Trump’s SOTU

Trump is going to throw everything including the kitchen sink into the most embarrassing and tragic SOTU rants ever. He's probably going to throw away his prepared speech halfway through and make an unbelievable spectacle of himself.
He can't rant off tele propmpters, can't read well enough to do that. He'll have to go ad lib to rant.

I hope President Trump does do the SOTU in a Stream of Consciousness format instead of just reading a piece of paper. That's his best method, IMHO.
He loves to get the Trumpbots all wound up with some delicious righteous outrage but for the rest of us it's just plain sad.

The Trump Revolution is a worldwide movement- places like Brazil, Venezuela, Hungary, the Philippines are being transformed, occupooper. Its a novus ordo seclorum, a New World Order that you libs need to get used to. Believe me, people around the world are tired of losing and are ready to be Winners.
Right wing nationalism only grows if you let democracy die, I don't know how it will turn out in those other countries but here that fascist shit has done far more for progressives than you Trumpbots. The last election and the next will put the last nails in the coffin of our little fascism experiment.
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

I agree. And single issue voters are mostly focused on two issues: Guns and Abortion.

The GOP continues to support the 2nd A. as it is written, and yet knows that it is not as broad as the NRA makes believe it is; and yet the GOP has never responded to mass murders, suicides and accidental deaths by gun fire preventing the CDC from keeping statistics.

Nor has the GOP done anything to repeal and replace R v. W with new legislation when they were in power of all three branches of government.

The Lies, half-truths and rumors that the D's support the confiscation of all guns in the hands of citizens is a BIG LIE; the half-truths and lies about post birth abortion is a BIG LIE and an oxymoron.

I have been saying for a long time the last thing the Repubs want is for RvW to be overturned, they need it in place to ensure people keep voting for them. Yet after all these years the rate of abortions per pregnancy is the same as it was 3 years after RvW.
Trump is going to throw everything including the kitchen sink into the most embarrassing and tragic SOTU rants ever. He's probably going to throw away his prepared speech halfway through and make an unbelievable spectacle of himself.
He can't rant off tele propmpters, can't read well enough to do that. He'll have to go ad lib to rant.

I hope President Trump does do the SOTU in a Stream of Consciousness format instead of just reading a piece of paper. That's his best method, IMHO.
He loves to get the Trumpbots all wound up with some delicious righteous outrage but for the rest of us it's just plain sad.

The Trump Revolution is a worldwide movement- places like Brazil, Venezuela, Hungary, the Philippines are being transformed, occupooper. Its a novus ordo seclorum, a New World Order that you libs need to get used to. Believe me, people around the world are tired of losing and are ready to be Winners.

Isn't it a little early to be drinking?
They want him gone over a photo which presumably wasn't intended to be serious... but are fine with his desires for post-birth abortions?

I suspect they released the photo to deflect from his slipping their desire for murdering babies after birth. Nobody’s talking about that anymore.
You and yer fantasies about post birth death is most ridiculous since many kids are killed each day yet you are silent.But then again those already born and killed have no political gotchs points for yous guys.

You do realize that murdering children is a crime?

Are you now going to come in defense of the governor? "Baby killing should be legal, because babies have died elsewhere".

What a MORON!
Kneel and pray to a baby killing god, millions of Christians do it daily.

Is that moloch?
They want him gone over a photo which presumably wasn't intended to be serious... but are fine with his desires for post-birth abortions?

I suspect they released the photo to deflect from his slipping their desire for murdering babies after birth. Nobody’s talking about that anymore.
You and yer fantasies about post birth death is most ridiculous since many kids are killed each day yet you are silent.But then again those already born and killed have no political gotchs points for yous guys.

You do realize that murdering children is a crime?

Are you now going to come in defense of the governor? "Baby killing should be legal, because babies have died elsewhere".

What a MORON!
Kneel and pray to a baby killing god, millions of Christians do it daily.

Is that moloch?
Eh, depends which day it is..But it does sound like my ex-wives..
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

I agree. And single issue voters are mostly focused on two issues: Guns and Abortion.

The GOP continues to support the 2nd A. as it is written, and yet knows that it is not as broad as the NRA makes believe it is; and yet the GOP has never responded to mass murders, suicides and accidental deaths by gun fire preventing the CDC from keeping statistics.

Nor has the GOP done anything to repeal and replace R v. W with new legislation when they were in power of all three branches of government.

The Lies, half-truths and rumors that the D's support the confiscation of all guns in the hands of citizens is a BIG LIE; the half-truths and lies about post birth abortion is a BIG LIE and an oxymoron.

And yet once again, you lie.

VA Gov. Northam: Abortion Bill Leaves Born Babies' Lives Up to Doctors and Mothers to Decide

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) commented Wednesday about a controversial 40-week abortion bill and in so doing said the law allows an abortion to take place after the infant's birth.

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die."
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

I agree. And single issue voters are mostly focused on two issues: Guns and Abortion.

The GOP continues to support the 2nd A. as it is written, and yet knows that it is not as broad as the NRA makes believe it is; and yet the GOP has never responded to mass murders, suicides and accidental deaths by gun fire preventing the CDC from keeping statistics.

