Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years !

Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"

Sure we do. I'm one of them myself.

I don't follow.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.

Yes, that's correct. That's why I said "meet somebody else's expectations". All of us (well most of us) have had the familiar experience of looking for employment, finding a lead, putting on our best face and carrying our best résumé, interviewing with somebody who wants to know why he/she should hire us, not knowing if we'd pass muster and if we did, knowing that that employer would be giving us orders whether we liked the orders or not, and that if we didn't follow them somebody else could and would replace us.

Rump never had any of that. Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks and told him he was the king and could "do anything". Obviously Rump got that message. Pushing money around that Daddy handed you doesn't count as meeting somebody else's expectations just because it involves money.

I work freelance (self-employment). I still have to meet the parameters of that assignment. If I don't, somebody else can and will replace me. Meeting somebody else's expectations.

Rump has never met anyone's expectations but his own self-infatuated fantasies.
Okay. Now I get your point.

In fact other than posing soft porn pics with his own daughter he's been infamously absent from child-rearing. And again, those pics were for self-gratification, certainly not for Ivanka's benefit.
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.

"Forced" ? OMG, you're delusional !
Vast majority of these people are drug addicts and or alcoholics that sit around on their asses all day continuing their irresponsible lifestyle.
When you gotta go, you gotta go, and when there is no place that will let you in to use their restroom, what are you gonna do?
Yuh huh.

What has he "done"?...
Not started any wars and freed the American People to pursue Economic Greatness.

Can you uh, be more specific?
He has not started any wars and he has freed the American People to pursue Economic Greatness.

What would you like more specifics on?

You gonna keep stalling all day on this question?

Because I have things to do. Why don't you go ahead and post your next half-dozen stalls and I'll catch up later.
If you can't formulate a specific question, I have no further obligation.

Brave Sir Zorro ran away, he bravely ran away
When pressed for details on what he did post
He bravely vanishes just like a ghost
Asked what the fuck he was talking about
He oh so gallantly chickened out
Brave brave brave brave Sir Zorro.... ♫
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Who had been a state and federal senator and holds a degree in Constitutional law. Yea like Pres Obama. Smfh.

Who never showed up to work and had a law degree handed to him like most house HALF negros. How about some court cases half Black Jesus argued, oh and let’s she the no show half negros votes at any point in his career in politics. Bet you don’t because Obama in his whole life has never created anything. Only taken.
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.

No one forces those folks to do that. That’s the life they choose.
What an interesting delusion. Most of them have not "chosen" to have no roof over their heads, no running water, no address, no kitchen, no bed even. No way to secure whatever possessions they might own. Many are living in their vehicles. Many have families. They do not choose this, but how the hell do you compete for a paying job when you have no address, no way to spruce up and take a shower and put on a nice suit? These people are living through hell.
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.

No one forces those folks to do that. That’s the life they choose.
What an interesting delusion. Most of them have not "chosen" to have no roof over their heads, no running water, no address, no kitchen, no bed even. No way to secure whatever possessions they might own. Many are living in their vehicles. Many have families. They do not choose this, but how the hell do you compete for a paying job when you have no address, no way to spruce up and take a shower and put on a nice suit? These people are living through hell.

They choose that life. If one starves in THIS country it’s their fault. Right now you could pull up three places in your nearest town where one could get food if you had none. Sure, there are some folks who are just crazy and in bad shape, but the vast majority of the homeless are lazy. Any work will get you some gas, smokes, and decent clothes for job hunting. Like with the food, many churches will bum ya a few buck for gas. All kinds of fast food work to get ya going until you ring the money you need. If it sucks so badly here, why are people Renting children so they can come to our border and claim asylum?
Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at
I knew some genius would blame the left for it. Lack of available housing has a LOT to do with the existing economy--it is unprofitable to build moderately priced housing because developers can get uber rich instead building overpriced housing for the well paid. That can be fixed, but won't be by Republicans.
Nor the democrats who absolutely control cities like San Francisco and LA obviously or else they would do something about the problem of unaffordable housing. Bur I guess a genius like you hasn't figured that out yet.
I believe the tax laws and regulations around building has been controlled by the Republicans for a number of years. Quite a few.
Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.

