Trump's tweet about Mika

I would rather not be humiliated and embarrassed about my President, concerned that his complete lack of respect for his office and his complete lack of impulse control present a clear and present danger to my country.

The media is a different story altogether, and has absolutely nothing to do with my concerns.
no argument there but to a large % of our population this time around was going to be just that. embarrassed by hillary or trump. for those that cry foul at the comparison well, they tend to be the problem. can see the worst in others but not in who they support.

if i had my choice neither would have ran and we could buy an island somewhere to ship them too and they could spend the rest of their time on this earth together, on an island, away from us. but that wasn't on the ballot.

the "deplorables" had enough. had enough shoving a liberal agenda down their throats, lied to by the media over and over and over again, and tired of being ignored and made the bad guy for no other reason than...well they're white mostly. older white males somehow became the debil under obama.

i know i've had more than enough of that.

perhaps the media *should* be part of your concern. if they were not dogging him 24x7 would be he on twitter fighting back? if he quit doing his tweets, would the media stop dogging him?

so the tweets have zero to do with the media dogging him, they're just another bullet in their own arsenal.

now this shit about bleeding faces and so forth yea - unneeded and uncool drama. but to stop the lies and push from the media telling us how to think it was not going to be pretty and likely takes someone like trump.

he's going to change things to be sure. good or bad is all preference.
I can only hope you're right. The bull in the china shop can cause great damage, and who knows, maybe some good can come from it.

But some of these behaviors are simply inexcusable. And the temperament behind such behaviors should concern all of us.
it's not that i disagree but it's a war with the media who is obviously attacking his every move. i do not deny he brought it upon himself but even if trump shut up, ignored the media, played the game, and never touched his twitter account again, would they stop?

if you think yes - i would disagree. if no is our mutual answer, then how come the media is getting a pass in driving people to "strange" behavior by their incessant dogging on people?
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.

But (a) Trump is giving them ammunition they never could have DREAMED of, and, far more importantly, (b) Trump's behaviors - which are not controlled by the media - are a national embarrassment and indicative of a truly unstable and potentially dangerous person.
So you unfairly apply different standards to people. In what world is that fair?

Ted Cruz said he was gonna punch Trump in the mouth and he is what you call a gentleman. Where is your sense of fairness? Why are you letting the media dictate to you all of these silly rules of conduct????
Have you not exceeded your allotted deflection limit yet?

It does get tedious after three or four.
Only people in the left-wing echo chamber give a shit. Those people watch Morning Psycho and CNN and take it seriously.

Trump has taken on the establishment very successfully. The media is the easiest because they are two-faced, the Deep State the hardest since it's mostly faceless.
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.
Yeah but it's never ok for the media to jeopardise the nation and destroy the leverage we have in foreign relations & global affairs. Sabotage and treason is never something the FCC should permit on air especially when it affects our safety.
That's another topic.

I'm talking specifically about Trump and his consistent and disturbing behaviors, from which his followers want to deflect.
So you prefer lazy establishment phonies who lie to us for a living over a blunt businessman who works extremely hard every hour of the day?

yeah, right...
he watches TV, HOURS on end... worrying about what talk show hosts say...and his own ratings....
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.
Yeah but it's never ok for the media to jeopardise the nation and destroy the leverage we have in foreign relations & global affairs. Sabotage and treason is never something the FCC should permit on air especially when it affects our safety.
That's another topic.

I'm talking specifically about Trump and his consistent and disturbing behaviors, from which his followers want to deflect.
So you prefer lazy establishment phonies who lie to us for a living over a blunt businessman who works extremely hard every hour of the day?

All I've gotten in response to my posts is deflection.
I'm simply trying to pry open your closed mind and expand your perspective.

Trump loves triggering the press. When they should be focused on current events they instead only focus on petty comments and they react 10 times more petty in return. Trump says something tastless yet harmless and they predictably scream like Kathy Griffin. It's pretty pathetic.
no argument there but to a large % of our population this time around was going to be just that. embarrassed by hillary or trump. for those that cry foul at the comparison well, they tend to be the problem. can see the worst in others but not in who they support.

if i had my choice neither would have ran and we could buy an island somewhere to ship them too and they could spend the rest of their time on this earth together, on an island, away from us. but that wasn't on the ballot.

the "deplorables" had enough. had enough shoving a liberal agenda down their throats, lied to by the media over and over and over again, and tired of being ignored and made the bad guy for no other reason than...well they're white mostly. older white males somehow became the debil under obama.

i know i've had more than enough of that.

perhaps the media *should* be part of your concern. if they were not dogging him 24x7 would be he on twitter fighting back? if he quit doing his tweets, would the media stop dogging him?

so the tweets have zero to do with the media dogging him, they're just another bullet in their own arsenal.

now this shit about bleeding faces and so forth yea - unneeded and uncool drama. but to stop the lies and push from the media telling us how to think it was not going to be pretty and likely takes someone like trump.

he's going to change things to be sure. good or bad is all preference.
I can only hope you're right. The bull in the china shop can cause great damage, and who knows, maybe some good can come from it.

