Trump's trade war with China

Do you know what is very scary with your post. It’s totally way off from reality like a text book from Hannity.

1. Trump made easy? Really? When Trump started this TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12 billions and $16 billions.
At the same time just about 100% from all business categories are blasting Trump TW. Not a single one supported this idiot.

2. What little guy are you talking about? When the biggest losers of this TW are the little ( poor) American consumers paying the higher prices.

For the first time in my lifetime I never expected a total moron, pathological hypocrite bastard see a tug POTUS in the WH.

However there is a little progress this week..... Trump declared ....... Partial Agreement was reached. Not sure what the details are.... This is a face saving for Trump.
/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

A true Hannity style twist the technicality. He never said it would be fast. That is not what I’m after. They teach you very well how you try to twist the reality. You are a liar.

We are entering second year and there are no end insight. You call that easy?
Trumpits bragged it’s easy to win. China is not even blinking.
Means Trumpits is full of shit like you.

Currently we are loosing this dumb TW.

We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.
/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

A true Hannity style twist the technicality. He never said it would be fast. That is not what I’m after. They teach you very well how you try to twist the reality. You are a liar.

We are entering second year and there are no end insight. You call that easy?
Trumpits bragged it’s easy to win. China is not even blinking.
Means Trumpits is full of shit like you.

Currently we are loosing this dumb TW.

We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.

1. If having a trade deficit is not a bad thing, then why are our trading partners so bent out of shape at even the possibility that Trump might seek more balanced trade? The fact that they fight back, shows that they strongly disagree.

2. The profit margin of a product sold, is a small portion of the final cost. THe majority of the wealth generated, goes into the production, to the building of the factory, to the wages of the workers, to the taxes, to paying for services, ect. ect ect. And all of that goes to our trading "partners".

3. Your assumption that any conflict in rules or regulations are sincere and not our trading partners gaming the system to benefit their people at the expense of ours, is unsupported. And indeed, strongly undermined by examples like the WTO Airbus case.

4. Your point about the greed of American corporations is valid. But they are operating based on the environment created by our Free Trade policy, and that will not change, until we change policy. We can change that policy and force them to operate in a different fashion. Why do you not want to do that?
there was no trade war and we as a country were winning bigly.

I posted a link showing the wage stagnation.

Try again.
And I've shown you many studies explaining why that is. All internal problems. We have lots of corps with near monopolies. We have non compete agreements working for employers and against workers. We have wage collusion. Right to work laws have a bad effect on wages. I've told you why we have stagnation and backed it all up with studies. You have nothing.

So, a moment ago, when you were pretending to not know about any hidden negative numbers, what was that, just bullshit?
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.
No you back up nothing. You just make false claims.

The Rust Belt and the working class Americans have had wages stagnate while stockholders and the rich have benefited from offshoring.

Numbers on wage stagnation have been presented to you in the past. You ignore them, and now pretend it was not done.
You ignore that we have lots of wealth and really low unemployment. The issue is not trade, we have plenty of jobs and wealth.

Lots of economists must agree with you. Please share links to them.

I have never ignored that. I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?

Lying indicates that you, on some level, know that you cannot support your position with the truth.

My point has always been that good macro economic numbers have hid economic and social costs.

I have linked to such data in the past, and you have ignored it. I have again linked to data on wage stagnation.

You will ignore it, and then in the future pretend to have never been exposed to it, and make your false claims again.
You ignore the facts. Now again, share the economists that share your thoughts.

I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?
Show us your backing that trade is the problem. We have been waiting. I’ve given many of the real reasons and backed them with studies. You continue to offer nothing.
then provide the data

Why Wages Aren’t Growing in America

"The majority of Americans share in economic growth through the wages they receive for their labor, rather than through investment income. Unfortunately, many of these workers have fared poorly in recent decades. Since the early 1970s, the hourly inflation-adjusted wages received by the typical worker have barely risen, growing only 0.2% per year. In other words, though the economy has been growing, the primary way most people benefit from that growth has almost completely stalled."
Your link doesn't say trade is the problem. Seems to be agreeing with me on many points:

You did not ask for that. YOu asked for evidence that there is a problem, despite the good macro economic numbers.

Are you admitting that there is an issue?
Wow you are slow. I said trade is not a problem. And your link supports what I have been saying. How do you manage to be so lost?

