Trump's trade war with China

CHILL....the market will come roaring back....the tariffs are a necessary evil we must support and endure for future economies...this drop today was a result of several things that have popped up.....and the fact that the hate Trump media are trying to bring on a recession.....or the fear of one....

Trump has been saying that for two years. Matters are worse now than they ever have been. Wall street has been treading water for five months.

Funny thing about Trump. With him all the good stuff is always in the future. He has accomplished nothing. He has only harmed the economy, the Iranian problem is worse, our allies do not trust him, his deranged rhetoric inspired three killers, and he continues to set record lows on Wall Street.

What do you like about him?
60,000 jobs created since 2016...Obama could have done that....but he didn't...why?...Trump made it look easy and he is the first president in my lifetime that is truly working for the little guy...not the rich and connected I assume are siding with the super connected entrenched wealthy class....I'm siding with blue collar workers that make the economy work...I don't know Trump I can't tell you if I like him...but I like his agenda...Americans and America first....

Do you know what is very scary with your post. It’s totally way off from reality like a text book from Hannity.

1. Trump made easy? Really? When Trump started this TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12 billions and $16 billions.
At the same time just about 100% from all business categories are blasting Trump TW. Not a single one supported this idiot.

2. What little guy are you talking about? When the biggest losers of this TW are the little ( poor) American consumers paying the higher prices.

For the first time in my lifetime I never expected a total moron, pathological hypocrite bastard see a tug POTUS in the WH.

However there is a little progress this week..... Trump declared ....... Partial Agreement was reached. Not sure what the details are.... This is a face saving for Trump.
/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.
In reality Trumpets are the largest supporters of conspiracy crap stories. They believed everything that comes out from a hypocrite pathological POTUS.

Trump: Obama was born in Kenya.... Trump followers that is right Obama was born in Kenya.

Trump changed his mind: Obama was born in America. Trump cult followers. That is right Obama was born in America.

#2. Trump: Obama’s mansion has 10 foot wall to stop illegals from coming in to his mansion. Trump cult followers believed that.

#3. He cannot find American workers in Florida such as waiter, cook, janitors so he hired foreigners for his Maralago golf club and vineyards. His followers believed him.

I can go on and on and on of Trump garbage theories that you ignorant people supports.


so, what you are saying is that because someone put it in writing, that means it is factually correct?
/----/ Ummm, the second-hand whistleblower's report is in writing. Do you believe that?
View attachment 284436

Once again, you're using false Trumpian talking points to pretend what Trump was doing in the Ukraine was all legal and above board. But it wasn't. If this was all legal and proper, why was all trace of the extortion attempt locked down in a classified super secret computer?

And then there's the distraction of Trump's birther lies. You Russian assholes are getting really desperate to distract, deflect, and deny that Trump abused the power of his office, to extort the Ukraine. His closest advisors covered up his crime. And his senior officials continued to pressure the Ukrainians to give the President what he wanted to get the missiles, and the approval of the Trump Administration that Zelensky's Administration so desperately needs.

The former Ukrainian Ambassador defied the orders of Mike Pompeo's State Department not to testify before the House Intel Committee. State Department officials, and Trump appointees are lining up behind her to throw the big orange turd under the bus on this one, and Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican Senate will give him the final shove, knowing that they will never be re-elected unless they do.

The participation of Mike Pence in all these schemes kinda throws a monkey wrench into the proceedings. Sitting vice-presidents can be indicted, and if Pence goes to jail, and Trump is impeached, Pelosi is next in line. Mitch and the boys will NEVER vote to impeach Trump and give the Dems the White House. I can see Republicans voting to impeach Trump if Pence is allowed to become President. I can see Pelosi and Schumer going along with that.

I don't think Mike Pence has a hope in hell of being re-elected. Pence is completely covered in the slime and filth of the Trump Presidency. This devout Christian stood by while Trump abused refugees, banned Muslims, and attacked non-whites, and called Nazis "very good people". His participation in the shennanigans in the Ukraine on Trump's behalf will poison decent Americans against him.

