Trump’s plan to steal the election: Declare Victory Prematurely?

President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.

Well isn't this a stupid post?

No one can declare victory till all the votes are in and EC has decided who has won.

Anyone declaring an early victory isn't to bright. Trump is way smarter than that. Biden?? Who knows?

I find in incredulous that anyone would believe any words or statements coming out of your stupid mouth.

What a jackass you are.

LOL..Hey moron, the thread is based on what is coming out of the Trump campaign and what Trump has hinted he may do. I am glad you agree with me that Trump is lying dimwitted idiot though.

Hey Moron. Who can blame him if what you say is true. Those mail in votes will be a clusterfuck.

Nothing lying or dimwitted about Trump. Biden is a different story. I'm sure you know he will protest just as hard if he loses. Which he will.

Just go take your TDS meds and lie down and take a nap. Maybe when you wake up you will feel a little better and you won't make such a fool of yourself when you post on the Internet.

Since I'm a Trump supporter I don't have TDS.

You might though so I suggest you go take a nap. Maybe when you wake up you will feel a little better and you won't make such a fool of yourself when you post on the internet.


I am sorry. I thought I was replying to JohnLaw. Forgive me.

I thought so. Just had to make that smart ass reply. You are forgiven. LOL
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.

Trump is utterly dishonest and cannot be trusted – one of many reasons why he must be voted out of office.
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
More anonymous BS eh? Dismissed.
As a consequence of Trump’s dishonesty, he’ll do anything to win, no matter how wrong, reprehensible, or unethical.

At a minimum Trump will be filing baseless, bad faith lawsuits in an effort to delay outcomes and sow confusion and discord concerning the election results.
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.

Well isn't this a stupid post?

No one can declare victory till all the votes are in and EC has decided who has won.

Anyone declaring an early victory isn't to bright. Trump is way smarter than that. Biden?? Who knows?

I find in incredulous that anyone would believe any words or statements coming out of your stupid mouth.

What a jackass you are.

LOL..Hey moron, the thread is based on what is coming out of the Trump campaign and what Trump has hinted he may do. I am glad you agree with me that Trump is lying dimwitted idiot though.

Hey Moron. Who can blame him if what you say is true. Those mail in votes will be a clusterfuck.

Nothing lying or dimwitted about Trump. Biden is a different story. I'm sure you know he will protest just as hard if he loses. Which he will.

Just go take your TDS meds and lie down and take a nap. Maybe when you wake up you will feel a little better and you won't make such a fool of yourself when you post on the Internet.

Since I'm a Trump supporter I don't have TDS.

You might though so I suggest you go take a nap. Maybe when you wake up you will feel a little better and you won't make such a fool of yourself when you post on the internet.


I am sorry. I thought I was replying to JohnLaw. Forgive me.

I thought so. Just had to make that smart ass reply. You are forgiven. LOL

I deserved it for not paying attention to the post. I corrected it.
Trump declaring a victory for himself before the massive amount of absentee votes are counted, is him trying to set off protests and chaos.

Leaders do not get to pick themselves as a winner in a democracy or democratic Republic... the citizens pick their leaders through their vote.... votes have to be counted...our constitution does not allow for a wannabe dictator to pick himself as winner.
I'm sorry, I must have missed the article of the Constitution that tells the President what he can't say.
What part is that again? Not here you say?
What about the 1st Amendment, is that still there?
Declaring victory does not make it true for DT just as like lefty declarations that they will try to help you for REALS this time
Right, it just makes it another Trump lie, to cause chaos and riots....
Wow, so if Trump does something you don't like you all may riot some more? When did you ever stop?
The betas & emo queens of the left will do what they always do- totally lose control and let their delusional emotional responses drive them even more insane.
Why do you all always burn down your own cities & neighborhoods?
I'll give you a hint- you are something that starts with M & rhymes with lentil
Trump knows it will cause anger and chaos.....

What kind of leader would CHOOSE to do such a thing? And WHY would he CHOOSE to do such a thing?

I am hoping he wouldn't, and the article reporting this, got it wrong.... you should be hoping they got it wrong, too.
Trump declaring a victory for himself before the massive amount of absentee votes are counted, is him trying to set off protests and chaos.

Leaders do not get to pick themselves as a winner in a democracy or democratic Republic... the citizens pick their leaders through their vote.... votes have to be counted...our constitution does not allow for a wannabe dictator to pick himself as winner.

The vote will be overwhelming on election night (I hope), then it will be great entertainment watching you libs rend your garments in anguish....BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!
If the vote is overwhelming for one candidatee, Joe, or the other candidate, Donald, and there is no possibility of the remaining amount of votes to be counted can change the early vote winner, then the press will report such, and that s fine n dandy....

That's how it has always worked.

Calling the win prematurely, is what would be a problem, and cause chaos, and make us a Banana-esque Republic...
Trump is going to lose the American people's vote by at least 5 to 10 million votes....the majority of citizens do not support the crook or big swamp he brought with him.

How the electoral college works out, is another story....

Yep, he will lose. Most people want higher taxes, especially on our job creators at a time like this. Most people who can't afford healthcare insurance want the government stealing their tax refund. Most people want their suburbs destroyed by government inserting low-income, high-crime lowlifes in their neighborhood and schools. Most people want to see the price of their energy double or more. Most people respect a candidate associated with an FBI money laundering investigation. Most people want to be under a federal lockdown and forced to wear masks. Most mothers who have daughters involved in school athletics want to see the federal government forcing schools to include boys in dresses to compete against their daughter.

