Trump’s Rising Black Support, Not Kanye West, Scares and Angers Democrats


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Trump’s Rising Black Support, Not Kanye West, Scares and Angers Democrats

Trump’s Rising Black Support, Not Kanye West, Scares and Angers Democrats | Flopping Aces
In what some have “Kanye Derangement Syndrome” we see the death throes of the divide and conquer identity politics that have long been the source of Democrat power and residual political success. Their mantra was that black conservatives could not possibly exist in the natural world. They had to be some kind of genetically modified organism to which, when someone wandered off the plantation, they would apply that scientific term, “Uncle Tom”.... The problem for Democrats is that blacks are leaving their political plantation in increasing droves. In a bit of irony, they are pouring across ideologically open borders. Heeding candidate Trump’s call of “what the hell do you have to lose?” they have found they had nothing to lose by embracing the rising job opportunities, declining unemployment, and reduced crime those racist Republicans were offering compared to life in the gerrymandered inner city Bantustans where liberal Democrats have held sway for decades.... . They must demonize him because they can’t answer the crazy man’s arguments or that an increasing number of blacks are agreeing with him:
Here’s the math of it. The Democratic presidential candidates, everyone who runs, needs to get almost the entire black vote in order to win a national election. That’s not easy to do. So, in order to do it, Democrats sell racial division.
They pit Americans against each other based on their ethnicity. You can’t support them. They’re the wrong color. You hear that all the time. It’s now the essential Democratic argument. It’s destructive. But more ominously for Democrats, it may no longer be working.
A poll by Public Broadcasting just last week found that Trump’s approval rating with Hispanic voters is 41 percent. That’s higher than it is with college-educated white voters.
If anything like that ever happened among African-American voters, the game would be over. So, that can’t happen. Kanye West must be destroyed. And so the thought police swooped in almost immediately to arrest this disobedient artist and declare him incompetent.
To most of us, the Republican message is intuitive; create the atmosphere where there is more opportunity for personal improvement and everyone will be raised up. The people who have been taught that the only way to survive is through handouts are seeing a clarified picture of the long-lasting benefits self-sustainment and electing a government that allows that to happen. This, of course, worries Democrats.
Progressive Socialist Democrats haven’t been this angry since Lincoln freed their slaves. What a bunch of ungrateful people, after all look at all Democrats gave them, and nothing more than a few votes were requested and now they want to leave the plantation cities the Democrats created for them.
More and more self-respecting citizens of African descent will be leaving the racist bigoted party.
All you have to do is go to #walkaway website and see that it includes a lot of black folks videos of their stories about why they are leaving the Democrat Party.
It's why they desperately need more Illegals. More & more African Americans are leaving the Party. Trump's done more for American Workers, especially African American Workers, in just 2yrs, then Democrats have done in several decades.
you know hes hitting the mark, when you get the proverbial insults like uncle tom, oreo, house n word, questioning his "blackness" and any other term that can be construed as selling out.......but that control can only last so long......and when it stops working, the dems are in huge trouble...their record is abysmal.
all Trump has to do next is do a rally at a busy KFC and he's up to 50% of the black vote
Historic record low African American Unemployment. Trump's delivering. Intelligent African Americans are beginning to exit the Democratic Party.
Trump’s Rising Black Support, Not Kanye West, Scares and Angers Democrats

Trump’s Rising Black Support, Not Kanye West, Scares and Angers Democrats | Flopping Aces
In what some have “Kanye Derangement Syndrome” we see the death throes of the divide and conquer identity politics that have long been the source of Democrat power and residual political success. Their mantra was that black conservatives could not possibly exist in the natural world. They had to be some kind of genetically modified organism to which, when someone wandered off the plantation, they would apply that scientific term, “Uncle Tom”.... The problem for Democrats is that blacks are leaving their political plantation in increasing droves. In a bit of irony, they are pouring across ideologically open borders. Heeding candidate Trump’s call of “what the hell do you have to lose?” they have found they had nothing to lose by embracing the rising job opportunities, declining unemployment, and reduced crime those racist Republicans were offering compared to life in the gerrymandered inner city Bantustans where liberal Democrats have held sway for decades.... . They must demonize him because they can’t answer the crazy man’s arguments or that an increasing number of blacks are agreeing with him:
Here’s the math of it. The Democratic presidential candidates, everyone who runs, needs to get almost the entire black vote in order to win a national election. That’s not easy to do. So, in order to do it, Democrats sell racial division.
They pit Americans against each other based on their ethnicity. You can’t support them. They’re the wrong color. You hear that all the time. It’s now the essential Democratic argument. It’s destructive. But more ominously for Democrats, it may no longer be working.
A poll by Public Broadcasting just last week found that Trump’s approval rating with Hispanic voters is 41 percent. That’s higher than it is with college-educated white voters.
If anything like that ever happened among African-American voters, the game would be over. So, that can’t happen. Kanye West must be destroyed. And so the thought police swooped in almost immediately to arrest this disobedient artist and declare him incompetent.
To most of us, the Republican message is intuitive; create the atmosphere where there is more opportunity for personal improvement and everyone will be raised up. The people who have been taught that the only way to survive is through handouts are seeing a clarified picture of the long-lasting benefits self-sustainment and electing a government that allows that to happen. This, of course, worries Democrats.
Progressive Socialist Democrats haven’t been this angry since Lincoln freed their slaves. What a bunch of ungrateful people, after all look at all Democrats gave them, and nothing more than a few votes were requested and now they want to leave the plantation cities the Democrats created for them.
More and more self-respecting citizens of African descent will be leaving the racist bigoted party.
All you have to do is go to #walkaway website and see that it includes a lot of black folks videos of their stories about why they are leaving the Democrat Party.
Sure. :71:
Say guys, which party is actively engaging in SUPPRESSING the black vote? Are you OK with it? And, lastly, why do you think that is?
Say guys, which party is actively engaging in SUPPRESSING the black vote? Are you OK with it? And, lastly, why do you think that is?

Lowest African American Unemployment in history. Trump's delivering. Your fantasies are just that... Fantasies.
now that we are at about 36% of the black vote, all we need is about 25% of "The Stupid Vote" and Trump win 57 states in 2020
all Trump has to do next is do a rally at a busy KFC and he's up to 50% of the black vote

Few blacks and well the maj or white are that stupid to support him.

Penelope you are such a frightened Socialist. The lies you have been told by your handlers about the Utopian society and collective thought and action are unsustainable against an educated electorate. Black folks in this country see your true colors for the first time and you look like a Party who wants to hold them down and continue the Social manipulation that's gone on unsuccessfully for 40 years. a lot of good People of color fought in The Middle east and have seen the result of Socialism and govt control of Society they are home now and they have families who are listening
Say guys, which party is actively engaging in SUPPRESSING the black vote? Are you OK with it? And, lastly, why do you think that is?
Why do liberals think voter ID is suppression? Are blacks incapable of getting an ID?
Kanye thinks he is some sort of spokesperson representing the black voice in this country - hate to break this to him and his white RW Trumpbots but Uncle Tom Kanye is a joke.
Kanye thinks he is some sort of spokesperson representing the black voice in this country - hate to break this to him and his white RW Trumpbots but Uncle Tom Kanye is a joke.

Like the article said you need racism to win elections

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