Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

LOL! Not even Fox News agrees with you.

Media accuse Trump of lying about ‘SPYGATE’ despite Clapper admission

(Ignore Fox News' clickbait title, the article reads differently than the title suggests)
What "theory" hasn't been admitted by Clapper? I saw him on the view admit the FBI spied on the Trump campaign.

I take it you didn't read the article then? Oh well, can't fix stupid.

The "theory" that Trump's campaign had a spy in it. And the only people that think Clapper "admitted" to anything are gullible Trumpers. Even Fox News isn't on board with you.

Trump lied to you........again.
It's not a theory, it's a fact that Clapper and Brennan both admitted. The FBI hired a spy to tamper with the Trump campaign. He wasn't "in the Trump campaign." He was planting bogus information on Trump campaign staffers.

And I'm sure that Trump will find evidence for that right after he's done finding evidence that Obama wasn't born in the US and that millions of illegals voted for Hillary.

When are going to stop letting Trump lie to you?
Well how about this crazy idea skippy... why don't you show us all a photo of Barry's hard copy Hawaiian birth certificate... ooooohhh... I'm sorry... I asked you to show us something that no one has seen.... soooo sorry.

No need to waste any more time making comments about your kind of stupidity.

Doesn't matter what the democrat propaganda wing thinks or says, there was spys in the Trump campaign, and when it's all said and done, probably going to be some democrats in jail... maybe even.... OBAMA.

Yeah he's not exempt... he knew... maybe he can run back to kenya where he was born and beg them not to extradite his ass back to America for prosecution... and jail.

You don't seem to realize how it works comrade, laws are for the little people, the ruling elite won't allow any of it's members to go to jail, doesn't matter if they're democrat or republican, it would set a bad example

One could actually get that impression... but I think times are a changin'... because there's someone in the White House that just doesn't play by those old corrupt establishment rules... got 'em all real scared too. They've played all their best cards and pulled out all the stops, but he's STILL THERE.

The investigation has not ended.
Doesn't matter what the democrat propaganda wing thinks or says, there was spys in the Trump campaign, and when it's all said and done, probably going to be some democrats in jail... maybe even.... OBAMA.

Yeah he's not exempt... he knew... maybe he can run back to kenya where he was born and beg them not to extradite his ass back to America for prosecution... and jail.

Not going to happen.
Doesn't matter what the democrat propaganda wing thinks or says, there was spys in the Trump campaign, and when it's all said and done, probably going to be some democrats in jail... maybe even.... OBAMA.

Yeah he's not exempt... he knew... maybe he can run back to kenya where he was born and beg them not to extradite his ass back to America for prosecution... and jail.

You don't seem to realize how it works comrade, laws are for the little people, the ruling elite won't allow any of it's members to go to jail, doesn't matter if they're democrat or republican, it would set a bad example

One could actually get that impression... but I think times are a changin'... because there's someone in the White House that just doesn't play by those old corrupt establishment rules... got 'em all real scared too. They've played all their best cards and pulled out all the stops, but he's STILL THERE.

The investigation has not ended.
You're so stupid you're boring. No wonder anyone else is responding to you... b'bye moron.
Doesn't matter what the democrat propaganda wing thinks or says, there was spys in the Trump campaign, and when it's all said and done, probably going to be some democrats in jail... maybe even.... OBAMA.

Yeah he's not exempt... he knew... maybe he can run back to kenya where he was born and beg them not to extradite his ass back to America for prosecution... and jail.

You don't seem to realize how it works comrade, laws are for the little people, the ruling elite won't allow any of it's members to go to jail, doesn't matter if they're democrat or republican, it would set a bad example

One could actually get that impression... but I think times are a changin'... because there's someone in the White House that just doesn't play by those old corrupt establishment rules... got 'em all real scared too. They've played all their best cards and pulled out all the stops, but he's STILL THERE.

The investigation has not ended.
You're so stupid you're boring. No wonder anyone else is responding to you... b'bye moron.

