Trump's trade war with China

Show us your backing that trade is the problem. We have been waiting. I’ve given many of the real reasons and backed them with studies. You continue to offer nothing.

You see jobs and manufacturing being moved away and you need to have it shown that that has an impact on wages?

You are not credible. YOu are just playing silly games.
So again you have nothing.

I have plenty. YOu are just a stonewallying troll.
You keep repeating yourself with no links or any info to back your claims.

I've done plenty of links, Willy.

And you remember them. You are just pretending that you don't, because you are a soulless troll.

And you continue to dodge. Sad.
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. The deal
Is all but papered at this point and the left still can’t grasp it. You people have no understanding of economics.
It is unlikely you do.
You’ve shown zero understanding of anything of economic significance.
Every good economist will tell you nobody wins a trade war. That's as significant as it gets in this thread. It's a fact.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition,

that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?
We have really low unemployment. Your theory is easily debunked.

And again, just as per my comic strip, Willy.

Wage stagnation, which you have again admitted to, once called on it, again,

is wage stagnation, DESPITE low unemployment.

This was all covered before. You know it. YOu are just being Willy, the circular debating troll.

And you don't even realize that you are willy? I keep giving you facts and you just keep dodging. And then it all comes back to it's China's fault, but you can't back it up with anything. Sad troll.
This is what every economist knows. If you don't know this, you have no understanding of economics.
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. The deal
Is all but papered at this point and the left still can’t grasp it. You people have no understanding of economics.
It is unlikely you do.
You’ve shown zero understanding of anything of economic significance.
Every good economist will tell you nobody wins a trade war. That's as significant as it gets in this thread. It's a fact.
Shut up. You’re like Baghdad bob pretending like the regime is still in power when everything is blowing up around him lol. We struck a deal with China and you can’t stand it. You people have mental issues. I’d say take meds for it but they make you even crazier so I guess just try and enjoy yourself :lol:
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. The deal
Is all but papered at this point and the left still can’t grasp it. You people have no understanding of economics.
It is unlikely you do.
You’ve shown zero understanding of anything of economic significance.
Every good economist will tell you nobody wins a trade war. That's as significant as it gets in this thread. It's a fact.
Shut up. You’re like Baghdad bob pretending like the regime is still in power when everything is blowing up around him lol. We struck a deal with China and you can’t stand it. You people have mental issues. I’d say take meds for it but they make you even crazier so I guess just try and enjoy yourself :lol:
Did we? Do give details about this great deal.
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. The deal
Is all but papered at this point and the left still can’t grasp it. You people have no understanding of economics.
It is unlikely you do.
You’ve shown zero understanding of anything of economic significance.
Every good economist will tell you nobody wins a trade war. That's as significant as it gets in this thread. It's a fact.
Shut up. You’re like Baghdad bob pretending like the regime is still in power when everything is blowing up around him lol. We struck a deal with China and you can’t stand it. You people have mental issues. I’d say take meds for it but they make you even crazier so I guess just try and enjoy yourself :lol:
Did we? Do give details about this great deal.
This is some funny shit man you people are constant entertainment :lol:
It is unlikely you do.
You’ve shown zero understanding of anything of economic significance.
Every good economist will tell you nobody wins a trade war. That's as significant as it gets in this thread. It's a fact.
Shut up. You’re like Baghdad bob pretending like the regime is still in power when everything is blowing up around him lol. We struck a deal with China and you can’t stand it. You people have mental issues. I’d say take meds for it but they make you even crazier so I guess just try and enjoy yourself :lol:
Did we? Do give details about this great deal.
This is some funny shit man you people are constant entertainment :lol:
Waiting for the details.
Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

A true Hannity style twist the technicality. He never said it would be fast. That is not what I’m after. They teach you very well how you try to twist the reality. You are a liar.

We are entering second year and there are no end insight. You call that easy?
Trumpits bragged it’s easy to win. China is not even blinking.
Means Trumpits is full of shit like you.

Currently we are loosing this dumb TW.

We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.
/----/ "There was no trade war before Trump was elected."
We've been in a trade war for decades. Trump is the first one to have the backbone to fight back.

Bullshit. Trump is the only president that is very dishonest and dumb that he doesn’t have a clue how to get out or end the TW.
Last week he bragged $50 billions sales with China to find out they only agreed in principles. Not even sure when will that happen.
Chinese are just jerking this inept potus.

