trump's Super Bowl Ad Comes In Dead Last In Ratings

You can comfort yourself in your belief that it actually means something.

It means the (R) party is dead. Toast. Finished. Trump destroyed the (R) party.
You now have a CULT.

What should we call this CULT?
trump is very concerned with ratings. He should be. His ad came in dead last and was the least liked ad during the super bowl.

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Poor deluded wretch. Ratings given by democratic supporters for ads meant to entertain?

If you hadn't been so busy all night with this garbage, you might have heard as CBS no less announced Trump's actual election polls BEFORE the SOTU are HIS HIGHEST EVER NOW SINCE TAKING OFFICE.

Thank you Nancy.

Thank you Adam.

And thank you Jerry.
trump is very concerned with ratings. He should be. His ad came in dead last and was the least liked ad during the super bowl.

2020 Results | Ad Meter

Not sure that means much. First, I think that it is ridiculous that we even rate ads. I remember when Bill Burr did a comedy routine talking about how he hated people discussing the dumb super bowl ads. It thought he was joking, until you posted that link.

This is why our nation is screwed up. We are so spoiled, and so lazy, and so wasteful as a nation, that we have so much free time, we can sit around rating the ads played during a game. If you have time to rate super bowl ads, then you are hereby banned from ever complaining about anything in this country, that is so great you have endless time to watch and rate super bowl ads.

That said.....

Sports in general, is about disconnecting from the realities of life. That's the whole point of relaxing and watching a game. No one wants to sit there, and then get lectured about some political agenda. I don't want to get lectured about race stupidity by some guy kneeling, nor do I want some idiotic politician giving me a stump speech, when I'm trying to enjoy a show.

So I would have expected Trump's ad to come in below dead last, if that was possible.

As a side note.... this is the first year, where I actually don't know anyone anywhere that actually watched the superbowl. No one at work did. None of the people that I talk to at Church did.

I'm wondering if football is starting to wane as the national pastime.
you would think an ad featuring Trump would gin up the ratings.

this rating is rigged, my friends!
political ads should be banned from sporting events....

You don't believe in free speech?
i dont believe in political shit during sporting events....there has to be some place were you dont have to listen to these jerks....

You are watching commercials. That's free speech!
no im watching bullshit.....

The next time a libtard calls you a fascist, go right ahead and agree with them, dumbass!
they have never called me that,but i have seen them call you that dipshit....

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