I think Republicans will look to a Mitt Romney or Nickey Haley to run. Pence will have his lifelong dream of being President fulfilled and he can retire and build his library in 2021. Haley seems to be the only member of Trump's Administration who escaped his administration with her reputation and integrity intact.
/----/ " why was all trace of the extortion attempt locked down in a classified super secret computer?"
Because there are traitors in the White House leaking like crazy. Trump needs to secure everything. But thanks for asking.

It is illegal to put non-classifed documents on that computer, and Trump staffers knew that.

so, what you are saying is that because someone put it in writing, that means it is factually correct?
/----/ Ummm, the second-hand whistleblower's report is in writing. Do you believe that?
View attachment 284436

Once again, you're using false Trumpian talking points to pretend what Trump was doing in the Ukraine was all legal and above board. But it wasn't. If this was all legal and proper, why was all trace of the extortion attempt locked down in a classified super secret computer?

And then there's the distraction of Trump's birther lies. You Russian assholes are getting really desperate to distract, deflect, and deny that Trump abused the power of his office, to extort the Ukraine. His closest advisors covered up his crime. And his senior officials continued to pressure the Ukrainians to give the President what he wanted to get the missiles, and the approval of the Trump Administration that Zelensky's Administration so desperately needs.

The former Ukrainian Ambassador defied the orders of Mike Pompeo's State Department not to testify before the House Intel Committee. State Department officials, and Trump appointees are lining up behind her to throw the big orange turd under the bus on this one, and Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican Senate will give him the final shove, knowing that they will never be re-elected unless they do.

The participation of Mike Pence in all these schemes kinda throws a monkey wrench into the proceedings. Sitting vice-presidents can be indicted, and if Pence goes to jail, and Trump is impeached, Pelosi is next in line. Mitch and the boys will NEVER vote to impeach Trump and give the Dems the White House. I can see Republicans voting to impeach Trump if Pence is allowed to become President. I can see Pelosi and Schumer going along with that.

I don't think Mike Pence has a hope in hell of being re-elected. Pence is completely covered in the slime and filth of the Trump Presidency. This devout Christian stood by while Trump abused refugees, banned Muslims, and attacked non-whites, and called Nazis "very good people". His participation in the shennanigans in the Ukraine on Trump's behalf will poison decent Americans against him.

I think Republicans will look to a Mitt Romney or Nickey Haley to run. Pence will have his lifelong dream of being President fulfilled and he can retire and build his library in 2021. Haley seems to be the only member of Trump's Administration who escaped his administration with her reputation and integrity intact.
/----/ " why was all trace of the extortion attempt locked down in a classified super secret computer?"
Because there are traitors in the White House leaking like crazy. Trump needs to secure everything. But thanks for asking.

It is illegal to put non-classifed documents on that computer, and Trump staffers knew that.

Gee, and it's illegal to put classified documents on a personal server, and Clinton knew that...but who the hell seems to care.
Yep, those tariffs are working just yesterday a steel mill in Louisiana closed it's doors laying off over 300 employee's. From earlier in the year
As U.S. Steel Slows Production, It's Time To Stop Pretending Tariffs Work
/----/ They are working. I've posted links already.
Was declining manufacturing the goal?
/----/ No. I like your idea, let China rape us and dump subsidized steel in the US. That should do the trick.
Yes stop China from sending us all their resources for really cheap! How awful.
Trump has been saying that for two years. Matters are worse now than they ever have been. Wall street has been treading water for five months.

Funny thing about Trump. With him all the good stuff is always in the future. He has accomplished nothing. He has only harmed the economy, the Iranian problem is worse, our allies do not trust him, his deranged rhetoric inspired three killers, and he continues to set record lows on Wall Street.

What do you like about him?
60,000 jobs created since 2016...Obama could have done that....but he didn't...why?...Trump made it look easy and he is the first president in my lifetime that is truly working for the little guy...not the rich and connected I assume are siding with the super connected entrenched wealthy class....I'm siding with blue collar workers that make the economy work...I don't know Trump I can't tell you if I like him...but I like his agenda...Americans and America first....

Do you know what is very scary with your post. It’s totally way off from reality like a text book from Hannity.

1. Trump made easy? Really? When Trump started this TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12 billions and $16 billions.
At the same time just about 100% from all business categories are blasting Trump TW. Not a single one supported this idiot.

