Trump's trade war with China

^ Another moronic shitbag that can’t explain how China and the EU’s use of tariffs before President Trump wasn’t a “trade war” against the US.
Trump fluffers cannot be told EU and US tariff levels were/are about equivalent.

Because they are not equivalent. US autos in Europe have a huge tariff on them, because otherwise the US would dominate against much more expensive Euro cars.
Because they are not equivalent. US autos in Europe have a huge tariff on them, because otherwise the US would dominate against much more expensive Euro cars.
Tell it to Cato, you unbelievably credulous simp.
Because they are not equivalent. US autos in Europe have a huge tariff on them, because otherwise the US would dominate against much more expensive Euro cars.
Bugger all customers want your uneconomic oversized vehicles in Europe.
Because they are not equivalent. US autos in Europe have a huge tariff on them, because otherwise the US would dominate against much more expensive Euro cars.
Bugger all customers want your uneconomic oversized vehicles in Europe.

The fuck are you talking about? The best selling sports car in Europe is the Mustang, despite the tariffs. US makes plenty of compact cars and hatchbacks and SUVs the Euros would love to own.
Trinkets sold in Wal-Mart and produced in China certainly does not disprove that capitalism is much better at bringing a product to market - namely our markets. We are extremely efficient.
Yet your trinkets are not even in your own markets.
And again, not relevant.

I notice you cut out the rest of the post - the key part pointing out that China, who should be the premier economy, is not.
Trinkets sold in Wal-Mart and produced in China certainly does not disprove that capitalism is much better at bringing a product to market - namely our markets. We are extremely efficient.
Yet your trinkets are not even in your own markets.
And again, not relevant.

I notice you cut out the rest of the post - the key part pointing out that China, who should be the premier economy, is not.

Looks like CNM got all his lies called out and has bailed.
Nothing in your link shows US - EU tariffs to be the same.
It shows them to be reasonably equivalent. But see, Trump fluffers just can't be told, even by the World Bank. That's because Trump fluffs his base in turn.
I notice you cut out the rest of the post - the key part pointing out that China, who should be the premier economy, is not.
Only you are asserting China should be the premier economy. While dismissing as irrelevant its products in your markets.
Trump tweeted, "farmers will be a a very BIG and FAST beneficiary of our deal with China. They intend to start purchasing agricultural product immediately. We make the finest and cleanest product in the World, and that is what China wants. Farmers, I LOVE YOU!

The Chinese are patient, and Xi Jinping is a very patient man. They are used to five, ten, and twenty year plans. Xi is also politically savvy. He knows Trump is a very unpopular President and is getting more unpopular everyday as his trade war becomes more serious..Because of his 15% tariff, prices on popular consumer goods go up big time beginning Sept. 1.

Trump has until November 2020 to make some progress. So far his trade war has been disastrous, and Wall Street has been treading water since Jan. 2018. Today, even Trump is concerned about a possible recession.

All Xi has to do is wait him out. Actually, in Chinese terms, Xi doesn't have long to wait. Thirteen months, that is thirteen seconds on the Chinese clock.

Wait him out for WHAT exactly? What is Xi hoping to gain in this?

Xi is hoping to get a new president that is more reasonable and willing to negotiate and does not conduct diplomacy via tweets.
I sincerely hope this is true. I am pretty damn confident that it is not.

It looks to me that XI is looking to restore China as the premier world power. Limiting US control over international markets and putting China there would basically achieve this. The reason that the US can essentially bully the world into doing what is in the interest of the US is because the planet's economy is tied to us. IF Trump had leveraged the rest of our allies to address China's bad faith trade policies then he may have forced them to the table. What Trump has done instead is try and take them on 1 to 1 and they are responding by shoring up their position in the global economy instead of ours.

I no longer thing that Xi really wants a deal with the US. I think he would rather see us isolated so that China can exert much more influence on the rest of the world.

That is long term. Short term, he wants to keep the massive trade surplus.
Based on?

Why would he want to support action for the short term that is 100 percent counter to his long term goal? That is nonsensical.
And our "allies" were never going to back US. They are too used to the US being the world's bitch on trade.
Going "back?" Who said anything about going back. The US has ENORMOUS economic influence over most of the word, over virtually all of the productive world. Rather than beat China over the head with every trading partner we have, Trump goes on a bunch of trade battles with out allies at the same time as taking on China. That is asinine. He should deal with China from the greatest position of power. A position that used all the European markets as well. Instead, we are dealing with China from a weaker position than we could be in.

For someone that is supposedly sup[posed to be good at making a deal, this is the most basic rule in negotiating.
Nothing in your link shows US - EU tariffs to be the same.
It shows them to be reasonably equivalent. But see, Trump fluffers just can't be told, even by the World Bank. That's because Trump fluffs his base in turn.
No it doesn’t. It’s s global “simple” chart. Shows nothing of EU - US trade. My link does.

You keep making a jackass of yourself.
Looks like CNM got all his lies called out and has bailed.
Hilarity. Trump fluffers would rather believe Trump than the World Bank.

I wonder if these people that thinks the US has no tariffs on goods from other countries have ever look at the US Harmonized Tariff Schedule and its 3000 pages worth of tariffs.
Thank you for admitting that you are also afraid to admit what Xi and Trump both want, for their respective nations.
See, you've got it wrong again. GG has told you what Xi wants, at least. I believe I've told you what Trump wants, to fluff his base.

IF, gator or you had wanted to make the argument, that Trump was not serious about pursuing his goal, and was really all about just putting on a show to pander to his base,

if you had done that AFTER admitting or at least referencing what the issue was, I would have done you the respect of addressing it.

Now, is too late to walk it back. Sorry. Run along.
And our "allies" were never going to back US. They are too used to the US being the world's bitch on trade.
They know they can trust Trump as far as they can throw the ball of lard.

I made a point about why I thought that they would not support US.

Would you like to address my point, or are you just here to troll?

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