Trump's poll numbers are inflated by at least 5% due to...

Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.
You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.

Right you are…I’m still trying to figure out what
Mac1958 means by my losing my mind…

PS: It’s insightful that you and I are agreeing on this and we’re on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum. LOL
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you write this shit just to come off as middle of the road? The behavior of the left has nothing to do with the right's rabid support for Trump. Their main issue is skin color. They will tell you so themselves on this very forum. All the damn time. Yeah, both sides act like shit, but the support Trump gets is from 2 sources; people who are happy with the economy and older white people who are afraid of demographic changes.
The behavior of the Left is up to the Left.

It's a choice they make. No one is being forced to do anything.

No spin or deflection will change that.
Last edited:
I've never had faith that they would win, a hope perhaps, but deep down inside my gut, my fear has been and still is....they are going to mess it up somehow.... it's that same sinking feeling that happened in 2004, when Bush2 won his second term, when the Dems should have won it, in a land side.

People are going nuts, because we have never in our history had such a disgusting in every manner, President like Trump...and every day he comes out and bashes Democrats, and bashes them and bashes them in his continual tweeting and campaigning, while he is suppose to be working for all of us and being a President of all of the Nation..... morning noon and night we deal with lies and lies and lies.....

And people are definitely cracking! :eek:

Like Obama was a President for all the people? Remember we have records of what he said about Republicans.

...and Hillary's 'basket of deplorables' comment as well as a litany of tirades from public figures and elected officials denouncing conservatives in general that go back long before Trump's arrival.

There's definitely a case of willful amnesia going around.

Trump can be crass and abrasive. But where have smooth talking professional politicians gotten us?
You people and your still struggle to make a distinction between legal and illegal. Funny shit!
The question asked per your link was....
”Is immigration IN GENERAL good or bad for the U.S.”
The question that should have been asked is...
”Is ILLEGAL immigration good or bad for the U.S.”
Come on can do better. Stop making a complete ass of yourself bud.

Again, you guys care about the whole "illegal" thing. Most people don't.

Most people think our immigration laws need to be fixed, that the Dreamers should get legal status, and we shouldn't put kids in cages.
The behavior of the Left is up to the Left.

It's a choice they make. No one is being forced to do anything.

No spin or deflection will change that.

Stormy Mac thinks they all need to sell out to Trump like he has.

The Behavior of the Left is just fine and appropriate.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.

Many people don't get that WE DIDN'T WANT A PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN for president. Hello the pro politicians have created a giant freaking mess, shit trade deals, $20 trillion in out of control debt, sky high taxes, roads and bridges gone to shit, a whopping $400 billion in government waste and fraud in a single year. Trump isn't perfect and he's not a polished lowlife scumbag professional politician HELLO that's why we elected him.

You think these so call professional politicians are any different from Trump when the camera is turned off? Hell no. They lie to you about who they are, at least with Trump we know who the guy is.

The Titanic was built by professionals.

The Ark was built by a layman.

How did that turn out?
...and Hillary's 'basket of deplorables' comment as well as a litany of tirades from public figures and elected officials denouncing conservatives in general that go back long before Trump's arrival.

There's definitely a case of willful amnesia going around.

um, Hillary's comments about "Deplorables" describes THESE People.


Who have gotten a voice in Trump Land.

In the same statement, she said, "Um, yeah, there are a lot of people supporting Trump who have legit concerns about the economy.

Trump can be crass and abrasive. But where have smooth talking professional politicians gotten us?

A government that does whatever we want it to?

Here's the real problem. We don't reward politicians for "honesty". The last honest politician was Walter Mondale, who said, "Um, yeah, taxes need to go up." He lost 49 states, and Ronnie Ray-gun raised taxes anyway.

The problem with Trump isn't that's he's crass, it's that he's hateful, mean spirited and racist.

Entering a country illegally is not moral. It takes resources away from the actual citizens and wastes taxpayers money plus when they steal hard working citizens identity is causes the citizens hours of time, money and stress.

Okay, a couple of problems with that statement.

The first is this sort of shit was said about the Irish, Germans and Poles at various times in our history, and it wasn't true then, it isn't true now. Most Americans don't want to do the jobs these people are doing.

second, most Identity theft isn't undocumented workers, it's normal Americans who are scammers.

Third, wanting to get your kid out of war zone is moral.

We don’t need to put them jail, camps, we need to send them directly back into their home country and let them know there is a legal way to enter.

If we send them back to their home countries, they'll probably be killed, but you are okay with that.

It's not like we are talking about white people here.
The Titanic was built by professionals.

The Ark was built by a layman.

How did that turn out?

The Ark never happened. That's how that turned out. The Ark is a fucking myth.

Meanwhile, professionals built thousands of ships that didn't sink.

But, um, yeah, if you drive a boat into a big chunk of ice, it will probably sink, no matter how professional the people who built it was.
Wow...that was just chocked full of well thought out ideas - each one backed up by a link from an unbiased source.

Oops.'s nothing but a rambling diatribe backed up by absolutely nothing of substance. Not a link to an article, opinion poll, scientific article...nothing. Plus, not the slightest hint of a suggestion of what they should do or not do specifically

Nothing but the INCREDIBLY arrogant ramblings from an INCREDIBLY arrogant guy/boy.

