Trump's tweet about Mika

The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
Misogyny is not a word recognized by the trump cult. Those people do not have to process the meanings and definitions of works they do not understand. Really, I'll bet half the trump defenders here at USMB do not know the definition of misogyny.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

It's been longer than that. The left's divisive and uncivil discourse started when Reagan was POTUS. We have been taking the high road and turning the other cheek since and where has it gotten us? Trump may not be perfect and he may be a bit out of control sometimes, but the rest of the GOP could well take a lesson from him on how to defeat the left.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.

if you support gun rights you are a terrorist/murderer
If you think abortion sucks you want to control women/nazi
If you think immigrants should come here legally racist/nazi
If you think people should have religious freedom homophobe/bigot

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
You've got to go back further than that to Dan Rather and his report on Bush II and his National Guard service.

In fact, there should be Dan Rather Awards for Fake News, an annual kind of thing where CNN and MSNBC would get the recognition they so deserve.
no argument there but to a large % of our population this time around was going to be just that. embarrassed by hillary or trump. for those that cry foul at the comparison well, they tend to be the problem. can see the worst in others but not in who they support.

if i had my choice neither would have ran and we could buy an island somewhere to ship them too and they could spend the rest of their time on this earth together, on an island, away from us. but that wasn't on the ballot.

the "deplorables" had enough. had enough shoving a liberal agenda down their throats, lied to by the media over and over and over again, and tired of being ignored and made the bad guy for no other reason than...well they're white mostly. older white males somehow became the debil under obama.

i know i've had more than enough of that.

perhaps the media *should* be part of your concern. if they were not dogging him 24x7 would be he on twitter fighting back? if he quit doing his tweets, would the media stop dogging him?

so the tweets have zero to do with the media dogging him, they're just another bullet in their own arsenal.

now this shit about bleeding faces and so forth yea - unneeded and uncool drama. but to stop the lies and push from the media telling us how to think it was not going to be pretty and likely takes someone like trump.

he's going to change things to be sure. good or bad is all preference.
I can only hope you're right. The bull in the china shop can cause great damage, and who knows, maybe some good can come from it.

But some of these behaviors are simply inexcusable. And the temperament behind such behaviors should concern all of us.
it's not that i disagree but it's a war with the media who is obviously attacking his every move. i do not deny he brought it upon himself but even if trump shut up, ignored the media, played the game, and never touched his twitter account again, would they stop?

if you think yes - i would disagree. if no is our mutual answer, then how come the media is getting a pass in driving people to "strange" behavior by their incessant dogging on people?
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.

But (a) Trump is giving them ammunition they never could have DREAMED of, and, far more importantly, (b) Trump's behaviors - which are not controlled by the media - are a national embarrassment and indicative of a truly unstable and potentially dangerous person.
So you unfairly apply different standards to people. In what world is that fair?

Ted Cruz said he was gonna punch Trump in the mouth and he is what you call a gentleman. Where is your sense of fairness? Why are you letting the media dictate to you all of these silly rules of conduct????
for the lying and cruel crap Trump did against Cruz's wife and father...there is a difference where one is... or could be, considered honorable....
Cruz was attacking Trump's character and his honesty. He got really personal about it.
All the Trump team did was post pictures of Melania and Cruz's wife and ask which would you rather be married to. Cruz was the one that got nasty. First Bush called him a fake, then Rubio said he had a tiny dick, then Cruz started in on him. I guess it's Trumps fault they all decided to go negative and attack him. This is what happens when you're leading in the polls during political campaigns. The rest of them start nipping at your heels.
The difference now is MSNBC and CNN never moved on from the election.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.

Wrong again. America is fighting back against 30+ years of progressive lies, anti-white racism, anti-Christian bigotry, capitalist hating fascists. Trump is the result, and now you're reaping the whirlwind.
Kellyanne is crying that people are attacking Trump's physical and mental ability to serve.

Omg that's what they did to Hillary! What a fucking baby
Yep....Hillary never called anyone deplorable.
Oh that's such a horrible thing to say. Waaaah! She will never live that one down. Same with Mitt Romney. Yet Trump can say whatever the fuck he wants and nothing hurt him? Interesting double standard at it's finest.

You Republicans suggested Hillary wasn't physically or mentally fit to be POTUS. Now its your turn to have those claims flung at you.

Congress Could Establish a Commission to See if Trump Is Mentally Fit to Be President

Trump's Fitness To Serve Is 'Officially Part Of The Discussion In Congress'

One of the many things that makes the Trump presidency unprecedented is that some members of Congress, as well as some ethicists, legal experts, psychiatrists and scholars, are already talking about possible paths to impeachment or how to remove the President from office through the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.

The Unfit President

Unlike George W. Bush and Barack Obama before him, Trump doesn’t seem to care about working out or eating healthy.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
Misogyny is not a word recognized by the trump cult. Those people do not have to process the meanings and definitions of works they do not understand. Really, I'll bet half the trump defenders here at USMB do not know the definition of misogyny.


Definition of misogyny
  1. : a hatred of women

However the way progressives use it does not fit the real definition. you define it as "any opposition to the progressive viewpoint regarding things like abortion, affirmative action, and healthcare. Probably guns too, yeah lets throw guns in there"
I can only hope you're right. The bull in the china shop can cause great damage, and who knows, maybe some good can come from it.

But some of these behaviors are simply inexcusable. And the temperament behind such behaviors should concern all of us.
it's not that i disagree but it's a war with the media who is obviously attacking his every move. i do not deny he brought it upon himself but even if trump shut up, ignored the media, played the game, and never touched his twitter account again, would they stop?

if you think yes - i would disagree. if no is our mutual answer, then how come the media is getting a pass in driving people to "strange" behavior by their incessant dogging on people?
The media what it is, it's going to do what it's going to do.

