Trump's poll numbers are inflated by at least 5% due to...

Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

There was a Dem party leader in Ohio right after the election saying he told left wing Dem's they were going to lose, but they didn't listen. And after they lost he told them see and they refused to believe the loss had anything to do with the left. The guy was about to go postal on his own party.
The democrats cannot stop using identity politics. They have gone way too far and done way too much damage. Long term irreversible damage.

Let me ask you a question. Really a rhetorical question to illustrate how bad it is.

When are we going to aww the educational system, Hollywood (all entertainment) and the main stream media NOT push identity politics?

Give an example. Black "history month." When will schools bring up the Trans Sahara slave Trade? How about the Barbary coast slave trade? How about the numbers of black slave owners in this country and how many blacks fought for the confederacy?

No, it is ALL IDENTITY POLITICS and that ALL THEY ARE. They are not just going to stop. The funny thing is Mac is making fun of that stuff, but he also believes it. All at the same time. Read carefully what he says. He plays both sides but he is a socialist.
My specific positions on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I've made it as simple and clear as I can.

You wingers (both ends) can make up anything you want. I know how you are. But it's all right there.
Trumps doing a pretty damned good job with zero pay! The more the assholes on the left attack him and his family the more they lose!


The left should be on suicide watch as these three states don’t take kindly to how the left are behaving.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.

You have so very much to learn.

What someone or a group says is irrelevant, immaterial and distracting.

The only way to judge a person is by what they DO. President Donald Trump is doing an extraordinary job. The meeting he was told by Progressives was foolish and showed his ignorance about North Korea is yielding results. Will it result in a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula? We'll have to wait and see.

Thus far Trump's efforts have returned three North Korean prisoners, alive and well. Unlike failed former President Barack Hussein Obama whose feeble efforts and pleas to the Warmbier family to keep quiet resulted in a beaten, tortured comatose prisoner being returned to his parents.

In addition, we have had ongoing talks and over 250 of our dead heroes from the Korean War returned to their families.

Then there are the recent blockbuster revelations from the IG report with more to come.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

Something stronger Mac, something much stronger. :SMILEW~130:

I came of age in the 60's, a tumultuous time of violence, assassinations and hatred. After surviving that I believed we could survive anything - now I'm not so sure. The hatred spewed by a few on here is no more significant to me than a gnat on an elephants back - it's what's coming from public figures, celebrities and so-called journalists that is of concern.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

There was a Dem party leader in Ohio right after the election saying he told left wing Dem's they were going to lose, but they didn't listen. And after they lost he told them see and they refused to believe the loss had anything to do with the left. The guy was about to go postal on his own party.
The democrats cannot stop using identity politics. They have gone way too far and done way too much damage. Long term irreversible damage.

Let me ask you a question. Really a rhetorical question to illustrate how bad it is.

When are we going to aww the educational system, Hollywood (all entertainment) and the main stream media NOT push identity politics?

Give an example. Black "history month." When will schools bring up the Trans Sahara slave Trade? How about the Barbary coast slave trade? How about the numbers of black slave owners in this country and how many blacks fought for the confederacy?

No, it is ALL IDENTITY POLITICS and that ALL THEY ARE. They are not just going to stop. The funny thing is Mac is making fun of that stuff, but he also believes it. All at the same time. Read carefully what he says. He plays both sides but he is a socialist.
My specific positions on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I've made it as simple and clear as I can.

You wingers (both ends) can make up anything you want. I know how you are. But it's all right there.
You act as though none of us free market conservatives never criticize Trump.

I asked you for the long list of racist things he said and I asked for the reasons he is such a disaster.

You provided very little.

The left can be summed up just with the NK issue. One of the biggest moments in the last half a century (top 5 moments) in getting the armistice to end after 70 years, a monumental Summit, and same exact pieces of shit who insisted ONE YEAR AGO that HIS POLICIES were going to cause a NUCLEAR FUCKING WAR, are the exact same one who now INSIST his policies had NOTHING TO DO with the peace talks. THAT IS WHO THEY FUCKING ARE!!!!!!!!


I have stopped wasting my time. You then claim he is such a joke, just like the ones YOU CLAIM are lost are saying.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

Something stronger Mac, something much stronger. :SMILEW~130:

I came of age in the 60's, a tumultuous time of violence, assassinations and hatred. After surviving that I believed we could survive anything - now I'm not so sure. The hatred spewed by a few on here is no more significant to me than a gnat on an elephants back - it's what's coming from public figures, celebrities and so-called journalists that is of concern.
That is EXACTLY my concern, too.

If this behavior were confined to some silly wingers on an internet message board, who cares. But this is everywhere now.

I don't know if this is some kind of political PTSD from Trump's win, or if it's who they really are, just coming out.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

There was a Dem party leader in Ohio right after the election saying he told left wing Dem's they were going to lose, but they didn't listen. And after they lost he told them see and they refused to believe the loss had anything to do with the left. The guy was about to go postal on his own party.
The democrats cannot stop using identity politics. They have gone way too far and done way too much damage. Long term irreversible damage.

Let me ask you a question. Really a rhetorical question to illustrate how bad it is.

When are we going to aww the educational system, Hollywood (all entertainment) and the main stream media NOT push identity politics?

Give an example. Black "history month." When will schools bring up the Trans Sahara slave Trade? How about the Barbary coast slave trade? How about the numbers of black slave owners in this country and how many blacks fought for the confederacy?

No, it is ALL IDENTITY POLITICS and that ALL THEY ARE. They are not just going to stop. The funny thing is Mac is making fun of that stuff, but he also believes it. All at the same time. Read carefully what he says. He plays both sides but he is a socialist.
My specific positions on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I've made it as simple and clear as I can.