No one forces those folks to do that. That’s the life they choose.
What an interesting delusion. Most of them have not "chosen" to have no roof over their heads, no running water, no address, no kitchen, no bed even. No way to secure whatever possessions they might own. Many are living in their vehicles. Many have families. They do not choose this, but how the hell do you compete for a paying job when you have no address, no way to spruce up and take a shower and put on a nice suit? These people are living through hell.

They choose that life. If one starves in THIS country it’s their fault. Right now you could pull up three places in your nearest town where one could get food if you had none. Sure, there are some folks who are just crazy and in bad shape, but the vast majority of the homeless are lazy. Any work will get you some gas, smokes, and decent clothes for job hunting. Like with the food, many churches will bum ya a few buck for gas. All kinds of fast food work to get ya going until you ring the money you need. If it sucks so badly here, why are people Renting children so they can come to our border and claim asylum?
I just don't think it is a sign of a "fantastic" economy when more and more people are forced to live on the streets, and if you believe everyone out there is choosing that, you're definitely misinformed. Some choose it. The number "choosing" it due to mental illness has not skyrocketed, though--the number who can't earn enough to pay the rent AND the lights AND the car payment AND buy groceries are living in tents, too. Economy or something is out of wack here.
There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.

No one forces those folks to do that. That’s the life they choose.
What an interesting delusion. Most of them have not "chosen" to have no roof over their heads, no running water, no address, no kitchen, no bed even. No way to secure whatever possessions they might own. Many are living in their vehicles. Many have families. They do not choose this, but how the hell do you compete for a paying job when you have no address, no way to spruce up and take a shower and put on a nice suit? These people are living through hell.

They choose that life. If one starves in THIS country it’s their fault. Right now you could pull up three places in your nearest town where one could get food if you had none. Sure, there are some folks who are just crazy and in bad shape, but the vast majority of the homeless are lazy. Any work will get you some gas, smokes, and decent clothes for job hunting. Like with the food, many churches will bum ya a few buck for gas. All kinds of fast food work to get ya going until you ring the money you need. If it sucks so badly here, why are people Renting children so they can come to our border and claim asylum?
I just don't think it is a sign of a "fantastic" economy when more and more people are forced to live on the streets, and if you believe everyone out there is choosing that, you're definitely misinformed. Some choose it. The number "choosing" it due to mental illness has not skyrocketed, though--the number who can't earn enough to pay the rent AND the lights AND the car payment AND buy groceries are living in tents, too. Economy or something is out of wack here.

Going by your user name I will assume you have lived some. I will assume you have been broke, by broke I mean no nothing. Maybe an apartment, maybe a friends house, he’ll, maybe your car. I have lived in my car. When I came back here as a matter of fact. I got work, it wasn’t pretty work but it kept me fed and gas in the tank. I bussed tables at Chili’s. From there I went to a way better job locating utilities. In a month I had an apartment. Two weeks a DVD player and a TV. A month later an alleged “smart phone” and it’s all history from there on. There is always a way to not be homeless. You may not give been there, maybe you have, but your not now. You busted your ass like normal folks do when they are up against it. Some folks like living on the streets, some are just nuts, but 90% of the time it’s their choice.
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Who had been a state and federal senator and holds a degree in Constitutional law. Yea like Pres Obama. Smfh.

Who never showed up to work and had a law degree handed to him like most house HALF negros. How about some court cases half Black Jesus argued, oh and let’s she the no show half negros votes at any point in his career in politics. Bet you don’t because Obama in his whole life has never created anything. Only taken.

Sorry I don't speak right wing, racist babble.
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Who had been a state and federal senator and holds a degree in Constitutional law. Yea like Pres Obama. Smfh.

Who never showed up to work and had a law degree handed to him like most house HALF negros. How about some court cases half Black Jesus argued, oh and let’s she the no show half negros votes at any point in his career in politics. Bet you don’t because Obama in his whole life has never created anything. Only taken.

Sorry I don't speak right wing, racist babble.
We don't claim that racist babble either. Thanks for calling it out.
Sure we do. I'm one of them myself.

