Trumps tax cuts turned out to be much more of a disaster than we ever could have imagined

This entire thread is another whiny 'I hate Trump' thread based on
You're too much of a whiny loser and too lazy to challenge the facts. That's why your escape route is to call it bs. Grow a pair and debate the actual facts instead of coming on each time with your finger up your ass saying nothing.
only a butt-hurt, whiny, Trump-hating, liberal progressive socialist democrat indoctrinated snowflake could look at the strongest / best economy in DECADES, more Americans becoming successful / independent, and more tax revenue collected than ever before (which Democrats have no idea what to do with it except waste it) and see a 'disaster'.

Unless Americans are back under Dem 'economic slavery' Dems and snowflakes aren't happy...
There is no tax revenue you brain dead moron. Trump had the Senate and the House the first two years and the debt skyrocketed on his watch, so don't keep pedaling stupid talk about revenues.

How much has this 116th congress spent?
“Control of the purse strings” all that bullshit...remember?
You mean Trump's military Congress? The budget Trump approves of? That Congress? What's that got to do with non-existent revenues where Trump exploded the debt?
The worst, absolute most disastrous thing you could ever give a Far Leftist........

Is Freedom.

In so many ways.

The worst absolute thing for the Far-Right, AKA real Right-Wingers.

In so many ways.

Like freedom
- Illegals being hired,
- H2B Visa people being hired.
- Outsourced jobs.
- Abortion
- Porn industry.
- Drug dealers
- Prostitutes
- Strip clubs
- Hollywood smut films.
- Facebook censorship of Right Wingers.
- MSNBC Liberal biases.
- CNN Liberal biases.
- Google Liberal biases.
- Youtube censorship of Right Wingers.
- Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Che Guevara T-Shirts sold
- Gangster Rap music by the Music industry.
- Sex change operations.
- Gay Marriage.
NYT report reveals truth about Trump tax cuts Not only did Trumps tax cuts raise the deficit, it raised the deficit hundreds of billions of dollars more than what was thought. I thought the tax cuts were supposed to be deficit neutral? :auiqs.jpg:I thought the Republican party was the conservative party that was all about spending cuts to keep the deficit down? :auiqs.jpg:They aren't conservative at all when they get in power because they are all worried about their own pockets. What a bunch of thieves.
Your problem was believing the talking points of Republican tax cutters.

Tax cuts NEVER pay for themselves. Not even close.
NYT report reveals truth about Trump tax cuts Not only did Trumps tax cuts raise the deficit, it raised the deficit hundreds of billions of dollars more than what was thought. I thought the tax cuts were supposed to be deficit neutral? :auiqs.jpg:I thought the Republican party was the conservative party that was all about spending cuts to keep the deficit down? :auiqs.jpg:They aren't conservative at all when they get in power because they are all worried about their own pockets. What a bunch of thieves.
Your problem was believing the talking points of Republican tax cutters.

Tax cuts NEVER pay for themselves. Not even close.

We're going to get together, and save the nation one tax chop at a time.

McDonald's hires Illegal Immigrants, and poisons people with sub food.
- Tax chop

Hollywood promotes smutty films.
- Tax chop

- NYT is too Liberal
- Tax Chop

- MSNBC too Liberal
- Tax Chop

- Amazon took out as much as 1 million retail jobs.
- Tax Chop

- CNN is too Liberal
- Tax Chop.
NYT report reveals truth about Trump tax cuts Not only did Trumps tax cuts raise the deficit, it raised the deficit hundreds of billions of dollars more than what was thought. I thought the tax cuts were supposed to be deficit neutral? :auiqs.jpg:I thought the Republican party was the conservative party that was all about spending cuts to keep the deficit down? :auiqs.jpg:They aren't conservative at all when they get in power because they are all worried about their own pockets. What a bunch of thieves.
Your problem was believing the talking points of Republican tax cutters.

