Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years !

Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
I was amazed that you guys ran crooked Hillary, who couldn't stand up and her eyeballs were rolling around in her head like marbles.

Clearly the Electorate made the correct choice.

CHANGE: CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

I didn't "run" anybody jackweed. Get over Dichotomy Disease.
Watching Trump whip your asses was pure pleasure.

The Electorate clearly made the right choice.

CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

Arthur Schwartz on Twitter
Yes, the electorate, i.e. the majority of the votes cast...
The majority of the votes cast is NOT the Presidential Electorate, Silly!
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
I was amazed that you guys ran crooked Hillary, who couldn't stand up and her eyeballs were rolling around in her head like marbles.

Clearly the Electorate made the correct choice.

CHANGE: CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

I didn't "run" anybody jackweed. Get over Dichotomy Disease.
Watching Trump whip your asses was pure pleasure.

The Electorate clearly made the right choice.

CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

Arthur Schwartz on Twitter

Yes, the electorate, i.e. the majority of the votes cast, clearly made the right choice (Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes cast).

Ironically in the infamously crucial Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania votes, no majority voted for anybody. Same thing in this state, as well as Florida, as well as AridZona. Even Utah. Yet Rump got all the EVs out of them.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?
A record low unemployment rate, best in decades, IS great! More people have a job thanks to the Trump business climate.
Whether that bypasses the people with chronic unemployment due to drug, alcohol and mental problems or not is beside the point.

Flocking to cities with cushy safety nets but a real lack of available housing, such as in Seattle, San Francisco, etc. is also not a reflection on our economic renaissance. It is more a cause and result problem of leftist fiefdoms that incentivize moving to move to their cities thereby creating a shortage of affordable housing exacerbated by a refusal to create more housing to please environmentally sensitive constituents.

It is absolutely an indictment of leftist urban centers that are now drowning in homeless people. Denver's answer is to simply legalize any space at all in their city as homeless encampments. Insane!
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Mmmmmm nnnnno, don't think being a Senator, a state senator before that, and a lawyer count as never having held a job or position of responsibility, not to mention a stable marriage and family.

Matter of fact I can't think of a single POTUS ever, in any century, that didn't previously have a job, a position, a military stint, SOME damn thing where they had to meet somebody else's expectations. Until now.
Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"

Sure we do. I'm one of them myself.

I don't follow.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.
Maybe in yours, being near sighted can be corrected.
That's precious! As if my recognition of leftist degeneracy is the problem and not leftist behavior itself.

You were all going to nail Trump to your cross over Russian collusion and now you've simply abandoned that plot, as if it never happened, in favor of another tactic. And then another when that doesn't pan out, etc. etc. Incredible!
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Trump's unemployment rate drops to lowest in 50 years

Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago, so I'd say that's his lowest in 70 years.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.
I was amazed that you guys ran crooked Hillary, who couldn't stand up and her eyeballs were rolling around in her head like marbles.

Clearly the Electorate made the correct choice.

CHANGE: CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

I didn't "run" anybody jackweed. Get over Dichotomy Disease.
Watching Trump whip your asses was pure pleasure.

The Electorate clearly made the right choice.

CNN Poll: Trump’s approval rating on economy “is the highest number we’ve ever seen.”

Arthur Schwartz on Twitter

Yes, the electorate, i.e. the majority of the votes cast, clearly made the right choice (Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes cast).

Ironically in the infamously crucial Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania votes, no majority voted for anybody. Same thing in this state, as well as Florida, as well as AridZona. Even Utah. Yet Rump got all the EVs out of them.
Hillary probably ran the dumbest presidential campaign in American history. She laid around drunk in her hotel for much of the campaign rather than out tirelessly campaigning like Trump was. And when she did drag her drunk corrupt ass out to the trail and managed not to fall down, she went to the wrong states. She campaigned in Iowa and Arizona while she was losing WI, MI and PA? She didn't even beat Egg McMuffin in UT.

She threatened the jobs of PA coal miners? Well, then the PA coal miners got to together and it was Hillary, not them that ended up out of work. Is this a GREAT COUNTRY OR WHAT?
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?
A record low unemployment rate, best in decades, IS great! More people have a job thanks to the Trump business climate.
Whether that bypasses the people with chronic unemployment due to drug, alcohol and mental problems or not is beside the point.

Flocking to cities with cushy safety nets but a real lack of available housing, such as in Seattle, San Francisco, etc. is also not a reflection on our economic renaissance. It is more a cause and result problem of leftist fiefdoms that incentivize moving to move to their cities thereby creating a shortage of affordable housing exacerbated by a refusal to create more housing to please environmentally sensitive constituents.

It is absolutely an indictment of leftist urban centers that are now drowning in homeless people. Denver's answer is to simply legalize any space at all in their city as homeless encampments. Insane!
I knew some genius would blame the left for it. Lack of available housing has a LOT to do with the existing economy--it is unprofitable to build moderately priced housing because developers can get uber rich instead building overpriced housing for the well paid. That can be fixed, but won't be by Republicans.
Actually, since he previously had never held a job in his life, Rump's unemployment rate went from zero to 100 in January two years ago.

