Trump's Response To Michelle Obama Failed DNC Convention Attack: 'I would not be President if it wasn't for your husband!'


That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents
Obama created 13 million jobs and got gas under $2 a gallons
What Policy did obama have that created 13 million jobs?
obama said jobs weren't coming back or did you forget about president Trump's big magic wand?
What policy did obama creat that caused gas to drop below 2.00 a gallon?
OH that's right supply and demand there was no demand because people weren't working
trump didn't have a magic wand. He was handed a growing economy bought back from the dead by Obama. If you don't know how he did it , use your search engine and find out.
obama said it would take a magic wand to bring those jobs back
obama left nothing f America but division

Well he created 77 months of job growth and he divided nothing. White racists like you had an 8 year fit.
yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

I believe you.

It was the election of a black man that paved the path for Trump


That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.


Premature ejaculation. Barack Obama speaks Wednesday night. Remember the last time he embarrassed trump.

And he was joking. This time, trump is going to get slaughtered.

yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

Obama was not wrong. Racists mad because a black man was president, rejected the more qualified candidate for an unqualified white man.

says the racist

Yes you said that.

That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents
Obama created 13 million jobs and got gas under $2 a gallons
What Policy did obama have that created 13 million jobs?
obama said jobs weren't coming back or did you forget about president Trump's big magic wand?
What policy did obama creat that caused gas to drop below 2.00 a gallon?
OH that's right supply and demand there was no demand because people weren't working
trump didn't have a magic wand. He was handed a growing economy bought back from the dead by Obama. If you don't know how he did it , use your search engine and find out.
obama said it would take a magic wand to bring those jobs back
obama left nothing f America but division

Well he created 77 months of job growth and he divided nothing. White racists like you had an 8 year fit.
This article was released in February 2017
7 February 2017 by Tejvan Pettinger
Despite the impressive figures of GDP and unemployment, many workers have not felt much of a recovery in their wages and job security. New jobs are increasingly in the new flexible ‘gig economy’ which give firms greater flexibility but offers lower wages and greater insecurity to workers. Also, the challenges of rapid technological change and increased automation of manufacturing processes have led to profound changes in the US labour market, which have led to higher inequality and insecurity.
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yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

I believe you.

It was the election of a black man that paved the path for Trump


That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.


Premature ejaculation. Barack Obama speaks Wednesday night. Remember the last time he embarrassed trump.

And he was joking. This time, trump is going to get slaughtered.

yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

Obama was not wrong. Racists mad because a black man was president, rejected the more qualified candidate for an unqualified white man.

says the racist

Yes you said that.

Your argument is so weak you have to lie because I never mentioned obama's race
Your argument is so weak you have to show your racism by bringing up an irrelevant topic and dog-whistle about obama being black. Actually he had a white mother
yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

I believe you.

It was the election of a black man that paved the path for Trump


That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.


Premature ejaculation. Barack Obama speaks Wednesday night. Remember the last time he embarrassed trump.

And he was joking. This time, trump is going to get slaughtered.

yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

Obama was not wrong. Racists mad because a black man was president, rejected the more qualified candidate for an unqualified white man.

says the racist

You are correct in that the election of Obama paved the way for Trump.

Liberals looked at the election of Obama as proof we had finally abandoned our racist past.

It had the opposite effect. The racists were as embolded as they were outraged. Donald J Trump fanned the flames as he told them that Obama was a fake, he was not a legitimate President, that he was not American

Trump formed that support into a coalition that not only opposed blacks, but Mexicans, Muslims and gays.
yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

I believe you.

It was the election of a black man that paved the path for Trump


That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.


Premature ejaculation. Barack Obama speaks Wednesday night. Remember the last time he embarrassed trump.

And he was joking. This time, trump is going to get slaughtered.

yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

Obama was not wrong. Racists mad because a black man was president, rejected the more qualified candidate for an unqualified white man.

says the racist

You are correct in that the election of Obama paved the way for Trump.

Liberals looked at the election of Obama as proof we had finally abandoned our racist past.

It had the opposite effect. The racists were as embolded as they were outraged. Donald J Trump fanned the flames as he told them that Obama was a fake, he was not a legitimate President, that he was not American

Trump formed that support into a coalition that not only opposed blacks, but Mexicans, Muslims and gays.

nope you're lying obama fanned the flame of racial division, not Trump because the division grew bigger with every word that came from obama's mouth
Not Trump
Why didn't obama help blacks as President Trump has?
yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

I believe you.