Tax cuts NEVER pay for themselves. Not even close.
Oh, I never believed it for a second. As a matter of fact, I've been pedaling the indefensible argument for ten years; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart' That argument has awarded me many labels through the years and zero rebuttals.
The worst absolute thing for the Far-Right, AKA real Right-Wingers.

In so many ways.

Like freedom
- Illegals being hired,
- H2B Visa people being hired.
- Outsourced jobs.
- Abortion
- Porn industry.
- Drug dealers
- Prostitutes
- Strip clubs
- Hollywood smut films.
- Facebook censorship of Right Wingers.
- MSNBC Liberal biases.
- CNN Liberal biases.
- Google Liberal biases.
- Youtube censorship of Right Wingers.
- Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Che Guevara T-Shirts sold
- Gangster Rap music by the Music industry.
- Sex change operations.
- Gay Marriage.

You do realize the Far-Right is a VERY small segment of the population?

The thing about "FAR" this and "FAR" that is that if you go "FAR" enough, you come full circle. ;)
This entire thread is another whiny 'I hate Trump' thread based on
You're too much of a whiny loser and too lazy to challenge the facts. That's why your escape route is to call it bs. Grow a pair and debate the actual facts instead of coming on each time with your finger up your ass saying nothing.
only a butt-hurt, whiny, Trump-hating, liberal progressive socialist democrat indoctrinated snowflake could look at the strongest / best economy in DECADES, more Americans becoming successful / independent, and more tax revenue collected than ever before (which Democrats have no idea what to do with it except waste it) and see a 'disaster'.

Unless Americans are back under Dem 'economic slavery' Dems and snowflakes aren't happy...
There is no tax revenue you brain dead moron. Trump had the Senate and the House the first two years and the debt skyrocketed on his watch, so don't keep pedaling stupid talk about revenues.

How much has this 116th congress spent?
“Control of the purse strings” all that bullshit...remember?
You mean Trump's military Congress? The budget Trump approves of? That Congress? What's that got to do with non-existent revenues where Trump exploded the debt?

I mean the one that originates in the House...that one.
The worst absolute thing for the Far-Right, AKA real Right-Wingers.

In so many ways.

Like freedom
- Illegals being hired,
- H2B Visa people being hired.
- Outsourced jobs.
- Abortion
- Porn industry.
- Drug dealers
- Prostitutes
- Strip clubs
- Hollywood smut films.
- Facebook censorship of Right Wingers.
- MSNBC Liberal biases.
- CNN Liberal biases.
- Google Liberal biases.
- Youtube censorship of Right Wingers.
- Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Che Guevara T-Shirts sold
- Gangster Rap music by the Music industry.
- Sex change operations.
- Gay Marriage.

You do realize the Far-Right is a VERY small segment of the population?

The thing about "FAR" this and "FAR" that is that if you go "FAR" enough, you come full circle. ;)

It might come as a surprise, but you're a Liberal on the left.

- Classical Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Neo Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Liberalism = Capitalist & equal rights.

- The first Leftists were get this, for the Republic of France & Capitalism.
-As opposed to the first Right Wing, who were for the Monarchy, and Theocracy in France.

I disagree,
Normal people are pretty dang Right-Wing.

By Normal people I mean outside of Protestants & the Synagogue of Satan.
NYT report reveals truth about Trump tax cuts Not only did Trumps tax cuts raise the deficit, it raised the deficit hundreds of billions of dollars more than what was thought. I thought the tax cuts were supposed to be deficit neutral? :auiqs.jpg:I thought the Republican party was the conservative party that was all about spending cuts to keep the deficit down? :auiqs.jpg:They aren't conservative at all when they get in power because they are all worried about their own pockets. What a bunch of thieves.
Where do you start with that much 'stupid'?

A snowflake wolf's down a huge helping of Trump-hating Fake News from a liberal progressive socialist democrat surrogate who completely ignored the accomplishments of the most successful President in at least 50 years - in some cases EVER...and you parrot it like an ignorant sheep.