Stupid is you talking about not seeing a birth certificate everybody else has seen.
Doesn't matter what the democrat propaganda wing thinks or says, there was spys in the Trump campaign, and when it's all said and done, probably going to be some democrats in jail... maybe even.... OBAMA.

Yeah he's not exempt... he knew... maybe he can run back to kenya where he was born and beg them not to extradite his ass back to America for prosecution... and jail.

You don't seem to realize how it works comrade, laws are for the little people, the ruling elite won't allow any of it's members to go to jail, doesn't matter if they're democrat or republican, it would set a bad example

One could actually get that impression... but I think times are a changin'... because there's someone in the White House that just doesn't play by those old corrupt establishment rules... got 'em all real scared too. They've played all their best cards and pulled out all the stops, but he's STILL THERE.

The investigation has not ended.
You're so stupid you're boring. No wonder anyone else is responding to you... b'bye moron.

Stupid is you talking about not seeing a birth certificate everybody else has seen.
Oh really... then show it to me...
One could actually get that impression... but I think times are a changin'... because there's someone in the White House that just doesn't play by those old corrupt establishment rules... got 'em all real scared too. They've played all their best cards and pulled out all the stops, but he's STILL THERE.

The only reason the orange saviour is still there is because he came to an arrangement with the deep state. Remember how he wanted to pull the troops out of the ME because it was a waste of $$$? How he wanted good relations with Russia?

And in return there's no talk of impeachment anymore, I think they even gave him Halper to boost his ego

Trump is part of the establishment now and playing by the rules, even with his twitter addiction and insane statements... when was the last time you heard him call for Hillary to be locked up?

One could actually get that impression... but I think times are a changin'... because there's someone in the White House that just doesn't play by those old corrupt establishment rules... got 'em all real scared too. They've played all their best cards and pulled out all the stops, but he's STILL THERE.

The only reason the orange saviour is still there is because he came to an arrangement with the deep state. Remember how he wanted to pull the troops out of the ME because it was a waste of $$$? How he wanted good relations with Russia?

And in return there's no talk of impeachment anymore, I think they even gave him Halper to boost his ego

Trump is part of the establishment now and playing by the rules, even with his twitter addiction and insane statements... when was the last time you heard him call for Hillary to be locked up?

OOOOOOO k... how the fuck did I get the impression you were on the level?

Sorry, bubble head... bull shit doesn't go over on me.

Take a pill and wake up.
OOOOOOO k... how the fuck did I get the impression you were on the level?

Probably because I agree with you that it's a good thing the psycho princess lost the selections and that the trauma of all her minions is very enjoyable
Sorry, bubble head... bull shit doesn't go over on me.

Are you sure, you seem to be a big fan of the orange clown in chief and his delusional promises?
Take a pill and wake up.

I've been awake for decades now (since Saint Ronnie actually) but let me know when Hillary/Obama/Brennan etc. actually goes to jail, then I'll humbly apologize to you

Doesn't matter what the democrat propaganda wing thinks or says, there was spys in the Trump campaign, and when it's all said and done, probably going to be some democrats in jail... maybe even.... OBAMA.

Yeah he's not exempt... he knew... maybe he can run back to kenya where he was born and beg them not to extradite his ass back to America for prosecution... and jail.
Rudy Giuliani admits spygate is a PR tactic.
Even Rubio says the FBI can investigate those with suspicious histories connected to Russia.

You've fallen for it. hook line sinker.
There was no spying operation. So can’t really continue the argument.

Clapper and Brennan have both admitted there was a spying operation.

LOL! Not even Fox News agrees with you.

Fox News said:
While that theory has not been admitted by Clapper, Americans will have to decide for themselves whether the president was being truthful during Thursday's Twitter storm.

Media accuse Trump of lying about ‘SPYGATE’ despite Clapper admission

(Ignore Fox News' clickbait title, the article reads differently than the title suggests)
What "theory" hasn't been admitted by Clapper? I saw him on the view admit the FBI spied on the Trump campaign.

The left cant grasp that they have been outed as criminal thugs who need jails and gallows... They refuse to admit they have been caught just like all liars..

