Trump's trade war with China

You have been given the answer and you refuse to accept it.

Why are you so dishonest?

Dude. I'm not talking to you. We reached the end, as far as you were wiling to go. Unless you are ready to move on, don't derail the thread.

You are the one that cannot move on, you were given an answer but keep pretending you did not so that you do not have to move forward.

You are so transparent

I remember a long time ago, in a office job I had, I ended up fighting over who got the big copier.

The women who wanted it, made a point that the little one, was newer and really a better copier.

So, I said to them, if it is so good, why don't you want it.

They could not give me an answer to that.

YOu are in the same boat.

Trump wants something. Xi wants it too. YOu pretend that Trump is wrong for wanting it.

But for some reason, Xi is ok for wanting it too.

Different rules for different people, and you cant' even admit what they both want.

Your thinking is deeply irrational.

At best.

I have never said or even implied Trump was wrong for what he wants, that is just one more lie in a long list from you.

My issue with Trump is in the execution, not the desire.

Let’s say you and I both want the same brand new shiny car.

My plan is to put in some OT and cut some expenses to be able to but it.

Your plan is to buy a lotto ticket and hope to win the lotto.

Now it is possible your plan might work, but it is doubtful.

Same desire, different execution.

What is the "car"?

Golfing gator called this funny.

But he is the one afraid to answer a simple and honest question.
Dude. I'm not talking to you. We reached the end, as far as you were wiling to go. Unless you are ready to move on, don't derail the thread.

You are the one that cannot move on, you were given an answer but keep pretending you did not so that you do not have to move forward.

You are so transparent

I remember a long time ago, in a office job I had, I ended up fighting over who got the big copier.

The women who wanted it, made a point that the little one, was newer and really a better copier.

So, I said to them, if it is so good, why don't you want it.

They could not give me an answer to that.

YOu are in the same boat.

Trump wants something. Xi wants it too. YOu pretend that Trump is wrong for wanting it.

But for some reason, Xi is ok for wanting it too.

Different rules for different people, and you cant' even admit what they both want.

Your thinking is deeply irrational.

At best.

I have never said or even implied Trump was wrong for what he wants, that is just one more lie in a long list from you.

My issue with Trump is in the execution, not the desire.

Let’s say you and I both want the same brand new shiny car.

My plan is to put in some OT and cut some expenses to be able to but it.

Your plan is to buy a lotto ticket and hope to win the lotto.

Now it is possible your plan might work, but it is doubtful.

Same desire, different execution.

What is the "car"?

Golfing gator called this funny.

But he is the one afraid to answer a simple and honest question.

I have answered the question more times than you can count.
I have. I’m a libertarian. I love the idea of free trade but free without fair means nothing. I’m willing to see this through until we achieve something better for us. We can’t keep relying on China to provide us with our needs it’s ruining us and I don’t see any other way to do it. I wish it never had to come to this and as a president I would certainly never want to have to come out and say I’m instituting tariffs on products our companies are importing but if I inherited a trade mess that puts me in a position to have no other realistic choice to change things then I guess I’d have to decide between making the hard choice that might come with a little initial pain or secure my reelection by not upsetting the apple cart. I’m glad we have someone who’s finally not afraid of making a tough choice that could hurt him politically.

You say that it is ruining us, yet I am also told pretty much daily that this is the best economy in decades.

I look around and I see that we are at 123 straight months of economic expansion, a record for this country...with no end in sight in the near future.

I look around and I see that we are at 110 straight months of positive job growth, a record for this country....with no end in sight in the near future.

I look around and I see record setting sustained low unemployment.

I look around and I see a million more open jobs than people to fill them.

How are we being ruined?
I have. I’m a libertarian. I love the idea of free trade but free without fair means nothing. I’m willing to see this through until we achieve something better for us. We can’t keep relying on China to provide us with our needs it’s ruining us and I don’t see any other way to do it. I wish it never had to come to this and as a president I would certainly never want to have to come out and say I’m instituting tariffs on products our companies are importing but if I inherited a trade mess that puts me in a position to have no other realistic choice to change things then I guess I’d have to decide between making the hard choice that might come with a little initial pain or secure my reelection by not upsetting the apple cart. I’m glad we have someone who’s finally not afraid of making a tough choice that could hurt him politically.

You say that it is ruining us, yet I am also told pretty much daily that this is the best economy in decades.

I look around and I see that we are at 123 straight months of economic expansion, a record for this country...with no end in sight in the near future.

I look around and I see that we are at 110 straight months of positive job growth, a record for this country....with no end in sight in the near future.

I look around and I see record setting sustained low unemployment.

I look around and I see a million more open jobs than people to fill them.

