Trumps Pathetic Amphibious Attack Comment

appeasement didn't work with Vladmir Lenin, it didn't work with Vladimir Putin, it won't work with Vladimir whoever's-coming-next-in.
Post #2 this thread and read the rest. seriously?

Post #2 is nothing but facts, so how is that "covering" for Trump, unless you think pointing out facts that exposes Dimtard lies to be "covering" for Trump?

Are you really that stupid?
Putin was probably afraid Trump would send him love letters like rocketman. What would Trump have done?
Trump would have done exactly what he did for 4 years while President that kept Putin in check, Dumbass. Namely, show strength, be a good leader, and not be an incoherent vegetable who doesn't know what day it is like your Vegetable Messiah.
Trump would have done exactly what he did for 4 years while President that kept Putin in check, Dumbass. Namely, show strength, be a good leader, and not be an incoherent vegetable who doesn't know what day it is like your Vegetable Messiah.
As soon as you get the the Ad Hom, I read no further. Not worth it.
Trump called Kim Jong Un a fatty on Twitter and avoided an entire nuclear crisis because of it.

I miss those days.
You are at the wrong place, Buttercup. You may as well tap out now if your skin is that thin.
No, ad homs indicate the intelligence of the poster. So I have nothing to gain by considering what you are thinking. I try never to address the intelligence other poster unless they inuslt me. Then, it is too obvious to ignore. So carry on, but I recognize stupid when I see it.
Of course, excuse making for the fat former slug.
So you're attacking Repubs for making excuses for Trump when you voted for the senile pedophile who's responsible for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, 7.5% inflation, allowing the Russian invasion of Ukraine$100/bbl oil and more COVID deaths than occurred under Trump?
No, ad homs indicate the intelligence of the poster. So I have nothing to gain by considering what you are thinking. I try never to address the intelligence other poster unless they inuslt me. Then, it is too obvious to ignore. So carry on, but I recognize stupid when I see it.
So carry on, but I recognize stupid when I see it.

I'm guessing that happens anytime you walk in front of a mirror.

You are the one who referenced a post that simply listed two facts and claimed it was "covering" for Trump. Everyone can see you are the stupid one here.
So you're attacking Repubs for making excuses for Trump when you voted for the senile pedophile who's responsible for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, 7.5% inflation, allowing the Russian invasion of Ukraine$100/bbl oil and more COVID deaths than occurred under Trump?
You sound like a moron and could not argue that causal relationship if your life depended on it.
Last I heard Biden was still president and Russia was about to take the capital of Ukraine. Why in the world would a Trump comment be important to lefties at this time?
Biden is obviously the cause, douchebag. Only morons refuse to admit it.
Hate to say this..


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