Trumps sends socialism to save Alabama tornado victims .

Socialism is state control of the means of production now can we move on please

so then, there is ZERO Socialism in the United States, is that correct?

no theres 3 socialism in the US

Feel free to explain.

That was sarcasm. Not sure if you can apply a numerical value to how much socialism you have. Most educated proponents of Socialism get their ideas from Marx who considered it as a necessary stepping stone towards Communism which probably explains why some people are worried about our socialism number getting too high.
Is it socialism? Yes or no ?
Absolutely. It's public insurance. It's not hard to find examples of countries that don't have it, and how they fare, when disaster hits..
We are a representative republic...we tax our citizens so that we can protect and serve the people of the united states....we do this so that Washington can follow the rules stated in our constitution....we elect people to do this for us...they are representatives of the people....but we send them their to follow the constitution...when the step outside of the constitution then its socialism....and the more of it we allow them to do the worse it gets.....
technically FEMA is a violation of the constitution
technically FEMA is a violation of the constitution
It is allowed for safety and security reasons....and falls under the category of homeland security....sending Johnny to a liberal arts school on my dime does not....that is up to Johnny's mom and dad.....
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

LefTard Logic:
“If we’re going to help those who are victims of natural disasters...DAMNIT, we should also pay Guadalupe and ShaQuita to give birth to more of their filthy same.”

So is socialism bad or not?
Stop being a weasel and just admit the reason you want free college for all is so everyone's kids will be indoctrinated by Marxist professors.
No ya crybaby, put trade schools in there, too. Coding schools, for instance, would be a great idea. Same for automotive, or electricians, etc
Stop being a weasel and just admit the reason you want free college for all is so everyone's kids will be indoctrinated by Marxist professors.
No ya crybaby, put trade schools in there, too. Coding schools, for instance, would be a great idea. Same for automotive, or electricians, etc

Sounds ok I guess I dunno. I think the big problem in american poltics nowadays is neither side trusts the other so they're afraid to hammer out solutions because they're worried what their friends might think if they heard they were consorting with the enemy and also worry what the other guy's true motives are. I can't get any lefties here to at least admit I might have a point when I say its not OK to blame white men for everything wrong with the world or that trannies are gross and weird. So yeah when you say free college for all, I think whats the catch? This has something to do with destroying white people and promoting degeneracy doesnt it?
He victim blamed the people affected by the California wildfires and was pretty much a dick about it. Contrast that with his seemingly genuine sadness that his little Trumpbots down in Alabama were caught in another natural disaster. If they didn't live in house trailers maybe they would have been alright? But seriously, his partisanship extending all the way to acts of God and his sympathy being so conditional is disgusting.
The California wildfires were not a natural disaster.
Anyone the LEAST bit surprised the OP Snowflake can't differentiate between government assistance and Socialism?
If they KNEW what socialism is and the havoc it wreaks, they'd never be for it. Good thing they choose to stay totally ignorant.
The OP has NO FREAKIN CLUE what Socialism is. NONE. ZIP. NADA. Same as Oscasio noCortex.

FEMA falls under protect
So does public health insurance.

Serve? Free college.

Stop being a weasel and just admit the reason you want free college for all is so everyone's kids will be indoctrinated by Marxist professors.

What the fuck dude? No! A public option will mean more educated Americans, which makes our society stronger.
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No Thanks...fix the schools by removing federal dollars....

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