YOu are now just stonewalling.

You asked for the data on the hidden economic and social costs and I provided it. Now you are refusing to address that, and trying to just move on to your next line of attack.

You posted a link that supports what I’m saying. How stupid are you?
China just used its 'secret weapon' against President Trump in this on-going Trade War - LEBRON JAMES!

/----/ " TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done."
It is easy to win. Put the screws on China. Trump never said it would be fast.

Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

A true Hannity style twist the technicality. He never said it would be fast. That is not what I’m after. They teach you very well how you try to twist the reality. You are a liar.

We are entering second year and there are no end insight. You call that easy?
Trumpits bragged it’s easy to win. China is not even blinking.
Means Trumpits is full of shit like you.

Currently we are loosing this dumb TW.

We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.
/----/ "There was no trade war before Trump was elected."
We've been in a trade war for decades. Trump is the first one to have the backbone to fight back.
Put a screws on China. Your piece of shit president could have done that don’t you think?

Yes he did. He said that on March 18, 2018 trade wars are good easy to win. You are ignorant than I thought..
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

A true Hannity style twist the technicality. He never said it would be fast. That is not what I’m after. They teach you very well how you try to twist the reality. You are a liar.

We are entering second year and there are no end insight. You call that easy?
Trumpits bragged it’s easy to win. China is not even blinking.
Means Trumpits is full of shit like you.

Currently we are loosing this dumb TW.

We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.
/----/ "There was no trade war before Trump was elected."
We've been in a trade war for decades. Trump is the first one to have the backbone to fight back.
And we have been winning. Look at our wealth. Now trump is slowing us down.
/——/ For the second time, a trade war is easy to win, but Trump never said it would be fast.

A true Hannity style twist the technicality. He never said it would be fast. That is not what I’m after. They teach you very well how you try to twist the reality. You are a liar.

We are entering second year and there are no end insight. You call that easy?
Trumpits bragged it’s easy to win. China is not even blinking.
Means Trumpits is full of shit like you.

Currently we are loosing this dumb TW.

We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.
/----/ "There was no trade war before Trump was elected."
We've been in a trade war for decades. Trump is the first one to have the backbone to fight back.
And we have been winning. Look at our wealth. Now trump is slowing us down.
/—-/ We won very little. Trump is also fighting to protect out IP.
A true Hannity style twist the technicality. He never said it would be fast. That is not what I’m after. They teach you very well how you try to twist the reality. You are a liar.

We are entering second year and there are no end insight. You call that easy?
Trumpits bragged it’s easy to win. China is not even blinking.
Means Trumpits is full of shit like you.

Currently we are loosing this dumb TW.

We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.
/----/ "There was no trade war before Trump was elected."
We've been in a trade war for decades. Trump is the first one to have the backbone to fight back.
And we have been winning. Look at our wealth. Now trump is slowing us down.
/—-/ We won very little. Trump is also fighting to protect out IP.
We have the biggest economy and the most wealth. That is quite a lot. Our companies sent them our IP. Nobody is forced to trade with China.
A true Hannity style twist the technicality. He never said it would be fast. That is not what I’m after. They teach you very well how you try to twist the reality. You are a liar.

We are entering second year and there are no end insight. You call that easy?
Trumpits bragged it’s easy to win. China is not even blinking.
Means Trumpits is full of shit like you.

Currently we are loosing this dumb TW.

We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.
/----/ "There was no trade war before Trump was elected."
We've been in a trade war for decades. Trump is the first one to have the backbone to fight back.
And we have been winning. Look at our wealth. Now trump is slowing us down.
/—-/ We won very little. Trump is also fighting to protect out IP.

Bullshit. Intellectual Property rights were included in the Trans Pacific Partnership, which Trump pulled out of. The 75% American auto content which Trump was touting as his great triumph in the NAFTA re-negotiation, was also included in the TPP.

Please note that since Trump renegotiated NAFTA, Canada has gone from having a $11 billion trade deficit with the USA, to having a trade surplus, as Canadian exports to the US continue to rise, while Canadians buy less from the USA. That's because Canadians are still boycotting US goods and services, where possible. Every little bit helps.

Every problem Trump set out to "fix", has gotten worse. Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.
We were losing the trade war, before Trump was elected.

We have just begun to fight back. Even if we continue to lose, at least we are not just lying there and taking it like a bitch.