You also completely ignored the thread already started on how the country's deficit problem is due to inept, irresponsible spending by politicians and a complete failure in leadership by those in charge of the Budget...which, gee, would be the DEMOCRATS.

Perhaps if they spent more time working on a budget instead of undermining and attempting to oust the President.... The United States, thanks to Trump's tax cuts, took in more tax revenue in 2019 than at any other time in US history...and the Democrats still could not come up with a budget that did not spend more than we took in.

You do realize the Democrats own the budget, spending, and deficit right now, right....?!
You do realize that $2 trillion dollars plus is on the Republicans right? That was in 2017 with a massive tax cut. And the Democrats need to be looking at a budget? :auiqs.jpg:What the fuck are you smoking?
You don't understand how the economy I understand. You poor snowflake...

Again, the tax cuts created the most tax revenue ever collected in US history ...

Tax revenue is not the problem, the tax cuts provided the govt with more money than it has ever collected...

The US Congress is REQUIRED BY LAW to pass a budget EVERY YEAR...did Pelosi and the Democrats do that this year? Don-t revert to 'whatabout-isms' - the Democrats own the House, own the Budget, own spending....

How much money have the democrats wasted the last 3.5 years with their witch hunt / coup attempts? How much MORE money do they plan on wasting? They are talking about starting a end or 3rd Impeachment once Pelosi finally sends the Articles to the Senate & it gets shit-canned.

Yes, I am talking about the a BS thread about the budget / deficit spending the GOP does not own right now. The fact that you don't know the Budget is a massive deal in connection with spending and you don't know one is required by law every year says about everything.
You are such a brain dead Trump loyalist you have no concept of tree for forest. If you had paid attention to the thread, you would have picked up on the fact that the tax revenues in the last couple of years were off set by hundreds of billions of dollars in more taxes. Which should tell anyone with a functioning brain that tax revenue cancels itself out. The fact that you left that part out proves just what a failure your own argument is.
By not creating and passing an actual Budget the House Democrats broke the law, as I already mentioned a Budget is required by Law every year...

The fact that you did not know that, did not know that out of control spending is one of the results of not producing a budget, and your refusal to acknowledge the Democrats have been wasting millions of tax dollars on their 3.5 year coup attempt for the PARTY'S benefit makes talking to you a waste of time, which perfectly describes this thread.
NYT report reveals truth about Trump tax cuts Not only did Trumps tax cuts raise the deficit, it raised the deficit hundreds of billions of dollars more than what was thought. I thought the tax cuts were supposed to be deficit neutral? :auiqs.jpg:I thought the Republican party was the conservative party that was all about spending cuts to keep the deficit down? :auiqs.jpg:They aren't conservative at all when they get in power because they are all worried about their own pockets. What a bunch of thieves.

You post THIS as the OP....then tell me I don't understand?
You people sometimes are comedy gold.
It might come as a surprise, but you're a Liberal on the left.

- Classical Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Neo Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Liberalism = Capitalist & equal rights.

- The first Leftists were get this, for the Republic of France & Capitalism.
-As opposed to the first Right Wing, who were for the Monarchy, and Theocracy in France.

Like I said......go FAR enough either way...........
It might come as a surprise, but you're a Liberal on the left.

- Classical Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Neo Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Liberalism = Capitalist & equal rights.

- The first Leftists were get this, for the Republic of France & Capitalism.
-As opposed to the first Right Wing, who were for the Monarchy, and Theocracy in France.

Like I said......go FAR enough either way...........

There should be 3 groups.

Libertarianism ALWAYS leads to social decay & degeneracy, (Libertinism bassically)
and class inequality.
You can't steer it anyway, it's basically Liberalism & it is what ever plops all over.

Then there's the Authoritarian Right, and the Authoritarian Left (Mostly theoretical & mostly just seen in Lenin)

The Authoritarian Right uses force to enforce Right-Wing values. (Conservatism, Religious values, Nationalism, Culture, Race etc.

