Trump's only crutch kicked out from under him- Reelection Death

Claiming that Joe Biden is going to be good at the economy because he was Vice President during the Obama Administration is laughable.
Well, while it's true that he had managed to not completely fuck it up to.this.point, he has no idea how to handle it now that it's in trouble.
Do biden or sanders have an idea on how to handle it? All biden seems to handle are little girls and all sanders wants to do is sniff Castro's cigar smoke ir something.
Biden a d Sanders both have decades of government experience, and Biden in particular was VP during the worst recession in living memory and we got out of it.

Biden was the VP of the Administration who's economic policies gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! Why you think that's an attribute is beyond me!
That's just nonsense RWNJ propaganda. If the recovery sucked then the economy last week sucked. They were essentially the same.

Except for the fact that interest rates by the Fed weren't set at nearly zero...unemployment was still at historically low rates and the economy was growing at a solid rate despite not having a massive stimulus package thrown at it? LOL Yeah...essentially the same!!! (EYE ROLL)

It isn't "propaganda" to point out that the Obama Administration struggled mightily with the economy! It's simply the truth.
You're correct, I believe by the end of the Obama administration the interest rates were higher than they are now.

But I'm not sure why you would bring that up, it doesn't help your point, it helps mine.
Do biden or sanders have an idea on how to handle it? All biden seems to handle are little girls and all sanders wants to do is sniff Castro's cigar smoke ir something.
Biden a d Sanders both have decades of government experience, and Biden in particular was VP during the worst recession in living memory and we got out of it.

Biden was the VP of the Administration who's economic policies gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! Why you think that's an attribute is beyond me!
That's just nonsense RWNJ propaganda. If the recovery sucked then the economy last week sucked. They were essentially the same.

Except for the fact that interest rates by the Fed weren't set at nearly zero...unemployment was still at historically low rates and the economy was growing at a solid rate despite not having a massive stimulus package thrown at it? LOL Yeah...essentially the same!!! (EYE ROLL)

It isn't "propaganda" to point out that the Obama Administration struggled mightily with the economy! It's simply the truth.
You're correct, I believe by the end of the Obama administration the interest rates were higher than they are now.

But I'm not sure why you would bring that up, it doesn't help your point, it helps mine.

You believe that, Crep? Based on what? I believe there have been eight rate increases since Trump was elected and one rate decrease. I'm not a math major but I can pretty much figure out that rates have gone up considerably since Trump came into office!
The fact is...Fed interest rates were held near zero for the longest period of time in our nation's history because the Obama Administration struggled so mightily with the economy and needed all the help it could get! The only thing that was going well for them back then was a resurgent stock market and that was driven by investment by the wealthy with all the nearly interest free money they could borrow to do so.
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.
It is this kind of moronic Trump-bashing that has gotten Trump to his highest approval rating (along with massive, record-setting economy accomplishments)

Dumb liberals don't realize the more they say idiotic things about Trump, the more popular he gets. :biggrin:

Isolated dips of the economy, for specific reasons (the shutdown, Corona virus, etc) have nothing to do with Trump.
I was listening to Trump's presser yesterday on the radio. I don't know how it looked on TV, but on the radio he sounded very presidential. I say that as a person who hates Trump all the way down to the cellular level.

He was doing great at the start. He was doing so well I thought maybe it was a Trump impostor.

But then the dumb fuck couldn't help himself and started injecting his delusions and ego into the mix and he started sounding like the colossal dumb fuck that he is.

Someone should have tackled him after the first ten minutes and taken him off the podium. Then they should have turned the presser over to the medical experts.

A wild cannon like Trump might be fun to watch as he upsets the status quo. But in a crisis like this, we don't need a colossal dumb fuck panicking the American people. One wrong word and there could be blood in the streets and much more serious market crashes.

Hopefully, that is the first and last time our Idiot-in-Chief speaks on the matter. But we all know it won't be unless someone takes out all the Twitter servers.

Is this another one of those "billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires" type of posts?
I'm sure your fellow TDS'ers get all giddy but do you honestly believe anyone sane takes this crazy shit serious?
Trump blamed the market crash on the Democratic debate.