2. What little guy are you talking about? When the biggest losers of this TW are the little ( poor) American consumers paying the higher prices.

For the first time in my lifetime I never expected a total moron, pathological hypocrite bastard see a tug POTUS in the WH.

However there is a little progress this week..... Trump declared ....... Partial Agreement was reached. Not sure what the details are.... This is a face saving for Trump.
/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

If a trade war was "easy to win", it wouldn't take a long time to do it.

Trump failed to realize that a totalitarian dictatorship has certain advantages in a trade war, that a democratic elected President in a capitalistic society doesn't have. Xi can tell businesses to stop doing business with the USA, and do so immediately. If they don't, they'll be stripped of their business and given a nice long vacation in a concentration camp to reconsider their choices. Trump tells his business leaders not to do business with China and they tell him to go fuck himself.

Trump keeps trusting his "gut instincts" to make decisions and none of them have worked out. Trump started the trade war to deflect from headlines about the Stormy Daniels lawsuits which were dominating the headlines. A piss poor excuse for destroying American farmers, but this is Trump, and when things go wrong for Trump, someone will be thrown under the bus to save his ass. Except as President, it's entire segments of the economy that are being sacrificed to his ego and his greed.

Remember when Trump promised to end off-shoring of manufacturing jobs? Off-shoring continues unabated and the manufacturing has dropped to the same level it was in 2009. In three short years, Trump is back to where Obama started. Well, he did say that he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the turnaround from W's complete trashing of the American economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Manufacturing is now officially in recession, despite Trump's vow to boost industry

This is a direct result of Trump's trade war. The reason that it's called a "trade war", is that there are casualties, on both sides, and only the strongest businesses can survive this level of uncertainty in their supply chains. The Chinese have a much stronger grip on their own economy, and thus are more agile in re-imagining supply chains. American supply chains rest of the whims of their President's bad moods.
Last edited:
SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

In reality Trumpets are the largest supporters of conspiracy crap stories. They believed everything that comes out from a hypocrite pathological POTUS.

Trump: Obama was born in Kenya.... Trump followers that is right Obama was born in Kenya.

Trump changed his mind: Obama was born in America. Trump cult followers. That is right Obama was born in America.

#2. Trump: Obama’s mansion has 10 foot wall to stop illegals from coming in to his mansion. Trump cult followers believed that.

#3. He cannot find American workers in Florida such as waiter, cook, janitors so he hired foreigners for his Maralago golf club and vineyards. His followers believed him.

I can go on and on and on of Trump garbage theories that you ignorant people supports.


so, what you are saying is that because someone put it in writing, that means it is factually correct?
/----/ Ummm, the second-hand whistleblower's report is in writing. Do you believe that?
View attachment 284436

Once again, you're using false Trumpian talking points to pretend what Trump was doing in the Ukraine was all legal and above board. But it wasn't. If this was all legal and proper, why was all trace of the extortion attempt locked down in a classified super secret computer?

And then there's the distraction of Trump's birther lies. You Russian assholes are getting really desperate ....

I stopped reading here. YOu are being too much of an asshole, for me to read more than a sentence or two.

As I posted, there was actual evidence that Obama was born in Kenya. This was not just made up shit, like the lies that you lib spread.
Not only am I denying it. I am stating that it has been debunked on this site so many times, than no one on this site is stupid enough to actually, truly believe such stupid shit.

YOu are lying. YOu are just pretending to believe the lies, so that you can continue to spread lies that you know are lies.

Thus, Dragonlady's moronic claim that liberals are not dupes, is proven to be something only a profoundly retarded person would say.

Then you are nothing but a corrupted Trump ignorant supporter.
Only stupid idiots don’t believe that. Here’s the video of Trump Mexicans are rapist.

Wow. First of all, that was a clip of someone talking about what Trump said, not Trump saying it.

Second of all, even with all the lies, and the lack of context, you could see "some are good people".

Good people as opposed to rapists and murderers.

THis is where you admit that you are a vile dupe of vile liars, and apologize to me and President Trump.

Dude I don’t lie like you. Distort the reality to proved your stupidity. You are a good example of moron and an idiot at the same time.