And hopefully, if you libs don't manage to betray America, we can win.

There was no trade war before Trump was elected. America has trade deficits because you import more than you export. Trump sees that as a bad thing, but it's not. Most of your own production is sold at home. The idea that Americans are "screwed over" by their trading partners is also false. You don't become the richest nation in the world because you're getting "screwed over" by your trading partners. The goods American companies import from other nations are sold by American companies to American Consumers, so only a small portion of the cost of the goods, goes overseas.

Trump is falsely blaming your trading partners for tariffs on American goods, when in reality, American goods don't necessarily conform to health and safety standards in other countries. The EU has banned GMO foods, and meat with anti-biotics and growth hormones, so that limits your agricultural exports. American made cars don't meet EU mileage and emissions standards. If you want your products to be sold in world markets, you need to change your standards to match theirs, not expect other countries to lower their standards.

Trump has no understanding of trade or how it works, and apparently, you don't either, since you're parrotting his words, and you show no hint or clue that you know anything about the topic. He blames your trading partners because American corporations are off-shoring production. China didn't go to Ralph Lauren and say "Hey Ralph, we'll make your clothes for 25% of what your American work force can make them. You sell for same price and pocket the additional profits. No. American CEO's learned at Harvard Business School how to off-shore and increase their profits.

Trump's trade war is as phony and ineffective as his dumb wall. Trade deals with China and the EU won't stop American companies from screwing over American workers and off-shoring to some miserable Third World slave labour jurisdiction, if they can make a buck doing it. Just as Trump lied to you about illegally immigrants stealiing your jobs, he's lying that bad trade deals are screwing American workers.

The greed of American corporations and their leadership have lead to this mess. Aided and abetted by a federal government which has brainwashed the American public into believing that what is good for American business is good for the people.
/----/ "There was no trade war before Trump was elected."
We've been in a trade war for decades. Trump is the first one to have the backbone to fight back.
And we have been winning. Look at our wealth. Now trump is slowing us down.
/—-/ We won very little. Trump is also fighting to protect out IP.

Bullshit. Intellectual Property rights were included in the Trans Pacific Partnership, which Trump pulled out of. The 75% American auto content which Trump was touting as his great triumph in the NAFTA re-negotiation, was also included in the TPP.

Please note that since Trump renegotiated NAFTA, Canada has gone from having a $11 billion trade deficit with the USA, to having a trade surplus, as Canadian exports to the US continue to rise, while Canadians buy less from the USA. That's because Canadians are still boycotting US goods and services, where possible. Every little bit helps.

Every problem Trump set out to "fix", has gotten worse. Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.
/----/ Hillary said she wouldn't support TPP either. Why do you hate Hillary?
Clinton raved about Trans-Pacific Partnership before she ...
Clinton raved about Trans-Pacific Partnership before she rejected it. Although Clinton had traveled the world in support of TPP as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state, she told the “PBS Newshour” that the final agreement didn’t meet the “high bar” she set for the pact.
I posted a link showing the wage stagnation.

Try again.
And I've shown you many studies explaining why that is. All internal problems. We have lots of corps with near monopolies. We have non compete agreements working for employers and against workers. We have wage collusion. Right to work laws have a bad effect on wages. I've told you why we have stagnation and backed it all up with studies. You have nothing.

So, a moment ago, when you were pretending to not know about any hidden negative numbers, what was that, just bullshit?
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "
The Rust Belt and the working class Americans have had wages stagnate while stockholders and the rich have benefited from offshoring.

Numbers on wage stagnation have been presented to you in the past. You ignore them, and now pretend it was not done.
You ignore that we have lots of wealth and really low unemployment. The issue is not trade, we have plenty of jobs and wealth.

Lots of economists must agree with you. Please share links to them.

I have never ignored that. I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?

Lying indicates that you, on some level, know that you cannot support your position with the truth.

My point has always been that good macro economic numbers have hid economic and social costs.

I have linked to such data in the past, and you have ignored it. I have again linked to data on wage stagnation.

You will ignore it, and then in the future pretend to have never been exposed to it, and make your false claims again.
You ignore the facts. Now again, share the economists that share your thoughts.

I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?
Show us your backing that trade is the problem. We have been waiting. I’ve given many of the real reasons and backed them with studies. You continue to offer nothing.