The market crash started two days BEFORE the debate. ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

And then the dumb fuck said he was retroactively brilliant by enacting his Muslim ban when he did or else the plague would be much worse here. "They called me a racist!", and then acting as if he foresaw this plague and that is Muslim ban somehow prevented it from being worse.

What a colossal racist dumb fuck.
Everything he said about the Muslim ban was correct. And Islam is a deranged ideology, masquerading as a religion. Nobody is calling it a "race" (except you) :rolleyes:
Time for Trump to blame Obama or the media

Corona virus is a variant of the common cold, it is a respiratory virus that is only fatal to those who already have compromised immune systems.

the panic in the market is driven by the lies being put out by the media, china's desire to tank the US economy, and the lying democrats trying to remove the must successful president in our lifetimes. There is no logical financial basis for last week's market drops. but it has created a very good buying opportunity for those with any brains.

The dems real fear is that Trump is going to reveal all of their corruption in his second term---------and he will.
You do realize that a virus isn't a long term thing? That the markets WILL come back and that WILL be happening long before the election next year? Do you honestly think that a dip in the stock market followed by a major rally by the stock market is going to affect anyone's vote a year later? You need to get a grip...

It's been reported that the stock market is more a normal adjustment due to the end of the bear market. It's going back where it should be. If you think otherwise, not is the time to buy, not sell. But many of the idiots playing the market are selling which drives it even further down. They are actually doing the smart investor a favor. And Rump had nothing to do with it growing so high and has zero to do with the market going low. So let's take Rump out of the equation completely no matter how much he brags and lies out his ass.

You cannot prove any of your post, can you dumbass? It's all opinion and an uneducated one at that.

If you give Rump credit when it climbs high, then you must condemn Rump when it goes down. You can't have it both ways. Actually, Rump has almost nothing to do with whether or not Wall Street goes up. All though he can be a factor if it does go down. In this case, it's mix of the Tariffs and the Virus. Look for the Virus to become the driving factor. While Rump has control over the Tariffs and that has drive the market down a little, the Virus, due to a shortage of supply, will drive the market much lower. And Rump has zero control over that. So the market continues to go down.

The Market isn't controlled by profit, it's controlled by how people buy and sell stocks and that's not always done in a very bright way. There is no money lost when the Market went down. Nothing was lost. The Speculators that went "Buy, Buy, Buy" just sent "Sell, Sell, Sell" and the market adjusted. They grabbed their money and ran at a nice tidy profit.
Time for Trump to blame Obama or the media

Corona virus is a variant of the common cold, it is a respiratory virus that is only fatal to those who already have compromised immune systems.

the panic in the market is driven by the lies being put out by the media, china's desire to tank the US economy, and the lying democrats trying to remove the must successful president in our lifetimes. There is no logical financial basis for last week's market drops. but it has created a very good buying opportunity for those with any brains.

The dems real fear is that Trump is going to reveal all of their corruption in his second term---------and he will.

Correct. Investors are already looking for the window to indicate when to get back in. When the market starts leveling off, that's when people will start buying again.
Time for Trump to blame Obama or the media

Corona virus is a variant of the common cold, it is a respiratory virus that is only fatal to those who already have compromised immune systems.

the panic in the market is driven by the lies being put out by the media, china's desire to tank the US economy, and the lying democrats trying to remove the must successful president in our lifetimes. There is no logical financial basis for last week's market drops. but it has created a very good buying opportunity for those with any brains.

The dems real fear is that Trump is going to reveal all of their corruption in his second term---------and he will.

Correct. Investors are already looking for the window to indicate when to get back in. When the market starts leveling off, that's when people will start buying again.

One has nothing to do with the other. The Speculators sold off because the market was inflated. They made their billions. They are waiting to invest if it turns into another bear market. Rump has nothing to do with it.

