Trump's trade war with China

So, a moment ago, when you were pretending to not know about any hidden negative numbers, what was that, just bullshit?
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "
From trade being the important part of that. That’s not denying wage stagnation. It’s saying the problem is not from trade.

Except you were pretending to be unaware of any negative numbers, hence my posting of information to back up wage stagnation.

And then you, did not concede wage stagnation, but immediately moved on to your next line of attack.

Do you mind if I call you Wally from now on?

I have never ignored that. I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?

Lying indicates that you, on some level, know that you cannot support your position with the truth.

My point has always been that good macro economic numbers have hid economic and social costs.

I have linked to such data in the past, and you have ignored it. I have again linked to data on wage stagnation.

You will ignore it, and then in the future pretend to have never been exposed to it, and make your false claims again.
You ignore the facts. Now again, share the economists that share your thoughts.

I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?
Show us your backing that trade is the problem. We have been waiting. I’ve given many of the real reasons and backed them with studies. You continue to offer nothing.

You see jobs and manufacturing being moved away and you need to have it shown that that has an impact on wages?

You are not credible. YOu are just playing silly games.
So again you have nothing.

I have plenty. YOu are just a stonewallying troll.
You did not ask for that. YOu asked for evidence that there is a problem, despite the good macro economic numbers.

Are you admitting that there is an issue?
Wow you are slow. I said trade is not a problem. And your link supports what I have been saying. How do you manage to be so lost?

YOu are now just stonewalling.

You asked for the data on the hidden economic and social costs and I provided it. Now you are refusing to address that, and trying to just move on to your next line of attack.

You posted a link that supports what I’m saying. How stupid are you?

Note how wally, said "ok" when confronted by the truth about the flag moving in the wind.

You just want to move on, without even pretending to concede the point.

You are a worse troll, than the comic strip character, Wally.
You just keep saying it’s from trade and you have nothing to back that up. Sad really.

You keep pretending to not even know of wages stagnation, unless I drag you kicking and screaming to admit it, and even then you don't actually concede it, you just move on to your next line of attack.

And I've shown you many studies explaining why that is. All internal problems. We have lots of corps with near monopolies. We have non compete agreements working for employers and against workers. We have wage collusion. Right to work laws have a bad effect on wages. I've told you why we have stagnation and backed it all up with studies. You have nothing.

So, a moment ago, when you were pretending to not know about any hidden negative numbers, what was that, just bullshit?
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.
So, a moment ago, when you were pretending to not know about any hidden negative numbers, what was that, just bullshit?
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition,

that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "
From trade being the important part of that. That’s not denying wage stagnation. It’s saying the problem is not from trade.

Except you were pretending to be unaware of any negative numbers, hence my posting of information to back up wage stagnation.

And then you, did not concede wage stagnation, but immediately moved on to your next line of attack.

Do you mind if I call you Wally from now on?

And again you are extremely confused. I’ve been giving you the real causes of wage stagnation. Stop lying already.
Wow you are slow. I said trade is not a problem. And your link supports what I have been saying. How do you manage to be so lost?

YOu are now just stonewalling.

You asked for the data on the hidden economic and social costs and I provided it. Now you are refusing to address that, and trying to just move on to your next line of attack.

You posted a link that supports what I’m saying. How stupid are you?

Note how wally, said "ok" when confronted by the truth about the flag moving in the wind.

You just want to move on, without even pretending to concede the point.

You are a worse troll, than the comic strip character, Wally.
You just keep saying it’s from trade and you have nothing to back that up. Sad really.

You keep pretending to not even know of wages stagnation, unless I drag you kicking and screaming to admit it, and even then you don't actually concede it, you just move on to your next line of attack.

We all know it exists idiot. I’ve given you reasons for it. We don’t need to know there are issues, you need to tie it to trade. Now share some links.
You ignore the facts. Now again, share the economists that share your thoughts.

I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?
Show us your backing that trade is the problem. We have been waiting. I’ve given many of the real reasons and backed them with studies. You continue to offer nothing.

You see jobs and manufacturing being moved away and you need to have it shown that that has an impact on wages?

You are not credible. YOu are just playing silly games.
So again you have nothing.

I have plenty. YOu are just a stonewallying troll.
You keep repeating yourself with no links or any info to back your claims.
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition,

that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?
We have really low unemployment. Your theory is easily debunked.
You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "
From trade being the important part of that. That’s not denying wage stagnation. It’s saying the problem is not from trade.

Except you were pretending to be unaware of any negative numbers, hence my posting of information to back up wage stagnation.

And then you, did not concede wage stagnation, but immediately moved on to your next line of attack.

Do you mind if I call you Wally from now on?

And again you are extremely confused. I’ve been giving you the real causes of wage stagnation. Stop lying already.

You gave me your counter views on the causes. And then, when the subject came up again, you pretended that the good macro economic numbers were the entirety of the story, and I have to drag you to admitting that there was hidden costs under those good macro economic numbers.

Not that you did admit it. YOu just moved immediately on to your next line of attack.

