Trump's visit to Ohio gives Biden opportunity to note that Trump killed safety rules (Político analysis)


So..........WHY didn't Trump or his cult prosecute Clinton?
OR Comey?

Now you're demonstrating your inability to read / comprehend what you read ... and that is your defense of Hillary, Comey, and the US AG at the time.


The US AG was another partisan weaponizedlibetral POS & buddy of the Clintons who surrendeted her jurisdiction / authority to Comey.
- Remember the infamous 'by chance' tarmac meeting between the US AG & Bill Clinton just prior to the public theatrical exoneration of Hillary?

Comey's - and the FBI's - job was to conduct the investigation.

His job was complete when he testified before Congress and told of all the crimes she had committed and filed his / the FBI's report.

His appearance on tv before the world, during which he explained how Hillary had committed crimes - to include espionage - was a theatrical performance for the leftist extremists / cult / indoctrinayed sheep. The only thing they cared about was hearing she would not be indicted - which was NEVER in Comey's authority to decide. He delivered what they wanted to hear, and the deed was done.

So when Comey gave the criminal explanation of Hillary's crimes and
justification for HIS recommendation for not indicting her - the NON-legal defense claim that her (false) ignorance of the law was justification for not indicting her, rubes, ignorant sheep, and Dem criminal apologists like you were thrilled.

Why didn't Republicans not 'prosecute' her? What do you NOT understand about the politically partisan weaponized FBI and DOJ working together to protect Hillary from being indicted, that Republicans had no authority or power to do so, and that they could only sit by and watch - like the rest of us - the criminal US AG carry out their Un-Constitutional / illegal 2-tiered, partisanly weaponized (In)Justice system to protect Hillary?

If you are truly so stupid you still don't get it have one of your liberal troll friends draw you a picture.
Sure Q-NUT.

The IMF and Europe wanted the Ukrainian prosecutor fired too, for NOT prosecuting corruption.

By the exact definition of 'Extortion', Joe Biden committed extortion IOT protect his proven worthless, Influence Peddling son.

IOT avoid the perception of a criminal act, someone other than 'the Big Guy' should have been sent to deliver the message / carry out the deed...but Joe didn't give a damn about conflicts of interest and the perception of such.

During tbe failed Trump Impeachment a US State Dept rep testified that Burisma members showed up demanding to personally see Biden, using Hunter's name and position in the company as leverage. The rep testified the State Dept advised Biden NOT to meet with them to avoid even the perception of a conflict of intetest. Biden refused and met with them anyway ... while lying to everyone by claiming he had no idea what Hunter did, never talked to him about it, and had never met with Burisma members.

The video clearly shows Biden bragging about extorting the former Ukraine PM ... no matter what you snowflakes want to call it or how you try to justify it.

And to ensure the Ukraine Prosecutor could / would NOT prosecute corruption in THIS case, a case that involved his crackhead Influence Peddling son, Biden extorted the PM into firing the Prosecutor, thereby ensuring Hunter and HIS involvement in corruption would not be prosecuted.

Trump's deregulatory actions are coming back to haunt him, as explained in this great Político analysis today:

Trump’s administration withdrew an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying highly flammable materials, ended regular rail safety audits of railroads, and mothballed a pending rule requiring freight trains to have at least two crew members. He also placed a veteran of the chemical industry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety office, where she made industry-friendly changes to how the agency studied health risks.
That isnt what caused the accident. Now, can we get back to blaming those responsible for the terrible response to this crisis, like rational people?
yep, six years and you're still 0 for 100,000,000. So yep, he did nothing,
You're FOS........Q-NUT.

Trump's cult being arrested and jailed for fake charities, lying, and corruption.

Allen Weisselberg, 75, the longtime chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, reached a deal with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, pleading guilty on Thursday to 15 felonies. He admitted to failing to pay taxes on some $1.7 million in income and is expected to face five months in prison as well as five years of probation.

Rick Gates worked as a deputy to Paul Manafort on Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. He was indicted in October of 2017 and entered a plea deal in February of 2018, pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy and lying to investigators. In December of 2019, Gates was sentenced to 45 days in jail and three years of probation.

Paul Manafort, who chaired Trump's 2016 campaign and also worked as his campaign manager, was indicted along with Gates in October of 2017. A jury found him guilty of tax fraud and bank fraud in August of 2018. He also pleaded guilty about a month later to charges related to money laundering, witness tampering and lobbying violations. (Pardoned)

George Papadopoulos served as an adviser to Trump's presidential campaign. He pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to FBI agents regarding his communication with individuals who claimed to have ties to prominent Russian officials. (Pardoned)

Michael Flynn Army lieutenant general served as a national security adviser to Trump's 2016 campaign. Flynn was then selected to serve as his national security adviser but was fired after less than a month into that role after it was reported he lied about his contact with Russian officials. (Pardoned)

George Nader served as an informal foreign policy adviser to Trump. He was indicted and reached a plea deal in January of 2020 related to charges of possessing child pornography and transporting a minor for sex. In June of 2020, Nader was sentenced to 10 years in prison by a federal judge.

Elliott Broidy was a fundraiser for Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and was involved with his inaugural committee. He pleaded guilty in October of 2020 to carrying out a secret lobbying campaign in exchange for millions of dollars. He forfeited $6.6 million in the plea deal. (Pardoned)

Steve Bannon served as the chief executive officer of Trump's 2016 campaign and then as a White House strategist for much of 2017. He was convicted by a grand jury in July of contempt of Congress over his refusal to comply with a subpoena to appear before the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Steve Bannon was indicted in August of 2020 for allegedly defrauding donors to a crowdfunding campaign to help build Trump's long-promised wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. (Pardoned)

And Cohen and Stone too.

EVERYONE around Trump is a criminal BUT..........Trump is CLEAN?

Trump really loves his cult.
he explained the two tier system of justice to you already. Why do you need to play additional games?
Sure Q-NUT.

So, teabaggers hired closet democrats to investigate, had closet democrats as jurors, had closet democrats as witnesses and had closet democrats as prosecutors?

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