Trumps sends socialism to save Alabama tornado victims .

To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado
/—-/ Wrong you imbecile. The constitutional role of the federal Gubmint is to step in when states lack the resources. That’s not socialism.

can you point to the part of the Constitution that says that?
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado
/—-/ Wrong you imbecile. The constitutional role of the federal Gubmint is to step in when states lack the resources. That’s not socialism.

can you point to the part of the Constitution that says that?
/——-/ Ypu can start you education here: Feds, States, Cities — The All of the Above Disaster Response
Yeah, by OP's own admission socialism is already here. What is he complaining about? :auiqs.jpg:

He is just stupid. Someone who would not exist if we did not put heavy barriers around moving parts and machines.

He will walk in front of a bus eventually though.

So government services we pay for through taxes is socialism?

Last year a tree fell on my house. The insurance company paid for and managed the repairs. Is that socialism too?

The OP continues to prove he has limited to no intellect.

You paid for insurance. These Bama people opted out of that . And now will have the government pay to fix their shit .

If you think the fact people pays taxes = they bought into all these gov safety nets just proves you have no intellect .

Thanks for proving the point in my OP. Conservatives keep moving the socialism goal posts .

They pay taxes to fund fema, so how is that socialism? I pay government to pick up my trash. Is that socialism too?
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado
/—-/ Wrong you imbecile. The constitutional role of the federal Gubmint is to step in when states lack the resources. That’s not socialism.

can you point to the part of the Constitution that says that?
/——-/ Ypu can start you education here: Feds, States, Cities — The All of the Above Disaster Response

Thanks for quickly admitting you were full of shit.
So government services we pay for through taxes is socialism?

Last year a tree fell on my house. The insurance company paid for and managed the repairs. Is that socialism too?

The OP continues to prove he has limited to no intellect.

You paid for insurance. These Bama people opted out of that . And now will have the government pay to fix their shit .

If you think the fact people pays taxes = they bought into all these gov safety nets just proves you have no intellect .

Thanks for proving the point in my OP. Conservatives keep moving the socialism goal posts .

They pay taxes to fund fema, so how is that socialism? I pay government to pick up my trash. Is that socialism too?

Everything is paid for by taxes (ignoring the massive deficit spending for now) , so then nothing can be socialism using your logic.
technically FEMA is a violation of the constitution
It is allowed for safety and security reasons....and falls under the category of homeland security....sending Johnny to a liberal arts school on my dime does not....that is up to Johnny's mom and dad.....
where the fuck is the homeland security clause???

the 10th amendment is very specific
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

Let Alabama pay for its damned Tornados
We are $22 trillion in debt, we can't afford it must have forgot that many of the tornado victims are Black folk. You thought they were all white...didn’t you?
In the real world every thing is not black or white, in the real world labeling your self Republican or Democrat wont increase your intellect or your ability to make good choices. working together towards solutions seems smarter.
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

It's only Socialism to someone who failed high school civics and doesn't know what Socialism means. Socialism advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. FEMA manufactures nothing.
In the real world every thing is not black or white, in the real world labeling your self Republican or Democrat wont increase your intellect or your ability to make good choices. working together towards solutions seems smarter.

Yes and hating a duly elected President is stupid.
Its unconstitutional. Whether you want to call it socialism or not.
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

It's only Socialism to someone who failed high school civics and doesn't know what Socialism means. Socialism advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. FEMA manufactures nothing.

Then what is all this socialism Trump and the cons talk about all day!?
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

Let Alabama pay for its damned Tornados
We are $22 trillion in debt, we can't afford it must have forgot that many of the tornado victims are Black folk. You thought they were all white...didn’t you?

once again, the guy that claims to not care about skin color makes it all about skin color.

you are such a fraud
He victim blamed the people affected by the California wildfires and was pretty much a dick about it. Contrast that with his seemingly genuine sadness that his little Trumpbots down in Alabama were caught in another natural disaster. If they didn't live in house trailers maybe they would have been alright? But seriously, his partisanship extending all the way to acts of God and his sympathy being so conditional is disgusting.
If they didn't live in house trailers maybe they would have been alright?
You were on a roll 'til you came out with that one. People who can't afford a stick built home deserve to die, huh?
Let's not allow your sympathy to be conditional, either.
To paraphrase an old saying “everyone hates socialism , until they get punched in the face . “

Now watch as cons bend themselves into an illogical pretzel and claim FEMA help ain’t socialism .

Trump directs FEMA to give Alabama the 'A Plus treatment' after deadly tornado

It's only Socialism to someone who failed high school civics and doesn't know what Socialism means. Socialism advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. FEMA manufactures nothing.

Then what is all this socialism Trump and the cons talk about all day!?
There are about 12 million people on SSDI from a few years ago. About half of the people collecting are questionable. This is an example on what socialism does.

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