And next time this issue comes up, you will play the same game again, acting like good macro economic numbers mean the Free TRade policy has worked, until called on it, and then you will move on to the next part of your circular debating technique.

You are worse than Wally. He at least had the humanity to pretend to concede a point, while planning to come back to it again.

You just moved on to the next line of attack, without even that little hint of pretense of human civility.

Calling you Wally is unfair to Wally. I will call you Willy.
YOu are now just stonewalling.

You asked for the data on the hidden economic and social costs and I provided it. Now you are refusing to address that, and trying to just move on to your next line of attack.

You posted a link that supports what I’m saying. How stupid are you?

Note how wally, said "ok" when confronted by the truth about the flag moving in the wind.

You just want to move on, without even pretending to concede the point.

You are a worse troll, than the comic strip character, Wally.
You just keep saying it’s from trade and you have nothing to back that up. Sad really.

You keep pretending to not even know of wages stagnation, unless I drag you kicking and screaming to admit it, and even then you don't actually concede it, you just move on to your next line of attack.

We all know it exists idiot. I’ve given you reasons for it. We don’t need to know there are issues, you need to tie it to trade. Now share some links.

Except that a couple of posts ago, you were pretending that good macro economic numbers were the whole of the story.

So, why were you lying?
I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?
Show us your backing that trade is the problem. We have been waiting. I’ve given many of the real reasons and backed them with studies. You continue to offer nothing.

You see jobs and manufacturing being moved away and you need to have it shown that that has an impact on wages?

You are not credible. YOu are just playing silly games.
So again you have nothing.

I have plenty. YOu are just a stonewallying troll.
You keep repeating yourself with no links or any info to back your claims.

I've done plenty of links, Willy.

And you remember them. You are just pretending that you don't, because you are a soulless troll.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition,

that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?
We have really low unemployment. Your theory is easily debunked.

And again, just as per my comic strip, Willy.

Wage stagnation, which you have again admitted to, once called on it, again,

is wage stagnation, DESPITE low unemployment.

This was all covered before. You know it. YOu are just being Willy, the circular debating troll.

You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition,

that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?

But there's no proof that mftring is moving back, and it's actually declining, or that the laborcurrently needed in mfring is currently a source of wage stagnation. And if someone's wages rise, another costs increase. And profits continue to rise. Not that I agree with dragon lady on the min wage nationally
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition, that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?

When manufacturing jobs were outsourced in the EU and in Canada, the government funded massive retraining programs, and helped local economies to develop new industries and sources for jobs for all sectors of the work force, including low wage jobs. Oshawa was home to more than 20,000 auto industry jobs. At the end of this year, it will be home to 200 GM Canada Head Office jobs. And yet Oshawa is a thriving community with low unemployment and high housing prices. There is no "rust belt" in Ontario.

The minimum wage where I live is $14.00 per hour, and all countries in the EU and Canada, all have taxpayer and employer funded universal health care, so workers didn't lose health insurance when they left their jobs, and even unemployment insurance pays over $1000 per month.

Outsourcing continues unabated, but the US government does nothing for displaced workers, and everything for corporations looking to relocate to a different jurisdiction. This notion that large American corporations, who use masses of infrastructure to service their mega campuses, including transportation lines to and from for tens of thousands of workers each day. Extra gas, electricity, water, roadways, traffic calming, rapid transit lines - tens of millions of dollars of infrastructure and municipal improvements, and yet communities are giving these behemoths, billion dollar plus tax breaks on these infrastructure costs, and off-loads them to the existing local tax base,

Governments at all levels are doing much to entice jobs to their jurisdictions, even if it means another states loses the jobs. One pundit called it the "race to the bottom". As we recently saw with Foxxcom, big companies can fleece communitites desperate for jobs. But the new manufacturing jobs required computer skills and other skills the displaced workers lack, so now you have millions of job openings, and no one qualified to fill the jobs.

Notice how all of the government money is being given to corporations to create jobs. Nothing is being given to broke and unemployed workers to help them improve their skills and get those new jobs. American government is all for the corporations and nothing for the people. It should be the other way around.

Canada and the EU invest their tax dollars, not in wars and military, and a for profit health care system which exists to addict the population. We invest in health, education, and infrastructure. And our people. Our government programs, help Canadians get ahead, promote new ideas, and deal with recessions and employment displacement. Stuff you call "socialism".

Americans continue to elect old men who are utterly ignorant of the global economy and how to structure the American economy to benefit anyone other than corporations and their shareholders.
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You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition,

that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?

But there's no proof that mftring is moving back, and it's actually declining, or that the laborcurrently needed in mfring is currently a source of wage stagnation. And if someone's wages rise, another costs increase. And profits continue to rise. Not that I agree with dragon lady on the min wage nationally

Lower end wages are rising.
You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "

Just stop moving the goal posts every time someone proves you don’t have the first clue when it comes to trade.

Trade numbers have NOTHING to do with wage stagnation numbers. The USA is the ONLY first world country where wage stagnation is a problem. That’s because of Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage and earned income credits and other income supports.