But some of these behaviors are simply inexcusable. And the temperament behind such behaviors should concern all of us.
it's not that i disagree but it's a war with the media who is obviously attacking his every move. i do not deny he brought it upon himself but even if trump shut up, ignored the media, played the game, and never touched his twitter account again, would they stop?

if you think yes - i would disagree. if no is our mutual answer, then how come the media is getting a pass in driving people to "strange" behavior by their incessant dogging on people?
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.

But (a) Trump is giving them ammunition they never could have DREAMED of, and, far more importantly, (b) Trump's behaviors - which are not controlled by the media - are a national embarrassment and indicative of a truly unstable and potentially dangerous person.
So you unfairly apply different standards to people. In what world is that fair?

Ted Cruz said he was gonna punch Trump in the mouth and he is what you call a gentleman. Where is your sense of fairness? Why are you letting the media dictate to you all of these silly rules of conduct????
Have you not exceeded your allotted deflection limit yet?

It does get tedious after three or four.
Pointing out reality isn't deflection.
Even Republicans are calling trump's tweet comments inappropriate and calling for him to apologize. Trump is a confirmed misogynist. What he is not is a dignified President. He does not have the guts or balls to apologize. He is less than a real man. No courage or bravery. Not a drop.
That works you up but Obama's red line in the sand didn't?
We impeached Clinton.
To OldLady: He beat the rap:

The media gets the blame for creating the Clintons, as well as creating the lying sack of shit on his way out, but if you are looking for one individual to blame for Clinton crimes after 2000 stop at then-Senator Trent Lott.​

Lott also sold out House Republicans during last year’s trial of President Clinton. “You’re not going to dump this garbage on us,” Lott told GOP impeachment managers, House Judiciary investigative counsel David Schippers reports. Lott gave Democrats everything they wanted: a brief inquiry with no live witnesses and boxes of evidence kept secret. How bipartisan.​

By Deroy Murdock November 24, 2000 11:35 AM
Put in Nickles, Thompson, or Brownback.

Fire Trent Lott

Trent Lott did not want the House dumping garbage on the Senate, but he had no qualms about the Clintons dumping their garbage on the American people.​


Clinton was not going to be removed because a two-thirds majority was needed to convict. The Senate was split 50-50. Votes did not matter because the trial was a farce. Trent Lott made sure the public never learned the full truth about the Clintons. I use the plural because the truth about Bill had to expose Hillary’s collusion in Bill’s sexual activities, not to mention covering up his crimes. Lott on the Republican side helping Democrats whitewash the Clintons at the Senate trial already bit the country on the ass when she became a senator. There’s a good chance she’ll take a bigger bite in 2016.​

Blame Trent Lott For The Clintons
What's that got to do with holding our PRESENT President accountable for his actions?
To OldLady: Accountable for what? TWEETING! Or for winning the election? At least cite a punishable crime he can be held accountable for.
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.
Yeah but it's never ok for the media to jeopardise the nation and destroy the leverage we have in foreign relations & global affairs. Sabotage and treason is never something the FCC should permit on air especially when it affects our safety.
That's another topic.

I'm talking specifically about Trump and his consistent and disturbing behaviors, from which his followers want to deflect.
So you prefer lazy establishment phonies who lie to us for a living over a blunt businessman who works extremely hard every hour of the day?

yeah, right...
he watches TV, HOURS on end... worrying about what talk show hosts say...and his own ratings....
I'm sure you know exactly what he does all day.....

Bet you couldn't last one day doing what he does every day of his life. His staff has to be turned over constantly because nobody can keep up with him. Constant meetings and phone calls, trips to this place and that place....I guess Tweeting a few times a day is all he has time for. It's a wonder he takes the time to sleep.
I would rather not be humiliated and embarrassed about my President, concerned that his complete lack of respect for his office and his complete lack of impulse control present a clear and present danger to my country.

The media is a different story altogether, and has absolutely nothing to do with my concerns.
no argument there but to a large % of our population this time around was going to be just that. embarrassed by hillary or trump. for those that cry foul at the comparison well, they tend to be the problem. can see the worst in others but not in who they support.

if i had my choice neither would have ran and we could buy an island somewhere to ship them too and they could spend the rest of their time on this earth together, on an island, away from us. but that wasn't on the ballot.

the "deplorables" had enough. had enough shoving a liberal agenda down their throats, lied to by the media over and over and over again, and tired of being ignored and made the bad guy for no other reason than...well they're white mostly. older white males somehow became the debil under obama.

i know i've had more than enough of that.

perhaps the media *should* be part of your concern. if they were not dogging him 24x7 would be he on twitter fighting back? if he quit doing his tweets, would the media stop dogging him?

so the tweets have zero to do with the media dogging him, they're just another bullet in their own arsenal.

now this shit about bleeding faces and so forth yea - unneeded and uncool drama. but to stop the lies and push from the media telling us how to think it was not going to be pretty and likely takes someone like trump.

he's going to change things to be sure. good or bad is all preference.
I can only hope you're right. The bull in the china shop can cause great damage, and who knows, maybe some good can come from it.

