Trump's tweet about Mika

CNN: Trump making fun of Mika's appearance is evil & sexist!

CNN producer: Kellyanne Conway "looks like she got hit with a shovel."
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.
The problem is Mika Brezinski and Joe Scarborough have no credibility, they are just shit bag progressesives…
the progressive liberals are the ones for the most part normalizing violence. speak out against that also or you're just being hypocritical.
goldberg iceberg whatever Whatever kind of crook you morons accuse Clinton of the ah you support is many times worse and she knows how to speak to people as well as how govt operates 2 things the idiot trump has no knowledge of
well maybe. but i've never seen trump end a sentence with a preposition before, so he's a bit ahead of you anyway.
goldberg greenberg iceberg If I was writing to impress my 50 million ass kissers I'd do a far better job than trump has done. Aren't you the slightest bit embarrassed by this weak link president? I know sassy loves him
Even Republicans are calling trump's tweet comments inappropriate and calling for him to apologize. Trump is a confirmed misogynist. What he is not is a dignified President. He does not have the guts or balls to apologize. He is less than a real man. No courage or bravery. Not a drop.
That works you up but Obama's red line in the sand didn't?
At least that guy had the balls to go in front of reporters at press conferences and do interviews with not so friendly journalist. Trump is a coward who hides behind closed doors and tweets.
The mainstream media was constantly sucking Obamas dick… Fact
the progressive liberals are the ones for the most part normalizing violence. speak out against that also or you're just being hypocritical.
goldberg iceberg whatever Whatever kind of crook you morons accuse Clinton of the ah you support is many times worse and she knows how to speak to people as well as how govt operates 2 things the idiot trump has no knowledge of
well maybe. but i've never seen trump end a sentence with a preposition before, so he's a bit ahead of you anyway.
goldberg greenberg iceberg If I was writing to impress my 50 million ass kissers I'd do a far better job than trump has done. Aren't you the slightest bit embarrassed by this weak link president? I know sassy loves him

this eddie from cbz?
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

What did he say that was so despicable?
We impeached Clinton.
To OldLady: He beat the rap:

The media gets the blame for creating the Clintons, as well as creating the lying sack of shit on his way out, but if you are looking for one individual to blame for Clinton crimes after 2000 stop at then-Senator Trent Lott.​

Lott also sold out House Republicans during last year’s trial of President Clinton. “You’re not going to dump this garbage on us,” Lott told GOP impeachment managers, House Judiciary investigative counsel David Schippers reports. Lott gave Democrats everything they wanted: a brief inquiry with no live witnesses and boxes of evidence kept secret. How bipartisan.​

By Deroy Murdock November 24, 2000 11:35 AM
Put in Nickles, Thompson, or Brownback.

Fire Trent Lott

Trent Lott did not want the House dumping garbage on the Senate, but he had no qualms about the Clintons dumping their garbage on the American people.​


Clinton was not going to be removed because a two-thirds majority was needed to convict. The Senate was split 50-50. Votes did not matter because the trial was a farce. Trent Lott made sure the public never learned the full truth about the Clintons. I use the plural because the truth about Bill had to expose Hillary’s collusion in Bill’s sexual activities, not to mention covering up his crimes. Lott on the Republican side helping Democrats whitewash the Clintons at the Senate trial already bit the country on the ass when she became a senator. There’s a good chance she’ll take a bigger bite in 2016.​

Blame Trent Lott For The Clintons
What's that got to do with holding our PRESENT President accountable for his actions?
To OldLady: Accountable for what? TWEETING! Or for winning the election? At least cite a punishable crime he can be held accountable for.
I didn't say he had done any "punishable" crimes. I'm just criticizing his behavior. If you don't like/believe what the ultra partisan lefties are screeching about, for goddsakes, don't read them! Don't listen to them. I don't read Breitbart or InfoWars. Why do you latch onto this silly horseshit?
He is being a turd. He is acting classless. That is not an impeachable offense. Relax.

MSNBC & CNN thinks it is and they will continue trying to get him impeached, based on spins and misinterpretations.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

What did he say that was so despicable?
google it and all the disgusting things he's said
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.
Wait a minute. These people aren't respectable. He only attacked a couple of low-life, scumbag critics, not decent human-beings.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.
Wait a minute. These people aren't respectable. He only attacked a couple of low-life, scumbag critics, not decent human-beings.
attacked because after many calls they wouldn't kiss the dumps ass and apologize
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
Psycho Joe & Low IQ Mika responded to Trump in an op-ed. here are the important parts.