From this point I will consider you a stupid liar, moron and idiot.
Ask me if I ever believe you again.

Trump was talking about the illegals that Mexico is sending US, which is not all Mexicans, and he was clear that not all the illegals are bad people, ie rapists and murderers, but that still the rapists and murderers are there and need to be stopped.

You liberals are the ones lying about what he said, which is why you did not post a transcript, nor even the full speech in video,

but someone else talking about what he said.

You are the stupid liar here, not me.

You are distorting the reality. You are a liar.
Why should I believe again. You are no difference like your buddies here cellblock unrealistically fucked up.

Because what I said, is supported by what Trump said, while you are actively ignoring what he actually said.

1. He was speaking of the illegals sent here, not all Mexicans.

2. He specified that he was speaking of SOME of the illegals, not all of them.

3. You libs lie and claim he said it of all Mexicans.

I am telling the truth. You are the liar.

On some level, you know are the bad guy, and that is harming your self image.

Why are you doing this to yourself? To conform to the herd? Will your friends turn on you, if you tell the truth?

so, what you are saying is that because someone put it in writing, that means it is factually correct?
/----/ Ummm, the second-hand whistleblower's report is in writing. Do you believe that?
View attachment 284436

Once again, you're using false Trumpian talking points to pretend what Trump was doing in the Ukraine was all legal and above board. But it wasn't. If this was all legal and proper, why was all trace of the extortion attempt locked down in a classified super secret computer?

And then there's the distraction of Trump's birther lies. You Russian assholes are getting really desperate to distract, deflect, and deny that Trump abused the power of his office, to extort the Ukraine. His closest advisors covered up his crime. And his senior officials continued to pressure the Ukrainians to give the President what he wanted to get the missiles, and the approval of the Trump Administration that Zelensky's Administration so desperately needs.

The former Ukrainian Ambassador defied the orders of Mike Pompeo's State Department not to testify before the House Intel Committee. State Department officials, and Trump appointees are lining up behind her to throw the big orange turd under the bus on this one, and Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican Senate will give him the final shove, knowing that they will never be re-elected unless they do.

The participation of Mike Pence in all these schemes kinda throws a monkey wrench into the proceedings. Sitting vice-presidents can be indicted, and if Pence goes to jail, and Trump is impeached, Pelosi is next in line. Mitch and the boys will NEVER vote to impeach Trump and give the Dems the White House. I can see Republicans voting to impeach Trump if Pence is allowed to become President. I can see Pelosi and Schumer going along with that.

I don't think Mike Pence has a hope in hell of being re-elected. Pence is completely covered in the slime and filth of the Trump Presidency. This devout Christian stood by while Trump abused refugees, banned Muslims, and attacked non-whites, and called Nazis "very good people". His participation in the shennanigans in the Ukraine on Trump's behalf will poison decent Americans against him.

I think Republicans will look to a Mitt Romney or Nickey Haley to run. Pence will have his lifelong dream of being President fulfilled and he can retire and build his library in 2021. Haley seems to be the only member of Trump's Administration who escaped his administration with her reputation and integrity intact.
/----/ " why was all trace of the extortion attempt locked down in a classified super secret computer?"
Because there are traitors in the White House leaking like crazy. Trump needs to secure everything. But thanks for asking.

It is illegal to put non-classifed documents on that computer, and Trump staffers knew that.

After the way you people stood by Hillary, you have the nerve to talk about that shit?

60,000 jobs created since 2016...Obama could have done that....but he didn't...why?...Trump made it look easy and he is the first president in my lifetime that is truly working for the little guy...not the rich and connected I assume are siding with the super connected entrenched wealthy class....I'm siding with blue collar workers that make the economy work...I don't know Trump I can't tell you if I like him...but I like his agenda...Americans and America first....

Do you know what is very scary with your post. It’s totally way off from reality like a text book from Hannity.

1. Trump made easy? Really? When Trump started this TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12 billions and $16 billions.
At the same time just about 100% from all business categories are blasting Trump TW. Not a single one supported this idiot.

2. What little guy are you talking about? When the biggest losers of this TW are the little ( poor) American consumers paying the higher prices.