It was the election of a black man that paved the path for Trump


That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.


Premature ejaculation. Barack Obama speaks Wednesday night. Remember the last time he embarrassed trump.

And he was joking. This time, trump is going to get slaughtered.

yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

Obama was not wrong. Racists mad because a black man was president, rejected the more qualified candidate for an unqualified white man.

says the racist

You are correct in that the election of Obama paved the way for Trump.

Liberals looked at the election of Obama as proof we had finally abandoned our racist past.

It had the opposite effect. The racists were as embolded as they were outraged. Donald J Trump fanned the flames as he told them that Obama was a fake, he was not a legitimate President, that he was not American

Trump formed that support into a coalition that not only opposed blacks, but Mexicans, Muslims and gays.

nope you're lying obama fanned the flame of racial division, not Trump because the division grew bigger with every word that came from obama's mouth
Not Trump
Why didn't obama help blacks as President Trump has?

Being black and occupying the White House fanned the flames

Racist America looked to Donald J Trump for salvation
He delivered
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Just like the impeached presidents before him. Impeachment is a stain that never washes away.

It simply means he faced charges. Nothing more, nothing less.

Do you refer to everyone who's ever been charged with a crime as a "suspected criminal"? Of course you don't, because that would be stupid. Just as it's stupid to refer to a President who's been impeached as "impeached insert name here.

Bottom line is that the fact that he was impeached is, at this point, utterly meaningless. But don't worry, you're going to have four more years of bitching about how your President was impeached...

It's so "meanless," Johnson's impeachment was still talked about during Impeached Trump's impeachment. And that was 150 years ago.
And that is a negative why? Shit most you people do not even know who Andrew Johnson was. And damn sure would not know he was a racist democrat and was impeached because of that racism. Probably never even knew yourself till the Trump impeachment that he was impeached. Because unless you went to school before the indoctrination of our education system they probably did not teach you this.

And you're more than probably wrong.
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All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

So, you really are stupid? Okay.

Referring to a black man as a black man is not a racial slur. If it is, I'll just start blacks "porch monkeys" because, well, it's more flashy.

You probably believe that using skin color in the description of a criminal is racist, as well, right?

An excellent point has been brought up, and it proves Biden is a racist fuck. He had no concern about picking someone who might actually be qualified and well-suited to the job. Biden has no business being President, simply because he doesn't want what's best for this country. He doesn't want the most qualified person to be Vice President. He wants a negro gash.

As for Trump's comments about Obama, he's absolutely correct, and no one here has come close to explaining how he isn't...
Saying blacks won't get elected president because Obama failed, is racist. He reduced it to be about the color of their skin.

Then you must've been downright apoplectic when Biden announced he would pick a moan of color to be his running mate. After all, all he did with the issue of a running mate was reduce it to be about skin color.

It's the exact same thing, although I strongly suspect your innate hypocrisy won't permit you to acknowledge that...
I heard him say this...

"Whomever I pick, preferably it will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender, but I'm not making that commitment until I know that the person I'm dealing with I can completely and thoroughly trust as authentic and on the same page."

And no, that's not the same as saying blacks won't get elected president for generations because Impeached Trump thinks America's first black president failed.

Biden reduced his selection criteria down to skin color and gender. Period. How do we know this? Well, look at who he picked.

And you're a fucking hypocrite...
Except he didn't. He did say he would prefer a woman of color but had not committed to that unless he felt such a person was qualified.

