Trump's possible legacy

Proud Vet

Feb 6, 2017
Trump has the possibility to become the greatest president in American history!

Squelching political correctness, and turning this country back to common sense could cement his "best ever" presidency. The term "Political Correctness" is nearly as ignorant as the practice itself. There is nothing correct about politics in this country and there is certainly nothing correct about politicians. Political correctness has divided this country like nothing else since slavery.

If Trump can erase the foolish notion that we, as the people of this country, "HAVE TO" accept PC because people will protest if we don't.

If Trump can continue to wake the silent majority who simply sat back and said "it can't continue".

If Trump can rid us of biased media which has created a truly dangerous scenario for United States citizens.

If Trump can run this country as a business instead of a good old boys network.

He may very well be remembered as the president who saved the United States!

Let me give you an analogy: When we as parents were faced with that difficult decision of when to first allow our children to stay at home by themselves, while we went out to dinner for a couple hours, it was a very difficult process because we feared what could happen if we weren't their to protect them. And when we finally made that decision, we STRONGLY emphasized to the kids to lock the door and and admit "NO-ONE". So why do people of this country think it's okay to leave the doors to our country open to all? It's very simple, these people don't see our country as something to love and protect, they see the country as something to be gained from, something to be milked for everything they can get from it. And since the gracious hand of the government provides for them, they think of themselves as a humanitarian by making that hand available to all. These are also the people who oppose war simply because they are incapable of understanding that our way of life is worth protecting, they see it as a birthright, and they are not made strong enough fiber to fight for anything.

God bless Donal Trump and his efforts to save us from ourselves!

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