Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years !

airplanemechanic, post: 22320070
Wrong again.

Pay gains during Trump's first year in office best since the Great Recession

You can't just say shit and think people will believe it.

Ok TrumpOroid (from your January 2018 link):

Wage inflation? Are we not talking about that?

It didn’t kick in the remaining 12 months of 2018, trumpOroid. Profits are climbing! Real Wages when adjusted for inflation, are not.

TrumpO’s corporate tax cuts came in December 2017.

Do you see how that’s going compared to real wages:

View attachment 259445

corporate profits vs wages graph 2018

Center for American Progress? And you feel no shame posting commie BS on an American message board? :laughing0301:
SAYIT, post: 22320637
Center for American Progress? And you feel no shame posting commie BS on an American message board?

I posted a quote from your link. Can’t respond to substance I see.

The Center for American Progress’ data is accurate. It’s just that right wing propagandist don’t bring up data they cannot lie about.

Can you dispute anything I post? Thought not
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

It's funny that you pretend someone who literally has hired and paid tens of thousands of people in his career has never held a position of responsibility. You have a really weird yardstick.
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Mmmmmm nnnnno, don't think being a Senator, a state senator before that, and a lawyer count as never having held a job or position of responsibility, not to mention a stable marriage and family.

Matter of fact I can't think of a single POTUS ever, in any century, that didn't previously have a job, a position, a military stint, SOME damn thing where they had to meet somebody else's expectations. Until now.
Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"

Of course not. Didn't you get the memo?
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

It's funny that you pretend someone who literally has hired and paid tens thousands of people in his career has never held a position of responsibility. You have a really weird yardstick.

I don't get the Bernie comparison. He's a Senator (with the highest approval rating in the Senate); before that he was a Congressman (my rep three decades ago) and before that a successful mayor. ALL of those are positions of notable responsibility.

As for Rump, yes he has a history of hiring people and then stiffing them. Then he goes "so sue me" knowing they don't have the resources to do it. Scumbaggery learned from Scumbag Supreme Roy Cohn.
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

It's funny that you pretend someone who literally has hired and paid tens thousands of people in his career has never held a position of responsibility. You have a really weird yardstick.

I don't get the Bernie comparison. He's a Senator (with the highest approval rating in the Senate); before that he was a Congressman (my rep three decades ago) and before that a successful mayor. ALL of those are positions of notable responsibility.

As for Rump, yes he has a history of hiring people and then stiffing them. Then he goes "so sue me" knowing they don't have the resources to do it. Scumbaggery learned from Scumbag Supreme Roy Cohn.

Are you still pretending Trump didn't have enormous responsibility his entire career?

Oh, wait, you're talking about someone named Rump. I don't know who that is.
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
From someone who thinks Community Organizer is a real job.

I didn't bring it up, but yeah it is. I've done it.
Explains a lot.

Oh I've done many jobs. Landscaper, truck driver, surveyor, office work, factory work, standardized patient, radio announcer, archivist, technician, editor... I doubt I could remember them all. But in every case I applied, knew I may or may not get the job, got the job and then knew I had to meet somebody else's expectations and if I didn't somebody else would get the job.

Which is about 18 times more than Rump has ever done it.
Right, because its just to easy to be a billionaire.
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
From someone who thinks Community Organizer is a real job.

I didn't bring it up, but yeah it is. I've done it.
Explains a lot.

Oh I've done many jobs. Landscaper, truck driver, surveyor, office work, factory work, standardized patient, radio announcer, archivist, technician, editor... I doubt I could remember them all. But in every case I applied, knew I may or may not get the job, got the job and then knew I had to meet somebody else's expectations and if I didn't somebody else would get the job.

Which is about 18 times more than Rump has ever done it.
Right, because its just to easy to be a billionaire.

Probably not, but it's REALLY easy to claim to be one, and then run away when asked to prove it.

Know what else is easy? Standing still while Daddy hands you umpteen million bucks and says "here son, I scammed this off the US government, go forth and follow in my sleazy footsteps".
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

It's funny that you pretend someone who literally has hired and paid tens thousands of people in his career has never held a position of responsibility. You have a really weird yardstick.

I don't get the Bernie comparison. He's a Senator (with the highest approval rating in the Senate); before that he was a Congressman (my rep three decades ago) and before that a successful mayor. ALL of those are positions of notable responsibility.

As for Rump, yes he has a history of hiring people and then stiffing them. Then he goes "so sue me" knowing they don't have the resources to do it. Scumbaggery learned from Scumbag Supreme Roy Cohn.

Are you still pretending Trump didn't have enormous responsibility his entire career?

Oh, wait, you're talking about someone named Rump. I don't know who that is.

"Have"? You spelled "evade" wrong. Which he's done constantly, through stiffing his workers, defrauding suckers with his fake "university", running away from his casino creditors, denying those resulting bankruptcies, trying to pretend the voice on the Access Hollywood tape isn't his, denying he impersonated not one but two fake press agents after he'd already admitted to it in court, refusing to admit he was WRONG about the Central Park Five, refusing to admit he said "Tim Apple", refusing to admit he said "would", not "wouldn't", refusing to admit he was mocking Serge Kovaleski, contriving a fake doctor note to get out of Vietnam with "bone spurs", all the way back to failing to follow the terms of the 1970s lawsuit for banning black people from his rental properties and thus getting sued over it a second time.