For the first time in my lifetime I never expected a total moron, pathological hypocrite bastard see a tug POTUS in the WH.

However there is a little progress this week..... Trump declared ....... Partial Agreement was reached. Not sure what the details are.... This is a face saving for Trump.
/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

If a trade war was "easy to win", it wouldn't take a long time to do it.

Trump failed to realize that a totalitarian dictatorship has certain advantages in a trade war, that a democratic elected President in a capitalistic society doesn't have. Xi can tell businesses to stop doing business with the USA, and do so immediately. If they don't, they'll be stripped of their business and given a nice long vacation in a concentration camp to reconsider their choices. Trump tells his business leaders not to do business with China and they tell him to go fuck himself.

Trump keeps trusting his "gut instincts" to make decisions and none of them have worked out. Trump started the trade war to deflect from headlines about the Stormy Daniels lawsuits which were dominating the headlines. A piss poor excuse for destroying American farmers, but this is Trump, and when things go wrong for Trump, someone will be thrown under the bus to save his ass. Except as President, it's entire segments of the economy that are being sacrificed to his ego and his greed.

Remember when Trump promised to end off-shoring of manufacturing jobs? Off-shoring continues unabated and the manufacturing has dropped to the same level it was in 2009. In three short years, Trump is back to where Obama started. Well, he did say that he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the turnaround from W's complete trashing of the American economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Manufacturing is now officially in recession, despite Trump's vow to boost industry

This is a direct result of Trump's trade war. The reason that it's called a "trade war", is that there are casualties, on both sides, and only the strongest businesses can survive this level of uncertainty in their supply chains. The Chinese have a much stronger grip on their own economy, and thus are more agile in re-imagining supply chains. American supply chains rest of the whims of their President's bad moods.

The choice is between choosing to be the world's bitch on trade, or support Trump, who is the only person who wants to see America win.

You want to see America lose.
Then you are nothing but a corrupted Trump ignorant supporter.
Only stupid idiots don’t believe that. Here’s the video of Trump Mexicans are rapist.

Wow. First of all, that was a clip of someone talking about what Trump said, not Trump saying it.

Second of all, even with all the lies, and the lack of context, you could see "some are good people".

Good people as opposed to rapists and murderers.

THis is where you admit that you are a vile dupe of vile liars, and apologize to me and President Trump.

Dude I don’t lie like you. Distort the reality to proved your stupidity. You are a good example of moron and an idiot at the same time.

From this point I will consider you a stupid liar, moron and idiot.
Ask me if I ever believe you again.

Trump was talking about the illegals that Mexico is sending US, which is not all Mexicans, and he was clear that not all the illegals are bad people, ie rapists and murderers, but that still the rapists and murderers are there and need to be stopped.

You liberals are the ones lying about what he said, which is why you did not post a transcript, nor even the full speech in video,

but someone else talking about what he said.

You are the stupid liar here, not me.

You are distorting the reality. You are a liar.
Why should I believe again. You are no difference like your buddies here cellblock unrealistically fucked up.

Because what I said, is supported by what Trump said, while you are actively ignoring what he actually said.

1. He was speaking of the illegals sent here, not all Mexicans.

2. He specified that he was speaking of SOME of the illegals, not all of them.

3. You libs lie and claim he said it of all Mexicans.

I am telling the truth. You are the liar.

On some level, you know are the bad guy, and that is harming your self image.

Why are you doing this to yourself? To conform to the herd? Will your friends turn on you, if you tell the truth?

Do you know what is very scary with your post. It’s totally way off from reality like a text book from Hannity.

1. Trump made easy? Really? When Trump started this TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12 billions and $16 billions.
At the same time just about 100% from all business categories are blasting Trump TW. Not a single one supported this idiot.

2. What little guy are you talking about? When the biggest losers of this TW are the little ( poor) American consumers paying the higher prices.

For the first time in my lifetime I never expected a total moron, pathological hypocrite bastard see a tug POTUS in the WH.

However there is a little progress this week..... Trump declared ....... Partial Agreement was reached. Not sure what the details are.... This is a face saving for Trump.
/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

If a trade war was "easy to win", it wouldn't take a long time to do it.