Going after Hillary, once again, means it's going to be another 30 years of folly. By the time they stop doing this, she is going to long dead and buried but not forgotten. There will still be some idiot that will be trying to make a name for themself by screaming "Lock Her Up". Hillary is no longer in office, will never be in office again but idjits like you still keep screaming "Lock Her Up". When you complain about the splinter in the other persons eye, take care of the log in your own eye first.
Time for Trump to blame Obama or the media

Corona virus is a variant of the common cold, it is a respiratory virus that is only fatal to those who already have compromised immune systems.

the panic in the market is driven by the lies being put out by the media, china's desire to tank the US economy, and the lying democrats trying to remove the must successful president in our lifetimes. There is no logical financial basis for last week's market drops. but it has created a very good buying opportunity for those with any brains.

The dems real fear is that Trump is going to reveal all of their corruption in his second term---------and he will.

Correct. Investors are already looking for the window to indicate when to get back in. When the market starts leveling off, that's when people will start buying again.

One has nothing to do with the other. The Speculators sold off because the market was inflated. They made their billions. They are waiting to invest if it turns into another bear market. Rump has nothing to do with it.

Going after Hillary, once again, means it's going to be another 30 years of folly. By the time they stop doing this, she is going to long dead and buried but not forgotten. There will still be some idiot that will be trying to make a name for themself by screaming "Lock Her Up". Hillary is no longer in office, will never be in office again but idjits like you still keep screaming "Lock Her Up". When you complain about the splinter in the other persons eye, take care of the log in your own eye first.

So when did you ever see me say "Lock Her Up?" I don't recall ever saying that.

Investment is not about what you think the economy is going to do, but what other investors might be thinking the economy is going to do. It reminds me of years ago. I was in another trade so I couldn't take advantage of it. In any case, two cattle were diagnosed with hoof and mouth disease. I knew the market was going to go nuts. Everybody got rid of their cattle contracts. When it hit bottom, I knew that it would spring back up again.

Bush gave a press interview assuring that it was two lousy cattle, and no other cases were known. Within a week it shot back up to where it was before. I knew it wouldn't affect the cattle, but I also knew that others would think it would, and it was all reactionary and I could have made some good quick money there.

The scare is that the virus will affect our supply chain. When people understand that it won't have that much of an impact, they will be looking to make some fast money again.
Time for Trump to blame Obama or the media

Corona virus is a variant of the common cold, it is a respiratory virus that is only fatal to those who already have compromised immune systems.

the panic in the market is driven by the lies being put out by the media, china's desire to tank the US economy, and the lying democrats trying to remove the must successful president in our lifetimes. There is no logical financial basis for last week's market drops. but it has created a very good buying opportunity for those with any brains.

The dems real fear is that Trump is going to reveal all of their corruption in his second term---------and he will.

Correct. Investors are already looking for the window to indicate when to get back in. When the market starts leveling off, that's when people will start buying again.

One has nothing to do with the other. The Speculators sold off because the market was inflated. They made their billions. They are waiting to invest if it turns into another bear market. Rump has nothing to do with it.

Going after Hillary, once again, means it's going to be another 30 years of folly. By the time they stop doing this, she is going to long dead and buried but not forgotten. There will still be some idiot that will be trying to make a name for themself by screaming "Lock Her Up". Hillary is no longer in office, will never be in office again but idjits like you still keep screaming "Lock Her Up". When you complain about the splinter in the other persons eye, take care of the log in your own eye first.

So when did you ever see me say "Lock Her Up?" I don't recall ever saying that.

Investment is not about what you think the economy is going to do, but what other investors might be thinking the economy is going to do. It reminds me of years ago. I was in another trade so I couldn't take advantage of it. In any case, two cattle were diagnosed with hoof and mouth disease. I knew the market was going to go nuts. Everybody got rid of their cattle contracts. When it hit bottom, I knew that it would spring back up again.

Bush gave a press interview assuring that it was two lousy cattle, and no other cases were known. Within a week it shot back up to where it was before. I knew it wouldn't affect the cattle, but I also knew that others would think it would, and it was all reactionary and I could have made some good quick money there.

The scare is that the virus will affect our supply chain. When people understand that it won't have that much of an impact, they will be looking to make some fast money again.

Bush was just running off at the mouth. I doubt if the speculators paid any attention to him.
Time for Trump to blame Obama or the media

Corona virus is a variant of the common cold, it is a respiratory virus that is only fatal to those who already have compromised immune systems.

the panic in the market is driven by the lies being put out by the media, china's desire to tank the US economy, and the lying democrats trying to remove the must successful president in our lifetimes. There is no logical financial basis for last week's market drops. but it has created a very good buying opportunity for those with any brains.

