Trump’s plan to steal the election: Declare Victory Prematurely?

Nobody is not going to vote because they are tuned into Trump and he says he won. Let Biden do the same thing. Who cares? It wouldn't stop one Trump voter from going out.
If Trump declares victory despite the votes not being counted, he is needlessly damaging the integrity of the election. It’s bad for the country.
So? He will have stolen the election fair and square by simply declaring victory.

FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what we need to deal with the Communists, Moon Bats and BLM terrorists that will riot after the Trump victory:

President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
My gawd what a jump--------If Trump declares victory when he is shown to be ahead on election night, you think this is somehow disenfranchising voters? Say what? Elections are declared every year without all the votes counted dear--------
ONLY declared by the media if the remaining votes to be counted can not overcome the votes in hand's results.

And nothing declared on election night by the news or candidate is valid....the states by law have to count all of their votes before they are certified, and count.

December 14th is the absolute cut off to count and certify State votes/electoral college... I believe? Maybe it is the 7th, but the 14th is the day the electoral college votes?

And that electoral college vote is not certified until January 6th, if no congress critter objects in writing.... if they do object...not certain what happens?

(Jan 3rd, a new Congress is sworn in....
Those who won in previous Nov election....)
OH my bloody gawd--------candidates like Trump also declare victory on election night. You nuts are attacking trump for what he may or may not do just like every other presidential candidate. You guys need to grow the hell up and get some damn morals.
No candidate decides themselves, to be declared the winner....on election night. Media makes the call, when there are enough votes in hand, that can overcome any remaining votes to be counted.... not a minute before.

The candidate does not make some whimsical declaration, on their own.....

I don't know if Trump plans to do what the article claims.... hopefully Trump won't jump the gun.

He's going to do it partly to create CHAOS. Very dangerous, autocratic behavior.
THIS for anyone who doubts Donald's plans.

Quid Pro Joe has hired over 600 lawyers, Dummy.

back to mind reading I see,,,

youre the one thats done nothing but spoke buzzwords and collective thought not me,,,
I don’t have to read your mind. I read your posts.

Unless you post things you don’t believe. Which would make you a troll.
that only makes you gullible and easily controlled,,,

It is pretty weird to call someone gullible for believing you’re posting with honesty and integrity.

I guess I should stop assuming you’re those things.
do what you want,, I aint the boss of you,,,
You don’t seem like the boss of anyone. Just another useful idiot.
how am I useful if I didnt vote for him???
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
My gawd what a jump--------If Trump declares victory when he is shown to be ahead on election night, you think this is somehow disenfranchising voters? Say what? Elections are declared every year without all the votes counted dear--------
ONLY declared by the media if the remaining votes to be counted can not overcome the votes in hand's results.

And nothing declared on election night by the news or candidate is valid....the states by law have to count all of their votes before they are certified, and count.

December 14th is the absolute cut off to count and certify State votes/electoral college... I believe? Maybe it is the 7th, but the 14th is the day the electoral college votes?

And that electoral college vote is not certified until January 6th, if no congress critter objects in writing.... if they do object...not certain what happens?

(Jan 3rd, a new Congress is sworn in....
Those who won in previous Nov election....)
OH my bloody gawd--------candidates like Trump also declare victory on election night. You nuts are attacking trump for what he may or may not do just like every other presidential candidate. You guys need to grow the hell up and get some damn morals.
No candidate decides themselves, to be declared the winner....on election night. Media makes the call, when there are enough votes in hand, that can overcome any remaining votes to be counted.... not a minute before.

The candidate does not make some whimsical declaration, on their own.....

I don't know if Trump plans to do what the article claims.... hopefully Trump won't jump the gun.

He's going to do it partly to create CHAOS. Very dangerous, autocratic behavior.
THIS for anyone who doubts Donald's plans.

Better stock up on coloring books and binkies.
I guess some of you forgot Trump saying that if he lost, it was because the dems cheated, and that was over a month ago. He's actually declared himself the winner in a roundabout way.

He already stole the election.. You clowns can all stay home's over.

FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This isn’t about getting people to vote or not vote. This is about getting people to accept the outcome.

That's what you're concerned about? Did blaming Russia interference help people accept the outcome? How about Diebold machines? How about the Supreme Court? How about hanging chads? How about gerrymandering? How about Voter-ID? How about polling places closing?

When it comes to convincing people not to accept the outcome, nobody comes close to you guys.
This isn’t about getting people to vote or not vote. This is about getting people to accept the outcome.

That's what you're concerned about? Did blaming Russia interference help people accept the outcome? How about Diebold machines? How about the Supreme Court? How about hanging chads? How about gerrymandering? How about Voter-ID? How about polling places closing?

When it comes to convincing people not to accept the outcome, nobody comes close to you guys.
But Russians did interfere. You can’t criticize people for telling the truth.

Trump declaring victory before votes being counted is not telling the truth.
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.

Trump has now denied he will do this, but if we know one thing about Trump, his word his crap. He can change his mind on a whim.

So, if Trump declares victory prematurely and attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, how many of you will believe him. How many of you will take to the streets or go on forums like this and rage about stolen elections when Biden takes the lead after Trump declares victory.

I find it incredulous that anyone would still believe any words or statements that come out of Trump’s mouth, but I also realize there are thinking adults out there who believe Trump no matter how inane or prevaricating his words are.
My gawd what a jump--------If Trump declares victory when he is shown to be ahead on election night, you think this is somehow disenfranchising voters? Say what? Elections are declared every year without all the votes counted dear--------

Uhmmm NO. The votes have never once in American history all been counted on the eve of an election.
I didnt say that they were........I said that politicians have been claiming victory the night of the election despite not all the votes being counted.

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