Trump failed to realize that a totalitarian dictatorship has certain advantages in a trade war, that a democratic elected President in a capitalistic society doesn't have. Xi can tell businesses to stop doing business with the USA, and do so immediately. If they don't, they'll be stripped of their business and given a nice long vacation in a concentration camp to reconsider their choices. Trump tells his business leaders not to do business with China and they tell him to go fuck himself.

Trump keeps trusting his "gut instincts" to make decisions and none of them have worked out. Trump started the trade war to deflect from headlines about the Stormy Daniels lawsuits which were dominating the headlines. A piss poor excuse for destroying American farmers, but this is Trump, and when things go wrong for Trump, someone will be thrown under the bus to save his ass. Except as President, it's entire segments of the economy that are being sacrificed to his ego and his greed.

Remember when Trump promised to end off-shoring of manufacturing jobs? Off-shoring continues unabated and the manufacturing has dropped to the same level it was in 2009. In three short years, Trump is back to where Obama started. Well, he did say that he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the turnaround from W's complete trashing of the American economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Manufacturing is now officially in recession, despite Trump's vow to boost industry

This is a direct result of Trump's trade war. The reason that it's called a "trade war", is that there are casualties, on both sides, and only the strongest businesses can survive this level of uncertainty in their supply chains. The Chinese have a much stronger grip on their own economy, and thus are more agile in re-imagining supply chains. American supply chains rest of the whims of their President's bad moods.

The choice is between choosing to be the world's bitch on trade, or support Trump, who is the only person who wants to see America win.

You want to see America lose.
We were winning. Largest economy, low unemployment, huge wealth...
Wow. First of all, that was a clip of someone talking about what Trump said, not Trump saying it.

Second of all, even with all the lies, and the lack of context, you could see "some are good people".

Good people as opposed to rapists and murderers.

THis is where you admit that you are a vile dupe of vile liars, and apologize to me and President Trump.

Dude I don’t lie like you. Distort the reality to proved your stupidity. You are a good example of moron and an idiot at the same time.

From this point I will consider you a stupid liar, moron and idiot.
Ask me if I ever believe you again.

Trump was talking about the illegals that Mexico is sending US, which is not all Mexicans, and he was clear that not all the illegals are bad people, ie rapists and murderers, but that still the rapists and murderers are there and need to be stopped.

You liberals are the ones lying about what he said, which is why you did not post a transcript, nor even the full speech in video,

but someone else talking about what he said.

You are the stupid liar here, not me.

You are distorting the reality. You are a liar.
Why should I believe again. You are no difference like your buddies here cellblock unrealistically fucked up.

Because what I said, is supported by what Trump said, while you are actively ignoring what he actually said.

1. He was speaking of the illegals sent here, not all Mexicans.

2. He specified that he was speaking of SOME of the illegals, not all of them.

3. You libs lie and claim he said it of all Mexicans.

I am telling the truth. You are the liar.

On some level, you know are the bad guy, and that is harming your self image.

Why are you doing this to yourself? To conform to the herd? Will your friends turn on you, if you tell the truth?


Your inability to address what I said, is noted.

1. He was speaking of the illegals sent here, not all Mexicans.

2. He specified that he was speaking of SOME of the illegals, not all of them.

3. THe libs lie and claim he said it of all Mexicans.
/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

If a trade war was "easy to win", it wouldn't take a long time to do it.

Trump failed to realize that a totalitarian dictatorship has certain advantages in a trade war, that a democratic elected President in a capitalistic society doesn't have. Xi can tell businesses to stop doing business with the USA, and do so immediately. If they don't, they'll be stripped of their business and given a nice long vacation in a concentration camp to reconsider their choices. Trump tells his business leaders not to do business with China and they tell him to go fuck himself.

Trump keeps trusting his "gut instincts" to make decisions and none of them have worked out. Trump started the trade war to deflect from headlines about the Stormy Daniels lawsuits which were dominating the headlines. A piss poor excuse for destroying American farmers, but this is Trump, and when things go wrong for Trump, someone will be thrown under the bus to save his ass. Except as President, it's entire segments of the economy that are being sacrificed to his ego and his greed.