The dems real fear is that Trump is going to reveal all of their corruption in his second term---------and he will.

Correct. Investors are already looking for the window to indicate when to get back in. When the market starts leveling off, that's when people will start buying again.

One has nothing to do with the other. The Speculators sold off because the market was inflated. They made their billions. They are waiting to invest if it turns into another bear market. Rump has nothing to do with it.

Going after Hillary, once again, means it's going to be another 30 years of folly. By the time they stop doing this, she is going to long dead and buried but not forgotten. There will still be some idiot that will be trying to make a name for themself by screaming "Lock Her Up". Hillary is no longer in office, will never be in office again but idjits like you still keep screaming "Lock Her Up". When you complain about the splinter in the other persons eye, take care of the log in your own eye first.

So when did you ever see me say "Lock Her Up?" I don't recall ever saying that.

Investment is not about what you think the economy is going to do, but what other investors might be thinking the economy is going to do. It reminds me of years ago. I was in another trade so I couldn't take advantage of it. In any case, two cattle were diagnosed with hoof and mouth disease. I knew the market was going to go nuts. Everybody got rid of their cattle contracts. When it hit bottom, I knew that it would spring back up again.

Bush gave a press interview assuring that it was two lousy cattle, and no other cases were known. Within a week it shot back up to where it was before. I knew it wouldn't affect the cattle, but I also knew that others would think it would, and it was all reactionary and I could have made some good quick money there.

The scare is that the virus will affect our supply chain. When people understand that it won't have that much of an impact, they will be looking to make some fast money again.

Bush was just running off at the mouth. I doubt if the speculators paid any attention to him.

The point is that this is not a trend. It's people frightened about their money. When it calms down, and it will, people will be looking to take advantage of lower priced stocks.
Corona virus is a variant of the common cold, it is a respiratory virus that is only fatal to those who already have compromised immune systems.

the panic in the market is driven by the lies being put out by the media, china's desire to tank the US economy, and the lying democrats trying to remove the must successful president in our lifetimes. There is no logical financial basis for last week's market drops. but it has created a very good buying opportunity for those with any brains.

The dems real fear is that Trump is going to reveal all of their corruption in his second term---------and he will.

Correct. Investors are already looking for the window to indicate when to get back in. When the market starts leveling off, that's when people will start buying again.

One has nothing to do with the other. The Speculators sold off because the market was inflated. They made their billions. They are waiting to invest if it turns into another bear market. Rump has nothing to do with it.

Going after Hillary, once again, means it's going to be another 30 years of folly. By the time they stop doing this, she is going to long dead and buried but not forgotten. There will still be some idiot that will be trying to make a name for themself by screaming "Lock Her Up". Hillary is no longer in office, will never be in office again but idjits like you still keep screaming "Lock Her Up". When you complain about the splinter in the other persons eye, take care of the log in your own eye first.

So when did you ever see me say "Lock Her Up?" I don't recall ever saying that.

Investment is not about what you think the economy is going to do, but what other investors might be thinking the economy is going to do. It reminds me of years ago. I was in another trade so I couldn't take advantage of it. In any case, two cattle were diagnosed with hoof and mouth disease. I knew the market was going to go nuts. Everybody got rid of their cattle contracts. When it hit bottom, I knew that it would spring back up again.

Bush gave a press interview assuring that it was two lousy cattle, and no other cases were known. Within a week it shot back up to where it was before. I knew it wouldn't affect the cattle, but I also knew that others would think it would, and it was all reactionary and I could have made some good quick money there.

The scare is that the virus will affect our supply chain. When people understand that it won't have that much of an impact, they will be looking to make some fast money again.

Bush was just running off at the mouth. I doubt if the speculators paid any attention to him.

The point is that this is not a trend. It's people frightened about their money. When it calms down, and it will, people will be looking to take advantage of lower priced stocks.

