Trump’s Vindication May Lead to Restoration of the Constitution


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Start thinking of your 6th reason to impeach Trump, Leftards.

“The impeachment and removal effort, nakedly political as it is, is doomed to failure. This is because the president’s exercise of diplomatic relations is protected by the Constitution itself, and as even the great liberal criminal law scholar Alan Dershowitz has made clear, it cannot possibly amount to a high crime or misdemeanor. Moreover, the signs are now evident (from the fact that 50 Republican Senators have condemned the secretive and one-sided proceedings now underway in the House), that a Republican-controlled Senate will never vote by a two-third’s majority to remove Mr. Trump.”

Trump’s Vindication May Lead to Restoration of the Constitution
Start thinking of your 6th reason to impeach Trump, Leftards.

“The impeachment and removal effort, nakedly political as it is, is doomed to failure. This is because the president’s exercise of diplomatic relations is protected by the Constitution itself, and as even the great liberal criminal law scholar Alan Dershowitz has made clear, it cannot possibly amount to a high crime or misdemeanor. Moreover, the signs are now evident (from the fact that 50 Republican Senators have condemned the secretive and one-sided proceedings now underway in the House), that a Republican-controlled Senate will never vote by a two-third’s majority to remove Mr. Trump.”

Trump’s Vindication May Lead to Restoration of the Constitution

Why in the Hell are the liberals pursuing impeachment?

* More non-whites have jobs under Donald Trump than any president in American history

* Those working non-whites are being paid more, on average, than at any time in history

* Trump is pro - LGBTQ

* IF the liberals pulled their heads out of their rectums, Donald Trump is proposing anti - gun policies that the Democrats would only DREAM about and never actually propose lest they bury their own party. Trump wants the Universal Background Check, which cannot be enforced without National Gun Registration - which he knows. Give the devil his due. He promised to flip the NRA on that issue. He did it. The NRA knows that the Universal Background Check will necessitate National Gun Registration; they know Trump wants to ban semi-automatic weapons. Yet he flipped the NRA!!! Trump is the first Democrat president that infiltrated the Republican Party and has gotten them to turn 180 degrees opposite of what they believed... and you want to impeach him???

* Trump has successfully gotten Jews and white supremacists to work together on his nutty wall proposal - and his anti - immigration stance was NOT a right wing idea, but a left wing - DEMOCRAT idea:

* On eminent domain abuse, Trump has proven his value to the left. He proposes to steal land along the border and weaken personal property Rights:

* Trump even got the Republicans to rail against the rules the Republicans themselves implemented relative to impeachment!

The loony left has all they ever wanted in a president and you want to impeach him??? How idiotic can the left get! Since 9 / 11 the left and the right have simply switched sides. What the left wanted in the 1990s, Trump is delivering on and the left wants him gone. Instead of taking the opportunity to pass the laws the left has dreamed of (or at least tried to con the non-whites into believing they support), they waste their time with impeachment.

I find it hilarious. We might have a half dozen Charlottesville type of riots, but they always end with the white guys getting their butts put into prison and sabotaging their own efforts. That is a net plus for the left. Adding insult to injury, despite all Trump's silly rhetoric, he knows damn well (as does anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size) that most of his anti-immigrant policies will be over-turned in the United States Supreme Court. For the left, you are killing the goose what laid the golden egg. And Trump has the "right wing" evangelicals actually believing he is Christ sent here by God to be their savior. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Start thinking of your 6th reason to impeach Trump, Leftards.

“The impeachment and removal effort, nakedly political as it is, is doomed to failure. This is because the president’s exercise of diplomatic relations is protected by the Constitution itself, and as even the great liberal criminal law scholar Alan Dershowitz has made clear, it cannot possibly amount to a high crime or misdemeanor. Moreover, the signs are now evident (from the fact that 50 Republican Senators have condemned the secretive and one-sided proceedings now underway in the House), that a Republican-controlled Senate will never vote by a two-third’s majority to remove Mr. Trump.”

Trump’s Vindication May Lead to Restoration of the Constitution

Why in the Hell are the liberals pursuing impeachment?

* More non-whites have jobs under Donald Trump than any president in American history

* Those working non-whites are being paid more, on average, than at any time in history

* Trump is pro - LGBTQ

* IF the liberals pulled their heads out of their rectums, Donald Trump is proposing anti - gun policies that the Democrats would only DREAM about and never actually propose lest they bury their own party. Trump wants the Universal Background Check, which cannot be enforced without National Gun Registration - which he knows. Give the devil his due. He promised to flip the NRA on that issue. He did it. The NRA knows that the Universal Background Check will necessitate National Gun Registration; they know Trump wants to ban semi-automatic weapons. Yet he flipped the NRA!!! Trump is the first Democrat president that infiltrated the Republican Party and has gotten them to turn 180 degrees opposite of what they believed... and you want to impeach him???

* Trump has successfully gotten Jews and white supremacists to work together on his nutty wall proposal - and his anti - immigration stance was NOT a right wing idea, but a left wing - DEMOCRAT idea:

* On eminent domain abuse, Trump has proven his value to the left. He proposes to steal land along the border and weaken personal property Rights:

* Trump even got the Republicans to rail against the rules the Republicans themselves implemented relative to impeachment!