Fed-Up Farmer’s Message To Trump: I Wouldn’t Vote For You If You Walked On Water | HuffPost

Gibbs said he doesn’t believe Trump’s claims he made a deal for China to buy up to $50 billion in U.S. agriculture given that the president made similar claims before that have never materialized, including claims of deals with Mexico and the European Union.

Indeed, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin admitted that the deal with China announced by Trump wasn’t actually a deal quite yet.
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. The deal
Is all but papered at this point and the left still can’t grasp it. You people have no understanding of economics.
It is unlikely you do.
You’ve shown zero understanding of anything of economic significance.
Every good economist will tell you nobody wins a trade war. That's as significant as it gets in this thread. It's a fact.
Shut up. You’re like Baghdad bob pretending like the regime is still in power when everything is blowing up around him lol. We struck a deal with China and you can’t stand it. You people have mental issues. I’d say take meds for it but they make you even crazier so I guess just try and enjoy yourself :lol:

Name me one economist famous or unknown that supports trade war with China.

Name me any business categories, any manufacturer categories, any technologies categories, any retail businesses that supports Trump dumb trade wars.
At 100% they blasted how dumb is Trump. We are already having lay off, closing business and we are already paying higher prices.
You call that a deal?
China just used its 'secret weapon' against President Trump in this on-going Trade War - LEBRON JAMES!

The Lefts is OWNED by China

NBA shamefully proves that when it comes to profits, no foul can be too flagrant for China. “The NBA may be ‘woke’ in America. But in China, NBA officials don’t want to risk their bank accounts to support Uighurs or protesters in Hong Kong.” Remember, “social justice” talk is pretty much always a cover for the interests of the ruling class.

Hong Kong protesters burn LeBron jerseys after China comments. “Around 200 people were reportedly demonstrating at the Southorn Playground in Hong Kong … chanting praises for Daryl Morey while trashing James.”
Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "
From trade being the important part of that. That’s not denying wage stagnation. It’s saying the problem is not from trade.

Except you were pretending to be unaware of any negative numbers, hence my posting of information to back up wage stagnation.

And then you, did not concede wage stagnation, but immediately moved on to your next line of attack.

Do you mind if I call you Wally from now on?

And again you are extremely confused. I’ve been giving you the real causes of wage stagnation. Stop lying already.

You gave me your counter views on the causes. And then, when the subject came up again, you pretended that the good macro economic numbers were the entirety of the story, and I have to drag you to admitting that there was hidden costs under those good macro economic numbers.

Not that you did admit it. YOu just moved immediately on to your next line of attack.

And next time this issue comes up, you will play the same game again, acting like good macro economic numbers mean the Free TRade policy has worked, until called on it, and then you will move on to the next part of your circular debating technique.

You are worse than Wally. He at least had the humanity to pretend to concede a point, while planning to come back to it again.

You just moved on to the next line of attack, without even that little hint of pretense of human civility.

Calling you Wally is unfair to Wally. I will call you Willy.
You are the one continually lying. I give you a bunch of reasons why we have wage stagnation and then you claim that means I said we don't have stagnation. Get off the crack.

No, I pointed to how you cited the good macro economic numbers as though that were the whole of the story, and then clearly denied that there were problems,

as "meaning" that you denied having hidden problems.

It is unreasonable of you to expect me to have a reasonable debate with you, while you are peppering your dialog, with utterly dishonest tactics like that.

Note how wally, said "ok" when confronted by the truth about the flag moving in the wind.

You just want to move on, without even pretending to concede the point.

You are a worse troll, than the comic strip character, Wally.
You just keep saying it’s from trade and you have nothing to back that up. Sad really.

You keep pretending to not even know of wages stagnation, unless I drag you kicking and screaming to admit it, and even then you don't actually concede it, you just move on to your next line of attack.

We all know it exists idiot. I’ve given you reasons for it. We don’t need to know there are issues, you need to tie it to trade. Now share some links.

Except that a couple of posts ago, you were pretending that good macro economic numbers were the whole of the story.

So, why were you lying?
You seem to be a dumbass. That is the story. You make shit up and can't back anything up. Sad.

No, I don't. You pretend to be a "Brain" and to be ready for serious debate, but then play silly and dishonest games.

You see jobs and manufacturing being moved away and you need to have it shown that that has an impact on wages?

You are not credible. YOu are just playing silly games.
So again you have nothing.

I have plenty. YOu are just a stonewallying troll.
You keep repeating yourself with no links or any info to back your claims.

I've done plenty of links, Willy.

And you remember them. You are just pretending that you don't, because you are a soulless troll.

And you continue to dodge. Sad.

You are using repeated demands for links, that you have seen before and are already familiar with, as a dodge.

