Trumps Pathetic Amphibious Attack Comment

So you have no answer either. Should I watch Laura Ingraham like the other genius Progressive suggested?

Use your words Wry Rye. I know you can do it!

Why do we need American boots in Ukraine protecting their border when Biden opened our Southern border AND After we Unconditionally Surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban?
The drone of the RWNM is strong in this one.
I did not understand what he was trying to say. I think he was saying we have an open southern border so Putin has no respect for borders. Herad it on the five on Fox last week several times so that is what I thought he was talking about.
What he is saying is we have no respect for our border. Putz.
Of course, excuse making for the fat former slug.
haha you’ll do anything to deflect from the failures and chaos created by your cult leader joey xiden…you dembots are funny…tragically funny
The drone of the RWNM is strong in this one.

Hey Rye Catcher you and mak2 need to come up with a coherent answer as to why American soldiers need to defend Ukraine's borders. So far your combined answer are: Because Ingraham said so, Orange Man Bad and I'm too erudite to give an answer.

Maybe you can be a comedy team? dems love to wear blackface so maybe you'll be the new Amos & Andy?! Sapphire!
Hey Rye Catcher you and mak2 need to come up with a coherent answer as to why American soldiers need to defend Ukraine's borders. So far your combined answer are: Because Ingraham said so, Orange Man Bad and I'm too erudite to give an answer.

Maybe you can be a comedy team? dems love to wear blackface so maybe you'll be the new Amos & Andy?! Sapphire!
I never said they did. Where did you get that? I dont think you are really with it enough to discuss this with.
So you have no answer either. Should I watch Laura Ingraham like the other genius Progressive suggested?

Use your words Wry Rye. I know you can do it!

Why do we need American boots in Ukraine protecting their border when Biden opened our Southern border AND After we Unconditionally Surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban?
Frank, your cherry picking and lack of understanding history is amazing.
Where have the Russian troops been? On the border? On the border of a sovereign country? We should be worrying about foreign borders. We should be securing our own.
Nope, lots of crazy. Russians have tanks and jets and stuff. Completely different.
By and by when Tater the Putz is gone be it by removal, death, or election loss I'll forget about him and just chalk him up as another in a long line of failed dem POTUSs.

And when he is gone, assuming he is not dead, he will be just like every other past POTUS and he will move on and not be on TV daily, he will not be the leader of his political party, he will not be publishing letters from the desk of the 46th president.

That's something you people can't seem to do as it regards Trump and that, in part, is why you will lose "bigly" come November.....You are swinging at a ghost that's not on a single ticket in November.

I lose "bigly" every election as I refuse to vote for the duopoly and there are too many people like you that are sworn to it. As long as Ds and Rs keep winning I, and the country as a whole, lose bigly.
Just proves how badly putin wants trump back in power.

Trump has named called every world leader he has crossed paths with, except ONE.
You know which one, PUTIN.

trump can't ever criticize putin like ALL of NATO.
putin owns trump.
It's all in the Steel Dossier!
So terrorists coming over our border is nothing? We are allowing an invasion. Yeah, it is different and if you want this country to survive we better stop it.
I did not say it was nothing. If you cannot see the difference between a large modern army crossing a border and a Mexican guy sneaking across a border thousands of miles away, I dont know if I can explain it. No connection.
What the fuck are you talking about Neville? We on the right side of history, knew that if you put in the Putin puppet, Joe Biden, because of Hunter Biden's dealing with the wife of the mayor of Moscow, when the brainless Joe closed up shop for US self sufficient energy sources and opened up the spigot for his buddy Putin to pump billions of dollars into Motha Russia, he Putin would be emboldened to take more of what was lost when the great Socialist experiment failed and Ukraine became free. What we also know is that soon the freedom of Tawain will be gobbled up when China who owns Joe Biteme will do nothing to stop them....

Now go back to your grave Chamberlain and shut the fuck up.
Hunter Biden? What the fuck are you talking about? This is the most tump like insanity that I have just read. Putin, tumps mentor, has just invaded a sovereign nation through no fault of Biden. Tump supports that invasion like the asshole he is--in other words, fuck America. Tump let it be known to Putin that if he were president, he would not stand in Putin's way (for obvious reasons). Get real, cupcake. This action by was probably discussed when tump was in office. After all, tump does business with Russia. How ignorant can you be? There is no Neville at this end. Tump would not send troops either, because he is in Putin's hip pocket.
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He just got his wires crossed, poor phone reception, who the fuck knows. It's just not something that amounts to anything other than to the TDS crowd.

LOL.....I'd be lying if I said that I didn't sorta enjoy watching the leftist loons spin. ;)
No spin, pal. Just the mentally challenged tump verbalizing again. Bad phone reception? Nah.

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