The loony left has all they ever wanted in a president and you want to impeach him??? How idiotic can the left get! Since 9 / 11 the left and the right have simply switched sides. What the left wanted in the 1990s, Trump is delivering on and the left wants him gone. Instead of taking the opportunity to pass the laws the left has dreamed of (or at least tried to con the non-whites into believing they support), they waste their time with impeachment.

I find it hilarious. We might have a half dozen Charlottesville type of riots, but they always end with the white guys getting their butts put into prison and sabotaging their own efforts. That is a net plus for the left. Adding insult to injury, despite all Trump's silly rhetoric, he knows damn well (as does anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size) that most of his anti-immigrant policies will be over-turned in the United States Supreme Court. For the left, you are killing the goose what laid the golden egg. And Trump has the "right wing" evangelicals actually believing he is Christ sent here by God to be their savior. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Impeachment is the Democrats Hail Mary attempt at beating Trump next year. It’s all they can offer.
Start thinking of your 6th reason to impeach Trump, Leftards.

“The impeachment and removal effort, nakedly political as it is, is doomed to failure. This is because the president’s exercise of diplomatic relations is protected by the Constitution itself, and as even the great liberal criminal law scholar Alan Dershowitz has made clear, it cannot possibly amount to a high crime or misdemeanor. Moreover, the signs are now evident (from the fact that 50 Republican Senators have condemned the secretive and one-sided proceedings now underway in the House), that a Republican-controlled Senate will never vote by a two-third’s majority to remove Mr. Trump.”

Trump’s Vindication May Lead to Restoration of the Constitution

Why in the Hell are the liberals pursuing impeachment?

* More non-whites have jobs under Donald Trump than any president in American history

* Those working non-whites are being paid more, on average, than at any time in history

* Trump is pro - LGBTQ

* IF the liberals pulled their heads out of their rectums, Donald Trump is proposing anti - gun policies that the Democrats would only DREAM about and never actually propose lest they bury their own party. Trump wants the Universal Background Check, which cannot be enforced without National Gun Registration - which he knows. Give the devil his due. He promised to flip the NRA on that issue. He did it. The NRA knows that the Universal Background Check will necessitate National Gun Registration; they know Trump wants to ban semi-automatic weapons. Yet he flipped the NRA!!! Trump is the first Democrat president that infiltrated the Republican Party and has gotten them to turn 180 degrees opposite of what they believed... and you want to impeach him???

* Trump has successfully gotten Jews and white supremacists to work together on his nutty wall proposal - and his anti - immigration stance was NOT a right wing idea, but a left wing - DEMOCRAT idea:

* On eminent domain abuse, Trump has proven his value to the left. He proposes to steal land along the border and weaken personal property Rights:

* Trump even got the Republicans to rail against the rules the Republicans themselves implemented relative to impeachment!

The loony left has all they ever wanted in a president and you want to impeach him??? How idiotic can the left get! Since 9 / 11 the left and the right have simply switched sides. What the left wanted in the 1990s, Trump is delivering on and the left wants him gone. Instead of taking the opportunity to pass the laws the left has dreamed of (or at least tried to con the non-whites into believing they support), they waste their time with impeachment.

I find it hilarious. We might have a half dozen Charlottesville type of riots, but they always end with the white guys getting their butts put into prison and sabotaging their own efforts. That is a net plus for the left. Adding insult to injury, despite all Trump's silly rhetoric, he knows damn well (as does anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size) that most of his anti-immigrant policies will be over-turned in the United States Supreme Court. For the left, you are killing the goose what laid the golden egg. And Trump has the "right wing" evangelicals actually believing he is Christ sent here by God to be their savior. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Impeachment is the Democrats Hail Mary attempt at beating Trump next year. It’s all they can offer.

I just don't understand WHY they want to beat him.
Start thinking of your 6th reason to impeach Trump, Leftards.

“The impeachment and removal effort, nakedly political as it is, is doomed to failure. This is because the president’s exercise of diplomatic relations is protected by the Constitution itself, and as even the great liberal criminal law scholar Alan Dershowitz has made clear, it cannot possibly amount to a high crime or misdemeanor. Moreover, the signs are now evident (from the fact that 50 Republican Senators have condemned the secretive and one-sided proceedings now underway in the House), that a Republican-controlled Senate will never vote by a two-third’s majority to remove Mr. Trump.”

Trump’s Vindication May Lead to Restoration of the Constitution
There has been over 100 years of bastardization of the Constitution....The likelihood of any one prez, let alone the Orange God Emperor, restoring it is next to zero.
Start thinking of your 6th reason to impeach Trump, Leftards.

“The impeachment and removal effort, nakedly political as it is, is doomed to failure. This is because the president’s exercise of diplomatic relations is protected by the Constitution itself, and as even the great liberal criminal law scholar Alan Dershowitz has made clear, it cannot possibly amount to a high crime or misdemeanor. Moreover, the signs are now evident (from the fact that 50 Republican Senators have condemned the secretive and one-sided proceedings now underway in the House), that a Republican-controlled Senate will never vote by a two-third’s majority to remove Mr. Trump.”

Trump’s Vindication May Lead to Restoration of the Constitution
weatherman, the Dems will use their failed impeachment as a reason to flip the Senate to Democrat

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