Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years !

Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.

There's a job even for you in this economy.

There is work for everyone. You just got to go get it.
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
From someone who thinks Community Organizer is a real job.
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
I was amazed that you guys ran crooked Hillary, who couldn't stand up and her eyeballs were rolling around in her head like marbles.

Clearly the Electorate made the correct choice.

CHANGE: CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

I didn't "run" anybody jackweed. Get over Dichotomy Disease.
Watching Trump whip your asses was pure pleasure.

The Electorate clearly made the right choice.

CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

Arthur Schwartz on Twitter
Yes, the electorate, i.e. the majority of the votes cast...
The majority of the votes cast is NOT the Presidential Electorate, Silly!

Don't ever not post my entire comment again, unless you want to be known as a damn liar (we have enough of them already from you side of the aisle).
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
From someone who thinks Community Organizer is a real job.

I didn't bring it up, but yeah it is. I've done it.
How depressing it must be for the people who tried to illegally have Donald Trump removed from office. A strong vibrant economy is one of the very first things that is a guarantor of reelection among presidential candidates.
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Mmmmmm nnnnno, don't think being a Senator, a state senator before that, and a lawyer count as never having held a job or position of responsibility, not to mention a stable marriage and family.

Matter of fact I can't think of a single POTUS ever, in any century, that didn't previously have a job, a position, a military stint, SOME damn thing where they had to meet somebody else's expectations. Until now.
Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"
Dang girl, we finally agree!
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?
Not in California, and all the thousands of illegals coming across the border doesn't help.
Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.

Racist don’t mean anything anymore. Your pissed because your on food stamp, and can’t get a drivers license because you owe all your baby mamas back child support. I can see how it’s hopeless for you, it if our work you can pay that down and get right.
I was amazed that you guys ran crooked Hillary, who couldn't stand up and her eyeballs were rolling around in her head like marbles.

Clearly the Electorate made the correct choice.

CHANGE: CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

I didn't "run" anybody jackweed. Get over Dichotomy Disease.
Watching Trump whip your asses was pure pleasure.

The Electorate clearly made the right choice.

CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

Arthur Schwartz on Twitter
Yes, the electorate, i.e. the majority of the votes cast...
The majority of the votes cast is NOT the Presidential Electorate, Silly!

Don't ever not post my entire comment again...
I'm under no obligation to repost your entire post, dropping dicta, curses, threats or whatever I like and replacing it with (...) is common and perfectly acceptable. If someone wants to read your whole post they are free to click on it.
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
From someone who thinks Community Organizer is a real job.

I didn't bring it up, but yeah it is. I've done it.
Explains a lot.
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
From someone who thinks Community Organizer is a real job.

I didn't bring it up, but yeah it is. I've done it.
Explains a lot.

Oh I've done many jobs. Landscaper, truck driver, surveyor, office work, factory work, standardized patient, radio announcer, archivist, technician, editor... I doubt I could remember them all. But in every case I applied, knew I may or may not get the job, got the job and then knew I had to meet somebody else's expectations and if I didn't somebody else would get the job.

Which is about 18 times more than Rump has ever done it.
And yet unemployment is at 49 year lows, Trump's run up less debt over his presidency than Obama did on his exit and economic optimism is the highest that CNN has ever recorded.

Wasn't aware that CNN was the entity recording economic optimism, but we were just noting yesterday in another thread that the silver lining in Rump may be that he's so busy gazing at himself in the mirror that he forgets to start a war like a real Merkin president. Besides which, that would take the attention off Numero Uno and we can't have THAT. :eek:
I could care less why he doesn't start wars and is doing so well on the economy. I care that he has started no wars and is doing a great job with the US Economy!

Yuh huh.

What has he "done"?...
Not started any wars and freed the American People to pursue Economic Greatness.

Can you uh, be more specific?

1. Largest tax cuts in history. Companies are keeping more money thus making more. This means hiring more. 50 year record low unemployment.
2. Cutting mind numbing regulations. Since taking office, President Trump’s deregulation efforts have achieved $33 billion in regulatory savings.
3. Putting coal miners back to work
4. Removing some of the moratorium for offshore drilling
5. Killing the total failure Obamacare.
6. Bringing back manufacturing jobs by giving tax breaks to those who set up shop here in America.
7. The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016 thus helping the womens unemployment be at a 50 year low.
8. The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
9. President Trump signed an executive order to streamline the permitting process for infrastructure projects with a goal of cutting approval time from up to 10 years to an average of 2 years.
10. The President renegotiated the United States–Korea Free Trade Agreement to preserve and grow jobs in the American auto industry and increase American exports.

I could keep going, should I?
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Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.

There's a job even for you in this economy.

Are you going to answer the question, or do the Trump Dance. :5_1_12024:
Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.

There's a job even for you in this economy.

Are you going to answer the question, or do the Trump Dance. :5_1_12024:

Did you ask those question of Obama? He was the king of the minimum wage part time job.

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

Trump is the king of the manufacturing job.

Trump's Economy Is Creating Factory Jobs 10 Times Faster Than Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

Last time I checked, factory jobs come with good benefits. Part time minimum wage jobs don't. So why hold a Republican president to a far higher standard than the Oreo? That's right, you're just a partisan hack who hates America and ANY good news for America is bad for your party and that's all you're loyal to.
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Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.

There's a job even for you in this economy.

Are you going to answer the question, or do the Trump Dance. :5_1_12024:

What question? What you are saying is that no one is paying you to sit on your ass. You need to lose that train of thought.
Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at
So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?
Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.
There's a job even for you in this economy.
Are you going to answer the question, or do the Trump Dance. :5_1_12024:
Did you ask those question of Obama? He was the king of the minimum wage part time job.

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

Trump is the king of the manufacturing job.

Trump's Economy Is Creating Factory Jobs 10 Times Faster Than Obama's | Investor's Business Daily
That's Right!

Trump's Economy Is Creating Factory Jobs 10 Times Faster Than Obama's

Obama noted that some jobs have gone overseas and that "I've been trying to negotiate trade deals ..." so overseas competitors "aren't undercutting us." Notably, Obama said that some jobs "are just not going to come back" while criticizing then-candidate Donald Trump for promising to "negotiate a better deal" and mocking him by claiming Trump would need a "magic wand" to fulfill his job promises.

In the 21 months since his inauguration, President Trump's deregulatory policies and historic tax cuts have led to a manufacturing resurgence, with 396,000 jobs added. In fact, the pace of manufacturing job growth over the past 21 months of President Trump's leadership is more than 10 times that of President Obama's last 21 months in office.

Manufacturing Boom
A significant part of America's manufacturing boom may also be attributable to a key change in the tax code signed into law in December 2017. The new law encouraged U.S. companies with corporate earnings sitting overseas avoiding high U.S. corporate taxes to bring that cash back to American shores. Some $300 billion out of what the Federal Reserve estimated is $1 trillion in multinational enterprises' profit was sent home in the first quarter of 2018.

Beyond jobs, a buoyant market and upbeat Americans, a strong economy is vital for another reason: national defense. Roman statesman Cicero observed that "The sinews of war are infinite money." More recently, the father of China's economic modernization, Deng Xiaoping, ruler of China for 11 transformative years from 1978 to 1989, saw economic development as a necessary precursor for a modern and powerful military. Deng's successors followed through on this philosophy, with China's economy now vying with America's for the world's largest.

Trump's Economy Is Creating Factory Jobs 10 Times Faster Than Obama's | Investor's Business Daily
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Except Obama did work.


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