Trump's school records and deferments


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
No one remembers him’: Donald Trump’s classmates from UPenn business school have ‘no memory of him whatsoever,’ doubt his claims of being top in class

Trump s classmates from UPenn claim No one remembers him - NY Daily News

Photos show Donald Trump in military uniform, with athletic teams before dodging the Vietnam draft with ‘bull---t’ injury

Photos show Trump in military garb before dodging draft - NY Daily News


The daily news is not a liberal paper

WOW another Trump Thread. Who knew??

He must scare the shit outta you lefty loons.

Better keep that TP handy dude.
oh goodie, Maybe Guano will post his next.

lets all wait on the edge of our seats

how funny they can come up with everyone else records BUT that Fraud sitting in the white house
No one remembers him’: Donald Trump’s classmates from UPenn business school have ‘no memory of him whatsoever,’ doubt his claims of being top in class

Trump s classmates from UPenn claim No one remembers him - NY Daily News

Photos show Donald Trump in military uniform, with athletic teams before dodging the Vietnam draft with ‘bull---t’ injury

Photos show Trump in military garb before dodging draft - NY Daily News


The daily news is not a liberal paper

At least we can see Trumps school records. When do we get to see Obama's?

Apparently, no one remembered him either.
WOW another Trump Thread. Who knew??

He must scare the shit outta you lefty loons.

Better keep that TP handy dude.


The Donald's biggest threat to Liberalism is that he might succeed in getting America into a harsher mindset, when it comes to dealing with the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon US soil without our prior and express consent.

A most excellent and desirable state of affairs, if it can be accomplished.

I seriously doubt that he'll actually win the GOP nomination, because that would probably guarantee the nightmare of a Clinton Win, but while he lasts, he does good service, in pushing the pro-Illegal turncoats on both sides of the aisle, right up against the wall, in the context of Illegal Aliens, Anchor Babies, and so-called Immigration Reform, which, in today's setting, is code-speak for Shamnesty.

So... while he lasts... Go Donald !!!
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Apparently all those polled agree with you.

Keep that roll of TP handy because you may just need it.
No one remembers him’: Donald Trump’s classmates from UPenn business school have ‘no memory of him whatsoever,’ doubt his claims of being top in class

Trump s classmates from UPenn claim No one remembers him - NY Daily News

Photos show Donald Trump in military uniform, with athletic teams before dodging the Vietnam draft with ‘bull---t’ injury

Photos show Trump in military garb before dodging draft - NY Daily News


The daily news is not a liberal paper
images2EFLDHMF.jpg images7GYKBEET.jpg
WOW another Trump Thread. Who knew??

He must scare the shit outta you lefty loons.

Just to get the rules and "logic" of your right wing perspective correct, let me recap....

If one of us on the left write something on Obama....."its because we love him" ???

If one of us on the left writes something on Trump...."its because we fear him" ???
WOW another Trump Thread. Who knew??

He must scare the shit outta you lefty loons.

Just to get the rules and "logic" of your right wing perspective correct, let me recap....

If one of us on the left write something on Obama....."its because we love him" ???

If one of us on the left writes something on Trump...."its because we fear him" ???

Well you have to admit that there are sure a lot of Trump threads on the board.

They wouldn't be there if those putting them up didn't want to ridicule him or they fear him.

You decide. I think its funny as hell.
Well you have to admit that there are sure a lot of Trump threads on the board.

Yes, I will readily admit the above.....just as I readily admit that I have often stopped to gawk at car wrecks. GO DONALD !!!
they'll be asking to see his TAX RETURNS next.

Nah. They will wait for those if he gets the nomination. They they will want to look at everything.

Of course the Dem nominee will have to do the same thing. Fair is fair after all.
It really is difficult to adequately express to right wingers that we, on the left, sincerely and adamantly want and hope for Donald to be the GOP nominee.....nothing, absolutely NOTHING would please us more.

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