Trump's rallies...An abandonment of reality

Says the coward The Purge who won't keep his word

Speaking of bat shit crazy cowards, The Purge coward takes the case

Watching a Trump rally is a sight to behold regarding the cult mentality that has firmly possessed a minority of Trump acolytes.

Last night in WV, the crowd kept on chanting, "Lock her up".........This, while Trump selected campaign chief was found guilty of bank fraud, tax evasion charges....AND,while his personal"fixer" pleads guilty of various crimes, and implicates Trump the very least........unethical and scummy cover-ups, and election dirty dealings.

Further, the crowd kep on showing signs "praising: Trump of draining the swamp....And THIS while folks within the Trump cabinet have been fired or quit amid dozens of ethical charges.

What we see is deranged folks who have completely abandoned reality in favor of an almost "religious" frenzy of worshipping a demagogue and charlatan who simply repeats what these folks want to hear instead of trusting what reality yields........

The "mentality" of a cult is a sad thing to witness.

View attachment 212337
It is in fact a cult: blind obedience to the cult leader, Trump – to the exclusion of all facts and the truth.

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