Trumps purpose was never a Muslim ban

He would be if ever a Middle East Christian shouted "Jesus is Great" before blowing himself and others up in a crowded mall, or fly planes into tall buildings.
Muslims didn't fly planes into our buildings.
Was it the Jews?

The Irish.

IRA is known for things like that

You mean the WAS known for things like that.

The Irish people reconciled their differences, like normal people usually do. The word "normal", sadly, excludes extreme Islamist terrorists, who are MUSLIMS.
I think Will was being sarcastic (like I was)
And they don't do it here, never did. I don't give a damn if the Sunnis and the Shiites blow each other up and shoot the shit out of each other from now to kingdom come as long as they have their war over there. It's when they bring it over here that I begin to have a problem.
Do you know the Irish are supposed to drink, by law?
He would be if ever a Middle East Christian shouted "Jesus is Great" before blowing himself and others up in a crowded mall, or fly planes into tall buildings.
Muslims didn't fly planes into our buildings.

The hell they didn't. Who do you think did then?

Radical Islamic (a subset of Muslems ) Terrorists!


Like...the radical subset of Christians that bomb abortion clinics and murder doctors.


Those are home grown, domestic terrorists and there is no way to vet them and keep them out of the country.

President Trump's plan woulld keep Muslim terrorists out of the country, to your chagrin, I assume..
Yes, it was always about banning Muslims. He is not worried about ME Christians, is he?
Where the hell have you ever been worried about ME Christians? You've never mentioned them until now.
You have never been concerned about them at all any more than I have been about Muslims in general from the ME. Why are you concerned about Muslims or Christians? Be concerned about radical jihadists and are own far right and alt right kooks, Mike.
I actually have been concerned about the ME Christians. They seem to have an uphill battle with the muslims. So how are you equating radical jihadists to the far right? How are you actually drawing that comparison?
I've noticed where the disconnect is with conservatives and progressives on trumps statements about banning Muslims. The issue is the context.

Conservatives see Trumps statements on banning Muslim in the context he made them. Trump saw the immigration issue as a national security issue. We need to keep Jihadists from entering the country to protect ourselves. His first instinct was to ban Muslims to keep jihadists out and was foolish enough to say it because of his political inexperience. He was quickly told he couldn't do that and revised his position. Why?

Because his intent was never banning Muslims. His intent was national security. Banning Muslims was his mean to those ends until he realized he couldn't do that. Then he focused on more tailored approach.

Progressives on the other hand think his intention is to ban Muslims. Presumably because he is a hatefilled islamophobe who wants to oppress minorities or some nonsense like that. They are completely losing the obvious national security issue with jihadists.

To conservatives his foolish statements were a means to an end: national security. Why? Because that's the context the statements were made. To progressives his statements were the ends and he is going to implement them by any means.

But trump never cared about banning Muslims in and of itself. Here are five reasons at prove that:

1) the context he made his statements were always wit national security in mind.

2) his executive order does not attempt to ban Muslims or any other group based on religion. it does not even attempt to apply to all muslims

3) it applies to all people in the affected countries regardless to religious iviewpoints

4) removing Iraq from the list when they complied with what the administration requested shows they never cared about banning Muslims.

5) the order has always been temporary, which makes no sense if the purpose was secretly to ban Muslims.

You can't get around Trump's own words:


"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

Former New York mayor Rudy W. Giuliani said President Trump wanted a “Muslim ban” and requested he assemble a commission to show him “the right way to do it legally.”

In the first Muslim ban
The order also says that the administration should "prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality"
So ISIS isn't slaughtering Christians?

ISIS is slaughtering a lot of people including a shitload of Muslims who happen to be the wrong brand.
And I should be concerned about that why? Them killing their own doesn't sound like a bad option to me.
I've noticed where the disconnect is with conservatives and progressives on trumps statements about banning Muslims. The issue is the context.

Conservatives see Trumps statements on banning Muslim in the context he made them. Trump saw the immigration issue as a national security issue. We need to keep Jihadists from entering the country to protect ourselves. His first instinct was to ban Muslims to keep jihadists out and was foolish enough to say it because of his political inexperience. He was quickly told he couldn't do that and revised his position. Why?

Because his intent was never banning Muslims. His intent was national security. Banning Muslims was his mean to those ends until he realized he couldn't do that. Then he focused on more tailored approach.

Progressives on the other hand think his intention is to ban Muslims. Presumably because he is a hatefilled islamophobe who wants to oppress minorities or some nonsense like that. They are completely losing the obvious national security issue with jihadists.

To conservatives his foolish statements were a means to an end: national security. Why? Because that's the context the statements were made. To progressives his statements were the ends and he is going to implement them by any means.

But trump never cared about banning Muslims in and of itself. Here are five reasons at prove that:

1) the context he made his statements were always wit national security in mind.

2) his executive order does not attempt to ban Muslims or any other group based on religion. it does not even attempt to apply to all muslims

3) it applies to all people in the affected countries regardless to religious iviewpoints

4) removing Iraq from the list when they complied with what the administration requested shows they never cared about banning Muslims.

5) the order has always been temporary, which makes no sense if the purpose was secretly to ban Muslims.

You can't get around Trump's own words:


"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

Former New York mayor Rudy W. Giuliani said President Trump wanted a “Muslim ban” and requested he assemble a commission to show him “the right way to do it legally.”