As I addressed, with the above post.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition,

that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?
We have really low unemployment. Your theory is easily debunked.

And again, just as per my comic strip, Willy.

Wage stagnation, which you have again admitted to, once called on it, again,

is wage stagnation, DESPITE low unemployment.

This was all covered before. You know it. YOu are just being Willy, the circular debating troll.

And you don't even realize that you are willy? I keep giving you facts and you just keep dodging. And then it all comes back to it's China's fault, but you can't back it up with anything. Sad troll.

For me to be the "Willy" here, I would be demanding you supply links showing the good macro economic numbers, even though I already know all about them, and are familiar with them,

and then, when you post them, I would NOT concede the point, but just move on to my next attack,

and then is a page or two, demand the links again, '

all the while peppering the supposed debate with personal attacks and irrelevant assertions.

From trade being the important part of that. That’s not denying wage stagnation. It’s saying the problem is not from trade.

Except you were pretending to be unaware of any negative numbers, hence my posting of information to back up wage stagnation.

And then you, did not concede wage stagnation, but immediately moved on to your next line of attack.

Do you mind if I call you Wally from now on?

And again you are extremely confused. I’ve been giving you the real causes of wage stagnation. Stop lying already.

You gave me your counter views on the causes. And then, when the subject came up again, you pretended that the good macro economic numbers were the entirety of the story, and I have to drag you to admitting that there was hidden costs under those good macro economic numbers.

Not that you did admit it. YOu just moved immediately on to your next line of attack.

And next time this issue comes up, you will play the same game again, acting like good macro economic numbers mean the Free TRade policy has worked, until called on it, and then you will move on to the next part of your circular debating technique.

You are worse than Wally. He at least had the humanity to pretend to concede a point, while planning to come back to it again.

You just moved on to the next line of attack, without even that little hint of pretense of human civility.

Calling you Wally is unfair to Wally. I will call you Willy.
You are the one continually lying. I give you a bunch of reasons why we have wage stagnation and then you claim that means I said we don't have stagnation. Get off the crack.

No, I pointed to how you cited the good macro economic numbers as though that were the whole of the story, and then clearly denied that there were problems,

as "meaning" that you denied having hidden problems.

It is unreasonable of you to expect me to have a reasonable debate with you, while you are peppering your dialog, with utterly dishonest tactics like that.

And you keep ignoring the facts and repeating yourself. Way to go Willy.

Still waiting for links supporting your claims. Steel still laying off people by the way. Typical result of tariffs.
You just keep saying it’s from trade and you have nothing to back that up. Sad really.

You keep pretending to not even know of wages stagnation, unless I drag you kicking and screaming to admit it, and even then you don't actually concede it, you just move on to your next line of attack.

We all know it exists idiot. I’ve given you reasons for it. We don’t need to know there are issues, you need to tie it to trade. Now share some links.

Except that a couple of posts ago, you were pretending that good macro economic numbers were the whole of the story.

So, why were you lying?
You seem to be a dumbass. That is the story. You make shit up and can't back anything up. Sad.

No, I don't. You pretend to be a "Brain" and to be ready for serious debate, but then play silly and dishonest games.

You are the dishonest one. After I give you reasons for stagnant wages you claim I said they don’t exist. You are lying in almost every post.
So again you have nothing.

I have plenty. YOu are just a stonewallying troll.
You keep repeating yourself with no links or any info to back your claims.

I've done plenty of links, Willy.

And you remember them. You are just pretending that you don't, because you are a soulless troll.

And you continue to dodge. Sad.

You are using repeated demands for links, that you have seen before and are already familiar with, as a dodge.

As I addressed, with the above post.

And again you have nothing.
Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition,

that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?
We have really low unemployment. Your theory is easily debunked.

And again, just as per my comic strip, Willy.

Wage stagnation, which you have again admitted to, once called on it, again,

is wage stagnation, DESPITE low unemployment.

This was all covered before. You know it. YOu are just being Willy, the circular debating troll.

And you don't even realize that you are willy? I keep giving you facts and you just keep dodging. And then it all comes back to it's China's fault, but you can't back it up with anything. Sad troll.

For me to be the "Willy" here, I would be demanding you supply links showing the good macro economic numbers, even though I already know all about them, and are familiar with them,

and then, when you post them, I would NOT concede the point, but just move on to my next attack,

and then is a page or two, demand the links again, '

all the while peppering the supposed debate with personal attacks and irrelevant assertions.

If you had any links you would post them rather than keep saying you have them, but refusing to post,

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