How could Trump possibly win?
Trump declaring a victory for himself before the massive amount of absentee votes are counted, is him trying to set off protests and chaos.

Leaders do not get to pick themselves as a winner in a democracy or democratic Republic... the citizens pick their leaders through their vote.... votes have to be counted...our constitution does not allow for a wannabe dictator to pick himself as winner.
I'm sorry, I must have missed the article of the Constitution that tells the President what he can't say.
What part is that again? Not here you say?
What about the 1st Amendment, is that still there?
Declaring victory does not make it true for DT just as like lefty declarations that they will try to help you for REALS this time
Right, it just makes it another Trump lie, to cause chaos and riots....
Wow, so if Trump does something you don't like you all may riot some more? When did you ever stop?
The betas & emo queens of the left will do what they always do- totally lose control and let their delusional emotional responses drive them even more insane.
Why do you all always burn down your own cities & neighborhoods?
I'll give you a hint- you are something that starts with M & rhymes with lentil
Trump knows it will cause anger and chaos.....

What kind of leader would CHOOSE to do such a thing? And WHY would he CHOOSE to do such a thing?

I am hoping he wouldn't, and the article reporting this, got it wrong.... you should be hoping they got it wrong, too.
Well, when it becomes clear to everybody without a mental disorder that Trump has won the election, why wouldn't he claim victory?
I fully expect the Dems to try to claim "victory" as well. When that doesn't work, they will tacitly encourage violence against Trump & his supporters.
Their fascist supporters will burn down what's left of the cities that allow this crap and probably drive even more of the people over to Team Trump.
Pretty soon, even the most loyal Dems with a bit of brain function remaining will realize it is not the same party as they remember & full marxist/fascist isn't where they want to go. They will leave too.
Just spit ballin' here
Trump is going to lose the American people's vote by at least 5 to 10 million votes....the majority of citizens do not support the crook or big swamp he brought with him.

How the electoral college works out, is another story....

Yep, he will lose. Most people want higher taxes, especially on our job creators at a time like this. Most people who can't afford healthcare insurance want the government stealing their tax refund. Most people want their suburbs destroyed by government inserting low-income, high-crime lowlifes in their neighborhood and schools. Most people want to see the price of their energy double or more. Most people respect a candidate associated with an FBI money laundering investigation. Most people want to be under a federal lockdown and forced to wear masks. Most mothers who have daughters involved in school athletics want to see the federal government forcing schools to include boys in dresses to compete against their daughter.

How could Trump possibly win?

Why do you ask, is Joe Biden lying on his own website?
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
More anonymous BS eh? Dismissed.
As a consequence of Trump’s dishonesty, he’ll do anything to win, no matter how wrong, reprehensible, or unethical.
It seems that's been the game plan from your tribe over the last 4 years. just an observation
So what? Banana Republicans have already declared their old Trumpybear is above the law.

The States are the ones who declare victory for one or the other candidate, not the candidates.

Maybe he can get his Brown Shirt Trucksters from Texas to support his "Election Night Coup" but nobody else will.

I project that his rally cry will be


And all his follower will obediantly respond.


Of course we all know what the Count is all about now due to this newly uncovered video..

aHHH.. Seasame Street-------------for all the little kids in the dem party. Fitting.

The Count is going to be indicted for his conduct that video. Just as sure as the Bidens will be for Rudy's recording.

Dirty Count, dirty.

Sesame Street makes my eyes glaze over. Sorry...never a fan.
So what? Banana Republicans have already declared their old Trumpybear is above the law.

The States are the ones who declare victory for one or the other candidate, not the candidates.

Maybe he can get his Brown Shirt Trucksters from Texas to support his "Election Night Coup" but nobody else will.

I project that his rally cry will be


And all his follower will obediantly respond.


Of course we all know what the Count is all about now due to this newly uncovered video..

aHHH.. Seasame Street-------------for all the little kids in the dem party. Fitting.

The Count is going to be indicted for his conduct that video. Just as sure as the Bidens will be for Rudy's recording.

Dirty Count, dirty.

Sesame Street makes my eyes glaze over. Sorry...never a fan.

Actually it's just a funny use of "bleeps" to make it sound dirty.
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
My gawd what a jump--------If Trump declares victory when he is shown to be ahead on election night, you think this is somehow disenfranchising voters? Say what? Elections are declared every year without all the votes counted dear--------
If he says he's ahead, fine. If he says he's won when there are still enough uncounted votes out to show a Biden win, Trump is trying to steal an election.
If he says he's ahead, fine. If he says he's won when there are still enough uncounted votes out to show a Biden win, Trump is trying to steal an election.

Nobody is not going to vote because they are tuned into Trump and he says he won. Let Biden do the same thing. Who cares? It wouldn't stop one Trump voter from going out.
Nobody is not going to vote because they are tuned into Trump and he says he won. Let Biden do the same thing. Who cares? It wouldn't stop one Trump voter from going out.
If Trump declares victory despite the votes not being counted, he is needlessly damaging the integrity of the election. It’s bad for the country.
no hes not,,,

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