Trumps sends socialism to save Alabama tornado victims .

FEMA falls under protect
So does public health insurance.

Serve? Free college.

Stop being a weasel and just admit the reason you want free college for all is so everyone's kids will be indoctrinated by Marxist professors.

What the fuck dude? No! A public option will mean more educated Americans, which makes our society stronger.

Not everyone is smart enough for college. Most would be better served learning a trade instead of taking some stupid useless course in Ancient african history or whatever.
Socialism is state control of the means of production now can we move on please

so then, there is ZERO Socialism in the United States, is that correct?

no theres 3 socialism in the US

Feel free to explain.

That was sarcasm. Not sure if you can apply a numerical value to how much socialism you have. Most educated proponents of Socialism get their ideas from Marx who considered it as a necessary stepping stone towards Communism which probably explains why some people are worried about our socialism number getting too high.

By the definition you gave there no socialism at all in the United States. That is what zero means...none...nada...zilch

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FEMA falls under protect
So does public health insurance.

Serve? Free college.

Stop being a weasel and just admit the reason you want free college for all is so everyone's kids will be indoctrinated by Marxist professors.

What the fuck dude? No! A public option will mean more educated Americans, which makes our society stronger.

Not everyone is smart enough for college. Most would be better served learning a trade instead of taking some stupid useless course in Ancient african history or whatever.

I understand that and that's fine. I want as many Americans to meet their full potential as possible. I completely support trade schools. We should also quickly identify the people that won't cut it in college so we don't waste resources. We could help them do something that's more fitting for their abilities.
I spend a lot of time on social media so I feel pretty confident when I say most people are fucking stupid.
So, let's make more smart people. It's a proven method, you know.

We don't have the resources to give everybody unlimited opportunity to learn. It's important to recognize that a lot of people won't cut it. It'll be necessary to weed them out and help them find something more appropriate.
I spend a lot of time on social media so I feel pretty confident when I say most people are fucking stupid.
So, let's make more smart people. It's a proven method, you know.

Are you going to choose what they major in? I encounter a lot of really stupid college graduates who might not be so cranky if they weren't up to their eyeballs in debt because their gender studies degree doesn't earn a living.
Are you going to choose what they major in? I encounter a lot of really stupid college graduates who might not be so cranky if they weren't up to their eyeballs in debt because their gender studies degree doesn't earn a living.

We also need to stop forcing people to learn a bunch of shit that's not related to what they're studying to be an expert in.
Are you going to choose what they major in? I encounter a lot of really stupid college graduates who might not be so cranky if they weren't up to their eyeballs in debt because their gender studies degree doesn't earn a living.

We also need to stop forcing people to learn a bunch of shit that's not related to what they're studying to be an expert in.

Teach common sense adult life skills in high school instead of wasting time filling their heads with useless factoids that they will quickly forget and then maybe they'll be prepared to make a wise decision about what they want to do with their lives.
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

We The People use our tax dollars for a lot of things. We realize how inefficient the government is in re-distributing revenue however we pay that extra cost for convenience and the overall protection of our sovereign country. Just because small portions of government entitlements are used to help in disasters, deliver the mail, support a strong military etc., is no reason to mandate forced, mass , redistribution of wealth in our economy. That's Socialism and it has NEVER worked. Socialism is responsible for 100's of millions of innocent deaths. WTF are some of you idots thinking? Social Security is a form of Socialism that we have decided to pay for........Look how THAT turned out? A dismal failure.
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Are you going to choose what they major in? I encounter a lot of really stupid college graduates who might not be so cranky if they weren't up to their eyeballs in debt because their gender studies degree doesn't earn a living.

We also need to stop forcing people to learn a bunch of shit that's not related to what they're studying to be an expert in.

Teach common sense adult life skills in high school instead of wasting time filling their heads with useless factoids that they will quickly forget and then maybe they'll be prepared to make a wise decision about what they want to do with their lives.

Yes, and teach them how to handle money. Show them how to create a personal investment portfolio or a plan of some kind because they will have NOTHING when they can no longer work. We have seen that the elderly that depend on SSI are basically living in poverty.
Trump rewards his base with socialism. How ironic. First, he bails out Midwest farmers with taxpayer money for loses cause by his tariffs. Then, Alabama is put on the gravy train. On the other hand, he threatens to withhold money from California because they don't rake their national forest land (which he is responsible for) from which he claims wildfires are caused. He also claims that California diverts their fresh water to the sea.. It is just a coincidence that California didn't vote for him.
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

That’s the State working for the People, You people would direct Socislism to provide iPhones, BigScreens, and Mainicures just because.

What do you think the fema funds are going to do ? Replace all that shit you listed .

FEMA is replacing it because of a catastrophic event as per its mission. Providing for iPhones, Big Screens, and manicures “just because” is redistribution of wealth or Socialism. These are nice to haves, not necessities or essentials.
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FEMA falls under protect
So does public health insurance.

Serve? Free college.

Stop being a weasel and just admit the reason you want free college for all is so everyone's kids will be indoctrinated by Marxist professors.

What the fuck dude? No! A public option will mean more educated Americans, which makes our society stronger.

Not everyone is smart enough for college. Most would be better served learning a trade instead of taking some stupid useless course in Ancient african history or whatever.

I understand that and that's fine. I want as many Americans to meet their full potential as possible. I completely support trade schools. We should also quickly identify the people that won't cut it in college so we don't waste resources. We could help them do something that's more fitting for their abilities.

Well, except for the fact that the schools would be sued every time you told little Johnny the juvenile delinquent that he can't take college prep classes because he failed 8th grade twice!
Are you going to choose what they major in? I encounter a lot of really stupid college graduates who might not be so cranky if they weren't up to their eyeballs in debt because their gender studies degree doesn't earn a living.

We also need to stop forcing people to learn a bunch of shit that's not related to what they're studying to be an expert in.

Such as?
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado
It is not Socialism.

But, if you say it is, then fine. That is all the Socialism we need.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Yeah, by OP's own admission socialism is already here. What is he complaining about? :auiqs.jpg:

socialism is like poison. A little bit mixed in your drink might thin your blood a bit and actually be good for you
but dont drink the whole damn bottle! this is why they have childproof caps on medicine... I guess now we need Democrat proof caps on politics.
Are you going to choose what they major in? I encounter a lot of really stupid college graduates who might not be so cranky if they weren't up to their eyeballs in debt because their gender studies degree doesn't earn a living.

We also need to stop forcing people to learn a bunch of shit that's not related to what they're studying to be an expert in.

Teach common sense adult life skills in high school instead of wasting time filling their heads with useless factoids that they will quickly forget and then maybe they'll be prepared to make a wise decision about what they want to do with their lives.

Yes, and teach them how to handle money. Show them how to create a personal investment portfolio or a plan of some kind because they will have NOTHING when they can no longer work. We have seen that the elderly that depend on SSI are basically living in poverty.

You are confused. SSI is not what you think it is. Look it up!
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

The most important things to be concerned about when it come to socialism is how it restricts individuals lives, over regulates them, intrudes to deeply into their personal lives, peoples businesses....... not all this crap about emergency funds. There is a purpose for the government and agencies they set up to handle these situations. But why you are confusing it with the depraved side of socialism I have no idea.

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