Of course, I'm saying this to a person defending a racist comment about how our first black president is responsible for no other black to be elected president for generations to come.
Now explain to me how that tweet from trump was more racists then "If you do not vote for me or a democrat you ain't black" I mean that is almost a classic racist phrase just about politics instead of types of food. Or how there is no diversity in the black community? Or his voting record in the 60s? I mean you like to claim trump's racism but you even better at denying your god damn own.
I mean the entire democrat party is in denial. Who is it that is the very cause of racism in the first place? Who owned slaves? Who started the KKK? Who interned americans in WW2 based on the color of their skin or their heritage? You see their motivation in tearing down statues and trying to rewrite history. Because EVERY thing they are embarrassed of and hate America for was done by THEM.
No, that too was racist. As far as your diatribe about Democrats being historically the party of racism, it's really the conservative south you speak of. Back then, they were mostly Democrats. Democrats in the north did not share their racist views. That finally split in the 1940's when the racist Democrats splintered off and tried starting their own Dixiecrat party. But still, in tne conservative south.
No the democrats that stayed in the north did so because they were in power and did not want to lose that power(dems today would do the same). Andrew Johnson was one of them as i stated earlier. And in the 40s to 60s the democrats did not split on being racist. They split on how they would achieve their racist agenda. And the modern Democrat has proven that their faction had the best strategy(and most of the ones that split came running right back).
Idiotic. They split over racism. Pretty much across the racist conservative Bible Belt. More than a decade later when the Civil Rights act passed, it passed because Democrats and Republicans in the north voted heavily in favor of it. While in the south, mostly run by Democrats, the racists voted against it. By the next election, the switch was made as the Bible Belt went solidly for the racist Goldwater while nearly all of the rest of the country went for Johnson. That racist region has been strongly Republican ever since with the exception of leaning for the racist Wallace, Carter and Clinton (split) as they were also Bible Belt southerners.
yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

I believe you.

It was the election of a black man that paved the path for Trump


That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.


Premature ejaculation. Barack Obama speaks Wednesday night. Remember the last time he embarrassed trump.

And he was joking. This time, trump is going to get slaughtered.

yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

Obama was not wrong. Racists mad because a black man was president, rejected the more qualified candidate for an unqualified white man.

says the racist

You are correct in that the election of Obama paved the way for Trump.

Liberals looked at the election of Obama as proof we had finally abandoned our racist past.

It had the opposite effect. The racists were as embolded as they were outraged. Donald J Trump fanned the flames as he told them that Obama was a fake, he was not a legitimate President, that he was not American

Trump formed that support into a coalition that not only opposed blacks, but Mexicans, Muslims and gays.

nope you're lying obama fanned the flame of racial division, not Trump because the division grew bigger with every word that came from obama's mouth
Not Trump
Why didn't obama help blacks as President Trump has?

Obama did far more for us than trump has. Aside from his presidential work, he showed blacks that if we persevere and keep throwing uppercuts blacks, can reach the highest office. trump has done nothing for us. He tells us he created low unemployment but we know that started during Obama. He tells that lie because he knows racists such as you will believe it.
yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

I believe you.

It was the election of a black man that paved the path for Trump


That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.


Premature ejaculation. Barack Obama speaks Wednesday night. Remember the last time he embarrassed trump.

And he was joking. This time, trump is going to get slaughtered.

yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

Obama was not wrong. Racists mad because a black man was president, rejected the more qualified candidate for an unqualified white man.

says the racist

You are correct in that the election of Obama paved the way for Trump.

Liberals looked at the election of Obama as proof we had finally abandoned our racist past.

It had the opposite effect. The racists were as embolded as they were outraged. Donald J Trump fanned the flames as he told them that Obama was a fake, he was not a legitimate President, that he was not American

Trump formed that support into a coalition that not only opposed blacks, but Mexicans, Muslims and gays.

nope you're lying obama fanned the flame of racial division, not Trump because the division grew bigger with every word that came from obama's mouth
Not Trump
Why didn't obama help blacks as President Trump has?

Obama did far more for us than trump has. Aside from his presidential work, he showed blacks that if we persevere and keep throwing uppercuts blacks, can reach the highest office. trump has done nothing for us. He tells us he created low unemployment but we know that started during Obama. He tells that lie because he knows racists such as you will believe it.

Blacks and minorities have suffered the most from Trumps double digit unemployment.
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Obama did far more for us than trump has. Aside from his presidential work, he showed blacks that if we persevere and keep throwing uppercuts blacks, can reach the highest office. trump has done nothing for us. He tells us he created low unemployment but we know that started during Obama. He tells that lie because he knows racists such as you will believe it.
Keep up the good fight! Obama, Hillary, and the 149 African American Obama Aumni crew need you.
There's a bunch of racists around, here; but don't you worry - you're the smart one - Brilliant. Absolutely Brilliant!
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Smart analysts have Trump winning 37+ states. Big Mike teasing the codependent marxists with her big dick will not be important in few months.
Just like the impeached presidents before him. Impeachment is a stain that never washes away.

It simply means he faced charges. Nothing more, nothing less.

Do you refer to everyone who's ever been charged with a crime as a "suspected criminal"? Of course you don't, because that would be stupid. Just as it's stupid to refer to a President who's been impeached as "impeached insert name here.

