Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years !


No he didn't.

Obama banged the zero line with regularity

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Except Obama did work.

No, he diddnt. He never showed up to vote. With Obama it was like Joe Biden said, he was nothing more then a pretty negro who talked good.
What Trump DID inherit was an economy with the slowest recovery on record.

What President Trump Inherits

Jobs — The economy has added nearly 2.2 million jobs in the most recent 12 months. It has gained jobs for 75 straight months – the longest streak on record.

President Barack Obama was not so fortunate. When he took office, the economy had already lost 4.4 million jobs in the preceding 12 months.

During Obama’s first 13 months, the economy continued to shed another 4.3 million jobs. But as Trump enters office, employers are eager to hire millions more. The number of job openings continues to hold at near record levels.

Unemployment — Obama also leaves Trump an unemployment rate that is well below the historical norm.

Currently it stands at 4.7 percent. In all the months since 1948 the median jobless rate was 5.6 percent.

Thus Trump has been dealt a far better hand than Obama, who took office when the jobless rate was 7.8 percent and rising. It hit a peak of 10 percent in October of Obama’s first year.

Income — Trump enters the White House at a time when incomes have begun to rebound after years of stagnation. In 2015 median household income jumped 5.2 percent — the largest one-year percentage increase since records began in 1967.

At $56,516, the 2015 figure was 2 percent higher (in “real” or inflation-adjusted terms) than the year before Obama took office.

Economic Growth Trump inherits an economy that is growing steadily — but more slowly than the 4 percent annual rate he proposed as a “national goal” during his campaign.

The economy posted six straight years of annual increases in real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product under Obama, and almost certainly will post a seventh for his final year; it already posted gains for the first three quarters of 2016. But year-to-year growth hasn’t reached 4 percent since the end of the dot-com bubble in 2000, which peaked with a 4.7 percent GDP gain in 1999

Corporate Profits — As Trump takes over, corporate profits are running at near-record levels.

After-tax corporate profits hit a record $1.73 trillion in 2014, dipped to $1.58 trillion last year, and were running at an annual rate of $1.68 trillion in the third quarter of 2016.

Previous to Obama’s tenure, the best year for after-tax corporate profits was 2006, when they hit just under $1.38 trillion. Profits have now exceeded that old record for the past six years running, and are on track to do so again in Obama’s final year in office.

Home Values — Trump takes office as sales prices of existing single-family homes finally have recovered from the housing crash, at least in non-inflation-adjusted dollars.

The most recent monthly sales figures from the National Association of Realtors show the national median price of an existing, single-family home was $236,500 in November.

That’s nearly 7 percent higher than for all of 2006, just before the housing bubble began deflating in 2007, bringing on a financial crisis and the worst recession since the 1930s.

Trump takes office with stock prices near historic highs, after an eight-year run-up that will be a tough act for Trump to follow.

Under Obama, stock prices set record after record.

What President Trump Inherits -

No he didn't.

Obama banged the zero line with regularity


You're wrong.
No. I'm quite right.

In Dec 2016 Civilian employment was 152,276 k
In January 2017 Civilian employment was 152,128 k

If we had fewer people employed in Jan than in December, how can you say that Obama "gained" jobs in his final month?

March 2016 we had 151,146 k employed
April 2016 we had 150,963 k employed

So Obama had 8 straight months of job growth and then lost jobs in his final month.

Al Gore invented the internet so you could look things up yourself:

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Civilian Employment Level [CE16OV], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; Civilian Employment Level, May 3, 2019.
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Except Obama did work.

No, he diddnt. He never showed up to vote. With Obama it was like Joe Biden said, he was nothing more then a pretty negro who talked good.

Incorrect. Check his legislative record.

No he didn't.

Obama banged the zero line with regularity


You're wrong.
No. I'm quite right.

In Dec 2016 Civilian employment was 152,276 k
In January 2017 Civilian employment was 152,128 k

If we had fewer people employed in Jan than in December, how can you say that Obama "gained" jobs in his final month?