In the first Muslim ban
The order also says that the administration should "prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality"

When he tries to pass a total ban on muslims, then let the Judge block THAT! When THAT actually happens. Meanwhile, while he's trying to pass a temporary ban, all you guys need to grow up.
There's no reason he can't ban all muslims. It's well within his authority to do so.
What if it was a letting in Christian refugees from Syria plan?

The odd thing is - there are a lot of misconceptions going around.

For instance - that we are taking fewer Christians then Muslims in proportion to population. That is and isn't true. Among Iraqi refugees, we've taken in a greater number of Christians (relative to population) and in Syria - fewer. But the reasons for that aren't that obvious. Christians in Syria are a pretty prosperous, professionally educated minority. They are one of the many minority groups with ties to Assad's regime so Christian refugees can flee to regime controled territory and find safety. The other aspect is the Syrian Christian community is very close to the Lebonese Christian community and Syrian Christians are quite welcome in Lebenon - many have also fled there. That is one of the reasons so few are showing up as refugees. Unlike Iraq who's Christians have no place of safety to flee.
Muslims didn't fly planes into our buildings.

The hell they didn't. Who do you think did then?

Radical Islamic (a subset of Muslems ) Terrorists!


Like...the radical subset of Christians that bomb abortion clinics and murder doctors.


Those are home grown, domestic terrorists and there is no way to vet them and keep them out of the country.

President Trump's plan woulld keep Muslim terrorists out of the country, to your chagrin, I assume..

Home grown terrorists are a problem, but Trump's EO isn't about them as you well know. He's trying to prevent as many of the Muslim terrorists as possible from entering the USA and murdering as many Americans as possible.
What if it was a letting in Christian refugees from Syria plan?

The odd thing is - there are a lot of misconceptions going around.

For instance - that we are taking fewer Christians then Muslims in proportion to population. That is and isn't true. Among Iraqi refugees, we've taken in a greater number of Christians (relative to population) and in Syria - fewer. But the reasons for that aren't that obvious. Christians in Syria are a pretty prosperous, professionally educated minority. They are one of the many minority groups with ties to Assad's regime so Christian refugees can flee to regime controled territory and find safety. The other aspect is the Syrian Christian community is very close to the Lebonese Christian community and Syrian Christians are quite welcome in Lebenon - many have also fled there. That is one of the reasons so few are showing up as refugees. Unlike Iraq who's Christians have no place of safety to flee.

One minute. Are you saying there has been a priority on accepting Christians from Syria or what? Are you seriously claiming that?
I've noticed where the disconnect is with conservatives and progressives on trumps statements about banning Muslims. The issue is the context.

Conservatives see Trumps statements on banning Muslim in the context he made them. Trump saw the immigration issue as a national security issue. We need to keep Jihadists from entering the country to protect ourselves. His first instinct was to ban Muslims to keep jihadists out and was foolish enough to say it because of his political inexperience. He was quickly told he couldn't do that and revised his position. Why?

Because his intent was never banning Muslims. His intent was national security. Banning Muslims was his mean to those ends until he realized he couldn't do that. Then he focused on more tailored approach.

Progressives on the other hand think his intention is to ban Muslims. Presumably because he is a hatefilled islamophobe who wants to oppress minorities or some nonsense like that. They are completely losing the obvious national security issue with jihadists.

To conservatives his foolish statements were a means to an end: national security. Why? Because that's the context the statements were made. To progressives his statements were the ends and he is going to implement them by any means.

But trump never cared about banning Muslims in and of itself. Here are five reasons at prove that:

1) the context he made his statements were always wit national security in mind.

2) his executive order does not attempt to ban Muslims or any other group based on religion. it does not even attempt to apply to all muslims

3) it applies to all people in the affected countries regardless to religious iviewpoints

4) removing Iraq from the list when they complied with what the administration requested shows they never cared about banning Muslims.

5) the order has always been temporary, which makes no sense if the purpose was secretly to ban Muslims.

You can't get around Trump's own words:


"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

Former New York mayor Rudy W. Giuliani said President Trump wanted a “Muslim ban” and requested he assemble a commission to show him “the right way to do it legally.”

In the first Muslim ban
The order also says that the administration should "prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality"

When he tries to pass a total ban on muslims, then let the Judge block THAT! When THAT actually happens. Meanwhile, while he's trying to pass a temporary ban, all you guys need to grow up.
There's no reason he can't ban all muslims. It's well within his authority to do so.

Apparently it's not.
What if it was a letting in Christian refugees from Syria plan?

The odd thing is - there are a lot of misconceptions going around.

For instance - that we are taking fewer Christians then Muslims in proportion to population. That is and isn't true. Among Iraqi refugees, we've taken in a greater number of Christians (relative to population) and in Syria - fewer. But the reasons for that aren't that obvious. Christians in Syria are a pretty prosperous, professionally educated minority. They are one of the many minority groups with ties to Assad's regime so Christian refugees can flee to regime controled territory and find safety. The other aspect is the Syrian Christian community is very close to the Lebonese Christian community and Syrian Christians are quite welcome in Lebenon - many have also fled there. That is one of the reasons so few are showing up as refugees. Unlike Iraq who's Christians have no place of safety to flee.

One minute. Are you saying there has been a priority on accepting Christians from Syria or what?

No, there hasn't. Just that the first EO attempted to do that.

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