Trumps Pathetic Amphibious Attack Comment

Where have the Russian troops been? On the border? On the border of a sovereign country? We should be worrying about foreign borders. We should be securing our own.
The Russian Troops are no longer on the border of Ukraine, they are murdering the Ukrainian people in their homeland. Poland is accepting them by the tens of thousands and you are too biased and too callous to understand those who seek safety from criminal gangs, they are no different than those seeking safety from this criminal and evil President of Russia.
If he was truly American First, then he wouldn't constantly badmouth this administration and state how he could fix it. trump is ONLY for trump.
Right :rolleyes: !
A true patriot would stand by silently while Joe allows our borders be over run and our economy go to hell.

Such ironic bullshit considering how Trump has been attacked relentlessly like he was still in office!
Which just demonstrates the fear the left regards Donald Trump with.
Sometimes these libtard posters seem like the knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail who got his arms and legs cut off but continues to taunt people in a fight that HE started. He continues to believe that he still has the upper hand as long as he can shoot off his mouth.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That clarifies it! It explains why the die hard leftards continue to bleat and yammer on a board where it's so evident that they are hopelessly outnumbered, outclassed and overpowered.

Thanks for clarifying so much with your comment.
Paid TROLL marvin types in during his morning shift.

marvin martian Has trump criticized putin yet?
During Trump's truncated time in office Putin didn't make a single move to rob Ukraine of
more territory, unlike what he did with Obama, and is doing now while the senile dolt Biden is president.

Do you not understand the difference between the three presidents?
Or do you feel compelled to make imbecilic partisan comments whether appropriate or not?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That clarifies it! It explains why the die hard leftards continue to bleat and yammer on a board where it's so evident that they are hopelessly outnumbered, outclassed and overpowered.

Thanks for clarifying so much with your comment.
Well, outnumbered. Every forum I have ever been on eventually gets overrun with conservatives. Like moths to a flame, conservatives crave an echo chamber. That is why so many here think insults and name calling is intelligent discussion. You guys need everyone to agree with you. So you don't have to think.
During Trump's truncated time in office Putin didn't make a single move to rob Ukraine of
more territory, unlike what he did with Obama, and is doing now while the senile dolt Biden is president.

Do you not understand the difference between the three presidents?
Or do you feel compelled to make imbecilic partisan comments whether appropriate or not?
Putin was probably afraid Trump would send him love letters like rocketman. What would Trump have done?
The Russian Troops are no longer on the border of Ukraine, they are murdering the Ukrainian people in their homeland. Poland is accepting them by the tens of thousands and you are too biased and too callous to understand those who seek safety from criminal gangs, they are no different than those seeking safety from this criminal and evil President of Russia.
War is not murder, it is war. How stupid are you?
During Trump's truncated time in office Putin didn't make a single move to rob Ukraine of
more territory
Because putin had his puppet in POWER most of trumps term.
The Zelenskyy got elected in 2019 and that really pissed off putin.
Because putin had his puppet in POWER most of trumps term.
The Zelenskyy got elected in 2019 and that really pissed off putin.
Hunter Biden? What the fuck are you talking about? This is the most tump like insanity that I have just read. Putin, tumps mentor, has just invaded a sovereign nation through no fault of Biden. Tump supports that invasion like the asshole he is--in other words, fuck America. Tump let it be known to Putin that if he were president, he would not stand in Putin's way (for obvious reasons). Get real, cupcake. This action by was probably discussed when tump was in office. After all, tump does business with Russia. How ignorant can you be? There is no Neville at this end. Tump would not send troops either, because he is in Putin's hip pocket.
Shut up Neville, because of Joe Biden's feckless attitude towards Russia, Putin saw so much weakness he took another country. You who voted for Joe, are as culpable for all the deaths of the Ukrainians, as he is.

Well, outnumbered. Every forum I have ever been on eventually gets overrun with conservatives. Like moths to a flame, conservatives crave an echo chamber. That is why so many here think insults and name calling is intelligent discussion. You guys need everyone to agree with you. So you don't have to think.
No, insults and name calling is the only message you fuckers on the left can understand. When we were trying to converse politely you dick for brains thought it was weakness, just like when RINO George Bush didnt fight back. But then President Trump showed your true colors(Communist RED) and exposed you as the enemy of this country.

Because putin had his puppet in POWER most of trumps term.
The Zelenskyy got elected in 2019 and that really pissed off putin.
Sure! :rolleyes: So Vlad didn't care about the land he is trying to steal now because of Ukraine's president then?
Did you get that from Weak Absurd Argument.Com?

Were you aware, a rhetorical question, that Joe Biden has higher sanctions on
US oil production than on Russian production itself?
Were you aware that Biden has zero sanctions on Putin himself?
Or that Russian oligarchs, Putin's main support, are untouched by Biden sanctions?
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It is tiresome all the threads on Trump for even the most mundane things. With much of it made up or blown out of proportion.
They have nothing else to talk about. Everything they touch turns to shit.

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