Nor has the GOP done anything to repeal and replace R v. W with new legislation when they were in power of all three branches of government.

The Lies, half-truths and rumors that the D's support the confiscation of all guns in the hands of citizens is a BIG LIE; the half-truths and lies about post birth abortion is a BIG LIE and an oxymoron.

And yet once again, you lie.

VA Gov. Northam: Abortion Bill Leaves Born Babies' Lives Up to Doctors and Mothers to Decide

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) commented Wednesday about a controversial 40-week abortion bill and in so doing said the law allows an abortion to take place after the infant's birth.

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die."

In your link:

"I wasn't there, Julie. And I certainly can't speak for delegate Tran. But I would tell you one, the first think I would say, this is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved," Northam said. "When we talk about third trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician by the way. And it is done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that is non-viable."

Northam continued by saying government shouldn't be involved in these types of decisions and that legislators, especially male legislators, shouldn't be telling women what to do.

"I think this was really blown out of proportion. But again we want the government not to be involved in these types of decisions. We want the decision to be made by the mothers and their providers. And this is why Julie, that legislators, most of whom are men by the way, shouldn't be telling a woman what she should or shouldn't be doing with her body," Northam said.

Carey asked if the law should still require women to have multiple physicians approve an abortion.

"Well, I think it is always good to get a second opinion and for at least two providers to be involved in that decision," Northam said. "These decisions shouldn't be taken lightly.

He was speaking as a baby dr., not a spokesperson for the Democratic Party.

Last edited:
Trump is going to throw everything including the kitchen sink into the most embarrassing and tragic SOTU rants ever. He's probably going to throw away his prepared speech halfway through and make an unbelievable spectacle of himself.
He can't rant off tele propmpters, can't read well enough to do that. He'll have to go ad lib to rant.

I hope President Trump does do the SOTU in a Stream of Consciousness format instead of just reading a piece of paper. That's his best method, IMHO.
Oh I agree completely! Let him ad-lib till the cows come home, it's his most entertaining mode, and it keeps the fact checkers employed trying to cataloged all the lies he tells.
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

Except it's not

The Abortion Debate Isn’t As Partisan As Politicians Make It Seem

you miss the is not the 35% that matters, it is the 65% that would never vote for a "pro-choice" candidate.

It is that mindset, especially in the primaries, that has left us without a fiscal conservative as the nominee for POTUS in our lifetimes.
Wedge issues basically have no universally acceptable soultion(s) , and by proxy 'voter based sure thing' Gator....~S~
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

Except it's not

The Abortion Debate Isn’t As Partisan As Politicians Make It Seem

you miss the is not the 35% that matters, it is the 65% that would never vote for a "pro-choice" candidate.

It is that mindset, especially in the primaries, that has left us without a fiscal conservative as the nominee for POTUS in our lifetimes.

65% of Republicans. So that's 65% of, what, 33% of the country? Which makes it less of a wedge issue than politicians claim.
Trump is going to throw everything including the kitchen sink into the most embarrassing and tragic SOTU rants ever. He's probably going to throw away his prepared speech halfway through and make an unbelievable spectacle of himself.
He can't rant off tele propmpters, can't read well enough to do that. He'll have to go ad lib to rant.

I hope President Trump does do the SOTU in a Stream of Consciousness format instead of just reading a piece of paper. That's his best method, IMHO.
He loves to get the Trumpbots all wound up with some delicious righteous outrage but for the rest of us it's just plain sad.

The Trump Revolution is a worldwide movement- places like Brazil, Venezuela, Hungary, the Philippines are being transformed, occupooper. Its a novus ordo seclorum, a New World Order that you libs need to get used to. Believe me, people around the world are tired of losing and are ready to be Winners.

Isn't it a little early to be drinking?
6:30 pm in Moscow.
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

Except it's not

The Abortion Debate Isn’t As Partisan As Politicians Make It Seem

you miss the is not the 35% that matters, it is the 65% that would never vote for a "pro-choice" candidate.

It is that mindset, especially in the primaries, that has left us without a fiscal conservative as the nominee for POTUS in our lifetimes.

65% of Republicans. So that's 65% of, what, 33% of the country? Which makes it less of a wedge issue than politicians claim.

Not so.

There is 33% of the country that would never vote for a pro-choice candidate and 33% of the country that would never vote for a pro-life candidate.

And those single issue voters rule the primaries, so they control who we get to choose between come the general election.
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

I agree. And single issue voters are mostly focused on two issues: Guns and Abortion.

The GOP continues to support the 2nd A. as it is written, and yet knows that it is not as broad as the NRA makes believe it is; and yet the GOP has never responded to mass murders, suicides and accidental deaths by gun fire preventing the CDC from keeping statistics.

Nor has the GOP done anything to repeal and replace R v. W with new legislation when they were in power of all three branches of government.

The Lies, half-truths and rumors that the D's support the confiscation of all guns in the hands of citizens is a BIG LIE; the half-truths and lies about post birth abortion is a BIG LIE and an oxymoron.

And yet once again, you lie.

