Trumps sends socialism to save Alabama tornado victims .

To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

No you won't. I didn't even read through the thread and know you won't. You can argue EVERYTHING on the tax-payer's dime is socialism. There's "essential" socialism and there's up everyone's ass certain failure socialism. For example, such as your birth control meds.
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

No, dipshit...that isn't socialism......Socialism is the government controlling the means of production....a capitalist society spending money to help citizens is not guys are such a freaking chore to read...
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

No you won't. I didn't even read through the thread and know you won't. You can argue EVERYTHING on the tax-payer's dime is socialism. There's "essential" socialism and there's up everyone's ass certain failure socialism. For example, such as your birth control meds.

aaaaaaaaaaaand there it is again: the Cherrypicker.

"When I use a word it means what I choose it to mean! No more, no less!" --- Caterpillar, in the classic Carrollian exercise of Thanks For Clearing That Up
I’m a racist ? Lol. Nice that you lecture me when that stuff flies against minorities all the time in this place and no one says boo about it. I figure, when in Rome ?!

By the way . Lefties rip off the gov? Take a look who’s constantly getting hit by disasters. It’s red areas .
you lefties are have the whitemans burden....and god forbid a minority doesn't support a democrat or leftwing candidate, the leftwing phasod drops and shows democrats of 1940 are still alive today.

Yeah no one in NY took federal money, dude just use Google for'll stop me from making you look bad.
the right wing is worse.
Nope, they don't obsess over color....rightwingers want competent people, they don't bean count or virtue signal.
the right wing is worse; you all are willing to bear False Witness to our own laws for your bigotry.
We didn't do Jim Crow or any of those guys are the ones that make racial exceptions and put down races of people....not us.

It’s 2019 . Cons are all about Jim Crow .
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

No, dipshit...that isn't socialism......Socialism is the government controlling the means of production....a capitalist society spending money to help citizens is not guys are such a freaking chore to read...

Great . Give me an example of this Democrat socialism that the cons and president always talk about .
I’m a racist ? Lol. Nice that you lecture me when that stuff flies against minorities all the time in this place and no one says boo about it. I figure, when in Rome ?!

By the way . Lefties rip off the gov? Take a look who’s constantly getting hit by disasters. It’s red areas .
you lefties are have the whitemans burden....and god forbid a minority doesn't support a democrat or leftwing candidate, the leftwing phasod drops and shows democrats of 1940 are still alive today.

Yeah no one in NY took federal money, dude just use Google for'll stop me from making you look bad.

You talking Hurricane Sandy ? The one storm that gop congressman actually voted AGAINST disaster relief !

That was like 6 years ago . Shall be go over the big storm hits since then?? It’s like all red states .
Well no're blaming weather patterns (that were around before climate change) on you have your head up the democrat ass sooooo's amazing....

PS it's where most blacks live...want to blame them too?

You act as if tornadoes and hurricanes in the south are some rare thing . They get hit every year!
Why do you care about tornados and hurricanes hitting the south?
you act like people want are a leftwing are AOC level stupid.

I care to point out the hypocrisy that deep red voters bitch about nanny state big gov. Until they need nanny state big gov to come save their ass.
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

No you won't. I didn't even read through the thread and know you won't. You can argue EVERYTHING on the tax-payer's dime is socialism. There's "essential" socialism and there's up everyone's ass certain failure socialism. For example, such as your birth control meds.
He doesn't understand government or politics or economics, basically he's AOC on this board.
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

No you won't. I didn't even read through the thread and know you won't. You can argue EVERYTHING on the tax-payer's dime is socialism. There's "essential" socialism and there's up everyone's ass certain failure socialism. For example, such as your birth control meds.

aaaaaaaaaaaand there it is again: the Cherrypicker.

"When I use a word it means what I choose it to mean! No more, no less!" --- Caterpillar, in the classic Carrollian exercise of Thanks For Clearing That Up
How so, he's right, lefties say anything govt expenditure is's not.....
you lefties are have the whitemans burden....and god forbid a minority doesn't support a democrat or leftwing candidate, the leftwing phasod drops and shows democrats of 1940 are still alive today.

Yeah no one in NY took federal money, dude just use Google for'll stop me from making you look bad.
the right wing is worse.
Nope, they don't obsess over color....rightwingers want competent people, they don't bean count or virtue signal.
the right wing is worse; you all are willing to bear False Witness to our own laws for your bigotry.
We didn't do Jim Crow or any of those guys are the ones that make racial exceptions and put down races of people....not us.

It’s 2019 . Cons are all about Jim Crow .
WRong again....tell that to your Jew hating dems......hey you guys now have a fan in David Duke........cant wait for all those you did with Robert Byrd....oh wait......never happened
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

No, dipshit...that isn't socialism......Socialism is the government controlling the means of production....a capitalist society spending money to help citizens is not guys are such a freaking chore to read...

Great . Give me an example of this Democrat socialism that the cons and president always talk about .
Medicare 4 all......what do I win?
you lefties are have the whitemans burden....and god forbid a minority doesn't support a democrat or leftwing candidate, the leftwing phasod drops and shows democrats of 1940 are still alive today.

Yeah no one in NY took federal money, dude just use Google for'll stop me from making you look bad.

You talking Hurricane Sandy ? The one storm that gop congressman actually voted AGAINST disaster relief !

That was like 6 years ago . Shall be go over the big storm hits since then?? It’s like all red states .
Well no're blaming weather patterns (that were around before climate change) on you have your head up the democrat ass sooooo's amazing....

PS it's where most blacks live...want to blame them too?

You act as if tornadoes and hurricanes in the south are some rare thing . They get hit every year!
Why do you care about tornados and hurricanes hitting the south?
you act like people want are a leftwing are AOC level stupid.

I care to point out the hypocrisy that deep red voters bitch about nanny state big gov. Until they need nanny state big gov to come save their ass.
That's because you're stupid and only live off of talking points. Learn up terms like nuance, and then learn basic, govt, economics, and politics......then we can talk. Red Staters never complain about FEMA, shit happens, people need relief.......what we don't like, is people on welfare for some point YOU (not the gov) need to get off your ass and DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE....
yes that means turing off Maury
And get dressed, nice, thugging it aint gonna do it
and go apply for jobs, lots are available
OR you can try and learn a skill, even poor people have access to the internet.....use it.....go to the library....better yourself.......

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