How are we being ruined?
You took it the wrong way. It’s not ruining the entire economy, the economy has adapted to what its lost because of the China trade policy. That’s been great for the big producers in the economy but the consumers have lost a lot because of it. I mean come on, the best way to be frugal when you shop on a shoestring budget is to buy crap from China and pray it lasts long enough to be cost effective. This doesn’t mean the whole economy is “ruined” but it has definitely ruined conumers’ ability to have more worthwhile choices when they shop because the alternative to Chinese crap is too expensive for some people and the goal here is to change that. It’s been ignored by politicians for decades because initially it causes pain here and that makes it politically risky for them but it took someone whos not afraid of losing an election.
You are the one that cannot move on, you were given an answer but keep pretending you did not so that you do not have to move forward.

You are so transparent

I remember a long time ago, in a office job I had, I ended up fighting over who got the big copier.

The women who wanted it, made a point that the little one, was newer and really a better copier.

So, I said to them, if it is so good, why don't you want it.

They could not give me an answer to that.

YOu are in the same boat.

Trump wants something. Xi wants it too. YOu pretend that Trump is wrong for wanting it.

But for some reason, Xi is ok for wanting it too.

Different rules for different people, and you cant' even admit what they both want.

Your thinking is deeply irrational.

At best.

I have never said or even implied Trump was wrong for what he wants, that is just one more lie in a long list from you.

My issue with Trump is in the execution, not the desire.

Let’s say you and I both want the same brand new shiny car.

My plan is to put in some OT and cut some expenses to be able to but it.

Your plan is to buy a lotto ticket and hope to win the lotto.

Now it is possible your plan might work, but it is doubtful.

Same desire, different execution.

What is the "car"?

Golfing gator called this funny.

But he is the one afraid to answer a simple and honest question.

I have answered the question more times than you can count.

You dodged it, more times than I can count.
Considering we have a million more open positions than people to fill them, it seems that these people have found new jobs or are too lazy to get a job.

Shut up you ignorant moron. When China screws us over and decimates an entire community and nobody can sell their home and they get wiped out financially and can't move to find a new job its stupid shits like you who say stuff like this. Rot in hell you and the rest of Dem's like you. :fu:

So, did China sneak in to the towns in the middle of the night and steal the jobs? Did they force companies to move their manufacturing to China at gunpoint?

Or did these companies freely choose to move? Did unions price their members out of jobs?

Shut up you trolling useless libtard. China has wiped out entire U.S. industries. Thank God we elected Trump a president willing to fight back. Crawl back into your flea infested hole.
Just Government solving All problems for the right wing.

Government CREATED the problem, we had to elect an outsider to go do battle with Washington since those corrupt bastards have done nothing.
We have a Commerce Clause not a Trade War clause.
Why now? Why not before?..... Because they lost an Election? Liberals always say they are for the minority???
Shut up you ignorant moron. When China screws us over and decimates an entire community and nobody can sell their home and they get wiped out financially and can't move to find a new job its stupid shits like you who say stuff like this. Rot in hell you and the rest of Dem's like you. :fu:

So, did China sneak in to the towns in the middle of the night and steal the jobs? Did they force companies to move their manufacturing to China at gunpoint?

Or did these companies freely choose to move? Did unions price their members out of jobs?

Shut up you trolling useless libtard. China has wiped out entire U.S. industries. Thank God we elected Trump a president willing to fight back. Crawl back into your flea infested hole.
Just Government solving All problems for the right wing.

Government CREATED the problem, we had to elect an outsider to go do battle with Washington since those corrupt bastards have done nothing.
We have a Commerce Clause not a Trade War clause.

Just relax while team Trump cleans up your mess snowflake.
Trump tweeted, "farmers will be a a very BIG and FAST beneficiary of our deal with China. They intend to start purchasing agricultural product immediately. We make the finest and cleanest product in the World, and that is what China wants. Farmers, I LOVE YOU!

The Chinese are patient, and Xi Jinping is a very patient man. They are used to five, ten, and twenty year plans. Xi is also politically savvy. He knows Trump is a very unpopular President and is getting more unpopular everyday as his trade war becomes more serious..Because of his 15% tariff, prices on popular consumer goods go up big time beginning Sept. 1.

Trump has until November 2020 to make some progress. So far his trade war has been disastrous, and Wall Street has been treading water since Jan. 2018. Today, even Trump is concerned about a possible recession.

All Xi has to do is wait him out. Actually, in Chinese terms, Xi doesn't have long to wait. Thirteen months, that is thirteen seconds on the Chinese clock.

Wait him out for WHAT exactly? What is Xi hoping to gain in this?

Xi is hoping to get a new president that is more reasonable and willing to negotiate and does not conduct diplomacy via tweets.
I sincerely hope this is true. I am pretty damn confident that it is not.