It's always astounded me that anyone would vote a sponge who's never had a job or any kind of position of responsibility in his life at all, into the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah like Obama.

Mmmmmm nnnnno, don't think being a Senator, a state senator before that, and a lawyer count as never having held a job or position of responsibility, not to mention a stable marriage and family.

Matter of fact I can't think of a single POTUS ever, in any century, that didn't previously have a job, a position, a military stint, SOME damn thing where they had to meet somebody else's expectations. Until now.
Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"

Sure we do. I'm one of them myself.

I don't follow.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.

Yes, that's correct. That's why I said "meet somebody else's expectations". All of us (well most of us) have had the familiar experience of looking for employment, finding a lead, putting on our best face and carrying our best résumé, interviewing with somebody who wants to know why he/she should hire us, not knowing if we'd pass muster and if we did, knowing that that employer would be giving us orders whether we liked the orders or not, and that if we didn't follow them somebody else could and would replace us.

Rump never had any of that. Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks and told him he was the king and could "do anything". Obviously Rump got that message. Pushing money around that Daddy handed you doesn't count as meeting somebody else's expectations just because it involves money. Military service would do the same thing, meeting some superior's expectations. Even a baseball player has to follow the manager's orders.

I work freelance (self-employment). I still have to meet the parameters of that assignment. If I don't, somebody else can and will replace me. Meeting somebody else's expectations.

Rump has never met anyone's expectations but his own self-infatuated fantasies.
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.
Yeah like Obama.

Mmmmmm nnnnno, don't think being a Senator, a state senator before that, and a lawyer count as never having held a job or position of responsibility, not to mention a stable marriage and family.

Matter of fact I can't think of a single POTUS ever, in any century, that didn't previously have a job, a position, a military stint, SOME damn thing where they had to meet somebody else's expectations. Until now.
Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"

Sure we do. I'm one of them myself.

I don't follow.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.

Yes, that's correct. That's why I said "meet somebody else's expectations". All of us (well most of us) have had the familiar experience of looking for employment, finding a lead, putting on our best face and carrying our best résumé, interviewing with somebody who wants to know why he/she should hire us, not knowing if we'd pass muster and if we did, knowing that that employer would be giving us orders whether we liked the orders or not, and that if we didn't follow them somebody else could and would replace us.

Rump never had any of that. Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks and told him he was the king and could "do anything". Obviously Rump got that message. Pushing money around that Daddy handed you doesn't count as meeting somebody else's expectations just because it involves money.

I work freelance (self-employment). I still have to meet the parameters of that assignment. If I don't, somebody else can and will replace me. Meeting somebody else's expectations.

Rump has never met anyone's expectations but his own self-infatuated fantasies.
Okay. Now I get your point.
Mmmmmm nnnnno, don't think being a Senator, a state senator before that, and a lawyer count as never having held a job or position of responsibility, not to mention a stable marriage and family.

Matter of fact I can't think of a single POTUS ever, in any century, that didn't previously have a job, a position, a military stint, SOME damn thing where they had to meet somebody else's expectations. Until now.
Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"

Sure we do. I'm one of them myself.

I don't follow.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.

Yes, that's correct. That's why I said "meet somebody else's expectations". All of us (well most of us) have had the familiar experience of looking for employment, finding a lead, putting on our best face and carrying our best résumé, interviewing with somebody who wants to know why he/she should hire us, not knowing if we'd pass muster and if we did, knowing that that employer would be giving us orders whether we liked the orders or not, and that if we didn't follow them somebody else could and would replace us.

Rump never had any of that. Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks and told him he was the king and could "do anything". Obviously Rump got that message. Pushing money around that Daddy handed you doesn't count as meeting somebody else's expectations just because it involves money.

I work freelance (self-employment). I still have to meet the parameters of that assignment. If I don't, somebody else can and will replace me. Meeting somebody else's expectations.

Rump has never met anyone's expectations but his own self-infatuated fantasies.
Okay. Now I get your point.

In fact other than posing soft porn pics with his own daughter he's been infamously absent from child-rearing. And again, those pics were for self-gratification, certainly not for Ivanka's benefit.
Yeah like Obama.

Mmmmmm nnnnno, don't think being a Senator, a state senator before that, and a lawyer count as never having held a job or position of responsibility, not to mention a stable marriage and family.

Matter of fact I can't think of a single POTUS ever, in any century, that didn't previously have a job, a position, a military stint, SOME damn thing where they had to meet somebody else's expectations. Until now.
Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"

Sure we do. I'm one of them myself.

I don't follow.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.

Yes, that's correct. That's why I said "meet somebody else's expectations". All of us (well most of us) have had the familiar experience of looking for employment, finding a lead, putting on our best face and carrying our best résumé, interviewing with somebody who wants to know why he/she should hire us, not knowing if we'd pass muster and if we did, knowing that that employer would be giving us orders whether we liked the orders or not, and that if we didn't follow them somebody else could and would replace us.