"we are both certain that the man is not mentally equipped to continue watching our show

Despite his constant claims that he no longer watches the show, the president’s closest advisers tell us otherwise. That is unfortunate. We believe it would be better for America and the rest of the world if he would keep his 60-inch-plus flat-screen TV tuned to “Fox & Friends.”

The president-elect invited us both to dinner on Dec. 30. Joe attended because Mika did not want to go. After listening to the president-elect talk about his foreign policy plans, Joe was asked by a disappointed Mr. Trump the next day if Mika could also visit Mar-a-Lago that night. She reluctantly agreed to go. After we arrived, the president-elect pulled us into his family’s living quarters with his wife, Melania, where we had a pleasant conversation. We politely declined his repeated invitations to attend a New Year’s Eve party, and we were back in our car within 15 minutes.

Putting aside Mr. Trump’s never-ending obsession with women’s blood, Mika and her face were perfectly intact, as pictures from that night reveal. And though it is no one’s business, the president’s petulant personal attack against yet another woman’s looks compels us to report that Mika has never had a face-lift. If she had, it would be evident to anyone watching “Morning Joe” on their high-definition TV. She did have a little skin under her chin tweaked, but this was hardly a state secret. Her mother suggested she do so, and all those around her were aware of this mundane fact.

During the height of the 2016 presidential campaign, Joe often listened to Trump staff members complain about their boss’s erratic behavior, including a top campaign official who was as close to the Republican candidate as anyone.

We, too, have noticed a change in his behavior over the past few years. Perhaps that is why we were neither shocked nor insulted by the president’s personal attack. The Donald Trump we knew before the campaign was a flawed character but one who still seemed capable of keeping his worst instincts in check."

somebody is lying. either Trump or Low IQ Mika & Psycho Joe

Opinion | Donald Trump is not well
Trump was out of Line in this Tweet.

It is understandable that he is PISSED with the attacks by the Liberal Media, and the Swamp. But this was no way to react............

You should count to 10 and not TWEET ANGRY.................EVEN IN SARCASM...................when your angry you may post some crazy shit........

Wasn't Presidential...........but will be forgotten as the other battles proceed. In regards to being STUPID on this tweet..............the day people stop posting stupid crap on the internet would be the day the internet no longer existed.
Yeah but the POTUS?

If you ask me he sends these tweets to distract from something else. What bills got passed yesterday?

The Democrats are such sheep. No wonder the lying Republicans win
Yesterday he won in court................Supreme court decision on Travel Ban............don't know why he tweeted that.

Don't agree with it.............understand he's pissed at the constant attack.............which is now turning in on the attackers.

I think it makes the president look bad. But clearly he behaved this way before he won so his supporters don't care. Lets see the results.

I have to admit even as a liberal I love the travel ban. No one wants more muslims coming into the country. It's ok if it's a family member or a business person but the mass incoming of Muslims, no one here wanted. Maybe muslim Americans do but fuck them too.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

The original attempt to delegitimize the President was Trump's birtherism campaign. For the past 30 years right wing radio has called Democrats "commies", Femi-nazis, and those who have abortions "murderers". The poor have been demonized, as have non-whites and immigrants.

You're correct. The right has sown this wind for 30 years, and you're reaping the whirlwind. The left is finally pushing back against the lies, the racism and the misogyny you've down all these years.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a fucking bitch
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

What did he say that was so despicable?
google it and all the disgusting things he's said

I have googled it, and I can't find anything he said that was disgusting or viscous.
Even Republicans are calling trump's tweet comments inappropriate and calling for him to apologize. Trump is a confirmed misogynist. What he is not is a dignified President. He does not have the guts or balls to apologize. He is less than a real man. No courage or bravery. Not a drop.
That works you up but Obama's red line in the sand didn't?
At least that guy had the balls to go in front of reporters at press conferences and do interviews with not so friendly journalist. Trump is a coward who hides behind closed doors and tweets.
Not so friendly journalists? They fell over themselves to get to the head of the line to polish his shoes. Your vision of reality is wildly distorted.
"Watched low rated @Morning_Joe for first time in long time. FAKE NEWS. He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no! Bad show" - Trump

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