Trump's respect for service members.

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Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

This would fall perfectly inline with what he said about McCain. So if kneeling is disrespectful, what is this?

Sounds like bullshit.

Because it is bull shit. A big steaming pile of bull shit. Trump loves the military and if I'm not mistaken he got raises for all of them. Long over due raises.

The op is bat shit crazy.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Trump supporters should demand the truth of this as a condition for their vote – but instead they’ll hide from it.

You are fucking moron......joe biden digitally raped a woman and you asshats don't care.....joe biden and his family got 1.5 billion dollars from the Chinese government and you don't spare us your opinion on what we should do, you moron.

4 unnamed sources...hmmmmmm...let's see......hilary clinton, barak obama, joe biden, kamala harris.........sound about right?
The sources are solid sources, people who were there when he spoke to the General whose son laid dead in the cemetery, and you have his Niece as another source...

No one is upset about your bull crud lies about Biden raping Tara, because Tara was never happened. Why would anyone be upset, with something that was fabricated, and never happened?

Who are afraid to give their names..............are they the same sources that gave us the Russian dossier?

How do you know Tara was lying? #metoo "believe all women"...unless the woman is accusing a democrat party politician who you guys still need.......right?
Who said ALL women MUST be believed? Got a link?
What did mccain do that was so bad? Probably said a decent thing about social security and Medicare, you know, 2 of the greatest accomplishments of this nation.

He insulted Trump's supporters, the vast majority of whom, were also McCain supporters, when he ran.

So, he deserved to be called out, and good for Trump that he did.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Trump supporters should demand the truth of this as a condition for their vote – but instead they’ll hide from it.

You are fucking moron......joe biden digitally raped a woman and you asshats don't care.....joe biden and his family got 1.5 billion dollars from the Chinese government and you don't spare us your opinion on what we should do, you moron.

4 unnamed sources...hmmmmmm...let's see......hilary clinton, barak obama, joe biden, kamala harris.........sound about right?
The sources are solid sources, people who were there when he spoke to the General whose son laid dead in the cemetery, and you have his Niece as another source...

No one is upset about your bull crud lies about Biden raping Tara, because Tara was never happened. Why would anyone be upset, with something that was fabricated, and never happened?

Who are afraid to give their names..............are they the same sources that gave us the Russian dossier?

How do you know Tara was lying? #metoo "believe all women"...unless the woman is accusing a democrat party politician who you guys still need.......right?
I think the witness who was there next to Gen Kelly, when Trump said it, gave his name.

Plus you have Trump himself wearing his emotions on his coat sleeve....

McCain was not a hero, The gold star Kahn family abuse by him....

McCain was an asshole who broke his word when he voted to protect obamacare........he attacked President Trump, then helped spread the fake Russian dossier...he was a loser at the end. The gold star family entered the political arena.........they opened themselves up to criticism..........

Oh you mean he wasn't captured, and he protected the ACA and was an opponent of tramp. So you sound just like tramp , no the Kahn family was abused by tramp.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Trump supporters should demand the truth of this as a condition for their vote – but instead they’ll hide from it.
Biden supporters should demand the truth of this as a condition for their vote – but instead they’ll hide from it.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
you lost it with the Guardian--HAHHAHAHAHA
..if you post links, they have to be credible and non-biased--or else you evidence is crap

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Come back when they have a real story not one backed by UN NAMED SOURCES

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Come back when they have a real story not one backed by UN NAMED SOURCES

I wonder if tramp was molested when he went to the boys military school, that is the only thing I can think of, who would say such a thing.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?

Anything you don't like is Fake News.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?

And previous reports said he colluded with Russia........

McCain was an asshole......who attacked Trump first and Trump responded....

Trump claims he never called John McCain a loser, is that true?

James LaPorta

· 12h
A senior Defense Department official I just spoke with confirmed this story by @JeffreyGoldberg in its entirety. Especially the grafs about the late Sen. John McCain and former Marine Gen. John Kelly, President @realDonaldTrump former chief of staff.…
Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

This would fall perfectly inline with what he said about McCain. So if kneeling is disrespectful, what is this?

Ahhhh yes, more fake news. Anyone who has ever dealt with him knows this is bullshit. Hiden biden and the clintons, and the rest of the democrats though....yeah, we have actual video evidence of their contempt for service people.