The Authoritarian Left uses force to enforce Left-Wing values. ( Globalism, Cultural Marxism, Atheism, Censoring out the Right etc.

Basically most views are a mix, but some are more pure.
Last edited:
By not creating and passing an actual Budget the House Democrats broke the law, as I already mentioned a Budget is required by Law every year...
The fact that you did not know that, did not know that out of control spending is one of the results of not producing a budget, and your refusal to acknowledge the Democrats have been wasting millions of tax dollars on their 3.5 year coup attempt for the PARTY'S benefit makes talking to you a waste of time, which perfectly describes this thread.

Your intelligence is wasted on BWK. Clearly from the OP.

The one you're attempting to educate and reason with is intellectually equivalent to .....
NYT report reveals truth about Trump tax cuts Not only did Trumps tax cuts raise the deficit, it raised the deficit hundreds of billions of dollars more than what was thought. I thought the tax cuts were supposed to be deficit neutral? :auiqs.jpg:I thought the Republican party was the conservative party that was all about spending cuts to keep the deficit down? :auiqs.jpg:They aren't conservative at all when they get in power because they are all worried about their own pockets. What a bunch of thieves.
Where do you start with that much 'stupid'?

A snowflake wolf's down a huge helping of Trump-hating Fake News from a liberal progressive socialist democrat surrogate who completely ignored the accomplishments of the most successful President in at least 50 years - in some cases EVER...and you parrot it like an ignorant sheep.

You also completely ignored the thread already started on how the country's deficit problem is due to inept, irresponsible spending by politicians and a complete failure in leadership by those in charge of the Budget...which, gee, would be the DEMOCRATS.

Perhaps if they spent more time working on a budget instead of undermining and attempting to oust the President.... The United States, thanks to Trump's tax cuts, took in more tax revenue in 2019 than at any other time in US history...and the Democrats still could not come up with a budget that did not spend more than we took in.

You do realize the Democrats own the budget, spending, and deficit right now, right....?!
You do realize that $2 trillion dollars plus is on the Republicans right? That was in 2017 with a massive tax cut. And the Democrats need to be looking at a budget? :auiqs.jpg:What the fuck are you smoking?
You don't understand how the economy I understand. You poor snowflake...

Again, the tax cuts created the most tax revenue ever collected in US history ...

Tax revenue is not the problem, the tax cuts provided the govt with more money than it has ever collected...

The US Congress is REQUIRED BY LAW to pass a budget EVERY YEAR...did Pelosi and the Democrats do that this year? Don-t revert to 'whatabout-isms' - the Democrats own the House, own the Budget, own spending....

How much money have the democrats wasted the last 3.5 years with their witch hunt / coup attempts? How much MORE money do they plan on wasting? They are talking about starting a end or 3rd Impeachment once Pelosi finally sends the Articles to the Senate & it gets shit-canned.

Yes, I am talking about the a BS thread about the budget / deficit spending the GOP does not own right now. The fact that you don't know the Budget is a massive deal in connection with spending and you don't know one is required by law every year says about everything.
You are such a brain dead Trump loyalist you have no concept of tree for forest. If you had paid attention to the thread, you would have picked up on the fact that the tax revenues in the last couple of years were off set by hundreds of billions of dollars in more taxes. Which should tell anyone with a functioning brain that tax revenue cancels itself out. The fact that you left that part out proves just what a failure your own argument is.
By not creating and passing an actual Budget the House Democrats broke the law, as I already mentioned a Budget is required by Law every year...