VA Gov. Northam: Abortion Bill Leaves Born Babies' Lives Up to Doctors and Mothers to Decide

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) commented Wednesday about a controversial 40-week abortion bill and in so doing said the law allows an abortion to take place after the infant's birth.

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die."
Actually no. It's your source, and by extension you, who are lying.
Hopefully This is Us will be a new one shown after the blob oozes off the dais so there will be something worth watching that night. Chopped may be new
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

Except it's not

The Abortion Debate Isn’t As Partisan As Politicians Make It Seem

you miss the is not the 35% that matters, it is the 65% that would never vote for a "pro-choice" candidate.

It is that mindset, especially in the primaries, that has left us without a fiscal conservative as the nominee for POTUS in our lifetimes.

65% of Republicans. So that's 65% of, what, 33% of the country? Which makes it less of a wedge issue than politicians claim.

Not so.

There is 33% of the country that would never vote for a pro-choice candidate and 33% of the country that would never vote for a pro-life candidate.

And those single issue voters rule the primaries, so they control who we get to choose between come the general election.

Abortion never even makes the top 10 of voter issues.

Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

Except it's not

The Abortion Debate Isn’t As Partisan As Politicians Make It Seem

you miss the is not the 35% that matters, it is the 65% that would never vote for a "pro-choice" candidate.

It is that mindset, especially in the primaries, that has left us without a fiscal conservative as the nominee for POTUS in our lifetimes.

65% of Republicans. So that's 65% of, what, 33% of the country? Which makes it less of a wedge issue than politicians claim.

Not so.

There is 33% of the country that would never vote for a pro-choice candidate and 33% of the country that would never vote for a pro-life candidate.

And those single issue voters rule the primaries, so they control who we get to choose between come the general election.

Abortion never even makes the top 10 of voter issues.


Yet is is the only non-negotiable issue. You discount it too much.

Sent from my iPhone using
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

I agree. And single issue voters are mostly focused on two issues: Guns and Abortion.

The GOP continues to support the 2nd A. as it is written, and yet knows that it is not as broad as the NRA makes believe it is; and yet the GOP has never responded to mass murders, suicides and accidental deaths by gun fire preventing the CDC from keeping statistics.

Nor has the GOP done anything to repeal and replace R v. W with new legislation when they were in power of all three branches of government.

The Lies, half-truths and rumors that the D's support the confiscation of all guns in the hands of citizens is a BIG LIE; the half-truths and lies about post birth abortion is a BIG LIE and an oxymoron.

And yet once again, you lie.

VA Gov. Northam: Abortion Bill Leaves Born Babies' Lives Up to Doctors and Mothers to Decide

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) commented Wednesday about a controversial 40-week abortion bill and in so doing said the law allows an abortion to take place after the infant's birth.

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die."
Actually no. It's your source, and by extension you, who are lying.

Actually, yes, those are exactly northams words. Quit lying.
Wedge issues are political suicide


Is this a joke?

Wedge issues are all that matters in this country, most people vote based upon one or two wedge issues.

Abortion being the biggest one of all of course.

I agree. And single issue voters are mostly focused on two issues: Guns and Abortion.

The GOP continues to support the 2nd A. as it is written, and yet knows that it is not as broad as the NRA makes believe it is; and yet the GOP has never responded to mass murders, suicides and accidental deaths by gun fire preventing the CDC from keeping statistics.

Nor has the GOP done anything to repeal and replace R v. W with new legislation when they were in power of all three branches of government.

The Lies, half-truths and rumors that the D's support the confiscation of all guns in the hands of citizens is a BIG LIE; the half-truths and lies about post birth abortion is a BIG LIE and an oxymoron.

And yet once again, you lie.

VA Gov. Northam: Abortion Bill Leaves Born Babies' Lives Up to Doctors and Mothers to Decide

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) commented Wednesday about a controversial 40-week abortion bill and in so doing said the law allows an abortion to take place after the infant's birth.

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die."

In your link:

"I wasn't there, Julie. And I certainly can't speak for delegate Tran. But I would tell you one, the first think I would say, this is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved," Northam said. "When we talk about third trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician by the way. And it is done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that is non-viable."

Northam continued by saying government shouldn't be involved in these types of decisions and that legislators, especially male legislators, shouldn't be telling women what to do.

"I think this was really blown out of proportion. But again we want the government not to be involved in these types of decisions. We want the decision to be made by the mothers and their providers. And this is why Julie, that legislators, most of whom are men by the way, shouldn't be telling a woman what she should or shouldn't be doing with her body," Northam said.

Carey asked if the law should still require women to have multiple physicians approve an abortion.

"Well, I think it is always good to get a second opinion and for at least two providers to be involved in that decision," Northam said. "These decisions shouldn't be taken lightly.

He was speaking as a baby dr., not a spokesperson for the Democratic Party.

Northam continued by saying government shouldn't be involved in these types of decisions and that legislators, especially male legislators, shouldn't be telling women what to do.

That is epic. So government should not get involved in murder and men should not be allowed to be involved in decisions involving women. So men and women are not equal anymore. Wow.

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