Rump never had any of that. Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks and told him he was the king and could "do anything". Obviously Rump got that message. Pushing money around that Daddy handed you doesn't count as meeting somebody else's expectations just because it involves money. Military service would do the same thing, meeting some superior's expectations. Even a baseball player has to follow the manager's orders.

I work freelance (self-employment). I still have to meet the parameters of that assignment. If I don't, somebody else can and will replace me. Meeting somebody else's expectations.

Rump has never met anyone's expectations but his own self-infatuated fantasies.
And yet unemployment is at 49 year lows, Trump's run up less debt over his presidency than Obama did on his exit and economic optimism is the highest that CNN has ever recorded.
An economic renaissance under Trump....and the democrats are still neck deep in their illegal jihad to remove the president from office.
It really puts them in perspective, doesn't it.
Where did all the homeless people come from, if things are so great? They can't afford to pay rent?

There are jobs out there, but you can't make bums work as long as you keep enabling them.
Living in a tent or a cardboard box and being forced to poop on the street is NOT enabling anyone I know.

"Forced" ? OMG, you're delusional !
Vast majority of these people are drug addicts and or alcoholics that sit around on their asses all day continuing their irresponsible lifestyle.
In fact other than posing soft porn pics with his own daughter he's been infamously absent from child-rearing. And again, those pics were for self-gratification, certainly not for Ivanka's benefit.
I don't know how much desperate you can get, although I consistently underestimate you.
263,000 jobs added in April ! :5_1_12024:

U.S. Added 263,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 3.6%

U.S. Added 263,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 3.6%
The economy produced another strong month of growth, and the jobless rate fell to the lowest level of the recovery.

Another person who obviously has NO IDEA what the numbers mean. But don’t feel bad, most of the MSM apparently doesn’t either.

The unemployment rate dropped ONLY because a WHOPPING 490,000 people left the labor force.

There were - according to the Household survey (which the unemployment rate is based on) - actually 103,000 LESS people employed in April.

And average weekly earnings dropped.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted
Employment Situation Summary Table B. Establishment data, seasonally adjusted

When will the masses learn that the 263,000 number is from a TOTALLY DIFFERENT SURVEY (the Establishment survey) THAN THE UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBER IS FROM.
Plus, this ‘establishment survey’ is ridiculously skewed by their ‘Birth Death model’.
CES Net Birth/Death Model

April was actually a lousy month for employment in America.

Always look past the headlines.
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I knew some genius would blame the left for it. Lack of available housing has a LOT to do with the existing economy--it is unprofitable to build moderately priced housing because developers can get uber rich instead building overpriced housing for the well paid. That can be fixed, but won't be by Republicans.
Nor the democrats who absolutely control cities like San Francisco and LA obviously or else they would do something about the problem of unaffordable housing. Bur I guess a genius like you hasn't figured that out yet.
Mmmmmm nnnnno, don't think being a Senator, a state senator before that, and a lawyer count as never having held a job or position of responsibility, not to mention a stable marriage and family.

Matter of fact I can't think of a single POTUS ever, in any century, that didn't previously have a job, a position, a military stint, SOME damn thing where they had to meet somebody else's expectations. Until now.
Funny thing, developing and running your own business is not "working?" So no self-employed folks "work?"

Sure we do. I'm one of them myself.

I don't follow.
You said Trump has never had a job. Has never worked. Just because he has never had a boss, it's not a real job? I am the one that does not follow.

Yes, that's correct. That's why I said "meet somebody else's expectations". All of us (well most of us) have had the familiar experience of looking for employment, finding a lead, putting on our best face and carrying our best résumé, interviewing with somebody who wants to know why he/she should hire us, not knowing if we'd pass muster and if we did, knowing that that employer would be giving us orders whether we liked the orders or not, and that if we didn't follow them somebody else could and would replace us.

Rump never had any of that. Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks and told him he was the king and could "do anything". Obviously Rump got that message. Pushing money around that Daddy handed you doesn't count as meeting somebody else's expectations just because it involves money. Military service would do the same thing, meeting some superior's expectations. Even a baseball player has to follow the manager's orders.

I work freelance (self-employment). I still have to meet the parameters of that assignment. If I don't, somebody else can and will replace me. Meeting somebody else's expectations.

Rump has never met anyone's expectations but his own self-infatuated fantasies.
And yet unemployment is at 49 year lows, Trump's run up less debt over his presidency than Obama did on his exit and economic optimism is the highest that CNN has ever recorded.

Wasn't aware that CNN was the entity recording economic optimism, but we were just noting yesterday in another thread that the silver lining in Rump may be that he's so busy gazing at himself in the mirror that he forgets to start a war like a real Merkin president. Besides which, that would take the attention off Numero Uno and we can't have THAT. :eek:

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