Trump's school records and deferments

. if he were not vexing your side of the aisle your side would not be working so frantically to discredit him're missing the point.....completely......too bad, really.....

Let me explain: For us to deride Trump is to make most right wingers dig in their heels and strongly support him.....ergo, yet another devastating loss to the RNC whether Trump becomes the nominee or he gets pissed and runs under a 3rd party candidacy......Therefore:

Run, Trump, Run
. if he were not vexing your side of the aisle your side would not be working so frantically to discredit him're missing the point.....completely......too bad, really.....

Let me explain: For us to deride Trump is to make most right wingers dig in their heels and strongly support him.....ergo, yet another devastating loss to the RNC whether Trump becomes the nominee or he gets pissed and runs under a 3rd party candidacy......Therefore:

Run, Trump, Run
Don't look now, but very few people... Left, Center OR RIght, actually expect Donald-the-Clown to get anywhere with his Presidential run.

And, I suspect, some are defending the guy, simply to extend the amount of time that a harsh treatment of the Illegal Aliens question remains at the forefront.

I wouldn't read much more than that into the thing, or base strategy on such assumptions, in your shoes.

Or - alternatively - go right ahead and believe that - better that way.
. if he were not vexing your side of the aisle your side would not be working so frantically to discredit him're missing the point.....completely......too bad, really.....

Let me explain: For us to deride Trump is to make most right wingers dig in their heels and strongly support him.....ergo, yet another devastating loss to the RNC whether Trump becomes the nominee or he gets pissed and runs under a 3rd party candidacy......Therefore:

Run, Trump, Run
Love to see him run as nominee of a third party, pulling a Ross Perot.
. if he were not vexing your side of the aisle your side would not be working so frantically to discredit him're missing the point.....completely......too bad, really.....

Let me explain: For us to deride Trump is to make most right wingers dig in their heels and strongly support him.....ergo, yet another devastating loss to the RNC whether Trump becomes the nominee or he gets pissed and runs under a 3rd party candidacy......Therefore:

Run, Trump, Run
Love to see him run as nominee of a third party, pulling a Ross Perot.
Nahhhhh... neither the Center nor the Right want to see the Pantsuit Princess in the White House, so, I don't think we're gonna see any serious ticket-splitting in this one.

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