It looks to me that XI is looking to restore China as the premier world power. Limiting US control over international markets and putting China there would basically achieve this. The reason that the US can essentially bully the world into doing what is in the interest of the US is because the planet's economy is tied to us. IF Trump had leveraged the rest of our allies to address China's bad faith trade policies then he may have forced them to the table. What Trump has done instead is try and take them on 1 to 1 and they are responding by shoring up their position in the global economy instead of ours.

I no longer thing that Xi really wants a deal with the US. I think he would rather see us isolated so that China can exert much more influence on the rest of the world.
This assumes that communist China is more efficient than capitalist USA.

I would argue that capitalism has proven far more efficient and effective at bringing a product to market than socialism.
Hilarity. So why isn't Walmart full of US products? Ffs.
Why is China not the most powerful and largest economy on the planet as they have the largest pool of talent and labor in the world?

Trinkets sold in Wal-Mart and produced in China certainly does not disprove that capitalism is much better at bringing a product to market - namely our markets. We are extremely efficient.
I sincerely hope this is true. I am pretty damn confident that it is not.

It looks to me that XI is looking to restore China as the premier world power. Limiting US control over international markets and putting China there would basically achieve this. The reason that the US can essentially bully the world into doing what is in the interest of the US is because the planet's economy is tied to us. IF Trump had leveraged the rest of our allies to address China's bad faith trade policies then he may have forced them to the table. What Trump has done instead is try and take them on 1 to 1 and they are responding by shoring up their position in the global economy instead of ours.

I no longer thing that Xi really wants a deal with the US. I think he would rather see us isolated so that China can exert much more influence on the rest of the world.

Trump has done worse than try and take on China one-on-one, he has gone to war (as in trade wars) with the whole planet at the same time.
CHILL....the market will come roaring back....the tariffs are a necessary evil we must support and endure for future economies...this drop today was a result of several things that have popped up.....and the fact that the hate Trump media are trying to bring on a recession.....or the fear of one....
----------------------------------------- thank you Rambunctious . 'china' has to be stood up to so i'm happy when I see or hear the Money Grubbers cry Rambunctious .
You [GG] dodged it, more times than I can count.
You're too dumb/idiologically restricted to ask the right question to get the answer you want.

Yeah, it is MY fault, that people like you are being dishonest about what the issue is.

It is on ME to be so clever and some how FORCE you to admit what the issue it.

YOu libs just say the stupidest and most dishonest shit, all without a hint of sanity or decency.
Trump tweeted, "farmers will be a a very BIG and FAST beneficiary of our deal with China. They intend to start purchasing agricultural product immediately. We make the finest and cleanest product in the World, and that is what China wants. Farmers, I LOVE YOU!

The Chinese are patient, and Xi Jinping is a very patient man. They are used to five, ten, and twenty year plans. Xi is also politically savvy. He knows Trump is a very unpopular President and is getting more unpopular everyday as his trade war becomes more serious..Because of his 15% tariff, prices on popular consumer goods go up big time beginning Sept. 1.

Trump has until November 2020 to make some progress. So far his trade war has been disastrous, and Wall Street has been treading water since Jan. 2018. Today, even Trump is concerned about a possible recession.

All Xi has to do is wait him out. Actually, in Chinese terms, Xi doesn't have long to wait. Thirteen months, that is thirteen seconds on the Chinese clock.

Wait him out for WHAT exactly? What is Xi hoping to gain in this?

Xi is hoping to get a new president that is more reasonable and willing to negotiate and does not conduct diplomacy via tweets.
I sincerely hope this is true. I am pretty damn confident that it is not.

It looks to me that XI is looking to restore China as the premier world power. Limiting US control over international markets and putting China there would basically achieve this. The reason that the US can essentially bully the world into doing what is in the interest of the US is because the planet's economy is tied to us. IF Trump had leveraged the rest of our allies to address China's bad faith trade policies then he may have forced them to the table. What Trump has done instead is try and take them on 1 to 1 and they are responding by shoring up their position in the global economy instead of ours.

I no longer thing that Xi really wants a deal with the US. I think he would rather see us isolated so that China can exert much more influence on the rest of the world.

That is long term. Short term, he wants to keep the massive trade surplus.

And our "allies" were never going to back US. They are too used to the US being the world's bitch on trade.
Golffgator wont' even admit what the trade war is about.

Will you?
Fluffing the base.

Thank you for admitting that you are also afraid to admit what Xi and Trump both want, for their respective nations.

I have told you 7 times what they both want and you keep pretending like I didn't

What are you afraid of?

If you really meant that, you would have mentioned it AGAIN, and counted up to 8.

BUt you didn't, because you know that if you say in this post, the shit you said before, that people would realize that you were just spouting evasive shit.

YOu are afraid to even say what the issue is, because you know that I will crush you.

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