Remember when Trump promised to end off-shoring of manufacturing jobs? Off-shoring continues unabated and the manufacturing has dropped to the same level it was in 2009. In three short years, Trump is back to where Obama started. Well, he did say that he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the turnaround from W's complete trashing of the American economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Manufacturing is now officially in recession, despite Trump's vow to boost industry

This is a direct result of Trump's trade war. The reason that it's called a "trade war", is that there are casualties, on both sides, and only the strongest businesses can survive this level of uncertainty in their supply chains. The Chinese have a much stronger grip on their own economy, and thus are more agile in re-imagining supply chains. American supply chains rest of the whims of their President's bad moods.

The choice is between choosing to be the world's bitch on trade, or support Trump, who is the only person who wants to see America win.

You want to see America lose.
We were winning. Largest economy, low unemployment, huge wealth...

I have, for months now, been discussing with you, the concept that good macro-economic numbers can hide serious economic and social costs.

IT is one thing for you to disagree with me on that.

It is another for you to pretend to not be aware of it.

Please stop lying.
I have, for months now, been discussing with you, the concept that good macro-economic numbers can hide serious economic and social costs.

but it has always been just that, a theoretical concept. There is no data or evidence presented.
Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

If a trade war was "easy to win", it wouldn't take a long time to do it.

Trump failed to realize that a totalitarian dictatorship has certain advantages in a trade war, that a democratic elected President in a capitalistic society doesn't have. Xi can tell businesses to stop doing business with the USA, and do so immediately. If they don't, they'll be stripped of their business and given a nice long vacation in a concentration camp to reconsider their choices. Trump tells his business leaders not to do business with China and they tell him to go fuck himself.

Trump keeps trusting his "gut instincts" to make decisions and none of them have worked out. Trump started the trade war to deflect from headlines about the Stormy Daniels lawsuits which were dominating the headlines. A piss poor excuse for destroying American farmers, but this is Trump, and when things go wrong for Trump, someone will be thrown under the bus to save his ass. Except as President, it's entire segments of the economy that are being sacrificed to his ego and his greed.

Remember when Trump promised to end off-shoring of manufacturing jobs? Off-shoring continues unabated and the manufacturing has dropped to the same level it was in 2009. In three short years, Trump is back to where Obama started. Well, he did say that he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the turnaround from W's complete trashing of the American economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Manufacturing is now officially in recession, despite Trump's vow to boost industry

This is a direct result of Trump's trade war. The reason that it's called a "trade war", is that there are casualties, on both sides, and only the strongest businesses can survive this level of uncertainty in their supply chains. The Chinese have a much stronger grip on their own economy, and thus are more agile in re-imagining supply chains. American supply chains rest of the whims of their President's bad moods.

The choice is between choosing to be the world's bitch on trade, or support Trump, who is the only person who wants to see America win.

You want to see America lose.
We were winning. Largest economy, low unemployment, huge wealth...

I have, for months now, been discussing with you, the concept that good macro-economic numbers can hide serious economic and social costs.

IT is one thing for you to disagree with me on that.

It is another for you to pretend to not be aware of it.

Please stop lying.
There is no lying, Do we have the biggest economy? Low unemployment? Greatest wealth? All true, you are delusional to blame trade.
60,000 jobs created since 2016...Obama could have done that....but he didn't...why?...Trump made it look easy and he is the first president in my lifetime that is truly working for the little guy...not the rich and connected I assume are siding with the super connected entrenched wealthy class....I'm siding with blue collar workers that make the economy work...I don't know Trump I can't tell you if I like him...but I like his agenda...Americans and America first....

Do you know what is very scary with your post. It’s totally way off from reality like a text book from Hannity.

1. Trump made easy? Really? When Trump started this TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12 billions and $16 billions.
At the same time just about 100% from all business categories are blasting Trump TW. Not a single one supported this idiot.

2. What little guy are you talking about? When the biggest losers of this TW are the little ( poor) American consumers paying the higher prices.

For the first time in my lifetime I never expected a total moron, pathological hypocrite bastard see a tug POTUS in the WH.