Oh and most recently, claiming that father who handed him umpteen million dollars for the accomplishment of "existing" was "born in a very wonderful place in Germany".

There's about a thousand hints for ya.

As I said at the start, why the fuck would you vote a completely irresponsible asshole like that into the most responsible job in the world? Death wish?
From someone who thinks Community Organizer is a real job.

I didn't bring it up, but yeah it is. I've done it.
Explains a lot.

Oh I've done many jobs. Landscaper, truck driver, surveyor, office work, factory work, standardized patient, radio announcer, archivist, technician, editor... I doubt I could remember them all. But in every case I applied, knew I may or may not get the job, got the job and then knew I had to meet somebody else's expectations and if I didn't somebody else would get the job.

Which is about 18 times more than Rump has ever done it.
Right, because its just to easy to be a billionaire.

Probably not, but it's REALLY easy to claim to be one, and then run away when asked to prove it.

Know what else is easy? Standing still while Daddy hands you umpteen million bucks and says "here son, I scammed this off the US government, go forth and follow in my sleazy footsteps".
Turning millions into billions doesn't happen by accident. Funny how no one had an issue with Trump until he beat Hillary out of her time.
I didn't bring it up, but yeah it is. I've done it.
Explains a lot.

Oh I've done many jobs. Landscaper, truck driver, surveyor, office work, factory work, standardized patient, radio announcer, archivist, technician, editor... I doubt I could remember them all. But in every case I applied, knew I may or may not get the job, got the job and then knew I had to meet somebody else's expectations and if I didn't somebody else would get the job.

Which is about 18 times more than Rump has ever done it.
Right, because its just to easy to be a billionaire.

Probably not, but it's REALLY easy to claim to be one, and then run away when asked to prove it.

Know what else is easy? Standing still while Daddy hands you umpteen million bucks and says "here son, I scammed this off the US government, go forth and follow in my sleazy footsteps".
Turning millions into billions doesn't happen by accident. Funny how no one had an issue with Trump until he beat Hillary out of her time.

Link to "billions" is where?

Yeah exactly. Oh by the way I'm a trillionaire. Believe me.
Explains a lot.

Oh I've done many jobs. Landscaper, truck driver, surveyor, office work, factory work, standardized patient, radio announcer, archivist, technician, editor... I doubt I could remember them all. But in every case I applied, knew I may or may not get the job, got the job and then knew I had to meet somebody else's expectations and if I didn't somebody else would get the job.

Which is about 18 times more than Rump has ever done it.
Right, because its just to easy to be a billionaire.

Probably not, but it's REALLY easy to claim to be one, and then run away when asked to prove it.

Know what else is easy? Standing still while Daddy hands you umpteen million bucks and says "here son, I scammed this off the US government, go forth and follow in my sleazy footsteps".
Turning millions into billions doesn't happen by accident. Funny how no one had an issue with Trump until he beat Hillary out of her time.

Link to "billions" is where?

Yeah exactly. Oh by the way I'm a trillionaire. Believe me.
Do you have to write yourself reminders to breath.
The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

It's funny that you pretend someone who literally has hired and paid tens thousands of people in his career has never held a position of responsibility. You have a really weird yardstick.

I don't get the Bernie comparison. He's a Senator (with the highest approval rating in the Senate); before that he was a Congressman (my rep three decades ago) and before that a successful mayor. ALL of those are positions of notable responsibility.

As for Rump, yes he has a history of hiring people and then stiffing them. Then he goes "so sue me" knowing they don't have the resources to do it. Scumbaggery learned from Scumbag Supreme Roy Cohn.

Are you still pretending Trump didn't have enormous responsibility his entire career?

Oh, wait, you're talking about someone named Rump. I don't know who that is.

"Have"? You spelled "evade" wrong. Which he's done constantly, through stiffing his workers, defrauding suckers with his fake "university", running away from his casino creditors, denying those resulting bankruptcies, trying to pretend the voice on the Access Hollywood tape isn't his, denying he impersonated not one but two fake press agents after he'd already admitted to it in court, refusing to admit he was WRONG about the Central Park Five, refusing to admit he said "Tim Apple", refusing to admit he said "would", not "wouldn't", refusing to admit he was mocking Serge Kovaleski, contriving a fake doctor note to get out of Vietnam with "bone spurs", all the way back to failing to follow the terms of the 1970s lawsuit for banning black people from his rental properties and thus getting sued over it a second time.

Oh and most recently, claiming that father who handed him umpteen million dollars for the accomplishment of "existing" was "born in a very wonderful place in Germany".

There's about a thousand hints for ya.

As I said at the start, why the fuck would you vote a completely irresponsible asshole like that into the most responsible job in the world? Death wish?

You don't get to where he is by evading responsibility.
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

And some don’t want to work or have a home.

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And people cannot support their families even though they have jobs. Great economy.

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