But (a) Trump is giving them ammunition they never could have DREAMED of, and, far more importantly, (b) Trump's behaviors - which are not controlled by the media - are a national embarrassment and indicative of a truly unstable and potentially dangerous person.
So you unfairly apply different standards to people. In what world is that fair?

Ted Cruz said he was gonna punch Trump in the mouth and he is what you call a gentleman. Where is your sense of fairness? Why are you letting the media dictate to you all of these silly rules of conduct????
for the lying and cruel crap Trump did against Cruz's wife and father...there is a difference where one is... or could be, considered honorable....
Cruz was attacking Trump's character and his honesty. He got really personal about it.
All the Trump team did was post pictures of Melania and Cruz's wife and ask which would you rather be married to. Cruz was the one that got nasty. First Bush called him a fake, then Rubio said he had a tiny dick, then Cruz started in on him. I guess it's Trumps fault they all decided to go negative and attack him. This is what happens when you're leading in the polls during political campaigns. The rest of them start nipping at your heels.
The difference now is MSNBC and CNN never moved on from the election.

Like you guys did in 2009.
-"In case you missed how Brzezinski looked when Trump refused to host her and Crazy Joe in Mar A Lago! -"

I just don't get RWs. They ^^^ lie ^^^all the time. What do these lies accomplish for them or for the sorry state of the corrupt president and GOP? Why do they make excuses for and approve of trump's vicious lies?

And why is it always the fake christians who behave so "deplorbly"??

skye You put that in quotes. Please post a link showing who said it. Thank you.


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-"In case you missed how Brzezinski looked when Trump refused to host her and Crazy Joe in Mar A Lago! -"

maybe this will give Kathy Griffin a new idea?

Griffin is finished.
Nah she WAS finished. No significant film role in 10 years. But now the whole world knows her name because you alt-righties turned out to be a bunch of pussy snowflakes. :321:



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The following picture shows Mika Brzezinski of the Morning Joe show on the day that President Donald Trump claimed to have seen her with a bloody face due to a facelift on Mara Mar-a-Lago.

Looks like "bloody face" is a new "Comey tapes". In other words, Trump made shit up once again.
One photo throws cold water on Trump's claim that Mika Brzezinski was 'bleeding' at Mar-a-Lago from a face-lift

If Trump said the earth was flat, his supporters would believe it. If Trump pooped on his supporters shoes, they'd find a way to justify it.

Whats wrong with shit on your shoes? Are you saying you hate digestion?
Yeah but it's never ok for the media to jeopardise the nation and destroy the leverage we have in foreign relations & global affairs. Sabotage and treason is never something the FCC should permit on air especially when it affects our safety.
That's another topic.

I'm talking specifically about Trump and his consistent and disturbing behaviors, from which his followers want to deflect.
So you prefer lazy establishment phonies who lie to us for a living over a blunt businessman who works extremely hard every hour of the day?

yeah, right...
he watches TV, HOURS on end... worrying about what talk show hosts say...and his own ratings....
I'm sure you know exactly what he does all day.....

Bet you couldn't last one day doing what he does every day of his life. His staff has to be turned over constantly because nobody can keep up with him. Constant meetings and phone calls, trips to this place and that place....I guess Tweeting a few times a day is all he has time for. It's a wonder he takes the time to sleep.
Trump can't handle a day in this job....sadly, he has no idea what being President of the USA means.... and even worse, you can't teach the old dog, new tricks....

the people working with him in the whitehouse say he spends hours on end, watching all the news programs on TEVO, screaming at the TV.... :rolleyes:
Taking into consideration the last few presidents we've have the nerve to say that?

Is that really what you think....or is it just you repeating bogus media talking-points?
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
Misogyny is not a word recognized by the trump cult. Those people do not have to process the meanings and definitions of works they do not understand. Really, I'll bet half the trump defenders here at USMB do not know the definition of misogyny.

Most of us do, but none of the left does. They have re-defined the word to mean any criticism of left wing women. Just as they did with the label "racist", they changed that to mean any criticism of a black democrat. GOP women, and GOP Blacks are free and frequent game for the left to spout the most vile and hateful things to.

We know what misogyny used to mean before you changed it. It meant "Hatred of Women". No one hates like the left.
Even Republicans are calling trump's tweet comments inappropriate and calling for him to apologize. Trump is a confirmed misogynist. What he is not is a dignified President. He does not have the guts or balls to apologize. He is less than a real man. No courage or bravery. Not a drop.
That works you up but Obama's red line in the sand didn't?
At least that guy had the balls to go in front of reporters at press conferences and do interviews with not so friendly journalist. Trump is a coward who hides behind closed doors and tweets.
Not so friendly journalists? They fell over themselves to get to the head of the line to polish his shoes. Your vision of reality is wildly distorted.
O'Riley interviewed him three years in a row on FOX News.
The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
That's makes zero sense, as usual. Trump tried to delegitimize himself with the birther issue? I didn't follow it but support most of his other positions. He dropped that one a year ago though.

We are reaping the whirlwind? Thanks for proving how insane you leftists are, you think winning is a whirlwind and your baby farts somehow override it.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Bull F*cking Sh!t. Brought to you by the right. All their Richard Spencer Nazi Salutes. Trump telling his minions to attack and offering to pay legal fees. Being attacked at Trump rallies. The GOP attack on millions of American's healthcare. The GOP war on women.

Every single GOP policy is designed to screw over millions of Americans if not the majority. Fighting back is not starting something. It's fighting back.

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