trump's Super Bowl Ad Comes In Dead Last In Ratings

trump is very concerned with ratings. He should be. His ad came in dead last and was the least liked ad during the super bowl.

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Well what'a more entertaining .. freedom from ridiculously long prison sentences for non-violent crimes, reuniting families and such or a multitude of butts shaking in your face?
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trump is very concerned with ratings. He should be. His ad came in dead last and was the least liked ad during the super bowl.

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Mexico paid for the ad.

Don’t recall seeing it. But apparently it caused my head to explode; or so I’m told
No they didn't, Trump probably paid for it and it was well received regardless of what lying democrats say. Now I saw this after the game because I don't watch the national felons league or their amoral half time displays, but this was funny.


Spend millions on ads that get negative results -

So people who were going to vote for him, won’t because of a super bowl commercial?

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political ads should be banned from sporting events....

You don't believe in free speech?
i dont believe in political shit during sporting events....there has to be some place were you dont have to listen to these jerks....

You are watching commercials. That's free speech!
no im watching bullshit.....

The next time a libtard calls you a fascist, go right ahead and agree with them, dumbass!
trump is very concerned with ratings. He should be. His ad came in dead last and was the least liked ad during the super bowl.

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That's YouTUBE hits dolt... Not the % of audience for the Superbowl.. You really "circling the bowl" looking for bright spots to distract from YOUR party's issues -- aren't ya?

Nobody goes to YouTube to watch a political AGAIN... But knock yourself out...

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