However there is a little progress this week..... Trump declared ....... Partial Agreement was reached. Not sure what the details are.... This is a face saving for Trump.
/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

If a trade war was "easy to win", it wouldn't take a long time to do it.

Trump failed to realize that a totalitarian dictatorship has certain advantages in a trade war, that a democratic elected President in a capitalistic society doesn't have. Xi can tell businesses to stop doing business with the USA, and do so immediately. If they don't, they'll be stripped of their business and given a nice long vacation in a concentration camp to reconsider their choices. Trump tells his business leaders not to do business with China and they tell him to go fuck himself.

Trump keeps trusting his "gut instincts" to make decisions and none of them have worked out. Trump started the trade war to deflect from headlines about the Stormy Daniels lawsuits which were dominating the headlines. A piss poor excuse for destroying American farmers, but this is Trump, and when things go wrong for Trump, someone will be thrown under the bus to save his ass. Except as President, it's entire segments of the economy that are being sacrificed to his ego and his greed.

Remember when Trump promised to end off-shoring of manufacturing jobs? Off-shoring continues unabated and the manufacturing has dropped to the same level it was in 2009. In three short years, Trump is back to where Obama started. Well, he did say that he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the turnaround from W's complete trashing of the American economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Manufacturing is now officially in recession, despite Trump's vow to boost industry

This is a direct result of Trump's trade war. The reason that it's called a "trade war", is that there are casualties, on both sides, and only the strongest businesses can survive this level of uncertainty in their supply chains. The Chinese have a much stronger grip on their own economy, and thus are more agile in re-imagining supply chains. American supply chains rest of the whims of their President's bad moods.
It would be easier to win if we all stood together...but I guess that is impossible with today's power hungry democrats....
I have, for months now, been discussing with you, the concept that good macro-economic numbers can hide serious economic and social costs.

but it has always been just that, a theoretical concept. There is no data or evidence presented.

1. Incorrect.

2. And please don't cut the point of my post.
Where is it? Trump said so is not evidence. You have seen evidence of the effects of your trade policy with steel. Layoffs...
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

If a trade war was "easy to win", it wouldn't take a long time to do it.

Trump failed to realize that a totalitarian dictatorship has certain advantages in a trade war, that a democratic elected President in a capitalistic society doesn't have. Xi can tell businesses to stop doing business with the USA, and do so immediately. If they don't, they'll be stripped of their business and given a nice long vacation in a concentration camp to reconsider their choices. Trump tells his business leaders not to do business with China and they tell him to go fuck himself.

Trump keeps trusting his "gut instincts" to make decisions and none of them have worked out. Trump started the trade war to deflect from headlines about the Stormy Daniels lawsuits which were dominating the headlines. A piss poor excuse for destroying American farmers, but this is Trump, and when things go wrong for Trump, someone will be thrown under the bus to save his ass. Except as President, it's entire segments of the economy that are being sacrificed to his ego and his greed.

Remember when Trump promised to end off-shoring of manufacturing jobs? Off-shoring continues unabated and the manufacturing has dropped to the same level it was in 2009. In three short years, Trump is back to where Obama started. Well, he did say that he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the turnaround from W's complete trashing of the American economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Manufacturing is now officially in recession, despite Trump's vow to boost industry

This is a direct result of Trump's trade war. The reason that it's called a "trade war", is that there are casualties, on both sides, and only the strongest businesses can survive this level of uncertainty in their supply chains. The Chinese have a much stronger grip on their own economy, and thus are more agile in re-imagining supply chains. American supply chains rest of the whims of their President's bad moods.

The choice is between choosing to be the world's bitch on trade, or support Trump, who is the only person who wants to see America win.

You want to see America lose.
We were winning. Largest economy, low unemployment, huge wealth...

I have, for months now, been discussing with you, the concept that good macro-economic numbers can hide serious economic and social costs.

IT is one thing for you to disagree with me on that.

It is another for you to pretend to not be aware of it.

Please stop lying.
There is no lying, Do we have the biggest economy? Low unemployment? Greatest wealth? All true, you are delusional to blame trade.

Good macro economic numbers, do not tell the whole story. Why are you pretending that this has not explained to you, many times before?

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