Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
I don’t know anything about it. Please do explain

'12th Imam,' Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fuels Middle East Turmoil

That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?
----------------------------- sure , i have rented to APOSTATE muslims years ago who had nice kids and we got along fine but they were damned Apostates according to their muslim religion Slade .
The left has been wrong on everything, they are wrong on this too.

Sit back and watch Trump win again.

The only question is what spin the insane left will put on his victory.
We're waiting. So far he's managed to tear up deals, huge investments in time and energy, but no one is rushing to him to sign anything. They know he's an unstable non-genious. I bet that trump continues to have zero new deals made through the end of 2018 but manages to tear up at least one more because he can't handle an actual involved diplomatic negotiation.

You might want to do a bit of research on your no new deals comment. And no, I won't do it for you.

you still don't get it. It's a lost subject for you. when you don't understand what you're talking about, it's tough to have a discussion. just saying. If you can't accept that trump had the authorization to do it, you're beyond objectivity and not worth any further debate. It's obvious you can't accept the fact that trump had the authorization.
You misunderstood me. I am not arguing Trump COULDN'T do this; of course he could. What I am hearing from just about everyone who knows stuff about Iran and the Middle East in general is that he SHOULDN'T have. I don't know how this will end anymore than you do. But right now I don't see Trump proceeding to a well thought out Plan B. I don't think he's got one. Meanwhile, Iran and Israel took the opportunity to lob missiles at each other a couple days ago. Yesterday the Trump administration said that if Israel goes to war with Iran, America will support them. What does that say to you?
except the people who live there - well they love it that trump has done this but you won't hear that in US media on either side really.

i can dig up links or just google and find some of your own. saudis were thrilled about it. other countries were thanking god. while europe russia and china are "not happy" - they don't live there. all the people who live there aside from iran and their friends, are happy about it.

so "should" would seem to be which direction you want to go. do we pretend that iran isn't making a bomb or trying to or do we admit they are and do something about it? why people seem to think iran has zero intentions to create a bomb that will "kill the infidels" is beyond me at times, but i'll keep talking to try and understand.

if the "treaty" had zero way to enforce, we shouldn't have done it. i felt the same way about the global warming "treaty" that had no teeth and all $$$ from the US.
I truly don't see any evidence that Iran is still building their nuclear weapons. The inspectors can't find it. If Israel knew where every Iranian installation in Syria was, and if the US knew where all the chemical weapons sites in Syria were, do you really think we wouldn't know if Iran was building a nuclear weapon? We know where NoKo was building theirs. Are we that stupid? The stuff Netanyahu said about Iran lying was from over a decade ago, prior to the JCPOA.
I don't pretend to know a whole lot about it, so if you've got a reputable source showing that Iran is in actuality continuing its nuclear weapon program, like with evidence or specifics at least, please link.

I truly don't see any evidence that Iran is still building their nuclear weapons. The inspectors can't find it.

Inspectors? What inspectors? Where?

The stuff Netanyahu said about Iran lying was from over a decade ago, prior to the JCPOA.

Wait, Iran lied? About nuclear facilities? Then how can you trust them now?
Because of the inspectors.

We're not sending inspectors, who is?
LOL! So cancelling an agreement that Iran's murderous mullahs were violating anyway and reimposing sanctions so that they don't have as much money to spend on spreading terrorism--yeah, that's gonna lead to war. Wow. Just wow.
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
I don’t know anything about it. Please do explain

'12th Imam,' Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fuels Middle East Turmoil

That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.

The Imam returns in a time of Global chaos. 12vers believe that THEY can speed his return by causing that chaos. This is why Iran has no fear at all of using whatever weapons they have. They believe that in starting that WW the Mahdi will return.
Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
I don’t know anything about it. Please do explain

'12th Imam,' Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fuels Middle East Turmoil

That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
I don’t know anything about it. Please do explain

'12th Imam,' Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fuels Middle East Turmoil

That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.