March 2016 we had 151,146 k employed
April 2016 we had 150,963 k employed

So Obama had 8 straight months of job growth and then lost jobs in his final month.

Al Gore invented the internet so you could look things up yourself:

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Civilian Employment Level [CE16OV], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; Civilian Employment Level, May 3, 2019.

Incorrect. What I looked up on the internet says so.
Look at those sources LOL

Washington post LOL WTF is that?
Research.Stlouisfed. org? WTF????

Yea, that's some reliable info.
Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.

There's a job even for you in this economy.

Are you going to answer the question, or do the Trump Dance. :5_1_12024:

Where do you flip your burgers, McDonald's or Burger King ?
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263,000 jobs added in April ! :5_1_12024:

U.S. Added 263,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 3.6%

U.S. Added 263,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 3.6%
The economy produced another strong month of growth, and the jobless rate fell to the lowest level of the recovery.
And I still refuse to get a job. Debt is as high as it has ever been with govt., business and personal.
That is why we must cut all government salaries, pensions and benefits plus reduce medical for all of us to start. Patriotism is a mutha.
263,000 jobs added in April ! :5_1_12024:

U.S. Added 263,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 3.6%

U.S. Added 263,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 3.6%
The economy produced another strong month of growth, and the jobless rate fell to the lowest level of the recovery.

Take note it reads the “lowest level of the recovery” - which references a steady pace of recovery that started nine years ago under Obama. Trumpo had not accelerated the rate of decline in the unemployment rate.

There are two things that Trumpo has accelerated:

The ignorance of conservative voters and the Federal Debt.


With such great unemployment rates being credited to TrumpO why are conservatives no longer concerned with the trillion dollar yearly budget shortfalls that make no sense in a robust full employment economy.
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No he didn't.

Obama banged the zero line with regularity


You are an Idiot TrumpOroid. Your “Citizen employment level” chart is not tracking job creation data.

Thus however is:


You can see that the line showing the long steady upward rate of job creation since the recovery is exactly the same for DT as it was for BO.

TrumpO has not improved the trajectory one bit .
And TrumpO’s wage growth numbers are terrible.

  • Businesses are being super stingy
  • Even though Americans are finding jobs pretty easily, they still aren’t seeing the so-called “economic boom” reflected in their pocketbooks.
  • April was another month with disappointing wage growth.
  • Private sector workers (excluding farmworkers) got an average 6-cent hourly raise, adding up to an average hourly pay of $27.77. In the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have only increased by 3.2 percent, and that doesn’t even take inflation into account.
  • April jobs report: tons of new jobs and teeny-tiny pay raises

The rich are getting super richer under TrumpO .
The workers are not.

The rich bastard is a liar about wage growth now as well.
Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.

There's a job even for you in this economy.

Are you going to answer the question, or do the Trump Dance. :5_1_12024:

Where do you flip your burgers, McDonald's or Burger King ?

I like the Whopper, fuck the Big Mac.
263,000 jobs added in April ! :5_1_12024:

U.S. Added 263,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 3.6%

U.S. Added 263,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 3.6%
The economy produced another strong month of growth, and the jobless rate fell to the lowest level of the recovery.

It’s dropped a whole percentage point under TrumpO. Under Obama it dropped five times that.

Lol !!!! :laugh:

This is perhaps one of the dumbest posts I've seen on these boards in a long time !!
How depressing it must be for the people who tried to illegally have Donald Trump removed from office. A strong vibrant economy is one of the very first things that is a guarantor of reelection among presidential candidates.

Trump takes credit, and you believe him. So you must have the evidence that he had his hands on the recovery, which ended in June 2009.

I suppose what Trump takes credit for must be the truth, huh?
How depressing it must be for the people who tried to illegally have Donald Trump removed from office. A strong vibrant economy is one of the very first things that is a guarantor of reelection among presidential candidates.

Trump takes credit, and you believe him. So you must have the evidence that he had his hands on the recovery, which ended in June 2009.

I suppose what Trump takes credit for must be the truth, huh?

Look, like it or not, the sitting president is the one who either gets the blame or the credit, for the current economy.

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