As I noted, we have video of Trump doing it also to McCain so this fits his MO.
That Trump would call our veterans losers is exactly what Trump would say. Listen Trumpism is a cult. You see it in threads like this. No matter the proof and evidence against Trump it is fake news.

‘Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” is the quintessential Donald Trump.

This is the real Donald Trump and you cultists just can‘t come to grips with it.

You are raving.

Trumps should just be admit they don’t give a damn what Trump thinks of dead or disabled veterans. End this charade.
Trump is an awful, ugly human being and his obedient sheep are down there in the sewer with him.

Trump is course and vulgar, but he is doing a fine job as President and he compares very well to the blood thirsty mob that your side has degenerated into.

Trumpsters, pre-Trump: "Our service men and women are brave and brilliant warriors who fight for our flag and our freedom and they all deserve the highest possible respect and regard. Thank you for your service!"

Trumpsters, post-Trump: "Fuck those losers and suckers".

Beneath contempt, hateful and anti-America. Trumpian. Ugly.

You are assuming that I agree with you, and then judging me on my actions, as though I see them as you do.

That is not rational of you.

I do not believe that Trump said that. Thus, when I support Trump, I am not supporting those alleged statements.

That you cannot see that, is you doubling down on your position because you have been broken by me.
Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

This would fall perfectly inline with what he said about McCain. So if kneeling is disrespectful, what is this?

Sounds like bullshit.

Because it is bull shit. A big steaming pile of bull shit. Trump loves the military and if I'm not mistaken he got raises for all of them. Long over due raises.

The op is bat shit crazy.

And then they use their lies, as an excuse to call us names, or attack our patriotism.

THey are assholes.
FAKE bullshit --again
....when he murders someone, or has someone murdered, THEN you will have something to complain about
..but it's been nothing but stupid shit so far
Politicians have never had that happen to them have they,

You've never seen me demean Trump's military service have you?

The reason nobody has seen you demean Trump's military service is because there is nothing there to demean. How can you demean something that never happened?
Well then by that logic we sure can't demean anything intelligent Biden has said.
Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

This would fall perfectly inline with what he said about McCain. So if kneeling is disrespectful, what is this?

Ahhhh yes, more fake news. Anyone who has ever dealt with him knows this is bullshit. Hiden biden and the clintons, and the rest of the democrats though....yeah, we have actual video evidence of their contempt for service people.

As I noted, we have video of Trump doing it also to McCain so this fits his MO.
That Trump would call our veterans losers is exactly what Trump would say. Listen Trumpism is a cult. You see it in threads like this. No matter the proof and evidence against Trump it is fake news.

‘Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” is the quintessential Donald Trump.

This is the real Donald Trump and you cultists just can‘t come to grips with it.

You are raving.

Trumps should just be admit they don’t give a damn what Trump thinks of dead or disabled veterans. End this charade.
Trump is an awful, ugly human being and his obedient sheep are down there in the sewer with him.

Trump is course and vulgar, but he is doing a fine job as President and he compares very well to the blood thirsty mob that your side has degenerated into.

Trumpsters, pre-Trump: "Our service men and women are brave and brilliant warriors who fight for our flag and our freedom and they all deserve the highest possible respect and regard. Thank you for your service!"

Trumpsters, post-Trump: "Fuck those losers and suckers".

Beneath contempt, hateful and anti-America. Trumpian. Ugly.

You are assuming that I agree with you, and then judging me on my actions, as though I see them as you do.

That is not rational of you.

I do not believe that Trump said that. Thus, when I support Trump, I am not supporting those alleged statements.

That you cannot see that, is you doubling down on your position because you have been broken by me.
They love guilt by implied association til used on them.
"multiple anonymous sources"

Belongs in the fake news forum.
Sure does. This is just the beginning. All stops and fake shit to come in the coming months up to the election. Dems are unhinged. Lots of lies coming are way.
Trump said the same thing about senator John McCain, so I believe the report. Bone spurs draft dodger president too cowardly to defend his country and passing off his duty to others has no problem insulting the war records of honorable America soldiers. Trump dodged the draft three times because he had a rich daddy. No wonder Trump did not care when Russia placed bounties on U.S sevicemen heads.

I call B.S on this entire "report". All designed to hurt his support with the military. Desperation by the Never Trumpers and their allies.
Donald Trump Says John McCain Is No War Hero,
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