If manufacturing jobs are lost here, because they are either outsourced, or lost to foreign competition, that reduces demand for labor here, and thus wages.

That is the law of supply and demand at work. We see that massive job loses to outsourcing and foreign competition, during the time frame we have seen long term wage stagnation.

We know that. You and other libs have, could demand links to demonstrate it, but that is just playing silly games. We both know that it true, so what are you confused about?

When manufacturing jobs were outsourced in the EU and in Canada, the government funded massive retraining programs, and helped local economies to develop new industries and sources for jobs for all sectors of the work force, including low wage jobs. Oshawa was home to more than 20,000 auto industry jobs. At the end of this year, it will be home to 200 GM Canada Head Office jobs. And yet Oshawa is a thriving community with low unemployment and high housing prices. There is no "rust belt" in Ontario.

The retraining here generally works out to just for show.

The minimum wage where I live is $14.00 per hour, and all countries in the EU and Canada, all have taxpayer and employer funded universal health care, so workers didn't lose health insurance when they left their jobs, and even unemployment insurance pays over $1000 per month.

Most Americans are pretty happy with their private healthcare.

Outsourcing continues unabated, but the US government does nothing for displaced workers, and everything for corporations looking to relocate to a different jurisdiction. This notion that large American corporations, who use masses of infrastructure to service their mega campuses, including transportation lines to and from for tens of thousands of workers each day. Extra gas, electricity, water, roadways, traffic calming, rapid transit lines - tens of millions of dollars of infrastructure and municipal improvements, and yet communities are giving these behemoths, billion dollar plus tax breaks on these infrastructure costs, and off-loads them to the existing local tax base,

Governments at all levels are doing much to entice jobs to their jurisdictions, even if it means another states loses the jobs. One pundit called it the "race to the bottom". As we recently saw with Foxxcom, big companies can fleece communitites desperate for jobs. But the new manufacturing jobs required computer skills and other skills the displaced workers lack, so now you have millions of job openings, and no one qualified to fill the jobs.

Valid complaints. Especially when it comes to state vs state competition.

Notice how all of the government money is being given to corporations to create jobs. Nothing is being given to broke and unemployed workers to help them improve their skills and get those new jobs. American government is all for the corporations and nothing for the people. It should be the other way around.

Plenty of money has been spent on such ideas. It was all money spent to give the appearance of doing something.

Canada and the EU invest their tax dollars, not in wars and military, and a for profit health care system which exists to addict the population. We invest in health, education, and infrastructure. And our people. Our government programs, help Canadians get ahead, promote new ideas, and deal with recessions and employment displacement. Stuff you call "socialism".

The vast majority of the US budget is spent on entitlements.

Americans continue to elect old men who are utterly ignorant of the global economy and how to structure the American economy to benefit anyone other than corporations and their shareholders.

Your sexism and ageism is noted and held against you. The corporations and super rich, were against the election of Trump, who is the one pushing to reverse the policies that have created the situation you are complaining about.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "
From trade being the important part of that. That’s not denying wage stagnation. It’s saying the problem is not from trade.

Except you were pretending to be unaware of any negative numbers, hence my posting of information to back up wage stagnation.

And then you, did not concede wage stagnation, but immediately moved on to your next line of attack.

Do you mind if I call you Wally from now on?

And again you are extremely confused. I’ve been giving you the real causes of wage stagnation. Stop lying already.

You gave me your counter views on the causes. And then, when the subject came up again, you pretended that the good macro economic numbers were the entirety of the story, and I have to drag you to admitting that there was hidden costs under those good macro economic numbers.

Not that you did admit it. YOu just moved immediately on to your next line of attack.

And next time this issue comes up, you will play the same game again, acting like good macro economic numbers mean the Free TRade policy has worked, until called on it, and then you will move on to the next part of your circular debating technique.

You are worse than Wally. He at least had the humanity to pretend to concede a point, while planning to come back to it again.

You just moved on to the next line of attack, without even that little hint of pretense of human civility.

Calling you Wally is unfair to Wally. I will call you Willy.
You are the one continually lying. I give you a bunch of reasons why we have wage stagnation and then you claim that means I said we don't have stagnation. Get off the crack.
You posted a link that supports what I’m saying. How stupid are you?

Note how wally, said "ok" when confronted by the truth about the flag moving in the wind.

You just want to move on, without even pretending to concede the point.

You are a worse troll, than the comic strip character, Wally.
You just keep saying it’s from trade and you have nothing to back that up. Sad really.

You keep pretending to not even know of wages stagnation, unless I drag you kicking and screaming to admit it, and even then you don't actually concede it, you just move on to your next line of attack.

We all know it exists idiot. I’ve given you reasons for it. We don’t need to know there are issues, you need to tie it to trade. Now share some links.

Except that a couple of posts ago, you were pretending that good macro economic numbers were the whole of the story.

So, why were you lying?
You seem to be a dumbass. That is the story. You make shit up and can't back anything up. Sad.

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