was responsible for the economy? Stop changing your minds.
Well, while it's true that he had managed to not completely fuck it up to.this.point, he has no idea how to handle it now that it's in trouble.
Do biden or sanders have an idea on how to handle it? All biden seems to handle are little girls and all sanders wants to do is sniff Castro's cigar smoke ir something.
Biden a d Sanders both have decades of government experience, and Biden in particular was VP during the worst recession in living memory and we got out of it.

Biden was the VP of the Administration who's economic policies gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! Why you think that's an attribute is beyond me!
As long as Fat Donnie thinks his political BS is working, all his feeble followers will praise him. And if things start to get bad, he will flip and right alongside him will be his feeble followers.

I can tell by your avatar that you have a small penis. Overcompensation?
As long as Fat Donnie thinks his political BS is working, all his feeble followers will praise him. And if things start to get bad, he will flip and right alongside him will be his feeble followers.

So you are hoping to vote for ______in the next election?

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Voted confidentially today, Butchie Boy.

Oh., come on! Tell us who you voted for so we can point and laugh!
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.
I looked you up, Neil. You throw a bomb that has little merit, and disappear for the next few weeks. *yawn*
the markets around the world could crash 75%, half of Europe could die dead in their tracks and Trump asskissers would still eat the peanuts out of his crap pile.
only 20% of the people on the ship that was forced into dock got the virus while quarantined, and no one died. That was a breeding zone for the virus, and only 20% got the virus. No one died. explain it.

No one died? On this ship?

Six People From The Diamond Princess Cruise Ship Have Now Died From COVID-19 After Quarantine Failure
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.
Wait a minute. this is Obama's economy according to Democrats.
Wrong. Obama handed trump a strong economy. trump has fucked it up. Funny how you're now ready to blame Obama for what is obviously a situation caused by trumps instability.

Oboe didn’t do shit. The economy is fine, says Charles Payne. You don’t know shit. Oboe is done, and no one cares.

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As long as Fat Donnie thinks his political BS is working, all his feeble followers will praise him. And if things start to get bad, he will flip and right alongside him will be his feeble followers.

So you are hoping to vote for ______in the next election?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Voted confidentially today, Butchie Boy.

Oh., come on! Tell us who you voted for so we can point and laugh!

He voted for Bootybutt, because they share the same fabulous lifestyle. [emoji533]

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The best economy in 50 years isn't positive? Record low unemployment in all minority groups since records started is not positive? Rebuilding our military isn't positive? Greatly slowing down border crossers by pressuring Mexico into stopping them before they get here isn't positive? Improved relations with Israel isn't positive? Having people apply for asylum at the US embassy in their country instead of coming here to do it isn't positive? Building more walls isn't positive? A halt on giving green cards to pregnant women to stop Birther Tourism isn't positive? A new median household income record isn't positive? Better trade deals with Mexico and Canada just to name a few isn't positive? Rescinding DumBama's order to allow weirdo in dresses in your daughters dressing room in school isn't positive?

If you ask me, most everything he does is positive. And yet, the media reports 95% negative of him outside of Fox news. It's not Trump, it's your precious MSM.

I won't ask you, I rely on reality. The best economic in 50 years? That's absurd, what's more absurd is you believe trump has done something to keep the Obama Recovery on going. Oops, 2018 proved that wrong, and in 2019 he left us with a trillion dollars deficit.

The deficit is a problem which Trump is addressing now via Medicare and Social Security. The truth is DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. See, when you credit somebody with something, you have to show their actions to claim responsibility. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. The economy didn't grow because of him, it grew in spite of him which is why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

Trump on the other hand let businesses know they had a friend. He removed job killing regulations, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation made, two would be removed in it's place. He lowered their taxes in effort to keep them from moving out of the country. He got rid of Commie Care fines which is a great help to businesses.

Three quotes from DumBama that comes to mind:

Those jobs are gone and they're never coming back.
How is Trump going to do that? Does he have a magic wand or something?
Those shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready.

Trump inherited record economic growth. Obama did do something. Trump is creating fewer jobs than Obama and the manufacturing sector has been in a recession for the past few months. So you have chosen 3 lines to post a lie, but trump has over 16,000 false statements to his record. Trump created record deficits when he did not have to. He's not handling anything.
Manufacturing jobs are up, Trump got the magic wand!

No they aren't. We've been in a manufacturing recession for the past several months.
You loons have been wishing for a recession since Trump has been in office and it isn't happening.
The deficit is a problem which Trump is addressing now via Medicare and Social Security. The truth is DumBama didn't do anything for the economy. See, when you credit somebody with something, you have to show their actions to claim responsibility. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. The economy didn't grow because of him, it grew in spite of him which is why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

Trump on the other hand let businesses know they had a friend. He removed job killing regulations, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation made, two would be removed in it's place. He lowered their taxes in effort to keep them from moving out of the country. He got rid of Commie Care fines which is a great help to businesses.

Three quotes from DumBama that comes to mind:

Those jobs are gone and they're never coming back.
How is Trump going to do that? Does he have a magic wand or something?
Those shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready.

Trump inherited record economic growth. Obama did do something. Trump is creating fewer jobs than Obama and the manufacturing sector has been in a recession for the past few months. So you have chosen 3 lines to post a lie, but trump has over 16,000 false statements to his record. Trump created record deficits when he did not have to. He's not handling anything.
Manufacturing jobs are up, Trump got the magic wand!

No they aren't. We've been in a manufacturing recession for the past several months.

In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot?

US manufacturing plunges deeper into recession - CNN
CNN? YEAH they aren't bias.

Recession? Something we've been hearing about since he was elected? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Manufacturing is having one right now. So keep your head buried in the sand.
Good to see you want bad things to happen to your fellow Americans, because of your hatred for a man. The economy is booming, no matter how you try to spin it.
I thought black jesus was responsible for the economy? Stop changing your minds.
Well, while it's true that he had managed to not completely fuck it up to.this.point, he has no idea how to handle it now that it's in trouble.
Do biden or sanders have an idea on how to handle it? All biden seems to handle are little girls and all sanders wants to do is sniff Castro's cigar smoke ir something.
Biden a d Sanders both have decades of government experience, and Biden in particular was VP during the worst recession in living memory and we got out of it.

Biden was the VP of the Administration who's economic policies gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! Why you think that's an attribute is beyond me!
That's just nonsense RWNJ propaganda. If the recovery sucked then the economy last week sucked. They were essentially the same.
I thought black jesus was responsible for the economy? Stop changing your minds.
Well, while it's true that he had managed to not completely fuck it up to.this.point, he has no idea how to handle it now that it's in trouble.
Do biden or sanders have an idea on how to handle it? All biden seems to handle are little girls and all sanders wants to do is sniff Castro's cigar smoke ir something.
Biden a d Sanders both have decades of government experience, and Biden in particular was VP during the worst recession in living memory and we got out of it.

Biden was the VP of the Administration who's economic policies gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! Why you think that's an attribute is beyond me!
That's just nonsense RWNJ propaganda. If the recovery sucked then the economy last week sucked. They were essentially the same.

Except for the fact that interest rates by the Fed weren't set at nearly zero...unemployment was still at historically low rates and the economy was growing at a solid rate despite not having a massive stimulus package thrown at it? LOL Yeah...essentially the same!!! (EYE ROLL)

It isn't "propaganda" to point out that the Obama Administration struggled mightily with the economy! It's simply the truth.

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