But some of these behaviors are simply inexcusable. And the temperament behind such behaviors should concern all of us.
it's not that i disagree but it's a war with the media who is obviously attacking his every move. i do not deny he brought it upon himself but even if trump shut up, ignored the media, played the game, and never touched his twitter account again, would they stop?

if you think yes - i would disagree. if no is our mutual answer, then how come the media is getting a pass in driving people to "strange" behavior by their incessant dogging on people?
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.

But (a) Trump is giving them ammunition they never could have DREAMED of, and, far more importantly, (b) Trump's behaviors - which are not controlled by the media - are a national embarrassment and indicative of a truly unstable and potentially dangerous person.
So you unfairly apply different standards to people. In what world is that fair?

Ted Cruz said he was gonna punch Trump in the mouth and he is what you call a gentleman. Where is your sense of fairness? Why are you letting the media dictate to you all of these silly rules of conduct????
for the lying and cruel crap Trump did against Cruz's wife and father...there is a difference where one is... or could be, considered honorable....
Only people in the left-wing echo chamber give a shit. Those people watch Morning Psycho and CNN and take it seriously.

Trump has taken on the establishment very successfully. The media is the easiest because they are two-faced, the Deep State the hardest since it's mostly faceless.

Given the number of criticisms coming from Republican members of Congress and rightwing pundits, this is not limited to the left

People are starting to wonder.....What is wrong with this guy?


If you want CIVILITY how about you stop YOUR COUP?

Stop attacking THE President.
In response to Mika tweet, Congressional GOPs adding facelifts to list of things health insurance must cover.
the progressive liberals are the ones for the most part normalizing violence. speak out against that also or you're just being hypocritical.
goldberg iceberg whatever Whatever kind of crook you morons accuse Clinton of the ah you support is many times worse and she knows how to speak to people as well as how govt operates 2 things the idiot trump has no knowledge of
well maybe. but i've never seen trump end a sentence with a preposition before, so he's a bit ahead of you anyway.
We impeached Clinton.
To OldLady: He beat the rap:

The media gets the blame for creating the Clintons, as well as creating the lying sack of shit on his way out, but if you are looking for one individual to blame for Clinton crimes after 2000 stop at then-Senator Trent Lott.​

Lott also sold out House Republicans during last year’s trial of President Clinton. “You’re not going to dump this garbage on us,” Lott told GOP impeachment managers, House Judiciary investigative counsel David Schippers reports. Lott gave Democrats everything they wanted: a brief inquiry with no live witnesses and boxes of evidence kept secret. How bipartisan.​

By Deroy Murdock November 24, 2000 11:35 AM
Put in Nickles, Thompson, or Brownback.

Fire Trent Lott

Trent Lott did not want the House dumping garbage on the Senate, but he had no qualms about the Clintons dumping their garbage on the American people.​


Clinton was not going to be removed because a two-thirds majority was needed to convict. The Senate was split 50-50. Votes did not matter because the trial was a farce. Trent Lott made sure the public never learned the full truth about the Clintons. I use the plural because the truth about Bill had to expose Hillary’s collusion in Bill’s sexual activities, not to mention covering up his crimes. Lott on the Republican side helping Democrats whitewash the Clintons at the Senate trial already bit the country on the ass when she became a senator. There’s a good chance she’ll take a bigger bite in 2016.​

Blame Trent Lott For The Clintons
What's that got to do with holding our PRESENT President accountable for his actions?
To OldLady: Accountable for what? TWEETING! Or for winning the election? At least cite a punishable crime he can be held accountable for.
I didn't say he had done any "punishable" crimes. I'm just criticizing his behavior. If you don't like/believe what the ultra partisan lefties are screeching about, for goddsakes, don't read them! Don't listen to them. I don't read Breitbart or InfoWars. Why do you latch onto this silly horseshit?
He is being a turd. He is acting classless. That is not an impeachable offense. Relax.
In response to Mika tweet, Congressional GOPs adding facelifts to list of things health insurance must cover.

