Trump's Secret Strength

Trump is the worst president ever in terms of gathering support for his agenda and is therefore the weakest president in living memory. You hardcore supporters who cannot see what a horrible embarrassment he is are as much a liability as his many other faults. None of you can explain why he is so awesome except to point to a supposedly horrific Clinton presidency that never was.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Trump has largely secured the southern border while 'hilary' would be letting people in . Thats just one important issue that i'll mention as an example . Course there are more examples but if the only thing that TRUMP ever does is to secure the southern border , well thats good enough for me Occupied .
Secured the border, have you walked the line lately or just guessing?
------------------------------------- just going by reports on TRUMP being the WALL plus all the stories of 'mex' being scared as they await a knock on the door Moonglow .
The majority went home after the crash man, no jobs....But let us remember the forty thousand illegals from Poland in the USA, they must have snuck over the open northern border..When will Trump secure this nation?
---------------------------------------------------- Polish aren't third worlders Moonglow !! Course they do need to be deported but hey , as i said , the Polish ain't third worlders Moonglow !!
I'd be incredibly concerned if I thought my survival and the survival of this nation depended on a fool like Trump.

There is no travel restriction on you, is there? I hear France is welcoming all Americans who are dissatisfied.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Trump has largely secured the southern border while 'hilary' would be letting people in . Thats just one important issue that i'll mention as an example . Course there are more examples but if the only thing that TRUMP ever does is to secure the southern border , well thats good enough for me Occupied .
Seeing as how we had zero net illegal immigration from Mexico it's not like he actually had to do much.
But the wall man, the wall....
We all know The Wall was ever only a rallying point to get the haters out to vote. Trump might have actually been serious but practically everyone except his core supporters knew it was bullshit.
--------------------------------------------------- at this point in time , TRUMP is the Wall Occupied .
Deportations have occurred during every administration, this time it's just used as a scare tactic..It's nice to see the southern invasion over, after waiting 40 years for a president to actually enforce the immigration laws..
MAGA Baby!

Well, they certainly are going after Trump with tong and fang, Mueller is basically giving him a proctology exam and his whole family, looking at everything he's done that is even remotely tied to anything Russian, even whether Trump ever drank a Black Russian in his life, is it any wonder he is royally pissed at Sessions? For Trump and his family to come out of this unscathed, he will have to be one of the cleanest people on the planet.

Not because Trump is a bad person or did anything wrong, but simply because a businessman like Trump does business with all kinds people all over the world------ that's business. You look to build all the connections you can in every market you can get into, legally, but the law is written to be tested and stretched if you want to do your very best------ just ask Hillary; again, that is business, and it does not mean or even imply anything untoward. But because of Sessions and Rosenberg, Trump is getting a real ass probing he could have been spared. And it could get worse before it gets better, especially because I don't know that Trump will sit by and continue to just let it happen. That is simply not his nature. Not that he is trying to hide or cover anything up, but his instinct will be to protect his family from undeserved vicious abuse.

I don't think the investigation is justified and it might end up finding something completely unrelated to Russia or any election tampering, which would be outside Mueller's scope and then be handed off to the FBI for further probing. I'm not sure even the Pope would come through such a digging for anything to pin on him unscathed------ if you dig hard enough, you will find something to pin on ANYONE if you keep looking for it, and through it all, Trump's questions of why they are not looking into the many lingering unanswered questions about Hillary, the DNC and even Obama------ go unanswered.

I'm sure that to Trump, he feels like he's witnessed a bank robbery, pulls over to report it to the police, then when they show up, they instead cite him for parking too far from the curb, then cite him for a cracked tailpipe and a bad tail light, while the robbers get away.

So to those who take glee at all of this, congratulations, this all comes at the harm and expense of YOU and ME, as not only are we paying for it all, but it will likely impede the normal flow of efforts to improve your economy, repair your nation's infrastructure, resolve foreign conflicts that threaten us, and to strengthen America's standing in ways that no other president has ever been willing to try before and we are not likely to find one again in our lifetimes willing to put himself through all of this just to better the nation.

Trump was doing real well, really really good, without any of this.

And now you know why so few good people ever get into politics. What we are left with as our politicians are typically the scum dirty enough to play the game and corrupt and greedy enough to win at it. People like Maxine Waters who gets into the Senate------ and ends up affording a 4.5 million dollar home.

How close are you to your 4.5 million dollar home? And for what---- for sitting on committees, attending meetings, going to hearings, getting free meals, travel, cars, haircuts and on and on, and doing little spots on TV and at rallies all the while enjoying fantastic perks and taking many L-O-N-G vacations? WHAT A GREAT GIG! Where can I get me some of that action?

Make no mistake that what is really at heart here is not some justified and provoked, impossible to ignore offense; this is a POLITICAL COUP---- an attempt to overturn an election, to usurp the will of the tens of millions of voters who voted a majority in 30 out of 50 states for him to lead this country next. To Make America Great. The Deep State desperately wants him out at any cost, and win or fail, once Trump is out of office, it isn't likely anyone else in Trump's position will ever again care enough to waste their time and risk their life's efforts, earnings and family for a nation as corrupt as this, to treat a guy so contemptibly who put everything in his vast life and fortune on the table, literally gave up 4 or 8 years of his life---- the best years that Trump has left, to fight for America to make it everything it really should be.

So celebrate while you can: victorious or not, you have all but ensured that your next president, and the one after that, and the one after that, will have learned the lesson from all of this and will once again tow the line to be the Yes Men you seem to desire------ out of fear, out of bribery--- a person who plays the game, goes along with the shadow government and power elite, cooperates with the globalist elite to keep America their piggy bank and sock puppet, draining the nation down to increasingly 3rd world status for the benefit of everyone else. Hippy Hoorah.

And once again your president will stand up there and he will LOOK presidential, and he will ACT presidential, and he will say and do all of the right things, and will get along with and take all of the shit from the Media and the Democrats, and he will accept his place-----

------- as but a mere figurehead in the Global Game of evil rather than as a true leader of a free and independent America.
Actually Trump could be the left's trump card. He retains enough support to get the nomination again but not enough to win. He has lost support. That loss has occurred among people who reluctantly voted for him. He won Wisconsin and Michigan went to Trump narrowly. Those states are likely the first to go.
We don't mind that he is an idiot or that he says things that leave one (to be kind) scratching one's head.

Not being a good politician does not make one an idiot, just not a good politician. Trump ran on that, he said that he's not a politician; he won't say one thing and do another like all the rest, he is a leader, a builder, he doesn't play games, fit in and get along especially when it DOES NOT MAKE SENSE to the needs, wishes and goals of the nation. That makes him a poor politician, we knew that, he said that, and that is why people elected him to run the country. Everyone is tired of politics as usual------ that is except for the braindead rabid Left paid to deride him. Those that scorn Trump do so because they want politics exactly as it has always been! You see, there is no middle ground------ you either get along and play the game and KNOW YOUR PLACE, fit in and ride the current like a leaf, or you fight tooth and nail every step of the way to buck the system to stay clear of it best you can as Trump is doing.

I choose the latter.
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You forget, GeeW has been demoted in the age of trump to RINO

GW might not have started out as a RINO, but he quickly learned his place and became a good little republican that pushed a modest agenda merely slowing down a little the erosion of the country, all the while taking unbelievable heat for it. And he never EVER went out after he was out of office and tore the ass of Hussain Soetoro Barry Oboro for that wonderful bang-up job Barry did his first term.

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