The left grasps that the Trumpsters will say any lie in order to defend their Dear Leader- and like the good little Fascists they are- believe anyone who disagrees with their Dear Leader deserves the gallows.

^^^ Diagnosis: A Serious Case of Prog Projection ^^^
Clapper and Brennan have both admitted there was a spying operation.

LOL! Not even Fox News agrees with you.

Fox News said:
While that theory has not been admitted by Clapper, Americans will have to decide for themselves whether the president was being truthful during Thursday's Twitter storm.

Media accuse Trump of lying about ‘SPYGATE’ despite Clapper admission

(Ignore Fox News' clickbait title, the article reads differently than the title suggests)
What "theory" hasn't been admitted by Clapper? I saw him on the view admit the FBI spied on the Trump campaign.

The left cant grasp that they have been outed as criminal thugs who need jails and gallows... They refuse to admit they have been caught just like all liars..

The left grasps that the Trumpsters will say any lie in order to defend their Dear Leader- and like the good little Fascists they are- believe anyone who disagrees with their Dear Leader deserves the gallows.

^^^ Diagnosis: A Serious Case of Prog Projection ^^^
When you see someone hellbent on committing suicide its best to get out of their way and let them do it themselves.. They don't deal in facts, they deal in lies and destruction methods. Its best to get out of their way and let them expose themselves along with self-destruct..
LOL! Not even Fox News agrees with you.

Media accuse Trump of lying about ‘SPYGATE’ despite Clapper admission

(Ignore Fox News' clickbait title, the article reads differently than the title suggests)
What "theory" hasn't been admitted by Clapper? I saw him on the view admit the FBI spied on the Trump campaign.

The left cant grasp that they have been outed as criminal thugs who need jails and gallows... They refuse to admit they have been caught just like all liars..

The left grasps that the Trumpsters will say any lie in order to defend their Dear Leader- and like the good little Fascists they are- believe anyone who disagrees with their Dear Leader deserves the gallows.

^^^ Diagnosis: A Serious Case of Prog Projection ^^^
When you see someone hellbent on committing suicide its best to get out of their way and let them do it themselves.. .

Well I have no problem with that except I think Trump might take the rest of us with us when he does that.
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...
Spygate is just another one of Trump's conspiracy theories in which there is no evidence. His conspiracy theories first came to light with his belief that thousands of Muslims were on the streets in New Jersey celebrating the fall of the towers, then the Director of the CIA with detailed intelligence of the 911 attack to come. Then he joined the birthers claiming Obama was not a citizen. According to Trump, Ted Cruz and Rubio's citizenship disqualified them for the presidency. When Scalia died Trump said he was skeptical of the medical examiner's report of natural causes and now FBI agents were spying on him and his campaign. It's all just bull shit and Trump paranoia.

Like most conspiracy theorist, Trump sees patterns and causal connections that are just not there. For most people, conspiracy theories are harmless unless you happen to be the President with a nuclear arsenal at your fingertips. Neither his supporters or his opposition seems to be concerned but they should be.

Do you think that Trump actually believes any of this bullshit? I think he has been using this crap to recruit his gullible followers all along.

Which is why he dropped the Birther BS as soon as he got the GOP nomination.

He plays his base like like a maestro
Trump is certainly aware that entertaining conspiracy theories in line with beliefs of his supporters helps his cause. However, I think Trump has always looked for the hidden story, the secret agenda, and the story behind the story. He doesn't trust and has never trusted institutions such as government, the media, institutions of higher education, and the science community. This distrust of anything accepted as common knowledge is an integral part of his personality. So yes, I think Trump is a conspiracy theorist but he's smart enough to only share his theories where he thinks it will help him.
Last edited:
Ah. So when all else fails and you can’t think of any viable arguments, you insult, which just proves you’ve nothing of substance to offer.

