Trump's visit to Ohio gives Biden opportunity to note that Trump killed safety rules (Político analysis)


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Trump's deregulatory actions are coming back to haunt him, as explained in this great Político analysis today:

Trump’s administration withdrew an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying highly flammable materials, ended regular rail safety audits of railroads, and mothballed a pending rule requiring freight trains to have at least two crew members. He also placed a veteran of the chemical industry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety office, where she made industry-friendly changes to how the agency studied health risks.
Trump's deregulatory actions are coming back to haunt him, as explained in this great Político analysis today:

Trump’s administration withdrew an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying highly flammable materials, ended regular rail safety audits of railroads, and mothballed a pending rule requiring freight trains to have at least two crew members. He also placed a veteran of the chemical industry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety office, where she made industry-friendly changes to how the agency studied health risks.
You fascist fucks are a disease, good news though, you will most likely be stone cold dead in under two years, that day is fast approaching your evil ass, Biden Booster up, and do not even think about ditching that obedience mask, wear that fucker always, wear it to bed, and leave instructions for mortician to strap that fucker on your ugly mug as they prepare to incinerate your carcass....:banana:
Trump's deregulatory actions are coming back to haunt him, as explained in this great Político analysis today:

Trump’s administration withdrew an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying highly flammable materials, ended regular rail safety audits of railroads, and mothballed a pending rule requiring freight trains to have at least two crew members. He also placed a veteran of the chemical industry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety office, where she made industry-friendly changes to how the agency studied health risks.
Trump's deregulatory actions are coming back to haunt him, as explained in this great Político analysis today:

Trump’s administration withdrew an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying highly flammable materials, ended regular rail safety audits of railroads, and mothballed a pending rule requiring freight trains to have at least two crew members. He also placed a veteran of the chemical industry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety office, where she made industry-friendly changes to how the agency studied health risks.

^ Very Fake News!
Do you think the POTUS should have visited the area before the former POTUS did so?
It's disappointing that instead of addressing the real problem here - the Trump administration's rollback of important safety regulations - maybelooking is focusing instead on who visited the area first. This kind of deflection is exactly what allows politicians to get away with endangering the lives of the American people in pursuit of corporate interests. It's time to have a real conversation about the damage that has been done to our safety regulations under the previous administration and what we can do to fix it
You fascist fucks are a disease, good news though, you will most likely be stone cold dead in under two years, that day is fast approaching your evil ass, Biden Booster up, and do not even think about ditching that obedience mask, wear that fucker always, wear it to bed, and leave instructions for mortician to strap that fucker on your ugly mug as they prepare to incinerate your carcass....:banana:
Your comment did not address Trump's deregulation. You simply cursed.
Trump's deregulatory actions are coming back to haunt him

No they are not dummass. It is already known that nothing he deregulated would have prevented this accident, that if it were so bad then why didn't Joe undo it in the TWO YEARS he had to do so? Besides, absence of a regulation does not mean a company has to forgo safety inspections! And shame on the useless pustule anyway for using the weeks of total inaction in the weeks since the accident looking trying to find a scapegoat to detract from the fact that Biden hasn't done shit for the town despite it clearly falling under federal Clean Water Act regulations for the fed to do so.

But then, Biden hasn't done shit for the border, drug deaths, crime, immigration, gas prices, the economy, food prices, energy costs, supply chains, inflation, jobs, rent and now toxic spills and train wrecks. He's too busy giving my money away to buoy up Ukrainian pension plans.

Fuck him and you.
Ahhh, I see the RNC/DNC corporations & their RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) have been & are VERY successful @ keeping the American constituency divided & @ each others throats. The good news is that the DNC/RNC's ole Divide & Conquer $trategy is keeping the vast majority of their e$tablishment profe$$ional politician$ in office so they can keep fleecing the American constituency into indentured servants!!!
More fake news.

Øbama's GAO cast doubts on ECP brakes in 2016.

The National Academies cast doubt in 2017. IOW, no evidence they actually work as some claim.

Sept. 29, 2017 NAS submits Phase 2 of its study to USDOT, concluding that “on the basis of the results of testing and analysis provided by DOT with regard to the modeling of train derailment scenarios, the committee is unable to make a conclusive statement concerning the emergency performance of ECP brakes relative to other braking systems.”

Trump's deregulatory actions are coming back to haunt him, as explained in this great Político analysis today:

Trump’s administration withdrew an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying highly flammable materials, ended regular rail safety audits of railroads, and mothballed a pending rule requiring freight trains to have at least two crew members. He also placed a veteran of the chemical industry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety office, where she made industry-friendly changes to how the agency studied health risks.
And Trump isn’t alone.

This is consistent with Republicans’ reckless, irresponsible pursuit of meritless deregulation.
Makes you wonder what other safety rules St Trumpy may have canceled.
The Obama safety brake rule would not have applied as the train did not meet the "high-hazard flammable" threshold. A 'hot axle' was the root cause.

But NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said that the brake rule would not have prevented the accident because the train did not meet the "high-hazard flammable" threshold to require them
"Surveillance video from a residence showed what appears to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment,"


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