You see jobs and manufacturing being moved away and you need to have it shown that that has an impact on wages?

You are not credible. YOu are just playing silly games.
Why Wages Aren’t Growing in America

"The majority of Americans share in economic growth through the wages they receive for their labor, rather than through investment income. Unfortunately, many of these workers have fared poorly in recent decades. Since the early 1970s, the hourly inflation-adjusted wages received by the typical worker have barely risen, growing only 0.2% per year. In other words, though the economy has been growing, the primary way most people benefit from that growth has almost completely stalled."
Your link doesn't say trade is the problem. Seems to be agreeing with me on many points:

You did not ask for that. YOu asked for evidence that there is a problem, despite the good macro economic numbers.

Are you admitting that there is an issue?
Wow you are slow. I said trade is not a problem. And your link supports what I have been saying. How do you manage to be so lost?

YOu are now just stonewalling.

You asked for the data on the hidden economic and social costs and I provided it. Now you are refusing to address that, and trying to just move on to your next line of attack.

You posted a link that supports what I’m saying. How stupid are you?

Note how wally, said "ok" when confronted by the truth about the flag moving in the wind.

You just want to move on, without even pretending to concede the point.

You are a worse troll, than the comic strip character, Wally.
And I've shown you many studies explaining why that is. All internal problems. We have lots of corps with near monopolies. We have non compete agreements working for employers and against workers. We have wage collusion. Right to work laws have a bad effect on wages. I've told you why we have stagnation and backed it all up with studies. You have nothing.

So, a moment ago, when you were pretending to not know about any hidden negative numbers, what was that, just bullshit?
You are one really confused person. There are no negative numbers from trade. As I have documented over and over and that your own link supported, they are all internal problems that don't involve trade.

You have presented internal problems that you insist are the cause of the problem.

As my position is not based on trade being the sole cause of wage stagnation, that does not challenge my position at all.

IF, you were to somehow prove a negative, and demonstrate that all of the wage stagnation was caused by the factors you present, with no contribution from Trade, that would refute my claim.

You have not even tried to do that, and I don't see how it could be proven, even if it were true, so.

And let's not forget that you starting position in this thread, was DENYING that there were any negative numbers to be explained.

So, you are a dishonest person who's claims are not to be trusted.
Hey idiot, I have been giving the real reasons for wage stagnation. That’s not denying the negative numbers. Gosh you are dumb.

Your words, from your immediately previous post.

:"There are no negative numbers from trade. "
From trade being the important part of that. That’s not denying wage stagnation. It’s saying the problem is not from trade.
You ignore that we have lots of wealth and really low unemployment. The issue is not trade, we have plenty of jobs and wealth.

Lots of economists must agree with you. Please share links to them.

I have never ignored that. I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?

Lying indicates that you, on some level, know that you cannot support your position with the truth.

My point has always been that good macro economic numbers have hid economic and social costs.

I have linked to such data in the past, and you have ignored it. I have again linked to data on wage stagnation.

You will ignore it, and then in the future pretend to have never been exposed to it, and make your false claims again.
You ignore the facts. Now again, share the economists that share your thoughts.

I have constantly acknowledged the good macro economic numbers you keep bringing up.

Why did you lie about that?
Show us your backing that trade is the problem. We have been waiting. I’ve given many of the real reasons and backed them with studies. You continue to offer nothing.

You see jobs and manufacturing being moved away and you need to have it shown that that has an impact on wages?

You are not credible. YOu are just playing silly games.
So again you have nothing.
Your link doesn't say trade is the problem. Seems to be agreeing with me on many points:

You did not ask for that. YOu asked for evidence that there is a problem, despite the good macro economic numbers.

Are you admitting that there is an issue?
Wow you are slow. I said trade is not a problem. And your link supports what I have been saying. How do you manage to be so lost?

YOu are now just stonewalling.

You asked for the data on the hidden economic and social costs and I provided it. Now you are refusing to address that, and trying to just move on to your next line of attack.

You posted a link that supports what I’m saying. How stupid are you?

Note how wally, said "ok" when confronted by the truth about the flag moving in the wind.

You just want to move on, without even pretending to concede the point.

You are a worse troll, than the comic strip character, Wally.
You just keep saying it’s from trade and you have nothing to back that up. Sad really.
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. The deal
Is all but papered at this point and the left still can’t grasp it. You people have no understanding of economics.

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