Speculators drive the Market price. And they don't scare. The Speculator manipulates the Stock Market and causes it to either go up or down when it makes a huge change. The Market should have never been as high as it was and the Speculators sold off because the inflated price was just too good to pass up so they sold off and pocketed the inflated profits. I would say that the stocks are just about where they should be. Actually, they are still to high.

Let's take a look at a Blue Chip Stock. Here is the most famous one. But it hasn't paid a dividend since 1967. It's just played the stock market but has shown real profit to it's shareholders other than increased stop prices.

Berkshire Hathaway
Primary Stockholder: Warren Buffet
Class A Stock Price: 300,000 (gets you a voting stock)
Class B Stock Price: 200.00 (does not get you a voting stock)
Has it ever split? No, never

The Profits all go to the Corporates. Not a dime goes to the shareholders. Yearly, Warren Buffet is paid 100K and he really doesn't do anything other than chair the board. He doesn't even do that, someone else sits in that chair and controls Buffet's interests. Buffet has hundreds of Corporations that operates like that. What's funny, the Stock Market Guru's suggest this stock but I don't. Unless you can buy voting shares, you aren't going to make a dime unless it keeps rising. It just dropped and many speculators sold off. That means that any "Profit" that you may have had is gone. Now, if you have a cool 1 billion burning a hole in your pocket, this is a good investment since it will come with a nice tidy salary. But if you are a mom and pop and can only afford 20K of non voting stocks, don't do it. The time to invest in this company is about 2 decades past.

One person brought up penny stocks. One of the best things about a penny stock that is successful, they pay dividends. For those that are confused, a Dividend is where the company is operating at a profit and shares that profit with their stock holders in the form of Dividends. The Dividend might be in the form of money or shares. You find a bunch of those and invest in them and you can have a self investment of 10 to 25% annual rate. The old Money Market made anywhere between 15 to 25% doing that before the IRA was invented. You made money off not only the dividends and the increase in the stock prices if they go up. And when you have a company paying high dividends, the stock prices WILL go up. But at some point, it's going to become like MOST of the other large Corporations and the Dividends will all but dry up even though the stock prices keep climbing. You will no longer have that 10 to 25% yearly dividend and I seriously think that you won't have that kind of yearly expansion in the stock price. But it can happen. But investing in companies that only rely on the stock prices increasing is just investing in a new House and Boat for the CEO.
Speculators drive the Market price. And they don't scare. The Speculator manipulates the Stock Market and causes it to either go up or down when it makes a huge change. The Market should have never been as high as it was and the Speculators sold off because the inflated price was just too good to pass up so they sold off and pocketed the inflated profits. I would say that the stocks are just about where they should be. Actually, they are still to high.

Let's take a look at a Blue Chip Stock. Here is the most famous one. But it hasn't paid a dividend since 1967. It's just played the stock market but has shown real profit to it's shareholders other than increased stop prices.

Day traders don't really change the market all that much. Fund managers do. Why? Because fund managers invest for their thousands of clients. It's a huge amount of money that is pooled. When they start pulling out to protect their customers, the market sees the biggest shift at that point.

Same holds true when it goes back up. When key signs are there to reinvest their clients money, billions get invested back into the market almost overnight.

No, the stock market was just fine. If not for this virus, it would have continued on the incline. An over-bought market is the situation where stocks increase in price, but the economy doesn't reflect market advancements, such as what happened during the DumBama years. While there were more jobs, consumer spending was still stagnant along with wages.

Today, we not only have more jobs, but better paying jobs. As the decrease in immigration continues, wages will continue to increase.
As long as Fat Donnie thinks his political BS is working, all his feeble followers will praise him. And if things start to get bad, he will flip and right alongside him will be his feeble followers.

I can tell by your avatar that you have a small penis. Overcompensation?
In relation to your big pussie, YOU would think it was small.

You had to answer my post twice? Mental midgets like you are not too quick on the uptake!
As long as Fat Donnie thinks his political BS is working, all his feeble followers will praise him. And if things start to get bad, he will flip and right alongside him will be his feeble followers.

I can tell by your avatar that you have a small penis. Overcompensation?
In relation to your big pussie, YOU would think it was small.

You had to answer my post twice? Mental midgets like you are not too quick on the uptake!
The phony admiral is/has a big pussie!

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