Trumps Pathetic Amphibious Attack Comment

# countries Putin invaded while Trump was in the WH: 0
# countries Putin invaded while Biden was in the WH: 2 (so far)

And what does this have to do with Trump thinking we launched an amphibious attack on the Ukraine?
Trump mis-heard what Laura said. It wasn't a gaffe. Its not news.

What did she say that would have led Trump to believe the US Military launched an amphibious attack on the Ukraine? Which of her words are you claiming he misheard?
IT is almost no fun making fun of Trump anymore. But watching his disciples try to cover for him sure is.
What did she say that would have led Trump to believe the US Military launched an amphibious attack on the Ukraine? Which of her words are you claiming he misheard?
He just got his wires crossed, poor phone reception, who the fuck knows. It's just not something that amounts to anything other than to the TDS crowd.

LOL.....I'd be lying if I said that I didn't sorta enjoy watching the leftist loons spin. ;)
He just got his wires crossed, poor phone reception, who the fuck knows. It's just not something that amounts to anything other than to the TDS crowd.

LOL.....I'd be lying if I said that I didn't sorta enjoy watching the leftist loons spin. ;)

Come on now, you know damn well had Biden said something like this there would be 100 threads about it with in 2 hours.

Why can you people not just admit that he is not a god and says dumb shit like this?
Come on now, you know damn well had Biden said something like this there would be 100 threads about it with in 2 hours.

Why can you people not just admit that he is not a god and says dumb shit like this?
Meh, I moved on and helped beat the dems in my state this past November and hopefully be able to continue to put in the work to beat them about the head and shoulders this coming November.

By and by when Tater the Putz is gone be it by removal, death, or election loss I'll forget about him and just chalk him up as another in a long line of failed dem POTUSs.

That's something you people can't seem to do as it regards Trump and that, in part, is why you will lose "bigly" come November.....You are swinging at a ghost that's not on a single ticket in November.

But hey, it's not too late for you to change your ways and get in on the big win. ;)

Yes, Putin is having his way. Unless we send troops, there is no way to stop him, and our country is sick of war. Putin was building to this for several years, and you would know this if you had done your homework. Unfortunately, you did not, and you are reduced to stupid remarks because of your ignorance. Tump, in all his glory, has created a world on edge with his "locked and loaded" foreign policy. He is a fool and so are you.
What the fuck are you talking about Neville? We on the right side of history, knew that if you put in the Putin puppet, Joe Biden, because of Hunter Biden's dealing with the wife of the mayor of Moscow, when the brainless Joe closed up shop for US self sufficient energy sources and opened up the spigot for his buddy Putin to pump billions of dollars into Motha Russia, he Putin would be emboldened to take more of what was lost when the great Socialist experiment failed and Ukraine became free. What we also know is that soon the freedom of Tawain will be gobbled up when China who owns Joe Biteme will do nothing to stop them....

Now go back to your grave Chamberlain and shut the fuck up.
What the fuck are you talking about Neville? We on the right side of history, knew that if you put in the Putin puppet, Joe Biden, because of Hunter Biden's dealing with the wife of the mayor of Moscow, when the brainless Joe closed up shop for US self sufficient energy sources and opened up the spigot for his buddy Putin to pump billions of dollars into Motha Russia, he Putin would be emboldened to take more of what was lost when the great Socialist experiment failed and Ukraine became free. What we also know is that soon the freedom of Tawain will be gobbled up when China who owns Joe Biteme will do nothing to stop them....

Now go back to your grave Chamberlain and shut the fuck up.
Biden=Manchurian candidate
He just got his wires crossed, poor phone reception, who the fuck knows. It's just not something that amounts to anything other than to the TDS crowd.

LOL.....I'd be lying if I said that I didn't sorta enjoy watching the leftist loons spin. ;)
He just demonstrated his lack of understanding of the significance of American boots on the ground in Ukraine. Looks like a former president would get that without being told
Biden=Manchurian candidate
You just made that up.
So tell me again who had the biggest invasion in the EU since 1939 on their watch?

I'll wait right here.

# countries Putin invaded while Trump was in the WH: 0
# countries Putin invaded while Biden was in the WH: 2 (so far)
Why do we need American boots protecting Ukraine's border while Biden threw open our southern border?
Frank, turn on PBS, no, not the news, Sesame Street. Maybe then you might have something to write which is your level of comprehension. You seek to put boots on the ground on our southern border? That's not only ludicrous it violates the law.
Frank, turn on PBS, no, not the news, Sesame Street. Maybe then you might have something to write which is your level of comprehension. You seek to put boots on the ground on our southern border? That's not only ludicrous it violates the law.
I did not understand what he was trying to say. I think he was saying we have an open southern border so Putin has no respect for borders. Herad it on the five on Fox last week several times so that is what I thought he was talking about.
Frank, turn on PBS, no, not the news, Sesame Street. Maybe then you might have something to write which is your level of comprehension. You seek to put boots on the ground on our southern border? That's not only ludicrous it violates the law.

So you have no answer either. Should I watch Laura Ingraham like the other genius Progressive suggested?

Use your words Wry Rye. I know you can do it!

Why do we need American boots in Ukraine protecting their border when Biden opened our Southern border AND After we Unconditionally Surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban?

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