Bottom line is that the fact that he was impeached is, at this point, utterly meaningless. But don't worry, you're going to have four more years of bitching about how your President was impeached...

It's so "meanless," Johnson's impeachment was still talked about during Impeached Trump's impeachment. And that was 150 years ago.

And how many people talked about it in the interim?

I'll wait while you look up the word "interim"...
I wouldn't know as I don't keep score.

No, you don't know because you're either too stupid or too big a coward to discuss it.

My Dad was born in 1933, some 65 years after Johnson was impeached. I use this just as an example because, in 1933, no one was talking about Johnson's impeachment.

I was born in 1962, which was 94 years after Johnson was impeached. I use this just as an example because, in 1962, no one was too caught up in Johnson's impeachment.

You know when people started talking about Johnson's impeachment? 1998, when Bill Clinton was impeached.

The fact that someone was impeached is no more meaningful than they were accused of speeding...
"because, in 1933, no one was talking about Johnson's impeachment."


You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

You have no idea if that's even true or not. Sell stupid elsewhere.
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That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents

A rightard's "observation" of no job growth under Obama...

pussy bitch those nonessential jobs gains of obama's dropped off the map didn't they?
Yeah, this year.
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That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.


Premature ejaculation. Barack Obama speaks Wednesday night. Remember the last time he embarrassed trump.

And he was joking. This time, trump is going to get slaughtered.

yet obama was wrong and his leadership of America paved the path for President Trump

Yeah, a black man in the White House woke you dumbass rightwingnut racists.
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That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents
Obama created 13 million jobs and got gas under $2 a gallons
What Policy did obama have that created 13 million jobs?
obama said jobs weren't coming back or did you forget about president Trump's big magic wand?
What policy did obama creat that caused gas to drop below 2.00 a gallon?
OH that's right supply and demand there was no demand because people weren't working
trump didn't have a magic wand. He was handed a growing economy bought back from the dead by Obama. If you don't know how he did it , use your search engine and find out.
obama said it would take a magic wand to bring those jobs back
obama left nothing f America but division
And Obama was right. There are a ¼ million fewer Americans working in manufacturing now than there were when Impeached Trump became president.

That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents
Obama created 13 million jobs and got gas under $2 a gallons
What Policy did obama have that created 13 million jobs?
obama said jobs weren't coming back or did you forget about president Trump's big magic wand?
What policy did obama creat that caused gas to drop below 2.00 a gallon?
OH that's right supply and demand there was no demand because people weren't working
trump didn't have a magic wand. He was handed a growing economy bought back from the dead by Obama. If you don't know how he did it , use your search engine and find out.
obama said it would take a magic wand to bring those jobs back
obama left nothing f America but division

Well he created 77 months of job growth and he divided nothing. White racists like you had an 8 year fit.
This article was released in February 2017
7 February 2017 by Tejvan Pettinger
Despite the impressive figures of GDP and unemployment, many workers have not felt much of a recovery in their wages and job security. New jobs are increasingly in the new flexible ‘gig economy’ which give firms greater flexibility but offers lower wages and greater insecurity to workers. Also, the challenges of rapid technological change and increased automation of manufacturing processes have led to profound changes in the US labour market, which have led to higher inequality and insecurity.
Nice graph. Looks like Obama recovered the manufacturing jobs lost from Bush's Great Recession...


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That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents
Obama created 13 million jobs and got gas under $2 a gallons
What Policy did obama have that created 13 million jobs?
obama said jobs weren't coming back or did you forget about president Trump's big magic wand?
What policy did obama creat that caused gas to drop below 2.00 a gallon?
OH that's right supply and demand there was no demand because people weren't working
trump didn't have a magic wand. He was handed a growing economy bought back from the dead by Obama. If you don't know how he did it , use your search engine and find out.
obama said it would take a magic wand to bring those jobs back
obama left nothing f America but division

Well he created 77 months of job growth and he divided nothing. White racists like you had an 8 year fit.
This article was released in February 2017
7 February 2017 by Tejvan Pettinger
Despite the impressive figures of GDP and unemployment, many workers have not felt much of a recovery in their wages and job security. New jobs are increasingly in the new flexible ‘gig economy’ which give firms greater flexibility but offers lower wages and greater insecurity to workers. Also, the challenges of rapid technological change and increased automation of manufacturing processes have led to profound changes in the US labour market, which have led to higher inequality and insecurity.


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