Clearly you just started this because you want lots of Trumpbots to tell you how smart you are. You were obviously starving for praise, so you started a thread on nothing but insulting the left on a righty-dominated board.

What motivates Stormy Mac is he thinks the Democrats should be more like the Republicans and think they should spend more time pandering to working class whites about their imagined plight.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.
You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.

Right you are…I’m still trying to figure out what
Mac1958 means by my losing my mind…

PS: It’s insightful that you and I are agreeing on this and we’re on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum. LOL
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.
You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.

Right you are…I’m still trying to figure out what
Mac1958 means by my losing my mind…

PS: It’s insightful that you and I are agreeing on this and we’re on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum. LOL
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
Life exists on a continuum. And if, after reading my posts and the nasty, hateful posts of most others here, you think I call people names - well, this place is even MORE fascinating now.

Thanks again. As always.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.
You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.

Right you are…I’m still trying to figure out what
Mac1958 means by my losing my mind…

PS: It’s insightful that you and I are agreeing on this and we’re on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum. LOL
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
Mac is always bipartisan his sig says so.
You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.

Right you are…I’m still trying to figure out what
Mac1958 means by my losing my mind…

PS: It’s insightful that you and I are agreeing on this and we’re on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum. LOL
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
Mac is always bipartisan his sig says so.
Actually, it says quite the opposite.

Gawd, this place is one fascinating study.
So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.

Right you are…I’m still trying to figure out what
Mac1958 means by my losing my mind…

PS: It’s insightful that you and I are agreeing on this and we’re on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum. LOL
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
Mac is always bipartisan his sig says so.
Actually, it says quite the opposite.

Gawd, this place is one fascinating study.
Your sig says you are partisan?
Right you are…I’m still trying to figure out what
Mac1958 means by my losing my mind…

PS: It’s insightful that you and I are agreeing on this and we’re on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum. LOL
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
Mac is always bipartisan his sig says so.
Actually, it says quite the opposite.

Gawd, this place is one fascinating study.
Your sig says you are partisan?
Sure. Whatever you perceive.
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
Mac is always bipartisan his sig says so.
Actually, it says quite the opposite.

Gawd, this place is one fascinating study.
Your sig says you are partisan?
Sure. Whatever you perceive.
I said your sig says you are bipartisan, you said it says quite the opposite. What am I supposed to perceive?
I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
Mac is always bipartisan his sig says so.
Actually, it says quite the opposite.

Gawd, this place is one fascinating study.
Your sig says you are partisan?
Sure. Whatever you perceive.
I said your sig says you are bipartisan, you said it says quite the opposite. What am I supposed to perceive?
Perceive whatever your partisan ideological thought process determine.

That's what's going to happen anyway, regardless of what I say.
...and Hillary's 'basket of deplorables' comment as well as a litany of tirades from public figures and elected officials denouncing conservatives in general that go back long before Trump's arrival.

There's definitely a case of willful amnesia going around.

um, Hillary's comments about "Deplorables" describes THESE People.

View attachment 200660

Who have gotten a voice in Trump Land.

In the same statement, she said, "Um, yeah, there are a lot of people supporting Trump who have legit concerns about the economy.

Ummm, not a few - fully her words...

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

Considering that 63 million people were Trump supporters in the 2016 election - that puts 33 million Americans in her basket of deplorables - a number many times greater that those at the rally in the pic you posted.

Trump can be crass and abrasive. But where have smooth talking professional politicians gotten us?

A government that does whatever we want it to?

Wouldn't that be a refreshing change. Ironically, it seems, due to the improvement in the economy, higher employment across the board including minorities, largest increase in wage growth in a decade, satisfaction with the direction of the country is ticking up - except for the Democrats who are holding the line at 13%, apparently disapproving of such good news.
Satisfaction With U.S. Direction Reaches 12-Year High

Here's the real problem. We don't reward politicians for "honesty". The last honest politician was Walter Mondale, who said, "Um, yeah, taxes need to go up." He lost 49 states, and Ronnie Ray-gun raised taxes anyway.

I agree with the first statement - the second is just partisan hyperbole.

We don't want to hear that 'adjustments' will have to be made to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security if we hope to keep them. We don't want to hear that Medicare and Social Security alone account for 62% of all federal spending and growing.

The problem with Trump isn't that's he's crass, it's that he's hateful, mean spirited and racist.

View attachment 200661

Yeah, yeah, yeah I feel your pain. I thought the same about Obama.

You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.

Right you are…I’m still trying to figure out what
Mac1958 means by my losing my mind…

PS: It’s insightful that you and I are agreeing on this and we’re on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum. LOL
Yet another lovely example of the first line of my sig, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I can't see whatever you are so proud of. Have you ever wondered why every thread that you participate in results in your calling people names and referring to you signature?
Life exists on a continuum. And if, after reading my posts and the nasty, hateful posts of most others here, you think I call people names - well, this place is even MORE fascinating now.

Thanks again. As always.

Whatever. I just asked how I supposedly "lost my mind" and you go on with your standard bullshit about "wingers" and such nonsense.

It's a message board. If you don't want the discussion...don't participate.

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