The fact that you did not know that, did not know that out of control spending is one of the results of not producing a budget, and your refusal to acknowledge the Democrats have been wasting millions of tax dollars on their 3.5 year coup attempt for the PARTY'S benefit makes talking to you a waste of time, which perfectly describes this thread.
ttps://,_2017-2018 What 3.5 year coup? Isn't Trump your imposter president? Federal policy on the budget, 2017-2018 - Ballotpedia

And the 3.5 year so called witch hunt yielded people in jail and an impeached criminal. Nothing wasted about that.
Last edited:
By not creating and passing an actual Budget the House Democrats broke the law, as I already mentioned a Budget is required by Law every year...
The fact that you did not know that, did not know that out of control spending is one of the results of not producing a budget, and your refusal to acknowledge the Democrats have been wasting millions of tax dollars on their 3.5 year coup attempt for the PARTY'S benefit makes talking to you a waste of time, which perfectly describes this thread.

Your intelligence is wasted on BWK. Clearly from the OP.

The one you're attempting to educate and reason with is intellectually equivalent to .....
View attachment 297652
You're too much of a whiny loser and too lazy to challenge the facts. That's why your escape route is to call it bs. Grow a pair and debate the actual facts instead of coming on each time with your finger up your ass saying nothing.
only a butt-hurt, whiny, Trump-hating, liberal progressive socialist democrat indoctrinated snowflake could look at the strongest / best economy in DECADES, more Americans becoming successful / independent, and more tax revenue collected than ever before (which Democrats have no idea what to do with it except waste it) and see a 'disaster'.

Unless Americans are back under Dem 'economic slavery' Dems and snowflakes aren't happy...
There is no tax revenue you brain dead moron. Trump had the Senate and the House the first two years and the debt skyrocketed on his watch, so don't keep pedaling stupid talk about revenues.

How much has this 116th congress spent?
“Control of the purse strings” all that bullshit...remember?
You mean Trump's military Congress? The budget Trump approves of? That Congress? What's that got to do with non-existent revenues where Trump exploded the debt?

I mean the one that originates in the House...that one.
If you are suggesting it doesn't exist, well here it is; The Budget Agreement to Raise the Caps
It might come as a surprise, but you're a Liberal on the left.

- Classical Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Neo Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Liberalism = Capitalist & equal rights.

- The first Leftists were get this, for the Republic of France & Capitalism.
-As opposed to the first Right Wing, who were for the Monarchy, and Theocracy in France.

Like I said......go FAR enough either way...........

There should be 3 groups.

Libertarianism ALWAYS leads to social decay & degeneracy, (Libertinism bassically)
and class inequality.
You can't steer it anyway, it's basically Liberalism & it is what ever plops all over.

Then there's the Authoritarian Right, and the Authoritarian Left (Mostly theoretical & mostly just seen in Lenin)

The Authoritarian Right uses force to enforce Right-Wing values. (Conservatism, Religious values, Nationalism, Culture, Race etc.

The Authoritarian Left uses force to enforce Left-Wing values. ( Globalism, Cultural Marxism, Atheism, Censoring out the Right etc.

Basically most views are a mix, but some are more pure.
And not one of those mixes means two shits, if we don't take care of our planet first.
It might come as a surprise, but you're a Liberal on the left.

- Classical Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Neo Liberalism = Capitalist deregulation.
- Liberalism = Capitalist & equal rights.

- The first Leftists were get this, for the Republic of France & Capitalism.
-As opposed to the first Right Wing, who were for the Monarchy, and Theocracy in France.

Like I said......go FAR enough either way...........

There should be 3 groups.

Libertarianism ALWAYS leads to social decay & degeneracy, (Libertinism bassically)
and class inequality.
You can't steer it anyway, it's basically Liberalism & it is what ever plops all over.

Then there's the Authoritarian Right, and the Authoritarian Left (Mostly theoretical & mostly just seen in Lenin)

The Authoritarian Right uses force to enforce Right-Wing values. (Conservatism, Religious values, Nationalism, Culture, Race etc.

The Authoritarian Left uses force to enforce Left-Wing values. ( Globalism, Cultural Marxism, Atheism, Censoring out the Right etc.

Basically most views are a mix, but some are more pure.
And not one of those mixes means two shits, if we don't take care of our planet first.

No planet equates no life.

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