Trump's rhetoric is increasingly mirroring Nazi talking points, and nobody is paying attention, an expert on extremism warns

They will work hard and be a net gain for the country.

That's going to be an effective Demofuck talking point they will use to counter Trump's border wall act that got shelved.
You are obviously not a net gain for Canada.

Go back to Pakistan.
Just how much longer do you believe this world should remain at the nation-state level of development ? The problems we face are global , wouldn't it be better to deal with them on a global level. We're talking about the future of the human race here. By instituting strict abortion laws republicans are ensuring negative eugenics will further add to our overall genetic decline as a species.
Good nazi.
Sorry, human rights aren't going away.
  • For years, Donald Trump has been condemned for fiery rhetoric that critics say sounds authoritarian.
  • Lately, his speeches have had even more overtly fascist themes, an expert on extremism told BI.
  • Peter Simi, who testified against Trump, explained why people seem numb to his increasingly violent remarks.
In recent weeks, Donald Trump has doubled and even tripled down on the charged rhetoric that critics have lamented sounds like it's coming from the mouth of an authoritarian leader as opposed to a candidate for president of a democracy.

During his Veteran's Day speech late last month, the former president compared his political opponents to "vermin," adding in a post on Truth Social that he pledged to "root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country."

Though some critics seized upon the remark, conflating the incendiary remarks with Nazi talking points that targeted Jews during the Holocaust, Trump's comments weren't met with the same explosive news coverage he previously faced for similar statements.

So, he has continued making them.

On December 6, when asked if he'd abuse his power as retribution against his political foes, the former president told Fox News host Sean Hannity that, should he be re-elected in 2024, he'll only be a dictator "on day one."

On December 17, Trump declared immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country," a statement that drew ire from the Biden White House, which said the comments "parroted Adolf Hitler."

Despite the escalating rhetoric, none of Trump's recent remarks have seemed to garner the same outrage that he has in the past.

Folks really need to pay attention to the garbage this clown is spewing.

Seems as though folks have gotten numb to his propaganda and they just accept it as normal.
A lot of the "faithful" here have taken to repeating his comments.
The military is likely going to side with Trump. Bear in mind that an election has allegedly been stolen and most believe it now.

The stage is set and only extraordinary measures taken by either side will decide the coming election without the need for ballot boxes.

Pay attention to the warnings of intellectuals and historians!
No they won't.
You guys are interfering with people's lives all the time and you dare to call me a NAZI. That term fits YOU much better.
We aren't the negative eugenics ideologues.
We aren't the ones throwing people in prison for calling out election interference.
We aren't the ones prosecuting political figures.
We aren't the ones removing candidates from the ballot.
We aren't the ones disarming citizens
We aren't the ones trying to move religion under control of the state
We aren't the negative eugenics ideologues.
We aren't the ones throwing people in prison for calling out election interference.
We aren't the ones prosecuting political figures.
We aren't the ones removing candidates from the ballot.
We aren't the ones disarming citizens
We aren't the ones trying to move religion under control of the state
The NAZIS attacked their own citizens , especially anyone who was different , you guys are attacking women , gays , transgenders, immigrants , muslims and Asians. In making women bear children that are have horrible genetic defects you are practicing negative eugenics. This is all on you guys. There is no forced disarmament going on , if the gun laws are changed it will be by the vote of the people. Your statements against Democrats and liberals are ludicrous. Are you that ignorant or just plain brainwashed by the idiots you follow in lock step. ,
  • For years, Donald Trump has been condemned for fiery rhetoric that critics say sounds authoritarian.
  • Lately, his speeches have had even more overtly fascist themes, an expert on extremism told BI.
  • Peter Simi, who testified against Trump, explained why people seem numb to his increasingly violent remarks.
In recent weeks, Donald Trump has doubled and even tripled down on the charged rhetoric that critics have lamented sounds like it's coming from the mouth of an authoritarian leader as opposed to a candidate for president of a democracy.

During his Veteran's Day speech late last month, the former president compared his political opponents to "vermin," adding in a post on Truth Social that he pledged to "root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country."

Though some critics seized upon the remark, conflating the incendiary remarks with Nazi talking points that targeted Jews during the Holocaust, Trump's comments weren't met with the same explosive news coverage he previously faced for similar statements.

So, he has continued making them.

On December 6, when asked if he'd abuse his power as retribution against his political foes, the former president told Fox News host Sean Hannity that, should he be re-elected in 2024, he'll only be a dictator "on day one."

On December 17, Trump declared immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country," a statement that drew ire from the Biden White House, which said the comments "parroted Adolf Hitler."

Despite the escalating rhetoric, none of Trump's recent remarks have seemed to garner the same outrage that he has in the past.

Folks really need to pay attention to the garbage this clown is spewing.

Seems as though folks have gotten numb to his propaganda and they just accept it as normal.
Gee! Leftists accuse a Republican of being a Nazi. I'm
The NAZIS attacked their own citizens , especially anyone who was different , you guys are attacking women , gays , transgenders, immigrants , muslims and Asians. In making women bear children that are have horrible genetic defects you are practicing negative eugenics. This is all on you guys. There is no forced disarmament going on , if the gun laws are changed it will be by the vote of the people. Your statements against Democrats and liberals are ludicrous. Are you that ignorant or just plain brainwashed by the idiots you follow in lock step. ,
Nazis sounded exactlyikd you. And Democrats are trafficking and killing minorities.
We know who the nazis are...the same ppl they always have been. NAZIS got their sickest ideas from them.
The NAZIS attacked their own citizens , especially anyone who was different , you guys are attacking women , gays , transgenders, immigrants , muslims and Asians. In making women bear children that are have horrible genetic defects you are practicing negative eugenics. This is all on you guys. There is no forced disarmament going on , if the gun laws are changed it will be by the vote of the people. Your statements against Democrats and liberals are ludicrous. Are you that ignorant or just plain brainwashed by the idiots you follow in lock step. ,
Btw you do realize the nazis used the EXACT same arguments?
Just because you have an aversion and hatred for poor ppl and imperfect children doesn't create a right to kill dependent humans. Abortion is a human rights violation. Your twisted belief that negative eugenics will create a perfect population doesn't change that.
And of all the twisted propaganda the negative eugenics dolts like yourself spew, the most ridiculous is that women who have unplanned pregnancies or unwanted pregnancies are the exact same as women who are imprisoned and bred.
Though it is true that the abortionists make a LOT of money by coercing women into the stirrups.
The coercion takes place when negative eugenics propagandists lie about biology, history and human rights to trick desperate women into thinking they have an obligation to kill their children.
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Nazis sounded exactlyikd you. And Democrats are trafficking and killing minorities.
We know who the nazis are...the same ppl they always have been. NAZIS got their sickest ideas from them.
Democrats are not the ones who have private citizens spying on one another - Texas abortion law made up using NAZI tactics by republicans. ACLU repeatedly tries to stop human rights abuses by republicans. The list is almost endless. But given your limited attention span and limited intelligence I won't go into further detail. This should suffice to let you know what and who you are supporting NAZI fascist republicans.

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