Indeed. The Obama Admin (Past and remaining embeds) are engaged in a SPYING and SABOTAGE operation. There were no whistleblowers in the Trump campaign. The SPY operation tried to entrap gullible and junior campaign associates with manufactured fake evidence.
Manafort was just a coffee runner

Manafort served as campaign chairman for two months before being fired. He didn't have time to do much more than make coffee and a few connections. Mueller has charged him with activities that preceded and have nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Nor was he the victim of the SPYING operation.

You lose.

Try again.
There was no spying operation. So can’t really continue the argument.

That's a great representation of Trump supporters. Most of whom are grateful to Russia for sabotaging the election.
How many “Trumpsters” do you actually know? Or are you a mind reader? These are serious questions, btw.

Manafort served as campaign chairman for two months before being fired. He didn't have time to do much more than make coffee and a few connections. Mueller has charged him with activities that preceded and have nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Nor was he the victim of the SPYING operation.

You lose.

Try again.
There was no spying operation. So can’t really continue the argument.

Clapper and Brennan have both admitted there was a spying operation.
Not until they learned there was treason going on
Wrong again. They had absolutely no legal basis for sending anyone to spy on the Trump campaign.

Because of course the Trumpsters don't think that the FBI should have been concerned- or investigated- when they became suspicious of possible Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

Face it - the Trumpsters don't give a damn whether the Russians infiltrated the Trump campaign or whether there was any collusion- and they certainly don't think that the FBI should have been doing their job to prevent Russian interference in the United States.
LOL I’ll try to remember your screen name as belonging to someone who’s been completely brainwashed by the liberal, Trump-hating media. Seriously, thanks for the laugh!

“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper

EXCELLENT recap of yet another Trump (and his mafia gang) failure.......

The bad news is that if Trump gets his ass handed to him too many times, he may decide to nuke Iceland or Switzerland to show he is a "tough guy with big hands."
Then the left is wrong. You’re talking about those who lean so far one way they are radical. All radicals, to some extent, deny reality. You’re painting all Trump voters with the same brush and making incorrect assumptions based on an entire population of people.

Do you like the division going on in this country? You sure seem like it, feeding into it with caustic comments and ridiculous judgments.

I really can’t wait to prove you wrong, over and over and over again.

Trump is a liar. I’ve no problem admitting this. He’s been caught in lies so there’s really no reason to deny it.
Trump is not perfect—not by a long shot.
I DON’T take his word as fact just bc I voted for him. I realize there are a lot of people out there who do and will make every excuse in the book to defend him, just like Obama lovers will continuously defend him no matter what.

There are people on both sides—too many people imo—who will only believe what they want to believe and will shun anything that threatens their worldview. These are the people we need to be concerned about, NOT reasonable people who voted differently than you.

There was no spying operation. So can’t really continue the argument.

Clapper and Brennan have both admitted there was a spying operation.

LOL! Not even Fox News agrees with you.

Fox News said:
While that theory has not been admitted by Clapper, Americans will have to decide for themselves whether the president was being truthful during Thursday's Twitter storm.

Media accuse Trump of lying about ‘SPYGATE’ despite Clapper admission

(Ignore Fox News' clickbait title, the article reads differently than the title suggests)
What "theory" hasn't been admitted by Clapper? I saw him on the view admit the FBI spied on the Trump campaign.

The left cant grasp that they have been outed as criminal thugs who need jails and gallows... They refuse to admit they have been caught just like all liars..

The left grasps that the Trumpsters will say any lie in order to defend their Dear Leader- and like the good little Fascists they are- believe anyone who disagrees with their Dear Leader deserves the gallows.

You don't seem to realize how it works comrade, laws are for the little people, the ruling elite won't allow any of it's members to go to jail, doesn't matter if they're democrat or republican, it would set a bad example

One could actually get that impression... but I think times are a changin'... because there's someone in the White House that just doesn't play by those old corrupt establishment rules... got 'em all real scared too. They've played all their best cards and pulled out all the stops, but he's STILL THERE.

The investigation has not ended.
You're so stupid you're boring. No wonder anyone else is responding to you... b'bye moron.

Stupid is you talking about not seeing a birth certificate everybody else has seen.
Oh really... then show it to me...

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