You wingers (both ends) can make up anything you want. I know how you are. But it's all right there.
You act as though none of us free market conservatives never criticize Trump.

I asked you for the long list of racist things he said and I asked for the reasons he is such a disaster.

You provided very little.

The left can be summed up just with the NK issue. One of the biggest moments in the last half a century (top 5 moments) in getting the armistice to end after 70 years, a monumental Summit, and same exact pieces of shit who insisted ONE YEAR AGO that HIS POLICIES were going to cause a NUCLEAR FUCKING WAR, are the exact same one who now INSIST his policies had NOTHING TO DO with the peace talks. THAT IS WHO THEY FUCKING ARE!!!!!!!!


I have stopped wasting my time. You then claim he is such a joke, just like the ones YOU CLAIM are lost are saying.
Great, thanks!
MarkleKeys believes that an extraordinary job consists of

1. a photo op with Kim and absolutely nothing on a nuclear-free peninsula;

2. blaming Obama for the sun going down at night.

3. believing the Norks will return our war dead without any evidence of that happening.

4. and thinking the IG report meant anything in terms of the coming election.

Hope ever burns bright in Markle's breast.
What does concern me is the hatred here by a few prog left and by so many of the Alt Right/Russian bloc.

I am glad that the Alt Right Russophiles were beaten down at Charlottesville when they attempted to rise up, but I am also concerned that the prog left was so happy do beat those criminals down.
Never did I think the Left was going to completely lose its mind like this. The raw, uncontrolled hatred is just stunning. It's hard to put into words.

Here I was, all comfy in the thought the Dems would win back the House, maybe the Senate, and this Trump thing would start to lose its edge. And then, just when I get to that point, the entire Left has become completely fucking unglued. It seems like they're getting worse every freakin' day, unable to control themselves, willing to debase themselves for anything.

If the Dems blow this, they deserve whatever they get. This has to be helping Trump's numbers, at least a bit.

Yes, Stormy, we all need to be little Quislings like you are and kiss the great man's ass.

Reality check. Hatred of the guy in the White House has flipped Congress three times in my lifetime, and none of them were the troll Trump is.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

If the left would just shut up, the House and maybe the Senate would go to the Democrats and in 2020 a Democrat could make Trump a one termed which is all I thought he was.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

If the left would just shut up, the House and maybe the Senate would go to the Democrats and in 2020 a Democrat could make Trump a one termed which is all I thought he was.
I suspect they'll still do well, but it would be nice if these people could just hold in the ugly hate for a few months.

Then they could be back to being what they are.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

If the left would just shut up, the House and maybe the Senate would go to the Democrats and in 2020 a Democrat could make Trump a one termed which is all I thought he was.
I suspect they'll still do well, but it would be nice if these people could just hold in the ugly hate for a few months.

Then they could be back to being what they are.

I thought that they could win the House going away, now I think they will pick up a few seats.
If the left would just shut up, the House and maybe the Senate would go to the Democrats and in 2020 a Democrat could make Trump a one termed which is all I thought he was.

Meh, not really. They'll probably still take the house. The Senate was always a reach because there were too few Republican Seats up this time because the Dems did so well in 2006 and 2012.

I suspect they'll still do well, but it would be nice if these people could just hold in the ugly hate for a few months.

Then they could be back to being what they are.

It makes Stormy Mac Sad to see people complaining about concentration camps!

You big meanies, why are you complaining about the Concentration Camps?
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

If the left would just shut up, the House and maybe the Senate would go to the Democrats and in 2020 a Democrat could make Trump a one termed which is all I thought he was.
I suspect they'll still do well, but it would be nice if these people could just hold in the ugly hate for a few months.

Then they could be back to being what they are.

I thought that they could win the House going away, now I think they will pick up a few seats.
I'm lousy at predicting this stuff, but I still think they'll take the House.

They've just lost their shit so badly that the chances that Trump will do something dumb are now no worse than the chances the Left will do something dumb.

It's like they have some kind of hate-fueled Tourette's.
I'm lousy at predicting this stuff, but I still think they'll take the House.

They've just lost their shit so badly that the chances that Trump will do something dumb are now no worse than the chances the Left will do something dumb.

It's like they have some kind of hate-fueled Tourette's.

Yes, Stormy, clearly objecting to Trump's Nazi tactics is unhinged.

We all warned you the concentration camps were coming, and now that we have, you know, actual concentration camps, you are in denial.

It wasn't the rabid Nazi that kept Hitler in power, it was the gutless person who knew he was a clown and didn't stand up to him.
Never did I think the Left was going to completely lose its mind like this. The raw, uncontrolled hatred is just stunning. It's hard to put into words.

Here I was, all comfy in the thought the Dems would win back the House, maybe the Senate, and this Trump thing would start to lose its edge. And then, just when I get to that point, the entire Left has become completely fucking unglued. It seems like they're getting worse every freakin' day, unable to control themselves, willing to debase themselves for anything.

If the Dems blow this, they deserve whatever they get. This has to be helping Trump's numbers, at least a bit.
I've never had faith that they would win, a hope perhaps, but deep down inside my gut, my fear has been and still is....they are going to mess it up somehow.... it's that same sinking feeling that happened in 2004, when Bush2 won his second term, when the Dems should have won it, in a land side.

People are going nuts, because we have never in our history had such a disgusting in every manner, President like Trump...and every day he comes out and bashes Democrats, and bashes them and bashes them in his continual tweeting and campaigning, while he is suppose to be working for all of us and being a President of all of the Nation..... morning noon and night we deal with lies and lies and lies.....

And people are definitely cracking! :eek:

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