I don't follow.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.

Yes, that's correct. That's why I said "meet somebody else's expectations". All of us (well most of us) have had the familiar experience of looking for employment, finding a lead, putting on our best face and carrying our best résumé, interviewing with somebody who wants to know why he/she should hire us, not knowing if we'd pass muster and if we did, knowing that that employer would be giving us orders whether we liked the orders or not, and that if we didn't follow them somebody else could and would replace us.

Rump never had any of that. Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks and told him he was the king and could "do anything". Obviously Rump got that message. Pushing money around that Daddy handed you doesn't count as meeting somebody else's expectations just because it involves money.

I work freelance (self-employment). I still have to meet the parameters of that assignment. If I don't, somebody else can and will replace me. Meeting somebody else's expectations.

Rump has never met anyone's expectations but his own self-infatuated fantasies.
Okay. Now I get your point.

In fact other than posing soft porn pics with his own daughter he's been infamously absent from child-rearing. And again, those pics were for self-gratification, certainly not for Ivanka's benefit.
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.

"Forced" ? OMG, you're delusional !
Vast majority of these people are drug addicts and or alcoholics that sit around on their asses all day continuing their irresponsible lifestyle.
When you gotta go, you gotta go, and when there is no place that will let you in to use their restroom, what are you gonna do?

Well, you could try getting off drugs, and get a fucking jonb,
I believe the tax laws and regulations around building has been controlled by the Republicans for a number of years. Quite a few.
Seattle, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Portland, LA, etc. determine if they will allow apartment and home building to take place or not. Every city in America controlled by democrats has a homeless problem they could do something about if the more radical members of their party didn't treat homelessness as a "human right" as Denver is trying to do. Get informed.
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Who had been a state and federal senator and holds a degree in Constitutional law. Yea like Pres Obama. Smfh.

Who never showed up to work and had a law degree handed to him like most house HALF negros. How about some court cases half Black Jesus argued, oh and let’s she the no show half negros votes at any point in his career in politics. Bet you don’t because Obama in his whole life has never created anything. Only taken.

Sorry I don't speak right wing, racist babble.

Ah, typical brotha, all mouth and fatherless children and slapped ho’s, but no sense. Run like a typical professional victim. I don’t speak coward either.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.

Yes, that's correct. That's why I said "meet somebody else's expectations". All of us (well most of us) have had the familiar experience of looking for employment, finding a lead, putting on our best face and carrying our best résumé, interviewing with somebody who wants to know why he/she should hire us, not knowing if we'd pass muster and if we did, knowing that that employer would be giving us orders whether we liked the orders or not, and that if we didn't follow them somebody else could and would replace us.

Rump never had any of that. Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks and told him he was the king and could "do anything". Obviously Rump got that message. Pushing money around that Daddy handed you doesn't count as meeting somebody else's expectations just because it involves money.

I work freelance (self-employment). I still have to meet the parameters of that assignment. If I don't, somebody else can and will replace me. Meeting somebody else's expectations.

Rump has never met anyone's expectations but his own self-infatuated fantasies.
Okay. Now I get your point.

In fact other than posing soft porn pics with his own daughter he's been infamously absent from child-rearing. And again, those pics were for self-gratification, certainly not for Ivanka's benefit.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.

"Forced" ? OMG, you're delusional !
Vast majority of these people are drug addicts and or alcoholics that sit around on their asses all day continuing their irresponsible lifestyle.
When you gotta go, you gotta go, and when there is no place that will let you in to use their restroom, what are you gonna do?

Well, you could try getting off drugs, and get a fucking jonb,

I had a Jon B once. It was a sloop.
Hispanic Unemployment Lowest Ever...
Best for women since 1953...
Record jobs even for high school dropouts!


Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.
Are these high paying jobs?
Are these jobs with decent benefits?
Are these corporate jobs or jobs at

So like a typical libtard you wants if spoon fed to you? Do you think less of the people who take these jobs? When you go buy some hot cracklin’ and a grape knee hi, do you slip the person behind the counter an extra $20 for doing such a good job?

Here we go more racist babble from a fucking moron who really has nothing to say.

There's a job even for you in this economy.

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