It may well be, but that is irrelevant. If they believe it, they have no reason to hesitate in an attempt to launch Armageddon.

Ergo, be ready to kill them before they can.

Here's an easy primer.

Muhammad al-Mahdi - Wikipedia
Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
----------------------------------------------- I'm no expert but but if asking Pismoe . Well 12ers are the 'shiite' majority in 'iran' and maybe all areas that 'shiites' are . 'ahmadinegad' was a 12er . 12ers are waiting for the 'mahdi' or the 'hidden imam' [ think he is also called] . I think that the 12ers 'mahdi' or 'imam' is waiting or hiding in a well until the end times Slade or Doc .

Close, Iran believes that they must create GLOBAL chaos to bring him back.
How wide spread is this belief?
---------------------------------------------------------------- If you are asking about 12ers , i think that iranians are 'shiite' which i think are the VAST majority of irans population . And of those 'shiites' i think that the vast majority of iranian 'shiites' are 12ers . And if i am correct its iran that is YOUR biggest worry and enemy because they support terror , want to destroy the big and little 'satans' known as Israel and the USA and are working towards building deliverable nukes that your 'mrobama' helped fund Slade .:afro:
Do you think they want to drop a nuke on Isreal?

They will if they can. They'd do it to the Saudi's, they'd do it to Israel and if they could they'd do it to us.
So, in other words, the road to peace is (1) to keep honoring a nuke deal that Iran's mullahs have been violating ever since we agreed to it, and (2) to refrain from reimposing sanctions on Iran so that the mullahs have hundreds of billions of dollars more to spend on whatever they want. You betcha. The mullahs are laughing at fools who think this.
thing is that if you look at muslim history they are a worrisome lot out to take over . If muslim history and theology aren't proof enough to you then see the things they do and say and protest for in England , France , Germany and some parts of the USA these past years . Or just ignore the things that muslims do in modern day in day out living in the WEST and in their shlthole type world Slade .
The West INSISTS on thinking that Radical Islam is rational. MOST Westerners don't now anything about true Islam.
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Jews are fine and are a credit to the countries that they inhabit for the most part . Jews do not do 'jihad' type activities or send their Jews to Western lands to do - hijrah - which is mohamads command to do jihad by immigration and to overwhelm established societies as is being done in Europe . And in fact even Poland understands the danger of muslims as i think that Poland has banned muslims importation into Poland SOB . .
The Mullahs in Iran are doomed. Trump should demand the immediate release of American hostages there, or else. They don't immediately put our folks on a plane home, it's all over for the Mullahs. Period, end of story.
Jews are fine and are a credit to the countries that they inhabit for the most part . Jews do not do 'jihad' type activities or send their Jews to Western lands to do - hijrah - which is mohamads command to do jihad by immigration and to overwhelm established societies as is being done in Europe . And in fact even Poland understands the danger of muslims as i think that Poland has banned muslims importation into Poland SOB . .

Not at all, Jews are the #1 Commies, #1 Gangsters, #1 Organ Traffickers, and #1 Pedos.
As usual we have dozens of chickenhawks cheering on ANOTHER middle eastern war for Israel where thousands of American boys and girls will die to enrich the military industrial complex and help Israel control the ME even more.ALL chickenhawks are pussies.
That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?
----------------------------- sure , i have rented to APOSTATE muslims years ago who had nice kids and we got along fine but they were damned Apostates according to their muslim religion Slade .
Did you engage with them much? Did you talk about Islam with them in detail?
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
I don’t know anything about it. Please do explain

'12th Imam,' Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fuels Middle East Turmoil

That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.

The Imam returns in a time of Global chaos. 12vers believe that THEY can speed his return by causing that chaos. This is why Iran has no fear at all of using whatever weapons they have. They believe that in starting that WW the Mahdi will return.
What makes you think that is their belief? Did you read about it or did you learn that from Muslims first hand? I’d love to see your sources

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