Given the amount of cosmetic surgeries on the women in Trumps family, I'm sure it would be appreciated

Melania is no spring chicken
Even Republicans are calling trump's tweet comments inappropriate and calling for him to apologize. Trump is a confirmed misogynist. What he is not is a dignified President. He does not have the guts or balls to apologize. He is less than a real man. No courage or bravery. Not a drop.
That works you up but Obama's red line in the sand didn't?
At least that guy had the balls to go in front of reporters at press conferences and do interviews with not so friendly journalist. Trump is a coward who hides behind closed doors and tweets.
and i would rather know that than get a lie handed to me wrapped up by the media to be "presentable" but knowing i still can't trust them.
I would rather not be humiliated and embarrassed about my President, concerned that his complete lack of respect for his office and his complete lack of impulse control present a clear and present danger to my country.

The media is a different story altogether, and has absolutely nothing to do with my concerns.
no argument there but to a large % of our population this time around was going to be just that. embarrassed by hillary or trump. for those that cry foul at the comparison well, they tend to be the problem. can see the worst in others but not in who they support.

if i had my choice neither would have ran and we could buy an island somewhere to ship them too and they could spend the rest of their time on this earth together, on an island, away from us. but that wasn't on the ballot.

the "deplorables" had enough. had enough shoving a liberal agenda down their throats, lied to by the media over and over and over again, and tired of being ignored and made the bad guy for no other reason than...well they're white mostly. older white males somehow became the debil under obama.

i know i've had more than enough of that.

perhaps the media *should* be part of your concern. if they were not dogging him 24x7 would be he on twitter fighting back? if he quit doing his tweets, would the media stop dogging him?

so the tweets have zero to do with the media dogging him, they're just another bullet in their own arsenal.

now this shit about bleeding faces and so forth yea - unneeded and uncool drama. but to stop the lies and push from the media telling us how to think it was not going to be pretty and likely takes someone like trump.

he's going to change things to be sure. good or bad is all preference.
I can only hope you're right. The bull in the china shop can cause great damage, and who knows, maybe some good can come from it.

But some of these behaviors are simply inexcusable. And the temperament behind such behaviors should concern all of us.
it's not that i disagree but it's a war with the media who is obviously attacking his every move. i do not deny he brought it upon himself but even if trump shut up, ignored the media, played the game, and never touched his twitter account again, would they stop?

if you think yes - i would disagree. if no is our mutual answer, then how come the media is getting a pass in driving people to "strange" behavior by their incessant dogging on people?
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.

But (a) Trump is giving them ammunition they never could have DREAMED of, and, far more importantly, (b) Trump's behaviors - which are not controlled by the media - are a national embarrassment and indicative of a truly unstable and potentially dangerous person.
and i can say the same about trump. he's trump and he's going to do what he's going to do. to expect one side to change but the other not to is a tad unrealistic to me.

both have a hand in this and to be honest, it sucks.

now if trump is giving them all the ammo they need, why the fake russia crap? how many times do people have to say it's bullshit before it sinks in? a year later we've flogged 18 lives out of this one "investigation" and have nothing but 1 anonymous source way overused.

no trump owns his own behavior good or bad. however in my mind the media does as well. both sides need to grow up but it's not happening as long as CNN is making shit up and trump is on twitter.
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.
Yeah but it's never ok for the media to jeopardise the nation and destroy the leverage we have in foreign relations & global affairs. Sabotage and treason is never something the FCC should permit on air especially when it affects our safety.
That's another topic.

I'm talking specifically about Trump and his consistent and disturbing behaviors, from which his followers want to deflect.
So you prefer lazy establishment phonies who lie to us for a living over a blunt businessman who works extremely hard every hour of the day?

yeah, right...
he watches TV, HOURS on end... worrying about what talk show hosts say...and his own ratings....
I'm sure you know exactly what he does all day.....

Bet you couldn't last one day doing what he does every day of his life. His staff has to be turned over constantly because nobody can keep up with him. Constant meetings and phone calls, trips to this place and that place....I guess Tweeting a few times a day is all he has time for. It's a wonder he takes the time to sleep.
Trump can't handle a day in this job....sadly, he has no idea what being President of the USA means.... and even worse, you can't teach the old dog, new tricks....

the people working with him in the whitehouse say he spends hours on end, watching all the news programs on TEVO, screaming at the TV.... :rolleyes:
Only people in the left-wing echo chamber give a shit. Those people watch Morning Psycho and CNN and take it seriously.

Trump has taken on the establishment very successfully. The media is the easiest because they are two-faced, the Deep State the hardest since it's mostly faceless.

Given the number of criticisms coming from Republican members of Congress and rightwing pundits, this is not limited to the left

People are starting to wonder.....What is wrong with this guy?
Think leftwinger. How many Republican members of Congress and rightwing pundits criticized now-President Donald Trump before the election?

Just think! America stuck the middle finger to the establishment, and Trump is channeling that.

Those people don't give a rat's as if psychoJoe and low-IQ Mika are offended..

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